2020 Arizona Election Audit Release: September 24, 2021

What I said is true. You cannot break laws in an election. This will be persued. If the AZ. legislature fixes the integrity problems a Democrat will never carry AZ. again. You know it, too.

Keep nominating idiots like Trumpy Bear and you’ll never win again -
I’ll send ya one to calm your frayed nerves!

If the repub party decides to nominate the Liar in Chief in 2024....they will have proven the old adage....YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID!
There were no security updates since 2019. That alone disqualifies the machines*.
See the post above (#620) about "hand counts".

Do your really even need those machines, poster Lastamender, if you count, and re-count, and re-count, .....those 2+ million ballots over and over again?
By hand?

"There was massive fraud."

Ah, yes.
This is a familiar mantra of some here.
It's akin to the charge ..."they stole the election".

And, as has been asked time and time again to those who make these corrosive allegations that are damaging the credibility of our American democracy....well, as has been asked before: Can you prove it?

If you can't then the responsible adult thing to do.....is not make the assertion publicly. It is corrosive.

And if you can prove it, well, ...... why haven't you?

Posting anonymously under a fake name on an internet gossipboard ain't really high on the effectiveness scale.
Nor is it high on the "He-Gets-Things-Done" scale of a man's worth.

Not my rules, poster Lastamender.
It is the way real-life reality works in the adult world.
Trust me. ;)

* I added that asterisk as I was thinking about "machines".
Thinking that this Arizona gig where the Cyber Ninjas found no fraud in the design or operation of the machines, well, how does that play in these various civil lawsuits against those folks who publicly and frequently asserted there was fraud?

Is today's report a good thing for Rudy? for Krakenpot Powell? Lin Wood? Pillowboy?
Does it strengthen their defense against the Dominion lawsuits against them?
Or weaken it?
See the post above (#620) about "hand counts".

Do your really even need those machines, poster Lastamender, if you count, and re-count, and re-count, .....those 2+ million ballots over and over again?
By hand?


Ah, yes.
This is a familiar mantra of some here.
It's akin to the charge ..."they stole the election".

And, as has been asked time and time again to those who make these corrosive allegations that are damaging the credibility of our American democracy....well, as has been asked before: Can you prove it?

If you can't then the responsible adult thing to do.....is not make the assertion publicly. It is corrosive.

And if you can prove it, well, ...... why haven't you?

Posting anonymously under a fake name on an internet gossipboard ain't really high on the effectiveness scale.
Nor is it high on the "He-Gets-Things-Done" scale of a man's worth.

Not my rules, poster Lastamender.
It is the way real-life reality works in the adult world.
Trust me. ;)

* I added that asterisk as I was thinking about "machines".
Thinking that this Arizona gig where the Cyber Ninjas found no fraud in the design or operation of the machines, well, how does that play in these various civil lawsuits against those folks who publicly and frequently asserted there was fraud?

Is today's report a good thing for Rudy? for Krakenpot Powell? Lin Wood? Pillowboy?
Does it strengthen their defense against the Dominion lawsuits against them?
Or weaken it?
What I said is a fact. You are an idiot, and a lazy one.
They(the Ninjas) have proof the machines should have never been used. There were no security updates since 2019. That alone disqualifies the machines. Next. There was massive fraud. Period.
I thought the illegal ballots were going to be their own proof? What happened to that?
"What I said is a fact. "
"There was massive fraud......"

Ah, my bad.
I should have typed in a bigger font.

But let me repeat it here, poster Lastamender, just for the sake of clarity:
(see post #628)
  • "Can you prove it?
    If you can't then the responsible adult thing to do.....is not make the assertion publicly. It is corrosive.

    And if you can prove it, well, ...... why haven't you?
    Posting anonymously under a fake name on an internet gossipboard ain't really high on the effectiveness scale.
    Nor is it high on the "He-Gets-Things-Done" scale of a man's worth.

Now, to be clear, I'm sure the hand inside the talking sock belongs to a smart responsible man who is a contributor to his family and his community.
However, the avatar he has employed here to communicate for him doesn't come across that way.

In fact, comes across, ummmm, somewhat differently.
If you know what I mean.

Ah, my bad.
I should have typed in a bigger font.

But let me repeat it here, poster Lastamender, just for the sake of clarity:
(see post #628)
  • "Can you prove it?
    If you can't then the responsible adult thing to do.....is not make the assertion publicly. It is corrosive.

    And if you can prove it, well, ...... why haven't you?
    Posting anonymously under a fake name on an internet gossipboard ain't really high on the effectiveness scale.
    Nor is it high on the "He-Gets-Things-Done" scale of a man's worth.

Now, to be clear, I'm sure the hand inside the talking sock belongs to a smart responsible man who is a contributor to his family and his community.
However, the avatar he has employed here to communicate for him doesn't come across that way.

In fact, comes across, ummmm, somewhat differently.
If you know what I mean.
The only thing that can truly verify the integrity of the election is being withheld. That is access of the administator and what happened there. Why?
so the takeaway is that this was a colossal waste of time

And anyone who is considering replicating it in their state, or taking further action based on this report, should not be considered a serious leader.

but Trump’s obsession with the 2020 election will never be dropped. I think he believes it, and it is a rallying point for the base. It’s something a lot of his supporters believe in.
so the takeaway is that this was a colossal waste of time

And anyone who is considering replicating it in their state, or taking further action based on this report, should not be considered a serious leader.

but Trump’s obsession with the 2020 election will never be dropped. I think he believes it, and it is a rallying point for the base. It’s something a lot of his supporters believe in.
You saw how sloppily this election was run, and the laws that were broken and you think it is nothing? I thought you were an asshole, now I am sure you are.

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