23%, 53% Want To Secede

Oh goody, I love secession threads, brings out all the dumb-ass confederates who want to try it again.

Yeah, because it worked out so good for them last time they tried it.
We're in a new day and age. The era of mass armies, mass conscription and mass slaughter are over. Secession movements are springing up everywhere.

Are you going to rush to the enlistment office and sign up to go blow up some Americans who want to secede? Are you prepared to have your front yard turned into a battlefield?

Secession USED to mean war, now it's more likely to mean a referendum.
Yes, I don't see anyone calling for war, just an exploration of what's probably eventually inevitable anyway.
When you start looking at things like rail lines, the interstate system, the power grid and all the rest of the national infrastructure it's clear that the federal government will never allow a chunk of that to pass to another sovereign nation and potentially be used against it and by god these secessionists would never be able to resist turning off pipelines and closing dams as a political lever.
We're in a new day and age. The era of mass armies, mass conscription and mass slaughter are over. Secession movements are springing up everywhere.

Are you going to rush to the enlistment office and sign up to go blow up some Americans who want to secede? Are you prepared to have your front yard turned into a battlefield?

Secession USED to mean war, now it's more likely to mean a referendum.
Any secession attempt would result in the governor and legislature of a state being arrested for treason, a new leadership appointed by the president and occupation by troops. That's just how it would be.

When one brings violence, as you suggest, then one also invites violence as a response. What you suggest is unlikely when we look at contemporary secession efforts. No one went and arrested the Premier of Quebec, for instance.
This is America, where violence is always a means to an end. Attempting to deprive entire masses of people of equal protection under the US constitution will bring the troops, you can bet on it.

"I don't believe you." That'll be your bluff being called. A group will mount a legal referendum, if they win a majority then they'll call for secession. You claim troops will be sent out to oppress the majority of the state. I don't buy it.
Sorry to pop your bubble but they slammed the door on secession, there is no legal avenue to for a state to secede. Also various acts of congress have made it not only legal but the president is duty-bound to put down insurrections by force if necessary.

There was also no legal way for two men to get married, but what are we seeing today.

Something is illegal until it's not. The mentality of our age is different from what existed during the Civil War. You seem to accept that when it comes to all sorts of things, like homosexual marriage, abortion, divorce, Senate elections, living together, etc so why on Earth would you believe that a President would issue a conscription order to unleash American troops on American citizens who no longer wish to be part of America? All around the world we see peaceful secession movements but you think armegeddon is going to be unleashed. You kooky liberals and your death fixations.

Look, us normal people understand why you liberals are willing to unleash mayhem on secessionist - you need us to pay for your society destroying schemes. That's the only reason you want to imprison people into a society that they don't want to be a part of.
Any secession attempt would result in the governor and legislature of a state being arrested for treason, a new leadership appointed by the president and occupation by troops. That's just how it would be.

When one brings violence, as you suggest, then one also invites violence as a response. What you suggest is unlikely when we look at contemporary secession efforts. No one went and arrested the Premier of Quebec, for instance.
This is America, where violence is always a means to an end. Attempting to deprive entire masses of people of equal protection under the US constitution will bring the troops, you can bet on it.

"I don't believe you." That'll be your bluff being called. A group will mount a legal referendum, if they win a majority then they'll call for secession. You claim troops will be sent out to oppress the majority of the state. I don't buy it.
Sorry to pop your bubble but they slammed the door on secession, there is no legal avenue to for a state to secede. Also various acts of congress have made it not only legal but the president is duty-bound to put down insurrections by force if necessary.

There was also no legal way for two men to get married, but what are we seeing today.

Something is illegal until it's not. The mentality of our age is different from what existed during the Civil War. You seem to accept that when it comes to all sorts of things, like homosexual marriage, abortion, divorce, Senate elections, living together, etc so why on Earth would you believe that a President would issue a conscription order to unleash American troops on American citizens who no longer wish to be part of America? All around the world we see peaceful secession movements but you think armegeddon is going to be unleashed. You kooky liberals and your death fixations.

Look, us normal people understand why you liberals are willing to unleash mayhem on secessionist - you need us to pay for your society destroying schemes. That's the only reason you want to imprison people into a society that they don't want to be a part of.
Normal people do not dream of stealing an entire state and placing it's people under the tyranny of religious conservatives who despise due process and equal protection, we call people who wish for this "fascists".
That would be my main reason to support secession. The goverment simply cannot function as it is supposed to and the decay is leaking into every aspect of life. I can see a breaking of the union and I can see it going down a clear line. A equitable solution would be near impossible to achieve without a major polarizing unforseen issue.
Normal people do not dream of stealing an entire state and placing it's people under the tyranny of religious conservatives who despise due process and equal protection, we call people who wish for this "fascists".

If thats states population wishes it, it most certainly can.
When one brings violence, as you suggest, then one also invites violence as a response. What you suggest is unlikely when we look at contemporary secession efforts. No one went and arrested the Premier of Quebec, for instance.
This is America, where violence is always a means to an end. Attempting to deprive entire masses of people of equal protection under the US constitution will bring the troops, you can bet on it.

"I don't believe you." That'll be your bluff being called. A group will mount a legal referendum, if they win a majority then they'll call for secession. You claim troops will be sent out to oppress the majority of the state. I don't buy it.
Sorry to pop your bubble but they slammed the door on secession, there is no legal avenue to for a state to secede. Also various acts of congress have made it not only legal but the president is duty-bound to put down insurrections by force if necessary.

There was also no legal way for two men to get married, but what are we seeing today.

Something is illegal until it's not. The mentality of our age is different from what existed during the Civil War. You seem to accept that when it comes to all sorts of things, like homosexual marriage, abortion, divorce, Senate elections, living together, etc so why on Earth would you believe that a President would issue a conscription order to unleash American troops on American citizens who no longer wish to be part of America? All around the world we see peaceful secession movements but you think armegeddon is going to be unleashed. You kooky liberals and your death fixations.

Look, us normal people understand why you liberals are willing to unleash mayhem on secessionist - you need us to pay for your society destroying schemes. That's the only reason you want to imprison people into a society that they don't want to be a part of.
Normal people do not dream of stealing an entire state and placing it's people under the tyranny of religious conservatives who despise due process and equal protection, we call people who wish for this "fascists".

I want to escape from the Tyranny of the Religion of Liberalism, just like the people of Europe fled religious tyranny there.
Normal people do not dream of stealing an entire state and placing it's people under the tyranny of religious conservatives who despise due process and equal protection, we call people who wish for this "fascists".

If thats states population wishes it, it most certainly can.
You mean a popular vote? What about the people who live there and do not want to leave the union? I suspect the new government would be happy to take possession of any property belonging to anyone who will not take the loyalty oath and renounce their American citizenship and deport their librul asses.
Normal people do not dream of stealing an entire state and placing it's people under the tyranny of religious conservatives who despise due process and equal protection, we call people who wish for this "fascists".

If thats states population wishes it, it most certainly can.
You mean a popular vote? What about the people who live there and do not want to leave the union? I suspect the new government would be happy to take possession of any property belonging to anyone who will not take the loyalty oath and renounce their American citizenship and deport their librul asses.

What of bakers who don't want to serve homosexual customers in Liberal Totalitarian Land? Do they get to exercise their human rights? What's your solution for them?
This is America, where violence is always a means to an end. Attempting to deprive entire masses of people of equal protection under the US constitution will bring the troops, you can bet on it.

"I don't believe you." That'll be your bluff being called. A group will mount a legal referendum, if they win a majority then they'll call for secession. You claim troops will be sent out to oppress the majority of the state. I don't buy it.
Sorry to pop your bubble but they slammed the door on secession, there is no legal avenue to for a state to secede. Also various acts of congress have made it not only legal but the president is duty-bound to put down insurrections by force if necessary.

There was also no legal way for two men to get married, but what are we seeing today.

Something is illegal until it's not. The mentality of our age is different from what existed during the Civil War. You seem to accept that when it comes to all sorts of things, like homosexual marriage, abortion, divorce, Senate elections, living together, etc so why on Earth would you believe that a President would issue a conscription order to unleash American troops on American citizens who no longer wish to be part of America? All around the world we see peaceful secession movements but you think armegeddon is going to be unleashed. You kooky liberals and your death fixations.

Look, us normal people understand why you liberals are willing to unleash mayhem on secessionist - you need us to pay for your society destroying schemes. That's the only reason you want to imprison people into a society that they don't want to be a part of.
Normal people do not dream of stealing an entire state and placing it's people under the tyranny of religious conservatives who despise due process and equal protection, we call people who wish for this "fascists".

I want to escape from the Tyranny of the Religion of Liberalism, just like the people of Europe fled religious tyranny there.
Myth, the people who left for religious reasons wanted to make strict puritanical laws governing everything and really legislate morality. Kind of like today;s secessionists who are disappointed that government policy is not made in the pulpit.
Myth, the people who left for religious reasons wanted to make strict puritanical laws governing everything and really legislate morality. Kind of like today;s secessionists who are disappointed that government policy is not made in the pulpit.

I'm an Atheist trying to escape Liberals and their religious laws.
Normal people do not dream of stealing an entire state and placing it's people under the tyranny of religious conservatives who despise due process and equal protection, we call people who wish for this "fascists".

If thats states population wishes it, it most certainly can.
You mean a popular vote? What about the people who live there and do not want to leave the union? I suspect the new government would be happy to take possession of any property belonging to anyone who will not take the loyalty oath and renounce their American citizenship and deport their librul asses.

What of bakers who don't want to serve homosexual customers in Liberal Totalitarian Land? Do they get to exercise their human rights? What's your solution for them?
That's what the courts are for.
Myth, the people who left for religious reasons wanted to make strict puritanical laws governing everything and really legislate morality. Kind of like today;s secessionists who are disappointed that government policy is not made in the pulpit.

I'm an Atheist trying to escape Liberals and their religious laws.
Russia is right over there, they hate gay people.
Normal people do not dream of stealing an entire state and placing it's people under the tyranny of religious conservatives who despise due process and equal protection, we call people who wish for this "fascists".

If thats states population wishes it, it most certainly can.
You mean a popular vote? What about the people who live there and do not want to leave the union? I suspect the new government would be happy to take possession of any property belonging to anyone who will not take the loyalty oath and renounce their American citizenship and deport their librul asses.

What of bakers who don't want to serve homosexual customers in Liberal Totalitarian Land? Do they get to exercise their human rights? What's your solution for them?
That's what the courts are for.

There's your answer then. The people who don't want to be part of a new country can take their case to a court in the new country and the court will decide that they have to follow the laws of the new country.

What are you complaining about?
Myth, the people who left for religious reasons wanted to make strict puritanical laws governing everything and really legislate morality. Kind of like today;s secessionists who are disappointed that government policy is not made in the pulpit.

I'm an Atheist trying to escape Liberals and their religious laws.
Russia is right over there, they hate gay people.

No thanks. You guys changed this country, most of the people who are unhappy want their country back.
Normal people do not dream of stealing an entire state and placing it's people under the tyranny of religious conservatives who despise due process and equal protection, we call people who wish for this "fascists".

If thats states population wishes it, it most certainly can.
You mean a popular vote? What about the people who live there and do not want to leave the union? I suspect the new government would be happy to take possession of any property belonging to anyone who will not take the loyalty oath and renounce their American citizenship and deport their librul asses.

What of bakers who don't want to serve homosexual customers in Liberal Totalitarian Land? Do they get to exercise their human rights? What's your solution for them?
That's what the courts are for.

There's your answer then. The people who don't want to be part of a new country can take their case to a court in the new country and the court will decide that they have to follow the laws of the new country.

What are you complaining about?
Any system of courts and laws you people would set up would be a carnival of show trials, special interests, and unequally applied laws.
Any system of courts and laws you people would set up would be a carnival of show trials, special interests, and unequally applied laws.

What liberals innovate, conservatives eventually adopt. Now you know the reason so many want to flee from what you've created.
Normal people do not dream of stealing an entire state and placing it's people under the tyranny of religious conservatives who despise due process and equal protection, we call people who wish for this "fascists".

If thats states population wishes it, it most certainly can.
You mean a popular vote? What about the people who live there and do not want to leave the union? I suspect the new government would be happy to take possession of any property belonging to anyone who will not take the loyalty oath and renounce their American citizenship and deport their librul asses.
Scotland just explored the idea. Not enough people wanted to split from the UK, yet they actually got to discuss and even vote for it. Had it passed, there would have been millions that didn't want it that would have had to make a choice of leaving or staying.
Countries don't last forever, and it's absurd to call people names for just discussing the future of this one.
Myth, the people who left for religious reasons wanted to make strict puritanical laws governing everything and really legislate morality. Kind of like today;s secessionists who are disappointed that government policy is not made in the pulpit.

I'm an Atheist trying to escape Liberals and their religious laws.
Russia is right over there, they hate gay people.

No thanks. You guys changed this country, most of the people who are unhappy want their country back.
Your opinons on secession are not held by most people, not even a lot of people. You belong to the fringe. Speak for yourself and leave most people out of it. Claiming to speak for most people is dumb.
This is America, where violence is always a means to an end. Attempting to deprive entire masses of people of equal protection under the US constitution will bring the troops, you can bet on it.

"I don't believe you." That'll be your bluff being called. A group will mount a legal referendum, if they win a majority then they'll call for secession. You claim troops will be sent out to oppress the majority of the state. I don't buy it.
Sorry to pop your bubble but they slammed the door on secession, there is no legal avenue to for a state to secede. Also various acts of congress have made it not only legal but the president is duty-bound to put down insurrections by force if necessary.

There was also no legal way for two men to get married, but what are we seeing today.

Something is illegal until it's not. The mentality of our age is different from what existed during the Civil War. You seem to accept that when it comes to all sorts of things, like homosexual marriage, abortion, divorce, Senate elections, living together, etc so why on Earth would you believe that a President would issue a conscription order to unleash American troops on American citizens who no longer wish to be part of America? All around the world we see peaceful secession movements but you think armegeddon is going to be unleashed. You kooky liberals and your death fixations.

Look, us normal people understand why you liberals are willing to unleash mayhem on secessionist - you need us to pay for your society destroying schemes. That's the only reason you want to imprison people into a society that they don't want to be a part of.
Normal people do not dream of stealing an entire state and placing it's people under the tyranny of religious conservatives who despise due process and equal protection, we call people who wish for this "fascists".

I want to escape from the Tyranny of the Religion of Liberalism, just like the people of Europe fled religious tyranny there.

AfuckingMEN !!!:clap2:

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