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2016 Presidential Debate --- ROUND TWO.

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Trumps poor treatment of women has been a key issue since the first Republican debate. It's only gotten worse since
It relates directly to his suitability as President
Hillary spoke directly to that issue

What Bill Clinton did thirty years ago is irrelevant
Really? Abusing women thirty years ago is irrelevant but not eleven? Who comes up with these parameters?
Actually, Trump running for President is relevant

Bill Clinton running for First Lady is not

Do we get to pick over Melanias sexual escapades also?
Uh.. You have been picking at Melania. You can't have it both ways twit.
they're ok with a rapist first man in the white house, just so we're clear.

So when was the last time you were sued?
how is that important here?
how does one senator change the tax code?

civics class....take one.

She has been "in office" or "running for office" for most of my lifetime. Not a peep out of her EVER about FIXING broken 75,000 page 1040 booklet.

They just added more complexity through ObamaCare. They all want to play around in the biggest pile of money they can extort. They "all" like it as-is.

Republican will never let anyone cut out the tax shelters for the rich. Democrats have tried before and have been rebuffed.

not to mention the fact that there was a republican president when hillary was senator. but why would facts matter to the loons?
Really? Abusing women thirty years ago is irrelevant but not eleven? Who comes up with these parameters?
Actually, Trump running for President is relevant

Bill Clinton running for First Lady is not

Do we get to pick over Melanias sexual escapades also?
so you're ok with a rapist in the white house? wow, how nice that will be.

All of this was brought up BEFORE Clinton was in the White House
It was brought up WHILE he was in the White House
It was all found to be unsupportable by REPUBLICAN investigator Ken Starr
all of the women who actually were the victims say otherwise.

As is their right

Of course, Republicans have spent 30 years trying to keep these cases alive...even if there is little evidence to support their claims
so what is evidence of rape? You still didn't define what possible evidence there'd be other than he said she said.
Trump did a GREAT job explaining how he followed existing TAX CODE she had 30 years to change but would not because her slush fund wants it left as-is.

finally, Normal Americans had a VOICE. finally a moderator was put in place.

how does one senator change the tax code?

civics class....take one.
Hillary was in charge of changing our entire healthcare industry when she was First Lady.

And the House and Senate rejected her health care plan, so what is your point?

he has no point.....he never does.
all of the ones that have been reported and the quotes from the three victims of rape by Billy boi. You have the internet you can pull them and read if you wish to. I know you don't care cause you can't wait to see a rapist in the white house.
A woman could accuse you of rape tomorrow. You could be smeared across the front page of your local paper. Your neighbors could start whispering. But it didn't happen, and after investigating the authorities said there was no evidence to prosecute you. You try to move on. Clinton was extensively investigated for those allegations and they found there was no evidence to prosecute him for RAPE.
You would find it highly unfair if your neighbors and the local papers continued to call you a rapist.
well I'm not in public office and I don't pay out 800k to silence anyone. the payout justifies the rape. so? got anything else?

So is Bill Cosby guilty?
No, little man. Even you mentally agitated Trump supporters are NOT allowed to act as judge and jury on that. People make out of court settlements all the time to get rid of inconvenient allegations and publicity, including Trump. Like the unfair housing suits in the 70's, like all those people defrauded by "Trump University." Like that.
Like the IRS targeting Republicans!

You mean organizations that violates the tax code?

Poor idiot.
name the violation.

Paula Jones DID NOT CLAIM CLINTON RAPED HER. She claimed for sexual harassment - that he threatened her job if she wouldn't have sex with him. The case was dismissed.

Juanita Broaderick signed an Affidavit saying Bill Clinton did not rape her.

So please stop lying.

You're lying yet again.

The case was NOT dismissed, it was settled for $850,000

Clinton Will Pay $850,000 to End Paula Jones Suit

Innocent men don't pay nearly a million dollars to stop a law suit, even a Soros drone can grasp that. You lack the integrity to admit it, but you can't escape the fact.
You're talking legal technicalities, not reality. Insurances companies ask for those clauses so the outcome can't be used by others in further litigation. Everyone involve knows the defendant is guilty as shit. The judge threw Paula's case out not because she couldn't show the charges were true, but because she couldn't show any damages.

You're defending a piece of shit who did everything feminists claim to hate.

It's party above all with this crowd. The ONLY care about power for their party, in hopes that they will get some scraps.
Not necessarily. Many women stay married to men who cheat, for a variety of reasons. Some stay because of the children, some stay for the money and the status. Some stay because they're don't really want to have sex with their husbands and are content to let him take a mistress. There are as many reasons to stay as to go.

My ex was a lying cheat scum who was never going to change. For him, sex with his wife lacked the excitement of cheating on her. When I had to go on antibiotics because of some unnamed infection he acquired "kind of like mono, but not mono", I knew it was time to dump this bum. I did so and never looked back.

Sounds like you two were well matched.

I'm just sayin..
not to mention the fact that there was a republican president when hillary was senator. but why would facts matter to the loons?

Thats' how they keep playing the "game" on all of "USA". "Can't do nuthin'" huh-huh LOL. Look at Ryan and the RINO. They would rather go along right now to keep it AS-IS. They won't even take a chance someone may upset the buffet table.

Nothing ever changes. Nothing will change with "her". They vote "for it" or "against it" or "present" or "did not vote" as-needed.

Any vote for "her" to be President is a vote for same old "business as usual". They collect big money, take big cut....hand out trinkets.

If the people don't see how they are "being played like a fiddle" I can't help until the coming revolution.
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What is the difference between Trumps talking about pussy and grabbing it if you are a celeb versus Jack Kennedy doing the same thing with Marilyn Monroe?
Had the public seen a video confirming that prior to election day in 1960, JFK would never have won the election.
Since JFK had never met Marilyn before he was president that would have been impossible. In fact, the stories about JFK and Marilyn remain just stories, a she said, he said. There was only one incident in which there was evidence that can verified by two sources, a party in the home of Bing Crosby in 1962 in which Marilyn made phone calls from JFK's room. What actually occurred is unknown. The rest of the stories are mostly based on superstition and coincidences.

You know there has been allegation of sexually misconduct against not just JFK, but Johnson, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, G.W. Bush, and Barrack Obama however almost all of these allegations occurred after being elected. Psychiatrist say there are many women who fantasize about sex with with powerful leaders and eventually come to believe they actually had some kind of sexual encounter.

I think I called the women who screwed my ex-husband a lot worse. You expect Hillary to have anything good to say about the women Bill was involved with? These women knew Clinton was married when they became involved and just didn't care.

When a woman becomes involved with a married man, that woman is selfish, narcissistic and uncaring. She doesn't care about his wife, his children, nor does she have a very high opinion of herself. Adultery is one of the sins named in the 10 Commandments.

Now yes, it does take two to tango. Bill many be a mangy low-down dog, but he's Hillary's mangy low-down dog. The other women are loose, trashy, and selfish.
The point you keep passing over willfully bimbo is that Jones and Broderick were raped. Should they have said, no, I cannot be raped by a married man? Jeeezus.

Broderick invited Bill into her hotel room. How is this Hillary's fault? Hillary was not there. There is no fault in Hillary standing by her man if she believes him over someone who loured him into her room.
Oh god, another illiterate!
Hillary says that women cannot be believed when making allegations of sexual assault, and should not be listened to.

Pro-woman my ass.

In a sworn affidavit on Dec 23, 1998, Juanita Broaddrick denied an "unsubstantiated, hearsay claim" made by the Paula Jones' legal team that Bill Clinton had invited her (as Jane Doe #5) to a hotel room and forced her to have sex.

Quoting from Broaddrick's Sworn Affidavit:

3. I met President Clinton more than twenty years ago through family friends. Our introduction was not arranged or facilitated, in any way, by the Arkansas State Police. I have never been an Arkansas state employee or a federal employee. I have never discussed with Mr. Clinton the possibility of state or federal employment nor has he offered me any such position. I have had no further relations with him for the past (15) years.

4. During the 1992 Presidential campaign there were unfounded rumors and stories circulated that Mr. Clinton had made unwelcome sexual advances toward me in the late seventies. Newspaper and tabloid reporters hounded me and my family, seeking corroboration of these tales. I repeatedly denied the allegations and requested that my family’s privacy be respected. These allegations are untrue and I had hoped that they would no longer haunt me, or cause further disruption to my family.

So which time did Broaddrick lie about this incident. If she swore an affidavit that Bill Clinton did not rape her, and this isn't true, she committed perjury and can be charged for lying to the Court. If she didn't lie in the Affdavit, then she's lying in the video.

Quite frankly, when someone has changed their story from saying it happened, to swearing under oath that it didn't happen, you can't go back and then claim it did, and expect people to believe you.
well I'd first like to know why the libturds think black folks don't know how to register to vote and then vote? Why they don't think they are smart enough to get an ID?
Sorry alt right morons can't do math. Nor do they comprehend how to do statistical analysis of large populations.

Tell me losers, what is the mathematical symbol for smart?

What do statistical analysis have to do with voter ID?
Uh.. You have been picking at Melania. You can't have it both ways twit.
Then let's go there

Let's compare the sexual histories or Trump vs Hillary and then we can compare the sexual past of Bill Clinton vs Melania
You nitwits have already " gone there"... Yet you want Bill Clinton given a free pass. Get over yourself. You don't get to dictate terms. Period.

Speaking of William,
Not to worry, he's already messed up really bad. It was doing those things you just praised.

He said he would "put her in jail." Even after months and months of FBI investigation, the pervert Trump thinks he knows better than career politicians. He is mirroring his butt buddy, Pooootin.

Generally, in the U.S. justice system, grounds for prosecution is supposed to be determined after investigation. She's already had plenty and none have been found. Further, a citizen is usually deemed as "should be in jail" after either a trial or that citizen actually confesses to what he/she is accused of.

Apparently, some in this country decided that doesn't work for them, so they're shouting "lock her up!" despite lack of real proof that actually has done anything to warrant it.

So you by your reasoning since Hillary was cleared of all wrong doing and was cleared by a grand jury she is innocent no matter what? So then OJ did not do it because he was acquitted? Honestly, I don't think Trump should not have her jailed. Instead, he should just make all the details and notes public and let the country decide. If Hillary is innocent then she has nothing to deny. She should want it. Same with this wiki leaks. She can kill the alagations of sulking corporate clock by simply releasing her done list and speech transcripts. Face it, Hillary's lies are catching up to her. If she beats Trump, and it's very likely she will she will end up being impeached. Maybe not removed, but she will be impeached. I hope it happens quick to. Even though Tim Cain is a weasel he is not as crooked as the ex first hose bag.

Did I say the woman was squeaky clean? Has anyone?


There just hasn't been real proof that she's the criminal she's been made out to be. All kinds of smoke has been pointed out but that she's running for POTUS the people pointing out that smoke can't seem to come up with the fire they swear is there.

Btw, I agree with you on one thing: there's enough wingnut fervor to take her down by any means necessary that will very likely get impeached. I'm also predicting, though, that the "loyal opposition" is gonna make themselves look just as bad doing it as they did with the last Clinton they tried to take out.

Plenty of slimy sit in the Clinton closet. She is a corrupt nasty old wore who with any luck will stroke out on Nov 7th. The country would be much better off for it.

Funny, you nutbags keep looking but you don't actually find anything.

Curious, eh?

now go vote for the guy who cheated on 3 wives, thinks you can sexually assault women and raped a 13 year old girl.


What women say Trump sexually assaulted them?

Oh, you're just lying again.

Raped a 13 year? Really? Even for a woman hating pile of shit like you that's scraping the bottom.
Meanwhile her husband has frequent flyer miles on the Lolita Express to orgy Island.
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