208 Republicans just voted to block immigrants who served in the US military from becoming Americans

If homeland security has anything to do with these foreign men and women who serve in our military it's probably to vett them. They are here legally. End of story.

Yeah, like "dreamers", who are here illegally and were illegally given temporary status by the criminal maobama.

The law, and who would that be ? I already told you the department of Homeland security calls them " respondents ". Maybe you mean local police. I don't know, you're not very specific with your statements.

My God, you just went from stupid to full on retard. The law is not a "who". You must be one of those illegal aliens to not know that.

Yeah, like "dreamers", who are here illegally and were illegally given temporary status by the criminal maobama.

Actually during Obama's time he reduced the numbers of undocumented immigrants. The exact opposite occurred when trump was president, the numbers grew because he basically dismantled the immigration courts so they weren't being processed. Immigration is a working system in any Nation. In a nation is great as ours it shouldn't be any problem. But years of neglect and abuse have led to this deplorable situation.
You assume guilt. The court does not. Adjudication is their function, not criminalization. That's how civil society works. We are still a civilized Nation.

Bullshit, they have already been deemed illegal, the EOIR is just the due process before we send their asses home.

I just read that article you posted and it sounds like trump really fucked things up.

Illegal aliens are looking for loopholes so thfy can game the system and trump put a stop to it
Bullshit, they have already been deemed illegal, the EOIR is just the due process before we send their asses home.

You seem to forget; we have a law in this country that stands above all other laws. A person is innocent until they are proven guilty, there are no exceptions to that American law.
You seem to forget; we have a law in this country that stands above all other laws. A person is innocent until they are proven guilty, there are no exceptions to that American law.

Yet your dear leader maobama use drones to blow the shit out of US citizens with zero due process. So I guess there are exceptions. Perhaps we should do the same to the illegal aliens invading our country.

Yet your dear leader maobama use drones to blow the shit out of US citizens with zero due process. So I guess there are exceptions. Perhaps we should do the same to the illegal aliens invading our country.

You are the one who is crazy. I have to wonder where all this hatred and anger comes from. Were you abused as a child or something. It's really sick anyway. Good luck, sounds like you need it. Try to have a good day, I plan on it. Later.
also in the bill

Among other things, the bill also

  • redefines for immigration purposes the term conviction to exclude convictions that have been expunged or vacated,
  • requires the Department of State to implement a strategy to advance reforms in Central America and address key factors contributing to migration from the region to the United States,
  • requires the State Department to establish refugee processing centers in Central America,
  • requires Customs and Border Patrol sectors and stations to have a certain number of employees with certain qualifications such as paramedic training,
  • generally prohibits religious discrimination in granting or denying immigration benefits, and
  • establishes grant programs for providing training and services to immigrants.
How awful. :uhoh3:

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