2016: Conservatism WON the presidential popular vote

TheGreatGatsby, post: 16199160
ve in California; trust me when I tell you that they voted, and they voted in droves.

Than catch one. Just one. Start there and you still have 2,999,999 to go. Or is it easier to rely on your fake news outlets to produce lies for you.
TheGreatGatsby, post: 16199160
I live in California; trust me when I tell you that they voted, and they voted in droves.

Why should we trust a Trump apologist who presents zero facts or data to claim something that it is impossible to know. Yet you present it as fact, but with such imprecision you refer to I guess brown skinned dark haired Americans as voting in droves.

How did you personally (trust me) know which dark skinned voter was illegal and which were legal? I am really curious how you in fact determined such a thing.
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Papageorgio, post: 16197035,
s it the educated that wanted to talk to the Electoral College to undermine the system because they believe they know better and Trump is going to be a disaster.

Educated people know that the electoral college was designed for people who knew better in case mass ignorance elected someone unfit to serve as President got elected.

Even Republucan leaders said Trump was unfit to serve - until he got elected.

Please get educated on the constitutional purpose of the electoral college.
Papageorgio, post: 16197035,
s it the educated that wanted to talk to the Electoral College to undermine the system because they believe they know better and Trump is going to be a disaster.

Educated people know that the electoral college was designed for people who knew better in case mass ignorance elected someone unfit to serve as President got elected.

Even Republucan leaders said Trump was unfit to serve - until he got elected.

Please get educated on the constitutional purpose of the electoral college.

your education is no better than mine and if the Electoral College truly believed that Trump was unfit to serve as President then they would have rejected him. Obviously those better educated than you made the decision.
Papageorgio, post: 16197035,
s it the educated that wanted to talk to the Electoral College to undermine the system because they believe they know better and Trump is going to be a disaster.

Educated people know that the electoral college was designed for people who knew better in case mass ignorance elected someone unfit to serve as President got elected.

Even Republucan leaders said Trump was unfit to serve - until he got elected.

Please get educated on the constitutional purpose of the electoral college.

Funny as educated as you claim you sure haven't figured out the quote feature on a message board. :dunno:
Papageorgio, post: 16200953
Funny as educated as you claim you sure haven't figured out the quote feature on a message board. :dunno:

At least I can argue my points in an educated manner? I have figured out a way to use the quote feature in a way that focuses on individual points of contention. It's called getting to the point. Must be why you dont like it.
Unkotare, post: 16199403
I see you have to admit those you want to look down on are only as "uneducated" as you.

You know damn well that Republicans look normally down on people who lack self initiative to take personal responsibility for their own lot in life? Its just that needing white male bigots and homophobes to win elections Republicans forget about the line, pull yourself up by your bootstraps.

. The origin of this descriptive phrase isn't known. It refers of course to boots and their straps (laces) and to the imagined feat of a lifting oneself off the ground by pulling on one's bootstraps. This impossible task is supposed to exemplify the achievement in getting out of a difficult situation by one's own efforts.

I did. I'm white started out very poor.

Republicans admonish minorities of course all the time using the boot strap line.

When for centuries minorities were unnecessarily burdened by the extra weight of men like Trump and his father that discriminated using their housing developments against black people.

White males blaming liberal education for their duffucult stake in life is absurd.

Pass on buying 4ft tires on your pickup truck and go to school and get some vocational training. Or drive your pickup truck to where the jobs are.

Who the hell are you to tell someone to "go to school," Captain High School?
TheGreatGatsby, post: 16199160
I live in California; trust me when I tell you that they voted, and they voted in droves.

Why should we trust a Trump apologist who presents zero facts or data to claim something that it is impossible to know. Yet you present it as fact, but with such imprecision you refer to I guess brown skinned dark haired Americans as voting in droves.

How did you personally (trust me) know which dark skinned voter was illegal and which were legal? I am really curious how you in fact determined such a thing.

Leave it to the typical racist lefty to focus on skin color.
Papageorgio, post: 16200953
Funny as educated as you claim you sure haven't figured out the quote feature on a message board. :dunno:

At least I can argue my points in an educated manner? I have figured out a way to use the quote feature in a way that focuses on individual points of contention. It's called getting to the point. Must be why you dont like it.

Seems like I hit a sore spot. Let me know when you start arguing your points in an educated manner, I would like to see it.
Papageorgio, post: 16200953
Funny as educated as you claim you sure haven't figured out the quote feature on a message board. :dunno:

At least I can argue my points in an educated manner? I have figured out a way to use the quote feature in a way that focuses on individual points of contention. It's called getting to the point. Must be why you dont like it.

Seems like I hit a sore spot. Let me know when you start arguing your points in an educated manner, I would like to see it.

He can't.
Unkotare, post: 16201204
Leave it to the typical racist lefty to focus on skin color.

I guess only focusing on skin color from a white nationalist point of view by Trump/Putin supporters is ok.

I really want to know how Gatsby knows that illegal voters voted in droves in California two months ago. Of course he must have figured it out by color of skin somehow.

If not how?
Leave it to the typical racist lefty to focus on skin color.

I guess only focusing on skin color from a white nationalist point of view by Trump/Putin supporters is ok.

I really want to know how Gatsby knows that illegal voters voted in droves in California two months ago. Of course he must have figured it out by color of skin somehow.

If not how?

Typical mindless, racist lefty who can't even imagine not being as obsessed with skin color as he and his fellow racist lefties are. Disgraceful.
TheGreatGatsby, post: 16199160
I live in California; trust me when I tell you that they voted, and they voted in droves.

Why should we trust a Trump apologist who presents zero facts or data to claim something that it is impossible to know. Yet you present it as fact, but with such imprecision you refer to I guess brown skinned dark haired Americans as voting in droves.

How did you personally (trust me) know which dark skinned voter was illegal and which were legal? I am really curious how you in fact determined such a thing.

I could care less who on here you deem to trust. Obama/Hillary supporters are immoral, period.
TheGreatGatsby, post: 16205010
I could care less who on here you deem to trust.

Of course you could care less. You make things up and you want only idiots that would never doubt what you say to listen to you. Not one illegal immigrant has been found to have voted in California yet you claim to know they voted in droves. I asked you to explain how you have arrived at your baseless conclusion and you have no explanation whatsoever.

That's called being caught in a lie. Of course you don't care who here is worthy of trust.

Your word means nothing and you obviously don't care that it does.
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Unkotare, post: 16203502
Typical mindless, racist lefty who can't even imagine not being as obsessed with skin color as he and his fellow racist lefties are. Disgraceful.

Why do Trump and his pals at Breitbart focus on hating people with skin not white enough for them?

My point to Gatsby was to find out how he determined illegal immigrants voted in droves.

There are no reports from Republican can election officials of one single illegal non-citizen voting, so he has to have a method to gave posted his claim.

It's not an obsession to seek to understand what method Gatsby used. If there is a method that is not based on ethnic origin of non-citizen voters in California, why won't Gatsby fill us all in on it.

I have to assume that he based it upon personally witnessing the number of non-white voters participating in the election. Or else he just fabricated it all entirely in his head.
TheGreatGatsby, post: 16205010]

Of course you could care less. You make things up and you want only idiots that would never doubt what you say to listen to you. Not one illegal immigrant has been found to have voted in California yet you claim to know they voted in droves. I asked you to explain how you have arrived at your baseless conclusion and you have no explanation whatsoever.

That's called being caught in a lie. Of course you don't care who here is worthy of trust.

Your word means nothing and you obviously don't care that it does.

I live in reality. I don't care about your fake indignation and phony stats.
TheGreatGatsby, post: 16237870
I live in reality. I don't care about your fake indignation and phony stats.

You of course like all of humanity lives in reality. However in your case you you have fabricated a false reality in writing by claiming droves of non-citizens voted in California. That is not a reality that you and the rest of humanity live in. And, to defend your fake news you repeatedly declare that you don't care when your lies are explicitly exposed. You just don't care. That is the reality too. You don't care when you are caught telling lies. That is a new but very sad reality that has come to pass with the entire Trump campaign and moves toward becoming President. He told the fake news lie about illegal voters too.

Yes I am indignant and shocked by the fake reality you and Trump have created. It must be ended and hopefully sooner than later.

Now the second in succession to the presidency makes a contradictory statement like this:

Paul Ryan last Wedensday. “We want to make sure there is an orderly transition so that the rug is not pulled out from under the families who are currently struggling under Obamacare while we bring relief.”

Reality: if families are actually 'struggling' under Obamacare there is no reason to worry about pulling the rug out from under them. Those families don't need Republican fake reality relief.

As soon as Republicans do something to Obamacare and Trump signs and supports it, it will then be called Trumpcare and all ramifications will be on Trump Pence Ryan and every Republican.

An orderly transition would be to keep it as is and fine tune the ACA to fix a few problem areas on a bipartisan basis.
TheGreatGatsby, post: 16205010]

Of course you could care less. You make things up and you want only idiots that would never doubt what you say to listen to you. Not one illegal immigrant has been found to have voted in California yet you claim to know they voted in droves. I asked you to explain how you have arrived at your baseless conclusion and you have no explanation whatsoever.

That's called being caught in a lie. Of course you don't care who here is worthy of trust.

Your word means nothing and you obviously don't care that it does.

I live in reality. I don't care about your fake indignation and phony stats.

Then show us the credible evidence that 3 million illegals voted for Hillary Clinton.
TheGreatGatsby, post: 16205010]

Of course you could care less. You make things up and you want only idiots that would never doubt what you say to listen to you. Not one illegal immigrant has been found to have voted in California yet you claim to know they voted in droves. I asked you to explain how you have arrived at your baseless conclusion and you have no explanation whatsoever.

That's called being caught in a lie. Of course you don't care who here is worthy of trust.

Your word means nothing and you obviously don't care that it does.

I live in reality. I don't care about your fake indignation and phony stats.

Then show us the credible evidence that 3 million illegals voted for Hillary Clinton.

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