2020 Arizona Election Audit Release: September 24, 2021

The only thing that can truly verify the integrity of the election is being withheld. That is access of the administator and what happened there. Why?
They could give you everything you wanted, and you would want something else.
Please move on. This is not healthy for you and it is not healthy for our country.
They could give you everything you wanted, and you would want something else.
Please move on. This is not healthy for you and it is not healthy for our country.
Not true. They need the administrators password. Nothing else.

Don't you ever tell me what is good for this country, You haven't a clue and you hate this country.
Well yeah. When you scrub evidence and impede investigations, it's over. By the time the legal proceedings finish taking place, nobody cares.

It's brilliant strategy!
Or all 88 accusations failed to provide any evidence in court or in the court of public opinion. Sometimes a loss is just a loss.
Hardly answers my question. Hell, you believe there was no fraud because proven liars told you so. Come back when you have something to say.
Every single court case thrown out. When people say “I’ve got tons of evidence” then never show it, get thrown out of court, disbarred, and act like it’s so obvious but can’t prove it… it’s a fucking lie man. A fucking lie.
So the opinions of those way smarter than you like Doris Kearns Goodwin and Jon Meacham are worthless?
Cool story bra - Still need a punch? :)
they are t smarter then me.
Meacham especially…geez he tries way to hard
we’ve got to have Republican candidates who stand up and say, ‘Bunk, there is no election fraud, we lost the election fair and square'

And it’s time to look at ourselves and why we lost, and it’s because of an incumbent president who could not restrain himself and handed the White House to the Democrats and handed the Senate to the Democrats
Feel bad for some of these people, saw a give me money add from trump addressed to only for true patriot's. Some of these true believers really can not afford to send money to a billionaire.
Many of the rubes are what you see here -- aggressive, tribal, pugilistic, arrogantly ignorant, mal-informed, narcissistic, ersatz "patriots" who use their politics as a weapon 24/7. As far as I'm concerned, if they want to hand over their hard-earned money to this blatant con man like he's a traveling preacher in a mobile tent, it's their problem.

But some of the rubes seem to be sincere and well-meaning people who are essentially trapped in the alternate universe. They've bought into the whole thing and are completely terrified and paranoid. Those are the people who I feel bad for, because the money they contribute would be much better off back in their checking accounts.
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You can't. You're a fucking stupid politically radicalized sheep. Dime a dozen in this place. You're making it up as you go along.

Perhaps, stop.
I can't image they'd be able to stop unless and until they can somehow extricate themselves from the alternate universe and the MAGA media.

Some will, some won't. What the country desperately needs is for this to shrink just enough to fit back on the lunatic fringe where it came from.
Every single court case thrown out. When people say “I’ve got tons of evidence” then never show it, get thrown out of court, disbarred, and act like it’s so obvious but can’t prove it… it’s a fucking lie man. A fucking lie.
Not in their universe.

From what I saw, the Ninja guy laid out quite a bit of his "evidence" yesterday. If what he provided has merit, I'm sure there will be a line of top national attorneys forming around the block, as we speak. And I'm sure that they'll have zero (0) difficulty in getting judges to hear the case.

So I guess we'll find out soon enough.
The only thing any of them could do is inform the legislatures as to what changes in their laws they might consider. The demented, retard, tax cheat is already in the WH, that won't change.


No he got voted out November 3rd, 2020
"Trump is either intentionally misleading or staggeringly ignorant...both are bad."
You know, BB, gets it. It's either/or.
His post is too long for a bumper-sticker.......but there's truthiness there.

"As far as I'm concerned, if they want to hand over their hard-earned money to this blatant con man like he's a traveling preacher in a mobile tent, it's their problem."
Yeah, I guess I'm OK with that (tho see Mac below). It is their money. They can do with it what they will. But, ......but I'm thinkin' if I was the GOP chair of their state, or hell, even Rona McDaniels, chair of the RNC.....I'd be thinkin' ..."Sh*t! We sure could use that money to help in this race, or that race, or to publicize this policy initiative." Instead, it is going to a cabal of conmen and grifters who have tapped a vein of gullibility and they are gonna mine it till it's payload is in their offshore bank accounts.

Mac1958: "But some of the rubes seem to be sincere and well-meaning people who are essentially trapped in the alternate universe. They've bought into the whole thing and are completely terrified and paranoid. Those are the people who I feel bad for, because the money they contribute would be much better off back in their checking accounts."

Yes, there is an element of sadness and pity here.
The antecedents are Rush Limbaugh & Fox News.
They gathered this cult-like group of the discontented, the ne'er-do-wells, the down-sized, outsourced, mortgage-underwater unhappy souls. They created, in other words, a 'market demographic'. Steve Bannon saw it and married it up with Don Trump....and they then assembled a group of grifters and conmen to help them mine it. A money river happened.

And here we are.
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