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2016 Presidential Debate --- ROUND TWO.

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I think I called the women who screwed my ex-husband a lot worse. You expect Hillary to have anything good to say about the women Bill was involved with? These women knew Clinton was married when they became involved and just didn't care.

When a woman becomes involved with a married man, that woman is selfish, narcissistic and uncaring. She doesn't care about his wife, his children, nor does she have a very high opinion of herself. Adultery is one of the sins named in the 10 Commandments.

Now yes, it does take two to tango. Bill many be a mangy low-down dog, but he's Hillary's mangy low-down dog. The other women are loose, trashy, and selfish.

Except of course that Hillary is a lesbian and the Clintons had an open marriage.Hillary got Huma, Bill got whoever he could catch and restrain.
Yoko ono says she fucked Hillary!

I think I called the women who screwed my ex-husband a lot worse. You expect Hillary to have anything good to say about the women Bill was involved with? These women knew Clinton was married when they became involved and just didn't care.

When a woman becomes involved with a married man, that woman is selfish, narcissistic and uncaring. She doesn't care about his wife, his children, nor does she have a very high opinion of herself. Adultery is one of the sins named in the 10 Commandments.

Now yes, it does take two to tango. Bill many be a mangy low-down dog, but he's Hillary's mangy low-down dog. The other women are loose, trashy, and selfish.
The point you keep passing over willfully bimbo is that Jones and Broderick were raped. Should they have said, no, I cannot be raped by a married man? Jeeezus.

Broderick invited Bill into her hotel room. How is this Hillary's fault? Hillary was not there. There is no fault in Hillary standing by her man if she believes him over someone who loured him into her room.

Broderick invited Bill into her hotel room. How is this Hillary's fault? Hillary was not there. There is no fault in Hillary standing by her man if she believes him over someone who loured him into her room.

It's Hillary's fault for threatening Broadrick to keep silent after the rape. That was her job at the time, to intimidate Bill's victims.
No, what Trump does is MUCH worse in any reasonable person's book.

Utter stupidity. You are being a hack, not reasonable.

Trump engaged in lewd talk, part of the talk was that he had been shut down in trying to get into one of the girls pants.
{Trump: I moved on her actually. You know she was down on Palm Beach. I moved on her and I failed. I’ll admit it. I did try and fuck her. She was married.}

He disrespects women in general; Hillary went after the women who were fucking her husband. Does that REALLY seem so strange to you? You aren't fooling me with your twisted bullshit logic.

Again, Trump engaged in lewd talk, Bill Clinton raped women and Hillary covered it up, then harassed the women to silence them.

Trump says that stars can get away with bad behavior, we know this.

{Trump: Yeah, that’s her, with the gold. I’ve got to use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her. You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. I just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.}

Unlike Bill Clinton, Trump said "And when you’re a star, they let you do it."

The Victims of Clinton didn't "let him"

{Broaddrick’s allegation against Bill is very specific, and has been verified by multiple friends of her who were present at the time. She was a volunteer for Clinton's gubernatorial campaign in 1978, and claims that after meeting him at a campaign office in her hometown of Van Buren, he invited her to visit him in Little Rock. Once she was at a hotel, he asked her to meet at the hotel coffee shop and not his campaign headquarters, as they had planned. When he arrived, she claims he called her room and suggested they get coffee in her room instead. Then, she alleges, he began kissing her, and when she resisted his advances, raped her. She claimed he grabbed onto her lip with his mouth, leaving it bruised and swollen.}

Juanita Broaddrick's case against Hillary Clinton, explained

Look, you're a hack, you don't care about facts or about women, you want your party to win and will say ANYTHING to make that happen, I understand. But there is NO comparison between a blowhard bragging to the boys and an elected official using his office to rape women. Hillary covered for him, stalked and attacked his victims. She is NOT FIT to hold office.
What is claimed against Hillary...

"[Hillary] came directly to me as soon as she hit the door. I had been there only a few minutes, I only wanted to make an appearance and leave. She caught me and took my hand and said 'I am so happy to meet you. I want you to know that we appreciate everything you do for Bill.' I started to turn away and she held onto my hand and reiterated her phrase -- looking less friendly and repeated her statement — 'Everything you do for Bill'. I said nothing. She wasn't letting me get away until she made her point. She talked low, the smile faded on the second thank you. I just released her hand from mine and left the gathering."

How dare Hillary say such a thing!

How dare she threaten a rape victim to remain silent?

You don't mind, you no doubt think Broadrick should have been honored to be raped by a party boss.

That was a threat?

Imagine if she hugged her

I think I called the women who screwed my ex-husband a lot worse. You expect Hillary to have anything good to say about the women Bill was involved with? These women knew Clinton was married when they became involved and just didn't care.

When a woman becomes involved with a married man, that woman is selfish, narcissistic and uncaring. She doesn't care about his wife, his children, nor does she have a very high opinion of herself. Adultery is one of the sins named in the 10 Commandments.

Now yes, it does take two to tango. Bill many be a mangy low-down dog, but he's Hillary's mangy low-down dog. The other women are loose, trashy, and selfish.
The point you keep passing over willfully bimbo is that Jones and Broderick were raped. Should they have said, no, I cannot be raped by a married man? Jeeezus.

Broderick invited Bill into her hotel room. How is this Hillary's fault? Hillary was not there. There is no fault in Hillary standing by her man if she believes him over someone who loured him into her room.

Not Hillary fault in any way. It was her mission to humiliate and assassinate their character in order to protect Bill thereby protecting her political aspirations.
The point you keep passing over willfully bimbo is that Jones and Broderick were raped. Should they have said, no, I cannot be raped by a married man? Jeeezus.

Paula Jones DID NOT CLAIM CLINTON RAPED HER. She claimed for sexual harassment - that he threatened her job if she wouldn't have sex with him. The case was dismissed.

Juanita Broaderick signed an Affidavit saying Bill Clinton did not rape her.

So please stop lying.
Trump did a GREAT job explaining how he followed existing TAX CODE she had 30 years to change but would not because her slush fund wants it left as-is.

finally, Normal Americans had a VOICE. finally a moderator was put in place.

how does one senator change the tax code?

civics class....take one.
Hillary was in charge of changing our entire healthcare industry when she was First Lady.
The point you keep passing over willfully bimbo is that Jones and Broderick were raped. Should they have said, no, I cannot be raped by a married man? Jeeezus.

Paula Jones DID NOT CLAIM CLINTON RAPED HER. She claimed for sexual harassment - that he threatened her job if she wouldn't have sex with him. The case was dismissed.

Juanita Broaderick signed an Affidavit saying Bill Clinton did not rape her.

So please stop lying.

The case was not "dismissed," douche bag. Clinton settled out of court. In other words, he admitted his guilt. Juanita Broaderick signed the affidavit only after threats and intimidation from Hillary Clinton. This event only underscores what a piece of shit she is.
Trump did a GREAT job explaining how he followed existing TAX CODE she had 30 years to change but would not because her slush fund wants it left as-is.

finally, Normal Americans had a VOICE. finally a moderator was put in place.

how does one senator change the tax code?

civics class....take one.
Hillary was in charge of changing our entire healthcare industry when she was First Lady.

And the House and Senate rejected her health care plan, so what is your point?
The point you keep passing over willfully bimbo is that Jones and Broderick were raped. Should they have said, no, I cannot be raped by a married man? Jeeezus.

Paula Jones DID NOT CLAIM CLINTON RAPED HER. She claimed for sexual harassment - that he threatened her job if she wouldn't have sex with him. The case was dismissed.

Juanita Broaderick signed an Affidavit saying Bill Clinton did not rape her.

So please stop lying.

The case was not "dismissed," douche bag. Clinton settled out of court. In other words, he admitted his guilt. Juanita Broaderick signed the affidavit only after threats and intimidation from Hillary Clinton. This event only underscores what a piece of shit she is.

The case was dimissed. Jones appealed the dimissal. Clinton settled WITH NO ADMISSION OF GUILT, AND NO APOLOGY, in order to put an end to it.

Paula Jones Case Is Dismissed; Judge Says Even If Tale Is True, Incident Was Not Harassment

WASHINGTON -- In a stunning court victory for President Clinton, a federal judge on Wednesday threw out the Paula Jones sexual misconduct lawsuit, which had flooded the nation with months of sensational disclosures and denials while causing a separate criminal inquiry into Clinton's conduct in the White House.

"There are no genuine issues for trial in this case," Judge Susan Webber Wright of Federal District Court ruled in flatly rejecting all of Mrs. Jones' claims that she suffered sexual harassment and emotional distress in an encounter with Clinton in 1991, when he was governor of Arkansas and she was a state employee.

Jones had sued requesting that Clinton apologize for the incident. He refused, claiming it never happened. Clinton paid the settlement, most of which went to Jones' lawyers, but did not admit guilt or apologize. He made it clear that he was settling only to put an end to the investigation of his personal life, and so that he could move on with more pressing national matters.
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Really? Abusing women thirty years ago is irrelevant but not eleven? Who comes up with these parameters?
Actually, Trump running for President is relevant

Bill Clinton running for First Lady is not

Do we get to pick over Melanias sexual escapades also?
Uh.. You have been picking at Melania. You can't have it both ways twit.
Then let's go there

Let's compare the sexual histories or Trump vs Hillary and then we can compare the sexual past of Bill Clinton vs Melania
You nitwits have already " gone there"... Yet you want Bill Clinton given a free pass. Get over yourself. You don't get to dictate terms. Period.

Speaking of William,
Republicans and democrats all agree the Donald Trump won this debate tonight.

He did win, and even managed to do so with some style. Hillery was squirming and it was nice to see. I really liked when he said he would appoint a special prosicuter to take a deeper look into Hillerys scandals if elected presidant. That not only freaked Hiller out it freaked out the moderators to. That said, trump tends to mess up really bad after doing so good. I'm thinking a tape of him throat punching a Jerry's kid is about to come out here soon.

Not to worry, he's already messed up really bad. It was doing those things you just praised.

He said he would "put her in jail." Even after months and months of FBI investigation, the pervert Trump thinks he knows better than career politicians. He is mirroring his butt buddy, Pooootin.

Generally, in the U.S. justice system, grounds for prosecution is supposed to be determined after investigation. She's already had plenty and none have been found. Further, a citizen is usually deemed as "should be in jail" after either a trial or that citizen actually confesses to what he/she is accused of.

Apparently, some in this country decided that doesn't work for them, so they're shouting "lock her up!" despite lack of real proof that actually has done anything to warrant it.

So you by your reasoning since Hillary was cleared of all wrong doing and was cleared by a grand jury she is innocent no matter what? So then OJ did not do it because he was acquitted? Honestly, I don't think Trump should not have her jailed. Instead, he should just make all the details and notes public and let the country decide. If Hillary is innocent then she has nothing to deny. She should want it. Same with this wiki leaks. She can kill the alagations of sulking corporate clock by simply releasing her done list and speech transcripts. Face it, Hillary's lies are catching up to her. If she beats Trump, and it's very likely she will she will end up being impeached. Maybe not removed, but she will be impeached. I hope it happens quick to. Even though Tim Cain is a weasel he is not as crooked as the ex first hose bag.

Did I say the woman was squeaky clean? Has anyone?


There just hasn't been real proof that she's the criminal she's been made out to be. All kinds of smoke has been pointed out but that she's running for POTUS the people pointing out that smoke can't seem to come up with the fire they swear is there.

Btw, I agree with you on one thing: there's enough wingnut fervor to take her down by any means necessary that will very likely get impeached. I'm also predicting, though, that the "loyal opposition" is gonna make themselves look just as bad doing it as they did with the last Clinton they tried to take out.
Trump did a GREAT job explaining how he followed existing TAX CODE she had 30 years to change but would not because her slush fund wants it left as-is.

finally, Normal Americans had a VOICE. finally a moderator was put in place.

how does one senator change the tax code?

civics class....take one.
Hillary was in charge of changing our entire healthcare industry when she was First Lady.

And the House and Senate rejected her health care plan, so what is your point?

Your claim that she had no power to do anything is obvious horseshit. She didn't even try to solve any of the problems she's currently campaigning on.
The point you keep passing over willfully bimbo is that Jones and Broderick were raped. Should they have said, no, I cannot be raped by a married man? Jeeezus.

Paula Jones DID NOT CLAIM CLINTON RAPED HER. She claimed for sexual harassment - that he threatened her job if she wouldn't have sex with him. The case was dismissed.

Juanita Broaderick signed an Affidavit saying Bill Clinton did not rape her.

So please stop lying.

The case was not "dismissed," douche bag. Clinton settled out of court. In other words, he admitted his guilt. Juanita Broaderick signed the affidavit only after threats and intimidation from Hillary Clinton. This event only underscores what a piece of shit she is.

The case was dimissed. Jones appealed the dimissal. Clinton settled WITH NO ADMISSION OF GUILT, AND NO APOLOGY, in order to put an end to it.

Paula Jones Case Is Dismissed; Judge Says Even If Tale Is True, Incident Was Not Harassment

WASHINGTON -- In a stunning court victory for President Clinton, a federal judge on Wednesday threw out the Paula Jones sexual misconduct lawsuit, which had flooded the nation with months of sensational disclosures and denials while causing a separate criminal inquiry into Clinton's conduct in the White House.

There are no genuine issues for trial in this case," Judge Susan Webber Wright of Federal District Court ruled in flatly rejecting all of Mrs. Jones' claims that she suffered sexual harassment and emotional distress in an encounter with Clinton in 1991, when he was governor of Arkansas and she was a state employee.

Paying the plaintiff $850,000 is an admission of guilt.
Paying the plaintiff $850,000 is an admission of guilt.

Not when there is a clause in the settlement agreement which specifically says that the defendant is not admitting guilt.

Court cases are settled all of the time without admissions of guilt. Insurance companies pay out settlements in accident litiation all of the time when there was no wrong doing on the part of their clients, simply because the cost of litigating the matter is too expensive to continue. Lawyer's count on those costs to deter fighting the claims.

If you weren't such a willfully ignorant POS, you might learn how the system works, instead of stupidly parroting the right-wing lies.
The point you keep passing over willfully bimbo is that Jones and Broderick were raped. Should they have said, no, I cannot be raped by a married man? Jeeezus.

Paula Jones DID NOT CLAIM CLINTON RAPED HER. She claimed for sexual harassment - that he threatened her job if she wouldn't have sex with him. The case was dismissed.

Juanita Broaderick signed an Affidavit saying Bill Clinton did not rape her.

So please stop lying.

The case was not "dismissed," douche bag. Clinton settled out of court. In other words, he admitted his guilt. Juanita Broaderick signed the affidavit only after threats and intimidation from Hillary Clinton. This event only underscores what a piece of shit she is.

The case was dimissed. Jones appealed the dimissal. Clinton settled WITH NO ADMISSION OF GUILT, AND NO APOLOGY, in order to put an end to it.

Paula Jones Case Is Dismissed; Judge Says Even If Tale Is True, Incident Was Not Harassment

WASHINGTON -- In a stunning court victory for President Clinton, a federal judge on Wednesday threw out the Paula Jones sexual misconduct lawsuit, which had flooded the nation with months of sensational disclosures and denials while causing a separate criminal inquiry into Clinton's conduct in the White House.

There are no genuine issues for trial in this case," Judge Susan Webber Wright of Federal District Court ruled in flatly rejecting all of Mrs. Jones' claims that she suffered sexual harassment and emotional distress in an encounter with Clinton in 1991, when he was governor of Arkansas and she was a state employee.

Paying the plaintiff $850,000 is an admission of guilt.

No, it is shutting her up. You know, the way Comrade Trump shuts up the people that sue him, on a regular basis.
Paying the plaintiff $850,000 is an admission of guilt.

Not when there is a clause in the settlement agreement which specifically says that the defendant is not admitting guilt.

Court cases are settled all of the time without admissions of guilt. Insurance companies pay out settlements in accident litiation all of the time when there was no wrong doing on the part of their clients, simply because the cost of litigating the matter is too expensive to continue. Lawyer's count on those costs to deter fighting the claims.

If you weren't such a willfully ignorant POS, you might learn how the system works, instead of stupidly parroting the right-wing lies.

Republicans with deep pockets were financing Jones even though the court initially threw out her complaint. Clinton paid it off to make it go away
Paying the plaintiff $850,000 is an admission of guilt.

Not when there is a clause in the settlement agreement which specifically says that the defendant is not admitting guilt.

Court cases are settled all of the time without admissions of guilt. Insurance companies pay out settlements in accident litiation all of the time when there was no wrong doing on the part of their clients, simply because the cost of litigating the matter is too expensive to continue. Lawyer's count on those costs to deter fighting the claims.

If you weren't such a willfully ignorant POS, you might learn how the system works, instead of stupidly parroting the right-wing lies.
You're talking legal technicalities, not reality. Insurances companies ask for those clauses so the outcome can't be used by others in further litigation. Everyone involve knows the defendant is guilty as shit. The judge threw Paula's case out not because she couldn't show the charges were true, but because she couldn't show any damages.

You're defending a piece of shit who did everything feminists claim to hate.
Paying the plaintiff $850,000 is an admission of guilt.

Not when there is a clause in the settlement agreement which specifically says that the defendant is not admitting guilt.

Court cases are settled all of the time without admissions of guilt. Insurance companies pay out settlements in accident litiation all of the time when there was no wrong doing on the part of their clients, simply because the cost of litigating the matter is too expensive to continue. Lawyer's count on those costs to deter fighting the claims.

If you weren't such a willfully ignorant POS, you might learn how the system works, instead of stupidly parroting the right-wing lies.

Republicans with deep pockets were financing Jones even though the court initially threw out her complaint. Clinton paid it off to make it go away

So Democrats with big pockets made it go away? Left wingers are all despicable douche bags.
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