2020 G-7 To Be Held at Doral

What's the problem with Doral?

Doral is a beautiful, perfect place!


I think our liberal friends would be happier if the event was in a dump.
When the President is a crook you would expect many more investigations.
And prosecutions. Obama: very few investigations. Zero prosecutions. Hillary: lots of investigations. All prosecutions blocked. Seems to me we are about 93 short for Obumma and about 215 short for Hillary.

Trump and Trump corporations were involved in over 3500 legal proceedings before Trump was elected President. More than all Presidents added together.
That's probably because Trump is the only president to ever actually be an active private major businessman instead of a lifetime taxpayer leech. Ever check to see the number of legal proceedings most average companies are involved in these days? They have been trying to get him for years for bucking the system. And you expect that they are going to get him now? :21:
No way, you cannot be this stupid.
It is like saying a person is found not guilty of robbing a bank. He then goes out and robs another bank and you say he has already been found not guilty of robbing a bank in the past so he cannot be charged with robbing this bank.
What a great example of the absolute stupidity of Trump minions.

Let me know when Trump is found guilty of violating the Emoluments Clause, rant all you want Derp but Trump isn't doing anything any different now than before that he was already cleared of any wrong doing of. :21:
Excuse me, I didn'trealize you represent the DOJ and are able to predetermine anyone's guild before any type of legal proceedings.

WHY NOT? Obumma did it when the IRS investigation was underway and wasn't even half concluded about Lois Lerner, et al, and Obumma stepped in to state unequivocally that "no corruption, not even a hint" would be found! How could he know?! Some consider that, speaking about an ongoing investigation, to be tampering, almost as bad as an attorney general meeting privately on the tarmac of an airport in secret with a man while his wife is under investigation for felonies!!!

Degree of DOJ or DNC interest in Obumma tampering? Zero.
Number of DOJ or DNC investigations of Loretta Lynch? Zero.
Number of investigations and accusations into Trump so far for everything from his toothpaste to what brand TP he uses? So far, about 65.

Democrats are 0-1 against Trump. 0-2 if you include Mueller. Soon to be 0-3 with their impeachment crap.
Next year, it will be 0-4.
When the President is a crook you would expect many more investigations.
Trump and Trump corporations were involved in over 3500 legal proceedings before Trump was elected President. More than all Presidents added together.

Hillary Clinton was a big boss at Walmart, and they had quite a few legal proceedings during her tenure there, directing the operation.
couple issues, number one, Hillary was never President. Second, Hillary was never a majority owner of WalMart
Hillary Clinton was a big boss at Walmart, and they had quite a few legal proceedings during her tenure there, directing the operation.
couple issues, number one, Hillary was never President. Second, Hillary was never a majority owner of WalMart

Hillary wasn't president in 1996, 2008 or 2016. And won't be in 2020 either.

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Yeah, if you live in a monarchy.
Americans who still support Trump have never had any life experiences outside of this country.
That's becoming blatantly clear.
You spend some time in REAL socialist/closed society countries as I have and you wouldn't be thinking this is so fucking great.
It takes baby steps to change a country's government.

Unfortunately, it usually takes a revolutionary war.
Like the ones we've had here over the last 400 years.

WTF does that mean? Where are YOU?

Yeah, if you live in a monarchy.
Americans who still support Trump have never had any life experiences outside of this country.
That's becoming blatantly clear.
You spend some time in REAL socialist/closed society countries as I have and you wouldn't be thinking this is so fucking great.

Some of US don't at all mind the notion of a REAL socialist/closed society country, it just has to be set up the right way for the right people, that's all. In fact, that's the goal;, and to reach the goal, the economic system and political system must only work for a chosen entitled few with concentrated wealth and authoritarianism. To this end, the societal wealth extraction, concentration and redistribution must continue as it has over the past half century. Capital no longer needs legions of american workers to extract societal wealth so a strong middle class is no longer required.

I wonder if these Trump idiots can see themselves in the streets with face masks and umbrellas facing off with police like people in Hong Kong.
I wonder if they have the stones to do something like that.
Well, one thing is for sure, they DO LOVE being TOLD what to think.
Under Obama we Trump adherents saw the sell out of Israel no matter what side you are on, The massive tax increases in Obamacare, Massive riots and murders with not a word from the President, Extremist feminist agendas maximized, Extremist gay and lesbian agendas maximized, And the man of hope and change dividing the nation behind the scenes with his sorority women administration that may never heal. 8 years of this. and he is still doing it behind the scenes. A nice healthy stock market collapse will let all of you see what he has done. If you see kumbaya if that happens then we withstood him. His job as a globalist is to bring the United States Of America down.

Considering the fact that Mueller worked day and night for 2 years to look for anything incriminating Donald J Trump, and came up with nothing.

I'd say Trump is the most innocent President God ever created.

Polish Prince is the most gullible Trump lover God ever created.

You can think whatever you want, but B. Hussein O would have wilted in 1 week under the investigative pressure Trump has been under. He received nothing but praise from the Lame Stream Media from the day he announced for President.
Donald Trump has absolutely no shame.
Trump has identified that it does not look good to have the son of the VP on a board of a foreign compant making big bucks. I
Then he turns around and awards the contract to hold the G7 conference at one of his own resorts. Mulltiple millions of US tax payer dollars and foreign money pouring into his own business

He is in the middle of more problems than at any time of his Presidency; blow back fro his Syria decison, losing more manufacturing jobs, impeachment, staffers quitting, the wall is not being built and Mexico is definitely not paying for it,

Every decsion he makes is based on what is best for him. He has no shame.

I think he is mentally imbalanced.
Na, not really
Quit crying

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