2016: Conservatism WON the presidential popular vote

Instead we have adults needing our government to dumb down career entry exams, because other liberal agendas placed in our public schools are deemed more important than "educated skills" to obtain skilled employment. We need to be pursuing real education over liberal political indoctrination.

You mean the liberal agenda of teaching creationism instead of science? Or abstinence only programmes?
It is the rich, white parents of struggling kids that like their exams dumbed down. There have even been law suits threatened by said parents at Ivy League schools because professors have given precious little Johnny the mark he earned, while mum and dad insist he should get the mark he paid for. Don't talk to me about a liberal agenda and education, when the so called 'educated' right just elected one of the most under-qualified, stupid imbeciles to one of the biggest jobs on the planet.

You just posted a big pile of poop. I can't believe the BS you try to post.

The education system in this country is ran by liberals who don't want anyone to fail and everyone need a participation trophy. We allow whatever behavior that comes down the pike, unless little Johnny uses his finger as a pretend gun, then we arrest him and suspend him from school. Trump though not my choice was a better candidate then Clinton, whether the rest of the world agrees or not, it's not their business. We elect our own Presidents and others can choose their leaders.
You just posted a big pile of poop. I can't believe the BS you try to post.

The education system in this country is ran by liberals who don't want anyone to fail and everyone need a participation trophy. We allow whatever behavior that comes down the pike, unless little Johnny uses his finger as a pretend gun, then we arrest him and suspend him from school. Trump though not my choice was a better candidate then Clinton, whether the rest of the world agrees or not, it's not their business. We elect our own Presidents and others can choose their leaders.

You also help elect other leaders. Just ask the Vietnamese and Chileans.

I agree, especially at a primary school level, I get sick of the liberal agenda. "We have a pick up game of football. It's the Whales vs the Dolphins. We won't keep score because the score doesn't matter" blah, blah, blah. I get that. That doesn't negate the rest of my post about the right trying to get religion in school in the form of ID and the rest.
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Instead we have adults needing our government to dumb down career entry exams, because other liberal agendas placed in our public schools are deemed more important than "educated skills" to obtain skilled employment. We need to be pursuing real education over liberal political indoctrination.

You mean the liberal agenda of teaching creationism instead of science? Or abstinence only programmes?
It is the rich, white parents of struggling kids that like their exams dumbed down. There have even been law suits threatened by said parents at Ivy League schools because professors have given precious little Johnny the mark he earned, while mum and dad insist he should get the mark he paid for. Don't talk to me about a liberal agenda and education, when the so called 'educated' right just elected one of the most under-qualified, stupid imbeciles to one of the biggest jobs on the planet.

Now did I boast at all about making religion a part of our public education in my post? I just find it rather interesting that you jump right into that particular subject, as shaping young minds into accepting little billy for wearing a dress, is really no different from "religion" just taken in another form. Likewise it's about indoctrination, meant to bring a set of rules behind a certain group's interpretive view of how people are to act, according to a predetermined notion of what "their view of society" is to deem to be acceptable behavior. Morality is merely interpretive through finding reason by establishing justification - "religious" right or liberal indoctrination. Our public schools are more concerned with their little therapy sessions, than they are in providing our kids with the tools they need to equipment them in obtaining a successful career.

Let's not tell little johnny he was incorrect in his answer, as he might not be able to cope with such harsh criticism. The fear of facing failure, that establishes the need to create a "participation award" for those who didn't quite make it to win the trophy or found themselves in last place. We don't instill determination and perseverance in the face of an obstacle, instead we bring a feeling of "entitlement" to simply receive what they failed to obtain. Having an education system that allows for a choice in the kind of priorities parents want to focus on - therapy or electives - may be exactly the kind of tools this country needs for our next generation to become successful, skilled, members of society.
OKTexas, post: 16190891.
Maybe you should go back to school, see if the teacher can explain the difference between illegals voting and people voting illegally. There are 3 examples in this story.

Trump supporter charged with voting twice in Iowa

My point was that Trump lied by retelling the fake news story that three million illegal immigrants voted for Hillary.

You've not been one to follow the conversation very well.
owebo, post: 16177119
What did she win?

She won a the popular vote. Why are Trumpunist Party members in so much dernial of that?

When it happened before Republicans served up the worst President ever who according to Trump lied to invade Iraq which was a huuuuge mistake and all you ignorant Republicans were on board with it. Bush also gave us the worst recession since the Great Depression and net zero job growth over eight years.

Trump will likely create the same economic disaster and who knows what on foreign affairs.

Based on all their hysterical threads on the subject, be assured that the Trumpbots were and are and always will be VERY distressed that Trump lost the popular vote.

I Heard That!!!!!

Hillary 64.2 million

Trump 62.2 million
owebo, post: 16177119
What did she win?

She won a the popular vote. Why are Trumpunist Party members in so much dernial of that?

When it happened before Republicans served up the worst President ever who according to Trump lied to invade Iraq which was a huuuuge mistake and all you ignorant Republicans were on board with it. Bush also gave us the worst recession since the Great Depression and net zero job growth over eight years.

Trump will likely create the same economic disaster and who knows what on foreign affairs.

Based on all their hysterical threads on the subject, be assured that the Trumpbots were and are and always will be VERY distressed that Trump lost the popular vote.

I Heard That!!!!!

Hillary 64.2 million

Trump 62.2 million

Conservative Republican: 45.95%
Conservative Libertarian: 3.28%
Conservative Independent (McMullin): 0.53%
Conservative Constitution: 0.15%

Conservative Total: 49.91%

Liberal Democrat: 48.04%
Liberal Green: 1.06%

Liberal Total: 49.10%
ShaklesOfBigGov, post: 16192439
Our public schools are more concerned with their little therapy sessions, than they are in providing our kids with the tools they need to equipment them in obtaining a successful career.

More right wing 'we are victims' hogwash. Quit crying.

Your hillbilly assbackward states get the educations they are too efn cheap to pay for:

Screw your blame the liberals crap.

How Blue States Are Outperforming Red States

. The top 15 states with the largest percentage of the population having bachelor's degrees are blue. Massachusetts tops the list with of its population 38% holding a bachelor's degree. The best red state for bachelor's degrees is Kansas with 29% of its population holding bachelor's degrees. On the worst end of the spectrum, only 17% of the population of West Virginia has a bachelor's degre

. This graph indicates the number of patents filed in 2013 per 100,000 population in each state. 13 of the top 14 states for patents filed per capita are blue. Idaho is the highest ranking red state. That is something Idahoans should be proud of, but in fairness, it might also be a product of the small sample size in a sparsely populated state.

. The partisan gap is even more dramatic with regard to post graduate degrees (e.g., a master's degree, PhD, law degree, medical degree, MBA, etc.). The 16 states in which the largest percentage of the population has graduate degrees are all blue. Massachusetts again leads the pack with 16% of its population holding a graduate degree and Arkansas has the fewest graduate degrees per capita at 6%.

yeah sure, all those Blue State doctors, lawyers, MBA's were traumatized by liberal educations teaching that losing is the same as winning.

What do we get from Red State educations. Memorized Bible Verses and white men are owed something cuz white Christian men founded this country.

Clinton did not pander to them. Trump aroused the worst in them. Uneducated victims in red and swing states now blaming liberal teachers for there plight.

Like I said - Hogwash!
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Instead we have adults needing our government to dumb down career entry exams, because other liberal agendas placed in our public schools are deemed more important than "educated skills" to obtain skilled employment. We need to be pursuing real education over liberal political indoctrination.

You mean the liberal agenda of teaching creationism instead of science? Or abstinence only programmes [sic]?
It is the rich, white parents of struggling kids that like their exams dumbed [sic] down. There have even been law suits threatened by said parents at Ivy League schools because professors have given precious little Johnny the mark he earned, while mum and dad insist he should get the mark he paid for. Don't talk to me about a liberal agenda and education, when the so called 'educated' right just elected one of the most under-qualified, stupid imbeciles to one of the biggest jobs on the planet.

Simple-minded ignorance. Liberals in strongly religious families and communities (or those with basic common sense) may believe in teaching youngsters the value of respecting their bodies and associating sex with love and commitment rather than simple hedonism. In even the most liberal states you will find courses or lessons in comparative religion which cover concepts such as creationism (among many others). It is the limousine liberal from deep in leftyland that makes a ridiculous noise over "precious little Johnny," not the conservative parent. They don't often have to, because the professors at those Ivy League schools are grade-inflating lefties themselves. Your last sentence is nothing but more butt-hurt bellyaching in which your ilk has been engaged since election night.

Also, learn how to spell.

Unkotare, post: 16194104
You must be one of those "(u)neducated victims."

Actually no. I lived on my own from the time I was 15; worked at the Holiday Inn and finished high school - signing my own grade cards.

I got a good enough education to learn drafting and math skills and landed a job with a construction company. I now work for one of the largest infrastructure companies in the world and have managed projects as large as $200 million dollars. Now working as a senior estimator to stay in the highly educated DC area, living with my highly educated wife and just attended graduation ceremonies for one of my highly educated daughters.

We own our own home - paid off in fifteen years and this past year we just paid cash for a condo that our daughter and roommate are renting.

Never had anything given to me, and I have never cried 'victim' like white male Trump Suckers do.

I am ashamed that there are so many residing in my home Great State of Ohio.
OKTexas, post: 16190891.
Maybe you should go back to school, see if the teacher can explain the difference between illegals voting and people voting illegally. There are 3 examples in this story.

Trump supporter charged with voting twice in Iowa

My point was that Trump lied by retelling the fake news story that three million illegal immigrants voted for Hillary.

You've not been one to follow the conversation very well.

My point is your response to a few words of a post I made to someone else made no sense in relation to what I actually said. Maybe if you posted the whole string instead of cherry picking a quote out of context, then you could properly respond to the conversation as it was and not as you wish it.
Unkotare, post: 16194104
You must be one of those "(u)neducated victims."

Actually no. I lived on my own from the time I was 15; worked at the Holiday Inn and finished high school - signing my own grade cards.

I got a good enough education to learn drafting and math skills and landed a job with a construction company. I now work for one of the largest infrastructure companies in the world and have managed projects as large as $200 million dollars. Now working as a senior estimator to stay in the highly educated DC area, living with my highly educated wife and just attended graduation ceremonies for one of my highly educated daughters.

We own our own home - paid off in fifteen years and this past year we just paid cash for a condo that our daughter and roommate are renting.

Never had anything given to me, and I have never cried 'victim' like white male Trump Suckers do.

I am ashamed that there are so many residing in my home Great State of Ohio.

So you finished high school. Congratulations. Most of the Americans you are trying to look down on like a pretentious prick did too.

Oh well, you went as far as you could in your education.
Unkotare, post: 16194104
You must be one of those "(u)neducated victims."

Actually no. I lived on my own from the time I was 15; worked at the Holiday Inn and finished high school - signing my own grade cards.

I got a good enough education to learn drafting and math skills and landed a job with a construction company. I now work for one of the largest infrastructure companies in the world and have managed projects as large as $200 million dollars. Now working as a senior estimator to stay in the highly educated DC area, living with my highly educated wife and just attended graduation ceremonies for one of my highly educated daughters.

We own our own home - paid off in fifteen years and this past year we just paid cash for a condo that our daughter and roommate are renting.

Never had anything given to me, and I have never cried 'victim' like white male Trump Suckers do.

I am ashamed that there are so many residing in my home Great State of Ohio.

So you finished high school. Congratulations. Most of the Americans you are trying to look down on like a pretentious prick did too.

Oh well, you went as far as you could in your education.

His accomplishments are done by 88% of Americans.
Simple-minded ignorance. Liberals in strongly religious families and communities (or those with basic common sense) may believe in teaching youngsters the value of respecting their bodies and associating sex with love and commitment rather than simple hedonism. In even the most liberal states you will find courses or lessons in comparative religion which cover concepts such as creationism (among many others). It is the limousine liberal from deep in leftyland that makes a ridiculous noise over "precious little Johnny," not the conservative parent. They don't often have to, because the professors at those Ivy League schools are grade-inflating lefties themselves. Your last sentence is nothing but more butt-hurt bellyaching in which your ilk has been engaged since election night.

Also, learn how to spell.


I have no problem with people being taught that in classes. Where have I said otherwise. What I do object to is kids being taught that abstinence-only is the only way to go when it clearly isn't.

FYI - I am from NZ. We spell words the same way the English do - you know, the people who invented the language. Hey, if you want to use the bastardised (no, the 's' is NOT a typo) version of the language, that's on you)..

British Dictionary definitions for program
a written or printed list of the events, performers, etc, in a publicperformance
a performance or series of performances, often presented at ascheduled time, esp on radio or television
a specially arranged selection of things to be done: what's the programme for this afternoon?

Simple-minded ignorance. Liberals in strongly religious families and communities (or those with basic common sense) may believe in teaching youngsters the value of respecting their bodies and associating sex with love and commitment rather than simple hedonism. In even the most liberal states you will find courses or lessons in comparative religion which cover concepts such as creationism (among many others). It is the limousine liberal from deep in leftyland that makes a ridiculous noise over "precious little Johnny," not the conservative parent. They don't often have to, because the professors at those Ivy League schools are grade-inflating lefties themselves. Your last sentence is nothing but more butt-hurt bellyaching in which your ilk has been engaged since election night.

Also, learn how to spell.


...- I am from NZ. ...

That's your problem.

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