21 , guiltless, life in prison, most tyrannical government in humanity

Mike Dwight

VIP Member
Jul 23, 2017
Anybody else know about this? They use lasers workarounds and cloak and dagger and anything that doesn't leave a mark, you're in a well, all the same. They're investigating when you Earn full letter grades and student-based interactions alone. I never cared to bother anything or made any offense to anybody. They Bothered my schedule to almost steal my bachelor degree, lie that I ever told any agenda, groupmates had the agenda that their groups naturally have to respond to. Never follow police advice in anything. They'll PRETEND they captured any noteworthy testimony when they beat you senseless and say it won't stop unless you cooperate with police interrogations where they have Agendas and you don't want to be there on your life ever. They Destroy the opportunity to find jobs, relationships, surround everything around you with bullies , paid informant bullies to the last person you know. They work like professional counselors, and yet, the kind that were Requirements to have to deal with in Custody, and you have to name an issue before they let you go, which is Horrible testimony, that they then Disclose. They the Police, will Claim there is no participation you can do on Any case, asked about on the nose. There has never been the beginning of a reason for a charge ever stated for me, and this simply isn't the American government anybody should be able to live in. In custody of Angry men about professionalism then we're digging at sexual conquests, angry discipline officers we're talking about conduct rules, angry professors then we're talking about marketing, but oh, then all this bothering me had a point or a direction or an origin I needed to acknowledge which was forever false.
I got any number of reasons they might fancy interrogations that look popular or Social. They pick out their favorites. I don't know any choices or willpower choices I choose to have in some 3rd Text format for Cops again! If the Professors didn't commission extra credit On me meeting students then I Never would meet anybody that anybody likes talking about! If I wasn't lastly shoring up a community project grade where the Students grade each other then I wouldn't have personality about anything. My parents should deal with first and last consequence of an unwanted expenditure called four year college I was yelled into complying with every experience, which is there prerogative and consequence.
My own family turned over on their only-born son for backstabbing gangs of liars and instantly , to make every foundation of life an instant lie in early 2009. That said head of Liars fancied pretending to know any information about students and "emotional responses" and "emotional conditioning" and the totally made up "emotional threat" that came from nowhere one day, and string together consequential events. Consequential events involved framing people regardless of character whenever anybody wanted them to, whenever there's false urgency, and regardless of total cooperation and positive efficiency with exactly any interactions and myself they could be concerned with.
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What special guy has computer time today? OP! :spinner:

It's gonna be OK, guy. :11_2_1043:You're among friends! :huddle:
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I was gain-only efficient in a straight line of uninterrupted activity with any student profile that confirmed positivity for real estate in exactly the areas of their professional interest. Instead Cops use this to show off lying with a man who Shuts Down free advancement, Regardless, in total judgmental condemnation, for an opportunity for These sorts of condemnations, of lying profiles and Attitudes. I accurately reflect Listening to a man and his level of sociability and which Transfers out of my hands to whomever he Chooses to grant observational status. There has never been one reason for police to control my actions or behavior which is more admirable than anybody I was meeting. The interest of speaking to me by the interrogator only Exists and therefore the experience Only exists in his Particular interest of harm.
Anybody else know about this? They use lasers workarounds and cloak and dagger and anything that doesn't leave a mark, you're in a well, all the same. They're investigating when you Earn full letter grades and student-based interactions alone. I never cared to bother anything or made any offense to anybody. They Bothered my schedule to almost steal my bachelor degree, lie that I ever told any agenda, groupmates had the agenda that their groups naturally have to respond to. Never follow police advice in anything. They'll PRETEND they captured any noteworthy testimony when they beat you senseless and say it won't stop unless you cooperate with police interrogations where they have Agendas and you don't want to be there on your life ever. They Destroy the opportunity to find jobs, relationships, surround everything around you with bullies , paid informant bullies to the last person you know. They work like professional counselors, and yet, the kind that were Requirements to have to deal with in Custody, and you have to name an issue before they let you go, which is Horrible testimony, that they then Disclose. They the Police, will Claim there is no participation you can do on Any case, asked about on the nose. There has never been the beginning of a reason for a charge ever stated for me, and this simply isn't the American government anybody should be able to live in. In custody of Angry men about professionalism then we're digging at sexual conquests, angry discipline officers we're talking about conduct rules, angry professors then we're talking about marketing, but oh, then all this bothering me had a point or a direction or an origin I needed to acknowledge which was forever false.
I got any number of reasons they might fancy interrogations that look popular or Social. They pick out their favorites. I don't know any choices or willpower choices I choose to have in some 3rd Text format for Cops again! If the Professors didn't commission extra credit On me meeting students then I Never would meet anybody that anybody likes talking about! If I wasn't lastly shoring up a community project grade where the Students grade each other then I wouldn't have personality about anything. My parents should deal with first and last consequence of an unwanted expenditure called four year college I was yelled into complying with every experience, which is there prerogative and consequence.
My own family turned over on their only-born son for backstabbing gangs of liars and instantly , to make every foundation of life an instant lie in early 2009. That said head of Liars fancied pretending to know any information about students and "emotional responses" and "emotional conditioning" and the totally made up "emotional threat" that came from nowhere one day, and string together consequential events. Consequential events involved framing people regardless of character whenever anybody wanted them to, whenever there's false urgency, and regardless of total cooperation and positive efficiency with exactly any interactions and myself they could be concerned with.
Heavens, what were you accused of?
Who has to tell you anyway, Jackson?! Conspiracies large enough involve some sort of selfish gain out of all parties and no coherent strategy of rationality or deal-making. I've been accused it Seemed like, that there is a magic line where all of you will feel harassed, because this is a 3rd message I wrote on my thread. some sort of magic line like that we should know. Then I was accused of emotional threats or fright, maybe I'm antisocial . I was accused that I hit on married women, totally uncharacteristic impossibilities. There was an accusation I was pushing opinions. Here is where it all comes together, none of them really bother to make Any sense to me, and not that I'm ever going to Provide Falsely the idea that I should have ever known better in any particular events, and they just harden their visage and come up with a line with inestimable losses in tow, I can't work, I can't apply for education , I can't dictate people coming to truth in matters. You can never tell how the lies about yourself told to others in some convincing manner just affects your entire life and its outcomes with people, and nobody ever gives you a fair discussion of any grudges.
Well how is it that my Characteristic and full cooperation in pursuit of Professionalism is slapped aside with Curses to be followed up by All their disgracable favoritism of social media platforms clearly to out to society, or friends or for themselves or something, their made up pre-determined minority report about people that never did a racist or harmful attitude to anybody. That isn't made to prove anything.
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I should be just fine without all the impositions. My family wanted quote 'get rid of a house by any means' and I Quickly would include my First business insider for free, and Igot imposed on in ambush to discuss new developments or any information, which is nonexistent, because its all linked to a one-way ticket to an idiot's inquisition, and an idiot's outlook and social rot.

Everybody met every studygroup and their husbands and compliment the necessity they represent and of the accounting professors. Impose a facebook, that already isn't going to be acceptable to family or anybody, impose an attitude that is the 3rd time the police or going to Sort something out from me, impose the 3rd time anyone from his family makes up 'I hit on married women'. Get literally 90 messages about wide collaborations and talk about 2 that are dealing with his horsecrap. He already completely insulted "why would I get a house?!" he completely insulted the business of being there, there was no way to interpret finishing the business was coexistant with 'no further contact' with anyone and 'never set foot' anywhere and here we are to beg relevance, but no one had any clue or good prospect from doing his stupid demands to talk at anything, or clue that anything of consequence is ever prevailing all the taunting and his typical representation of the 4 prongs of 'harassment', meaningless communication, no purpose of communication, and assault, and stalking.

My routes to jobs or education are officially blocked by similar gossip, and that's how bullying, how determined, how competitively bulldozing every moment of 10 years is, no to your outlook on it and yes to the other outlook, and who should care, you should punch a cop back at that rate, no words then I'm still down on the opportunities and the physical violence.
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If you brainstorm it, why do they have interests in predetermined outcomes with the programs they made for profiled personalities. How's that connect to my lack of any choices , or visible outcomes, and having cooperated with professors and students? Whats it have to do with the real estate anyone can get off my hands immediately and in person? Why is there questions about my politics I don't have , and I'm pushed out in public scrutiny? Well I immediately and forever after wanted to thwart off all these doomsayers and evidence collectors and insulted the idea they're going to link me with the social outlets and anything there for evidence.an unaltered one to one competitive argument predates it a year. I never bother to hold grudges when its active a year later with Tricks that will set the tone for anything else.

Well what else? They Never Did accept the highest effort, because they didn't accept contact then the highest efficiency of that is money and assets which was Given multiple times. That Also was a Disruptive harassment unfitting for college students? I am in my rights, IN the lie that's anyone is social on their social outlet, Any point to a 3rd text collection lie for cops again, and that cooperative meetings happen at ANY locations at any later dates.

Well, anybody can barge in on you and anyone you've Sort of met and waste 10 years of your life antisocially too. I promoted to Everybody characteristics of being a college student and its defined goals expectations and boundaries.
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These brother's got a business in 2009 that's only there for them to have all their employees around and titillate about married women crimes, that's what they wanted to do. The other brother, had around 6 people family and others around to have the same story. Their social media is harder to do than any job, where they will have the story that decides they're done with it, where I was the only direct workable action that is acceptable person that wasn't interested in wasting a minute from anybody. In the first place, I'm led for maybe 10 Years that I'm supposed to be able to Influence what purpose they have on social media interrogations.
I'm supposed to take from the illegal procedures professorial that when I was most cooperative with formal effort from the students that any students were hindered in anything and that's why they'd have to delay proof from action that would immediately exonerate 1. they know anything 3rd person of any actual reported social annoyance or harassment about me 2. that any of my actions were harmfully ignorant. If everyone were allowed to interact furtherthen I obviously don't know Any substantial information about misunderstandings, I'm not difficult for any students in their degree program, they have to go by automatic acceptance criteria. They put the Chair of mental examination and suicide likelihood bubblesheets in charge of my Personal graduate application, I mean marketing.
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What is Anyone going to say on a program dictated through power because the Only interest anyone ever held in me is their arbitrary sexual charges. Then arbitrary sexual texts to capture for the 3rd time?! That's going to be NOTHING! That's going to be LESS THAN NOTHING, I Cooperated with point-blank authority and am in a Objectively better position than whenever I was attacked to do it.
WORSE YET, promoting disregard to their causeless, unexplained, caustic, tactic to advance their meaningless insults is going to be ATTACKED? That's Impossible. It's impossible to insult porn term usage, police testing dialogue, trigger words, and Nothing of cause is available to me, that is not prosecutable, that's not substantial.
No one was ever associated to a reputationless bastard of a program that is in repetitive character to be disclaimed whenever they're done with the internet, as is their common repetitive practice. As is any choices of mine are completely ignoring and ignorant to the USELESS point of 10 years that only IDIOTS and FOOLS could have been so obsessed with.
No logical disclosure of mine was ever in practice when myviewpoint was Discarded, "fuck me", I need to "Fucking listen", when I "stalk businessmen" , bam ' the police know about this" and "I need to facebook" repeated 3 times on no reason, persuasion or authority but PAIN and Physicial Assault and Police Sanctioning of the SAME is the reasoning that everyone likes to dig into TODAY.
I can't be sorry about any of my behavior at any time or its effects on anyone. I don't see that, I never saw it with any discipline officer of any university or department, totally disregarding to that, and disregarding to anyone who wasted a second of interaction involuntary to Ruin a healthy lifestyle or without faults of offense for 10 years and for any reason, and the return should be double at anybody screwing with anything.
The idea is made up that a penniless student was self-capable of plans of tomorrow let alone forced on others or students or anybody, and that any occurrences are ever aids.

I specifically, uprightly, and with straightforward clarity brought business through this Same facebook, to have a meeting Confirmed about what is agreed Useful transaction, to have it denied by himself and anyone else in person, to Continue an experience never contributed to or aided by any humanity of anyone ever for 5 years, and to be taken on some false ride about sincerity or logic toward a Designed deceptive practice. It is first day sociable engratiation and adjustment to be full of lies to a deceptive attempt to publish myself deceptively.

Everyone's business with me was "Concluded" on the social scale. There were no more meetings. There is an intolerable Excuse that involves how anybody relates! My first and Only proposition was fixed, final monetary Movement. My first Only and Final contact were other responsible parties like my parents. They Managed through total lack of caring, skill, or social sense, to make anything a difficulty placed on myself. Leave it to Others to make teachable lessons for Any party out of it, as well!
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I tell you, at the end of my first year of college, the professors won't talk to anybody like highschool teachers, so my first year they Took me by the Wrist for their "counseling services", where they get any dirt they can and send a letter home I'm suicidal! Well I got a question, as if it's not hard enough to Ignore them and not be And, finish 3 more years of a 4 year degree, then they want Dr. Wren's marketing department ferret out people they don't like. They do that by having supposed "access" to previous examinations I never mentioned. Their entire college will kick you out on all this same junk, on nothing, on no qualified or qualifying reasons at all. When you write the graduate committee chaired by Dr. Wren about the suicidal mental examinations he himself is totally ^ obsessed about digging into 2 years ago, then they write home, about writing about the suicidal note they dragged you by the wrist to involuntary meetings the first, 2nd, and 3rd time to insenuate, and they insinuated I have social facebook neds and sexual needs and Asian studentharassment and they'd follow anybody right here, and they gave my parents a 3rd set of lies on that too. Those, those are just Sticking around, that's some Permanent leave the state sort of lies with a gun aand come back when you got the time.

Isn't their office of Counsel required to forward their findings if I gave it to them that whole university is discriminating students? I didn't hear back anything. I didn't hear back anything when they personalize my experience or anyone else's in some particular way. My Automatic Acceptance numbers are "rejected because I pushed religion" , the 'harassment of professors and staff' when these were Current professors I have to talk to or college coordinated groupmembers specifically and exclusively. The total forthright screening of lifestyle as a test requirement. So 710 GMAT and 3.4 GPA was Harvard Standard and their anti-hick shitville left me with security get-off-campus reject crap and McDonald's would have been nice to begin with, so forget about making any inroads in anything for 10 years, BS.

Students Turned out, without any Information disclosed to Me about any issues or offenses, still did not want to be spoken to, on the legal level. That's out of my understanding or hands, and I'm on social facebook or anywhere, exposed to Public , the only people being interested in me wanting to keep shoving at me their sexual revolution marketing , and why's no one see this Aegyo Scheme, its all mock sexual poses to sexualize marketing about what the marketer puts on facebook. Marketers openly 'I harassed' a string of Asian students like I did that already, like I was out of my way, and wasn't focused on suitable conduct. I'm simply being taken for a ride with their controlling hacking scheme. So there Does Not Exist me speaking Christianity to Any students of Any Race until their Korean student Pointedly publicly and personally and pointedly and denominationally identifies her Personal Philosophical Viewpoint of a singular God of the world! Its as If, intellect and Conversation is topical. I don't have Any damn religious harassment record over there.
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What else? She has all the opinions publicly for everybody about lack of marital wealth, or family business, and I don't interfere or investigate anywhere. That makes everybody else out of touch douchebags and losers. I will get Everybody does exactly every step I do. Tell "I didn't hit on married women" and " I protect marriage" and I don't stalk people, to either of them, both of them, they don't listen , they don't care and that's how they Made something to type to, so no one's going to Ever give a DAMN about what they are talking about and typing about.
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:O :O O: Is supposedly an excited attitude to then find out they hold onto immature, minute of vague interaction, for more than a year of Grudge, to mean that pictures Will be a deception. The study of pictures whether delivered instantly, and in series, and in clear nonverbal communication will be deceptive and this requirement to continue since 2010 to 2015 will be Only producing deception on myself the whole time with whatever it is they Cotninue to want to use in the same method. They posted within Seconds excited and friendly pictures of what appeared to be a classmate or his Wife depending on context of attitude, many of those, they pretend I should Feel Guilty WHATSOEVER about my discovered activities among ANYBODY, no I don't, and they tell me To Continue an activity where pictures and their expressions will only deceive mislead myself, and also, lead to nothing but a man's playing around. That's the fate accepted and in store to begin with when I Demand not to do something twice and he demands on authority that It will happen blindly Three times.I'm not aware of a single moral lapse in discovery or previously discovered about all the productive groups made for efficiency that everyone's updated on or that if she did approved of a meeting on that same finishline and these interactions should still be expectable by university standards and parental standards and police standards, and she met off campus and she had cultural or church meeting discussions and she had fundraisers of monetary donation to others in the student body.

Nobody has a record of anything of my attitude, anything of my life since reaching 18. What?! What would it be while they shout putdowns to project on me to help themselves out? I participated in her totally self-willed projects, she asked the teacher to make her own extra credit, I participated, she asked to make a culture presentation for Management, I Just participated, I never have any reason to be investigate and nobody has my attitude in anything I'm doing. I Never took an Interest in anything off campus 2006 to 2010 I ate lunchables and never met student groups or went to a cafeteria and had only the most straight-laced study or I'd leave and only one group, of varying composition, for all the degree's classes. Nobody has what I choose to have done anything, and it is all stuffed with the most despicable victimizing lies to hear everyone says it 'I chose to go myself and do something' and I made a disturbance, and a profile disassociated from her, and I'm legally not supposed to talk to Him or Her or Any family member and at his insistence facebooking would help Contribute to that Requirement, and no trolling thing is said to anyone where he said to continue for any reason.

my parents openly switch to the cloak and dagger team in 2010 and so is their purchases and nobody wonders into any of it on accident , and that's the quality of all the evidence that is false about everything. There's no sharing of my information anywhere, there are no sexual or shared posts anyway. There isn't a thing needed said when I have to be there. There isn't any point monitoring and trying to shame people and tie together nonexistent offenses. I don't ever have a habit with anything at all for years. Nobody has a single complaint about my sociability from highschool. Nobody in college had a sense-making complaint about any behaviors. My parents don't have and police don't have any complaints about any behaviors that are any problem. Nobody has my wish, statement or girlfriend alternative statement the first time or ever or any risktaking whatsoever that justified bald charges with law enforcement instantly. The fact that, of maybe 5 things that Could be described as Some sort of coherent complaint mechanism from emotion, threat,s harassment, hitting on, or repetitiveness, or other, this all has zoomed in immeasurably without my understanding all the time to where I Never have kissed any women, never had a date, never bragged to one person ever about any sexual idea ever, never had any suggestions or attempts to do so, that we're near an insult on reason itself with where they baldly strip all liberties to call out and derange sensible behavior.

What a Setup, 0 Friends, no enjoyment, Stay on a Facebook, or Social Media where you appear to be choosing something. its a burden on myself to be again be visible to scrutiny. I said 'it would make more sense to get off facebook to not talk to his family' is another time I had to be doing facebook along with it. I said I'd leave facebook just because that made sense and I'm not wanting to do that. People probably won't meet a serial killer in their life to meet you on the street with constant curses, competitive attitude, charges, and physical intimidation inch-away closeness all the time, while citing police, and all that usually with police updates and reviews, and martial art style assaults and chopping motions, and every person in society Will Not Meet a social engagement or priority or sensible greater priority of compliance, to whatever accompanied Not generalizing, universalizing, or encouraging , hysterical hysteria police vigilante Junk. Just like those sorts, where I said to FIVE PRofessors I have NO CLUE about their assertions, and to his brother in law I TOTALLY DENY and to her I Totally deny and I Do Not Care about his Personal collection platform a person I denied to 3 times, to snippet, edit, copy paste, and manipulate, exactly however he wants, his forced participation inputs,that realization even is on month 6 of a steady daily work output at the SAME profile and , the alarm if any from PREDICTABLE steady behavior was Never accepted or acceptable to happen.
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