2020 Arizona Election Audit Release: September 24, 2021

The antecedents are Rush Limbaugh & Fox News.
They gathered this cult-like group of the discontented, the ne'er-do-wells, the down-sized, outsourced, mortgage-underwater unhappy souls. They created, in other words, a 'market demographic'. Steve Bannon saw it and married it up with Don Trump....and they then assembled a group of grifters and conmen to help them mine it. A money river happened.

And here we are.
Yeah. I'm not generally fond of pointing the finger at one individual person, but there is indeed a point of singularity to all of this, and that's the day Limbaugh's show went national. That, of course, led to any number of copycats (Hannity, Levin, Beck, et al), all of them pounding away, three hours a day. And then it simply exploded with the advent of Fox and then the internet.

I look at Limbaugh as The Father of the Alternate Universe, because he was the first to successfully convince millions not only that the media is 100% corrupt, but that they could "trust" his interpretation of reality at 100%. It's that kind of binary thinking that has the party rank & file so intellectually stunted and paralyzed today, and its leaders (most of whom know better) having to adjust their behaviors accordingly.

I often wonder if Limbaugh had any regrets about what he created.
Show me where I had a problem with his skin color, or admit you’re a liar.

Of course you never admitted it....
But we both know you'll never get over having a black man as president; no Conservative ever will.

Remember when you guys voted for decent people like Bush Sr, McCain, Romney and even W (relative to Trump)? Now it's all hate all the time. You've gone from "A million points of light" to someone who deprived kids in our custody of soap and toothpaste.
See the post above (#620) about "hand counts".

Do your really even need those machines, poster Lastamender, if you count, and re-count, and re-count, .....those 2+ million ballots over and over again?
By hand?


Ah, yes.
This is a familiar mantra of some here.
It's akin to the charge ..."they stole the election".

And, as has been asked time and time again to those who make these corrosive allegations that are damaging the credibility of our American democracy....well, as has been asked before: Can you prove it?

If you can't then the responsible adult thing to do.....is not make the assertion publicly. It is corrosive.

And if you can prove it, well, ...... why haven't you?

Posting anonymously under a fake name on an internet gossipboard ain't really high on the effectiveness scale.
Nor is it high on the "He-Gets-Things-Done" scale of a man's worth.

Not my rules, poster Lastamender.
It is the way real-life reality works in the adult world.
Trust me. ;)

* I added that asterisk as I was thinking about "machines".
Thinking that this Arizona gig where the Cyber Ninjas found no fraud in the design or operation of the machines, well, how does that play in these various civil lawsuits against those folks who publicly and frequently asserted there was fraud?

Is today's report a good thing for Rudy? for Krakenpot Powell? Lin Wood? Pillowboy?
Does it strengthen their defense against the Dominion lawsuits against them?
Or weaken it?
The former guy doesn't care about the country. He only cares about himself and his perceived humiliating defeat. He wants revenge and he thinks repeating the BIG LIE will convince a majority of Americans that it is true. The reality is....the more he repeats it, the more he is seen as a very disturbed man.

I am seeing more and more of his bumper stickers scraped off and more of his yard signs trashed. The term "lose with dignity" is not in his vocabulary.

God Help this Country. The former guy is out to destroy it.
Remember when you guys voted for decent people like Bush Sr, McCain, Romney and even W (relative to Trump)?
None of these people you mentioned are "decent" people fit to be politicians. What separates all of them from Trump is Trump is obviously amoral. It's all about the result and it doesnt matter how one gets the result. The others use their religion and their supposed superior morality in an attempt to mask them making horrific political decisions. So I guess it all depends how you look at it. I guess if none of these people were in politics and arent making decisions that are literally life and death, yes, Trump is unfit to be a human being while the others would be fit to live in a civilized society. IMO though, you want someone in the WH or Congress superior to someone that is simply fit to live in a civilized society.
Yeah. I'm not generally fond of pointing the finger at one individual person, but there is indeed a point of singularity to all of this, and that's the day Limbaugh's show went national. That, of course, led to any number of copycats (Hannity, Levin, Beck, et al), all of them pounding away, three hours a day. And then it simply exploded with the advent of Fox and then the internet.

I look at Limbaugh as The Father of the Alternate Universe, because he was the first to successfully convince millions not only that the media is 100% corrupt, but that they could "trust" his interpretation of reality at 100%. It's that kind of binary thinking that has the party rank & file so intellectually stunted and paralyzed today, and its leaders (most of whom know better) having to adjust their behaviors accordingly.

I often wonder if Limbaugh had any regrets about what he created.
I wager he does now....HOT REGRET....
The former guy is out to destroy it.
Trump is not out to destroy the country. Him seemingly destroying the country is a by-product of his main goal, to save face and embarrassment from being known as a loser. You saying he is out to destroy the country would imply he puts a great importance on the United States. NOTHING is more important to Donald Trump than Donald Trump.
None of these people you mentioned are "decent" people fit to be politicians.
Really? What makes you say that? This should be hilarious.
What separates all of them from Trump is Trump is obviously amoral.
Bein amoral makes you fit to be a politician?
It's all about the result and it doesnt matter how one gets the result.
He promised an infrastructure bill. Never happened.
He promised to replace Obamacare. Never happened.
He promised to build a wall. Never happened.
He promised that Mexico would pay for it. Never happened.

So apparently results didn't matter either.
The others use their religion and their supposed superior morality in an attempt to mask them making horrific political decisions.
So I guess it all depends how you look at it.
Actually, no it doesn't. Republicans used to vote for decent people and acted with some comportment. Now? All hate, all the time.
I guess if none of these people were in politics and arent making decisions that are literally life and death, yes, Trump is unfit to be a human being while the others would be fit to live in a civilized society. IMO though, you want someone in the WH or Congress superior to someone that is simply fit to live in a civilized society.
LOL... that made no sense.

Since 1980 (40 years ago).... The GOP controlled the White House for 24 years and numerous times controlled one or both houses of Congress. Save the "civility didn't work" BS.
I can't image they'd be able to stop unless and until they can somehow extricate themselves from the alternate universe and the MAGA media.
I was taking the tongue and cheek 'common sense' approach. I know it won't get through to dead ender magaturds. They don't want to leave their alternative maga realities. It makes them feel more important than they really are.
Really? What makes you say that? This should be hilarious.
Admittedly, that is my personal opinion based on their policies they were gung ho to push through. Of all of them, IMO, Romney would be the most fit "decent" person to be a politician. Old man Bush and younger Bush did some absolutely horrific things in their presidencies. Even though McCain was a POW, he had zero problems being a "war first" type of guy, sending Americans into potentially the same situation he was himself in Vietnam.

Bein amoral makes you fit to be a politician?
I never said that nor even implied it.

He promised an infrastructure bill. Never happened.
He promised to replace Obamacare. Never happened.
He promised to build a wall. Never happened.
He promised that Mexico would pay for it. Never happened.
Let me expand on what I meant here when I said "It's all about the result and it doesnt matter how one gets the result." when speaking of Trump. I was incomplete in my thought. It's all about results that benefit HIM (Trump) directly. None of the things you mentioned actually benefit him directly, not even from a political perspective.

George Bush's supposed deep seeded born again Christian bullshit was supposedly one of the driving forces (among others) into him invading Iraq.

LOL... that made no sense.
If you say so.
Why do you care so much? If he wants to lose over and over, as you say. You should ignore it and he’d go as way.

Why do you care so much? If he wants to lose over and over, as you say. You should ignore it and he’d go away.
The fat SOB isn't going anywhere. He is content grifting all the money he can he tries to take down our electoral process. You are fool enough to believe his lies. He is the greatest threat against this country since the Civil War. We will continue to call the traitor out until he shuts up.

The Arizona Audit Did NOT ‘Prove’ Joe Biden Won and the Reason that Narrative Exists Should Infuriate You​

Liz Harrington
Maricopa County fraudulently "verified and approved" mail-in ballots that had NO signature THEN multiple ballots were approved with the same exact name and address, matching signatures, but DIFFERENT voter IDs

The real juice in this audit was discovering how many ballots were manufactured in order to produce the desired outcome. That’s where it is crystal clear that the election was stolen. As we reported earlier, over 17K envelopes were duplicates. That’s more than enough to justify decertifying the election since the Biden-Harris ticket “won” by around 10K votes. If that was the only evidence of voter fraud that was found, then we could cry foul. But it wasn’t all that was found. Not by a longshot.

Again the narrative is not fact based. The ommission of this kind of information makes the media liars and enablers of the fraud. This will stop no one from knowing the truth that the election was stolen.

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The Arizona Audit Did NOT ‘Prove’ Joe Biden Won and the Reason that Narrative Exists Should Infuriate You​

Liz Harrington
Maricopa County fraudulently "verified and approved" mail-in ballots that had NO signature THEN multiple ballots were approved with the same exact name and address, matching signatures, but DIFFERENT voter IDs

There isnt anything that will prove to you Biden won the election fairly. It's because your mind is gone and you belong in a mental institution, away from any civilized society.
There isnt anything that will prove to you Biden won the election fairly. It's because your mind is gone and you belong in a mental institution, away from any civilized society.
Because Biden did not win fairly. Look at the report and tell me that election was run professionally or legally in any sense of the word.
Because Biden did not win fairly. Look at the report and tell me that election was run professionally or legally in any sense of the word.
I dont have to look at the report. Because I'm not mentally ill. The election was fair and decided in November 2020. How are you going to have enough time in your day in 2025 when a dem takes the WH again and you are still blathering on about 2020 when you'll then have to start in on your false claims about 2024?
I dont have to look at the report. Because I'm not mentally ill. The election was fair and decided in November 2020. How are you going to have enough time in your day in 2025 when a dem takes the WH again and you are still blathering on about 2020 when you'll then have to start in on your false claims about 2024?
You are wrong, and you are stupid.
Yeah. I'm not generally fond of pointing the finger at one individual person, but there is indeed a point of singularity to all of this, and that's the day Limbaugh's show went national. That, of course, led to any number of copycats (Hannity, Levin, Beck, et al), all of them pounding away, three hours a day. And then it simply exploded with the advent of Fox and then the internet.

I look at Limbaugh as The Father of the Alternate Universe, because he was the first to successfully convince millions not only that the media is 100% corrupt, but that they could "trust" his interpretation of reality at 100%. It's that kind of binary thinking that has the party rank & file so intellectually stunted and paralyzed today, and its leaders (most of whom know better) having to adjust their behaviors accordingly.

I often wonder if Limbaugh had any regrets about what he created.
Limbaugh was the best, most honest, hence the person the leftist democrats had to demonize and lie about, the most.

I find those who denigrate Rush to be thee most ignorant people around. Snobs really, pretending they know the truth when in fact they know nothing.

Rush had fun reporting on politics. Nobody was better. He died a very happy man, proud that he changed the world and will be remembered forever.
Limbaugh was the best, most honest, hence the person the leftist democrats had to demonize and lie about, the most.
Limbaugh is the reason you dont believe the election results anymore when they go against who you voted for.

History will view Limbaugh as a buffoon.

The Arizona Audit Did NOT ‘Prove’ Joe Biden Won and the Reason that Narrative Exists Should Infuriate You​

Liz Harrington
Maricopa County fraudulently "verified and approved" mail-in ballots that had NO signature THEN multiple ballots were approved with the same exact name and address, matching signatures, but DIFFERENT voter IDs

The real juice in this audit was discovering how many ballots were manufactured in order to produce the desired outcome. That’s where it is crystal clear that the election was stolen. As we reported earlier, over 17K envelopes were duplicates. That’s more than enough to justify decertifying the election since the Biden-Harris ticket “won” by around 10K votes. If that was the only evidence of voter fraud that was found, then we could cry foul. But it wasn’t all that was found. Not by a longshot.

Again the narrative is not fact based. The ommission of this kind of information makes the media liars and enablers of the fraud. This will stop no one from knowing the truth that the election was stolen.

Liz Harrington is another sad sack Trump grifter. Ho Hum - and Cha CHING! :D

Limbaugh was the best, most honest, hence the person the leftist democrats had to demonize and lie about, the most.

I find those who denigrate Rush to be thee most ignorant people around. Snobs really, pretending they know the truth when in fact they know nothing.

Rush had fun reporting on politics. Nobody was better. He died a very happy man, proud that he changed the world and will be remembered forever.

Nah, Fatsbo died a miserable man who had a tough time looking at himself in the mirror toward the end.

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