2017 Was the Worst Year for Job Creation in 6 Years.

Tell me again what a great job creator Trump is.
President Obama kicked his ass again.
But don't tell him, he's rather fragile these days.

View attachment 170704


Do you miss the Barrypuppet? Did you lay on the floor in the fetal position when Hildebeast lost and rocked yourself to sleep by chanting......"Make it stop......make it stop......make it allllllllll go away.......sob sob, sniffle sniffle"??

I bet you did because you are still waiting on those miniscule nads of yours to finally drop........the 40's are a prime time for the average leftard male for that to happen.

We are rooting for ya!
What are you babbling about? The source of those stats is the Bureau of Labor Statistics which I already posted. And you looked right thru it. You just had to pull your clown act.
Can’t stand reality I see.

Jobs taken by illegals that were service jobs? The only link I saw was the democraticunderground.com. Since PRESIDENT Trump has been in office? Those that have technical skills have been in ungodly demand. I get calls and e-mails from recruiters and headhunters daily. I sub con tract and name my price. You know what is absolutely pathetic? Lowes and Home Depot are having to produce tutorials in order to teach millenials on how to use basic hand tools.
Still can’t see the BLS source I see.
Dipshits don’t know the official stats is the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Ya got something better?
Maybe Infowars?

jobs that require supplements (welfare) dont really count for much in the big picture things --LOL

you are laughable
Welfare? Are you high? Still no stats coming from you. Imagine that.

no i am not high

that the past admin created suckie jobs at best

non living wage jobs oh boy ( that is all you idiots complained about for 8 years)

run on that idiot

a real winning plan

That 2017 was not as good for jobs than 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013 etc really pisses you off.
I’m pleased.

dont bother in a bit

i am glad they are slipping away

to more favorable incomes

the jobs from the past admin

couldnt be done without being on food stamps

or rent or insurance subsidies

most people do not want to be kept as bottom feeders like you
Dude, your OP claims he did shitty....then you post an article saying he had a strong showing on jobs.

Are you retarded or schizophrenic?
Do you need glasses? The OP showed in graphic detail that 2017 was the worst year for jobs in the last 6 years. Who was president again last year?
Kind of funny....when reports about jobs were good in 2017, leftists would claim it was because of Obama...now that it is not being claimed to be as good as thought....now it's Trump's economy. You people have no idea how to think for yourselves, you'll just take whatever narrative your master's give you. Contradicting yourselves constantly.

I would hate to be you.
Are the graphics not big enough for you?
Don’t like the BLS?
You’re just pissing in the wind.
Lol....you didn't address the point I made. Every time we heard good news on the jobs and economy, you leftists always claimed that it was because of Obama, that Trump's policies hadn't taken effect yet... Now you are claiming it is Trump's economy because of that BLS report. You people are clowns and probably don't understand half the stuff you read on this topic.
Dude, your OP claims he did shitty....then you post an article saying he had a strong showing on jobs.

Are you retarded or schizophrenic?
Do you need glasses? The OP showed in graphic detail that 2017 was the worst year for jobs in the last 6 years. Who was president again last year?
Kind of funny....when reports about jobs were good in 2017, leftists would claim it was because of Obama...now that it is not being claimed to be as good as thought....now it's Trump's economy. You people have no idea how to think for yourselves, you'll just take whatever narrative your master's give you. Contradicting yourselves constantly.

I would hate to be you.
Are the graphics not big enough for you?
Don’t like the BLS?
You’re just pissing in the wind.

just go work at you two part time mcjobs and stfu

and continue to collect rent subsidies and "foodies"

some life
Tell me again what a great job creator Trump is.
President Obama kicked his ass again.
But don't tell him, he's rather fragile these days.

View attachment 170704

How did Obama do it?

Obama's first year in office unemployment numbers


January 2009. 7.8%

January 2010. 9.8%


January 2017. 4.8%

January 2018. 4.1%

Low only way he can get it lower now is slash welfare payment and force the bums to get a job
Dude, your OP claims he did shitty....then you post an article saying he had a strong showing on jobs.

Are you retarded or schizophrenic?
Do you need glasses? The OP showed in graphic detail that 2017 was the worst year for jobs in the last 6 years. Who was president again last year?
Kind of funny....when reports about jobs were good in 2017, leftists would claim it was because of Obama...now that it is not being claimed to be as good as thought....now it's Trump's economy. You people have no idea how to think for yourselves, you'll just take whatever narrative your master's give you. Contradicting yourselves constantly.

I would hate to be you.
Are the graphics not big enough for you?
Don’t like the BLS?
You’re just pissing in the wind.
Lol....you didn't address the point I made. Every time we heard good news on the jobs and economy, you leftists always claimed that it was because of Obama, that Trump's policies hadn't taken effect yet... Now you are claiming it is Trump's economy because of that BLS report. You people are clowns and probably don't understand half the stuff you read on this topic.
Im just reporting stats. The official stats. Obviously they offend you.
You’re an idiot.
Dude, your OP claims he did shitty....then you post an article saying he had a strong showing on jobs.

Are you retarded or schizophrenic?
Do you need glasses? The OP showed in graphic detail that 2017 was the worst year for jobs in the last 6 years. Who was president again last year?
Kind of funny....when reports about jobs were good in 2017, leftists would claim it was because of Obama...now that it is not being claimed to be as good as thought....now it's Trump's economy. You people have no idea how to think for yourselves, you'll just take whatever narrative your master's give you. Contradicting yourselves constantly.

I would hate to be you.
Are the graphics not big enough for you?
Don’t like the BLS?
You’re just pissing in the wind.
Lol....you didn't address the point I made. Every time we heard good news on the jobs and economy, you leftists always claimed that it was because of Obama, that Trump's policies hadn't taken effect yet... Now you are claiming it is Trump's economy because of that BLS report. You people are clowns and probably don't understand half the stuff you read on this topic.

Tell me again what a great job creator Trump is.
President Obama kicked his ass again.
But don't tell him, he's rather fragile these days.

View attachment 170704

How did Obama do it?

Obama's first year in office unemployment numbers


January 2009. 7.8%

January 2010. 9.8%


January 2017. 4.8%

January 2018. 4.1%

Low only way he can get it lower now is slash welfare payment and force the bums to get a job
Nice link on jobs.
Oh wait.
No link on jobs.
Tell me again what a great job creator Trump is.
President Obama kicked his ass again.
But don't tell him, he's rather fragile these days.

View attachment 170704

How did Obama do it?

Obama's first year in office unemployment numbers


January 2009. 7.8%

January 2010. 9.8%


January 2017. 4.8%

January 2018. 4.1%

Low only way he can get it lower now is slash welfare payment and force the bums to get a job


The claim
Black and Hispanic unemployment are at or near record lows.

The short answer
Trump's numbers are right, but it's generally a stretch for presidents to take credit for job creation.

The long answer
Trump is right that African-American unemployment hit a record low in December. The unemployment rate for black Americans is currently 6.8 percent, the lowest level recorded since the government started keeping track in January 1972.

this from the leftist NPR


FACT CHECK: Trump Touts Low Unemployment Rates For African-Americans, Hispanics
Tell me again what a great job creator Trump is.
President Obama kicked his ass again.
But don't tell him, he's rather fragile these days.

View attachment 170704


Do you miss the Barrypuppet? Did you lay on the floor in the fetal position when Hildebeast lost and rocked yourself to sleep by chanting......"Make it stop......make it stop......make it allllllllll go away.......sob sob, sniffle sniffle"??

I bet you did because you are still waiting on those miniscule nads of yours to finally drop........the 40's are a prime time for the average leftard male for that to happen.

We are rooting for ya!
What are you babbling about? The source of those stats is the Bureau of Labor Statistics which I already posted. And you looked right thru it. You just had to pull your clown act.
Can’t stand reality I see.

Jobs taken by illegals that were service jobs? The only link I saw was the democraticunderground.com. Since PRESIDENT Trump has been in office? Those that have technical skills have been in ungodly demand. I get calls and e-mails from recruiters and headhunters daily. I sub con tract and name my price. You know what is absolutely pathetic? Lowes and Home Depot are having to produce tutorials in order to teach millenials on how to use basic hand tools.
Still can’t see the BLS source I see.

Your meme simply had the democraticunderground.com website link.......the economy is picking up and it has nothing to do with what the Barrypuppet did because whatever jobs "created" were not jobs that paid a living wage. He knew nothing about job creation and followed the Cloward-Piven model as a deep state op. Let me know if I can further educate you.......

nice try

Nice rebuttal.

yes because your post was a bunch of bullshit
Prove it.

the economy has proven it ya idiot
Nice numbers. Nice nothing.
All you have is “ You’re a poopy pants” and THIS CANT BE TRUE.... yet it is.

Tell me again what a great job creator Trump is.
President Obama kicked his ass again.
But don't tell him, he's rather fragile these days.

View attachment 170704

How did Obama do it?

Obama's first year in office unemployment numbers


January 2009. 7.8%

January 2010. 9.8%


January 2017. 4.8%

January 2018. 4.1%

Low only way he can get it lower now is slash welfare payment and force the bums to get a job

it will dip lower as more jobs are created (good jobs)

not fast food part time jobs like the leftist is bragging about

Tell me again what a great job creator Trump is.
President Obama kicked his ass again.
But don't tell him, he's rather fragile these days.

View attachment 170704

How did Obama do it?

Obama's first year in office unemployment numbers


January 2009. 7.8%

January 2010. 9.8%


January 2017. 4.8%

January 2018. 4.1%

Low only way he can get it lower now is slash welfare payment and force the bums to get a job

it will dip lower as more jobs are created (good jobs)

not fast food part time jobs like the leftist is bragging about


Under the Barrypuppet's regime? If you worked an hour a month, you were "employed"......
Tell me again what a great job creator Trump is.
President Obama kicked his ass again.
But don't tell him, he's rather fragile these days.

View attachment 170704

How did Obama do it?

Obama's first year in office unemployment numbers


January 2009. 7.8%

January 2010. 9.8%


January 2017. 4.8%

January 2018. 4.1%

Low only way he can get it lower now is slash welfare payment and force the bums to get a job


The claim
Black and Hispanic unemployment are at or near record lows.

The short answer
Trump's numbers are right, but it's generally a stretch for presidents to take credit for job creation.

The long answer
Trump is right that African-American unemployment hit a record low in December. The unemployment rate for black Americans is currently 6.8 percent, the lowest level recorded since the government started keeping track in January 1972.

this from the leftist NPR


FACT CHECK: Trump Touts Low Unemployment Rates For African-Americans, Hispanics
You calling Fox a liar? They won’t be pleased with you.
Tell me again what a great job creator Trump is.
President Obama kicked his ass again.
But don't tell him, he's rather fragile these days.

View attachment 170704

How did Obama do it?

Obama's first year in office unemployment numbers


January 2009. 7.8%

January 2010. 9.8%


January 2017. 4.8%

January 2018. 4.1%

Low only way he can get it lower now is slash welfare payment and force the bums to get a job

it will dip lower as more jobs are created (good jobs)

not fast food part time jobs like the leftist is bragging about


Under the Barrypuppet's regime? If you worked an hour a month, you were "employed"......

yes and it hurt the American worker

in the pocket book
Dude, your OP claims he did shitty....then you post an article saying he had a strong showing on jobs.

Are you retarded or schizophrenic?
Do you need glasses? The OP showed in graphic detail that 2017 was the worst year for jobs in the last 6 years. Who was president again last year?
Kind of funny....when reports about jobs were good in 2017, leftists would claim it was because of Obama...now that it is not being claimed to be as good as thought....now it's Trump's economy. You people have no idea how to think for yourselves, you'll just take whatever narrative your master's give you. Contradicting yourselves constantly.

I would hate to be you.
Are the graphics not big enough for you?
Don’t like the BLS?
You’re just pissing in the wind.
Lol....you didn't address the point I made. Every time we heard good news on the jobs and economy, you leftists always claimed that it was because of Obama, that Trump's policies hadn't taken effect yet... Now you are claiming it is Trump's economy because of that BLS report. You people are clowns and probably don't understand half the stuff you read on this topic.
Im just reporting stats. The official stats. Obviously they offend you.
You’re an idiot.

you got em from mcuniversity for your mcjobs
We just had the best Christmas shopping surge since 2007....if this continues it should help the struggling retailers. What difference one year makes

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