2016 Presidential Debate --- ROUND TWO.

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What demographic did Trump,effectively reach out to tonight?

Fuck you faggot..

You must be upset that I called you out on your lies. Is that it? All day with this anger.

Bwahaha I called you out on GT lovers boy 3 days ago..
Two faggot s

I'm not sure what you are referring to. I don't recall having any discussion with you about G.T.

Maybe you can link to the thread. I'll take a look.
What ?

Please You two are butt Fucking buddies everyone knows this. ..

Is there a thread that you called me out in? Please link to it. I'm trying to work with you here.
Not just won. They think he destroyed her.
He did enough damage that only a Brain Dead Progressive such as yourself could miss it.

How much damage?

What is your prediction regarding the poll bump that he might get?
Trump eliminated the "Pussy" remark tonight.
Unlike Hillary, he didn't deliver the autistic clown smile every 30 seconds.
Hillary thinks the Brothers and the Sisters are doing just fine...you know, just like you.

Trump claimed he never groped anybody. Expect a response from many women in 5...4...3...2...
Hillary never groped a male, including Bill...Expect a response from many Bill in 5...4...3...2...

Why would a liberal vote for a conservative?
It's a good thing Trump's not a Conservative.

Trump is a product of the Tea party. Are you saying all those people are not conservatives?

Trump is a product of the Tea party?!
I would ask if you're an idiot but I know you're not.
I would NEVER vote for a Tea Party Pig.
Trump is a Blue Dog Democrat.
Trump is the product of all that’s wrong with the GOP and conservativism in general: the fear of change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty, the hostility toward the rights of women and minorities, and the nativism, bigotry, racism, and hatred directed at Muslims.

Trump won’t win because a majority of the voters will reject the right’s agenda of fear, hate, and seeking to divide the American people.
What hole in a mountain do you live in?
You want MORE free stuff?


I remember the days back in the early nineties when we used to get one inch diameter 714 stainless steel that was rolled on to a spool to avoid bar stock taxes. They straightened it at a local mill when it arrived in the US.

And by the way......it was the worst machining 714 you ever saw. You could immediately tell it was European stainless the second you touched tool to it. Many a scraped jobs where attributed to it.
Why don't you ask the same questions of millions of Republicans who always vote for the Republican?

Actually, you missed the point.

Liberals don't always have to vote for liberals, conservatives don't have to vote for conservatives. We call it "free elections" for a reason.

Great, then be sure to make your point to all voters and not just liberals who are interested in voting for a candidate who actually understands the issues.

You seriously didn't get the point I was trying to make. I was pointing to all the liberals, not just those who worship the ground Hillary walks on.

Why aren't you asking conservatives the same question about Trump? You never answered that.

Whoa, wait. Time. Out.

Are you insinuating that they shouldn't? Are you that afraid that people are going to vote for him?
Why would a liberal vote for a conservative?
It's a good thing Trump's not a Conservative.

Trump is a product of the Tea party. Are you saying all those people are not conservatives?

Trump is a product of the Tea party?!
I would ask if you're an idiot but I know you're not.
I would NEVER vote for a Tea Party Pig.
Trump is a Blue Dog Democrat.

Go argue with the worst of the Trumptards here then. Convince them they're centrist Democrats.
And they'll treat me just like any ideologue treats an Independent...with disdain.

Independent is nothing special. You can be an independent RW nut.
Looks like a zombie out of a 50's horror movie
He did enough damage that only a Brain Dead Progressive such as yourself could miss it.

How much damage?

What is your prediction regarding the poll bump that he might get?
Trump eliminated the "Pussy" remark tonight.
Unlike Hillary, he didn't deliver the autistic clown smile every 30 seconds.
Hillary thinks the Brothers and the Sisters are doing just fine...you know, just like you.

Trump claimed he never groped anybody. Expect a response from many women in 5...4...3...2...
Hillary never groped a male, including Bill...Expect a response from many Bill in 5...4...3...2...

The lack of wit in Liberals never ceases to amaze me.
Calling her the Devil was a nice touch, but pointing out the hate in her heart left her speechless and reminded the audience she's as EVIL as it gets:

It showed what a simpleton Trump is

Agree, that was one of Trump's low points. Matched by him stating he was going to investigate his political rival. Something very banana republic about that statement.
He actually said he was going to use the justice department o have her arrested
Hey, dumb fuck....your beloved "gubermint" is incorporated and I have proved it many, many times....so STFU before I embarrass you further. You couldn't go "toe to toe" with me any any issue on the best day you ever had. Keep talking the the cows because that is your best chance and at least gives you a "50/50" shot of winning an argument.

You have only proved you are a nut. From my understanding, you don't even claim to be a citizen of this country any way, so STFU.

I am an American nationalist...not a U.S citizen that pledges loyalty to the corporate entity that is USA.INC. You cannot be an American and a U.S citizen...it's impossible under Black's Law dictionary of terms. You see? I know more than you which is why I kick your ass on such a consistent basis.

That's the kind of crazy I have come to expect from you. Keep up the good work.

You are ignorant...... so of course you are confused.......
Given your posting history, you’re in no position to refer to others as ‘ignorant.’

C.C....you bring nothing to the table because you have nothing. Any time you want to debate an issue....please, by all means, let me know.
It's a good thing Trump's not a Conservative.

Trump is a product of the Tea party. Are you saying all those people are not conservatives?

Trump is a product of the Tea party?!
I would ask if you're an idiot but I know you're not.
I would NEVER vote for a Tea Party Pig.
Trump is a Blue Dog Democrat.

Go argue with the worst of the Trumptards here then. Convince them they're centrist Democrats.
And they'll treat me just like any ideologue treats an Independent...with disdain.

Independent is nothing special. You can be an independent RW nut.
If Trump was running as a D I'd vote for him.
The establishment can go to hell.
He didn't come off well standing and pacing behind her when she was speaking imo.

His threat of jail, was over the top....

I think his base was happy with his performance...

but he LOST when it comes to what he needed to accomplish, which is win over the undecided women's vote...

And lastly, what's with the sniff? It's irritating, and does seem like he's doing drugs, even if he's not...it's seems to be amplified in these debates or just more noticeable?

I agree and disagree.

Him wanting to jail Clinton was chilling. No fucking around, that was the worst part of the debate.

I think Trump survived the debate. Not to win but to make it to election day (if nothing else comes up).

The Bill Clinton rape bs was just that. Forgotten after 20 minutes. A loss for Clinton only because everyone expected Trump to hang himself with it. A loss for Trump because he didn't really carry it through. Trump is still rapey, he didn't help himself in that department.

I'll be interested to see how the Access Hollywood tape shapes the polls. To me after Friday, after the debate it's still about the tape.
He didn't come off well standing and pacing behind her when she was speaking imo.

His threat of jail, was over the top....

I think his base was happy with his performance...

but he LOST when it comes to what he needed to accomplish, which is win over the undecided women's vote...

And lastly, what's with the sniff? It's irritating, and does seem like he's doing drugs, even if he's not...it's seems to be amplified in these debates or just more noticeable?

I agree and disagree.

Him wanting to jail Clinton was chilling. No fucking around, that was the worst part of the debate.

I think Trump survived the debate. Not to win but to make it to election day (if nothing else comes up).

The Bill Clinton rape bs was just that. Forgotten after 20 minutes. A loss for Clinton only because everyone expected Trump to hang himself with it. A loss for Trump because he didn't really carry it through. Trump is still rapey, he didn't help himself in that department.

I'll be interested to see how the Access Hollywood tapes shapes the polls. To me after Friday, after the debate it's still about the tape.
He didn't come off well standing and pacing behind her when she was speaking imo.

His threat of jail, was over the top....

I think his base was happy with his performance...

but he LOST when it comes to what he needed to accomplish, which is win over the undecided women's vote...

And lastly, what's with the sniff? It's irritating, and does seem like he's doing drugs, even if he's not...it's seems to be amplified in these debates or just more noticeable?
Trump as creepy stalker
So because of the debate, how many Republicans will reinstate their un-endorsements?

Who cares.

I think the bigger question is whether people go after the pols becaues of their unendorsement.

Just ask Tim Huselkamp (Kansas....). Don't know spelling of last name.
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