208 Republicans just voted to block immigrants who served in the US military from becoming Americans

We have a President who has continually said the border is secure it’s pretty hard to deal with a problem when you won’t even acknowledged the problem exist.
If anyone knows it's a problem Biden does and he's dealing with the situation. Not just bad-mouthing it and doing nothing about it.
Now I’m wondering if the military knowingly enlists illegal aliens?

They don't. There is a LOT of paperwork that a person must fill out in order to enlist, and those things are looked at to make sure the person is eligible to serve. No, the military doesn't enlist illegal aliens, knowingly or otherwise.

If a recruiter knowingly TRIED to enlist someone who was ineligible, they would be found out at MEPS, and if not there, in boot camp. And, the recruiter in question would receive disciplinary action from the military and removed from recruiting. There would also be questions asked of their station head, as well as the district.
These republicans are pigs to renege after the fact. Was Cadet Bone Spurs leading the betrayal?
how is 'Cadet Bone Spurs' any worse than the 'I can't enlist because I have asthma' high school jock we have now?

(psst, they have an equal amount of deferments)
how is 'Cadet Bone Spurs' any worse than the 'I can't enlist because I have asthma' high school jock we have now?

(psst, they have an equal amount of deferments)

Interestingly enough, there were a few people who tried to enlist while I was running the MEPS in Amarillo, and they were all disqualified by the doctors. A person with asthma as a current condition will not be accepted for enlistment. If a person had asthma that they had treated and had overcome, there is a timeline, as well as a LOT of requirements that must be met and certified by a doctor (one of them being no asthma attacks for at least 3 years prior to enlistment). I remember a parent who came to MEPS to protest their child being refused with the excuse that they had participated in HS athletics even in spite of having it. Their kid was still denied enlistment, and told what requirements (as well as the timeline) that had to be met before they could enlist.
how is 'Cadet Bone Spurs' any worse than the 'I can't enlist because I have asthma' high school jock we have now?

(psst, they have an equal amount of deferments)
In most cases heel spurs don't cause any significant pain or disability. In fact, they often go completely unnoticed. Because of this, they are a rare excuse for military deferment or disqualification. Asthma can be severe and is a common cause of military deferment or disqualification.
When I got my parking ticket the officer said it was a violation. He never said it was a crime.
Also,I looked up synonyms for violation, it never mentioned crime. The synonyms listed were contravention or breach.
Immigration has been a problem for at least 20 years. Obviously what we had in place was not working. This sounds like many progressive steps to undo the crisis at the border. When trump was President he reduced legal immigration and basically shut down the immigration courts by not funding them. That made matters worse, creating a huge backlog in immigration and the numbers greatly increased at the border. He didn't propose any real solutions for the situation. At least now we have a president that's trying to deal with the situation.

I keep hearing people making this claim with no proof that it ever happened. I don't recall any of that happening. Got a :linky:

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