2024 Republican nominee poll

Paul Ryan or Don Jr?

  • Ryan

  • Trump

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Diamond Member
Jun 5, 2008
trump doesn’t need to run again in 2024. Whoever he endorses will continue his policies and tactics. So who’s going to be the gop nominee in 2024? Paul Ryan or Don jr?
I thought eyepatch dude would have been a shoe-in as he ticks all the boxes, but anyone who betrayed Trump should never get the nomination.
I'm keen on a Candace Owens-Don Jr ticket.
The rest are scum.
Hopefully we will see new faces in the coming years like Lara Loomer and some of the recently elected women. They seem more ballsy than the eunuchs.
You need a "None of the Above" option. The Bubble Elite won't let Paul win any more than they let Trump win. That I can see now. Don Jr won't be like his dad and people will see that.

Best prospects are probably DeSantis and/or Cruz. They would make a good 1-2 combo.

I would have said Rubio but I think he sat back too often during Trumps term when he should have been more forceful about winning for America. If, he has bigger ambitions.

Nikki Haley also appears weak and a little too Status Quo. No GOP voter is going to vote for her, maybe a few GBW supporters will roll up in their wheelchairs and pull the lever, but not nearly enough for a G.E win. She is smart, could have made a good V.P choice this time, but she's an appeaser.

Ultimately the Dems will win in 2024 anyways, probably an election or two after as well. They know how to politick.

Just look how wisely they drew anti-Trump sentiment from GOP and then dropped the big "I word" on them when they were basking in throwing Trump under the bus with only two weeks left. Many of them know the impact it will have on their careers, and so do the Dems.

They are like pressure salesman at your door. They close the assumptive sale and corner their target as soon as they get approval of any kind.
The question is.....Which Republicans will bear the Stink of Trump?
The answer is.....All of them

Up till a week ago, it looked like Trump would be a power broker in 2024. Now, he is the Kiss of Death
The question is.....Which Republicans will bear the Stink of Trump?
The answer is.....All of them

Up till a week ago, it looked like Trump would be a power broker in 2024. Now, he is the Kiss of Death

Trump will be relevant in 2024, it just won't matter. The dye has been cast.

Here is my recommendation:

Assuming the dems put Kamala up, any of these should win easily, unless voter fraud is rampant again...

Mike Pompeo, 1st in his class at West Point
Mike Pence, knows DC
Ted Cruz, very smart, knows DC
Nikki Haley, low negatives, MSM can't beat her up
Tom Cotton, young vet
Kristi Noem, good VP pick
NOT: Hogan, Rubio, Christie, Graham, or any Trump, turn the fucking page on these
Mike Pompeo, 1st in his class at West Point
Mike Pence, knows DC
Ted Cruz, very smart, knows DC
Nikki Haley, MSM can't beat her up
Tom Cotton, young vet
Kristi Noem, good VP pick
Not Hogan, Rubio, Christie, Graham, or any Trump, turn the fucking page on these

Ah yes, I forgot about Pompeo. I don't see any sign he has such ambitions though. He still won't win, the uphill battle will be immense. There is a major shift going on and there are many who look at America as just another piece of land. The sooner history is censored, along with certain ideology, the better in their eyes.

They will get PLENTY of support by the zombies.
The question is.....Which Republicans will bear the Stink of Trump?
The answer is.....All of them

Up till a week ago, it looked like Trump would be a power broker in 2024. Now, he is the Kiss of Death
LOL!! You haven't begun to smell the democrat AHs yet, stand by...
in 2024 you have Kamala....UGH.
Mike Pompeo, 1st in his class at West Point
Mike Pence, knows DC
Ted Cruz, very smart, knows DC
Nikki Haley, MSM can't beat her up
Tom Cotton, young vet
Kristi Noem, good VP pick
Not Hogan, Rubio, Christie, Graham, or any Trump, turn the fucking page on these

Ah yes, I forgot about Pompeo. I don't see any sign he has such ambitions though. He still won't win, the uphill battle will be immense. There is a major shift going on and there are many who look at America as just another piece of land. The sooner history is censored, along with certain ideology, the better in their eyes.

They will get PLENTY of support by the zombies.
I'd love to run Elon Musk, I think he's a TX Republican, but I think he was not born a US citizen?!
The question is.....Which Republicans will bear the Stink of Trump?
The answer is.....All of them

Up till a week ago, it looked like Trump would be a power broker in 2024. Now, he is the Kiss of Death
LOL!! You haven't begun to smell the democrat AHs yet, stand by...
in 2024 you have Kamala....UGH.
The Trump name is Poison
He blew any chances for 2024
The question is.....Which Republicans will bear the Stink of Trump?
The answer is.....All of them

Up till a week ago, it looked like Trump would be a power broker in 2024. Now, he is the Kiss of Death
LOL!! You haven't begun to smell the democrat AHs yet, stand by...
in 2024 you have Kamala....UGH.
The Trump name is Poison
He blew any chances for 2024
He just polled 75 million votes, and was beaten by a cheat.
I agree though that a young dynamic person would be better with a nod from the Don.
Nikki Haley
She's too big into foreign wars.
WTF are you talking about?? She was a governor and worked at the UN.
She was heavily responsible for the Syria debacle whilst in the U.N.
Stop being a moron, what Syria debacle? (hint: that was Obama). She had nothing to do with Syria. Trump micromanaged the destruction of ISIS, to the point of disagreeing with his generals to pull back in the face of the Turkish invasion. The generals were worried about the Kurds, Trump was worried about the US troops. Trump was right, the generals were wrong. To makeup with the Kurds Trump gave them some oil fields to fund their own defense.
A trucker who knows how to deliver that midnight truck.

Other candidates don't matter.

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