21 incredible lesbians who’re loud, proud and making the world a better place

At least I understand the concept of a joke. I know you've seen a good joke everytime you pee.
That picture of you floating in the toilet? Good for a laugh and target practice. Now then. What was the actual topic? Oh yes. Incredible lesbians. Uhm. (Hm). Nope. I don’t care about the thread topic — so, I’m moving along.

Yes its Lesbian Visibility Week and I know my friends on this board would like to celebrate this event.

Here is a list of Lesbian achievers who are making a mark in the world.

Have they missed anyone out ?

Lets have a heated debate !!
I didnt see your name Commie
And you are the religious right wing fringe extremist

This is fun!
Please don't start the "HAHAHA" or the " Get 'em Ranger!" crap... this is actually a pretty good discussion.

Probably the best you and I have ever had.

"21 Incredible Lesbians"

For some reason, that strikes me as a great name for a male rock band.
Because if it is deemed as life saving treatment then the parents are neglecting the medical needs of the child
So parents should be forced to submit their child to radiation and chemo treatments, whether they want to put their child through it or not.

Talk about barbaric.
So parents should be forced to submit their child to radiation and chemo treatments, whether they want to put their child through it or not.

Talk about barbaric.
So parents should allow their kids to die a slow agonizing death from cancer when their was treatment available to save them?

Talk about barbaric
So patents should allow their kids to die a slow agonizing death from cancer when their was treatment available to save them?

Talk about barbaric
My point is, it's not my or your call to make... or the State's for that matter.

You want to ban one treatment but force another. Am I missing anything here?

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