23%, 53% Want To Secede

And if it were to come to fruition, it would not be two seperate countries, it would fracture regionally into a european style union, with 5, 6, 7 to 10 independent nations.
Water rights alone would have us fighting each other within 3 years. The court battles are already pretty vindictive.
Yes that is exactly the way it would go down, IMO. First off, Hawaii would go, California and then Alaska followed quickly by Texas. With no central goverment it would break apart along regional lines. No way the southern states would form a union with the mid atlantic states,,, you think Oregon would fall in with Nevada...not.

However Captain America, as I stated in my first post, it is highly unlikely to happen and is a interesting debate topic.
It would take a pretty big polarizing event to make it happen. Or once the goverment completely falls apart. Our central goverment cannot even control its southern border and the border states have a very good case for policing its own borders to protect their own integrity.
Once Big Ears legalizes the Mexican illegals, it won't be long before they demand the southwestern states secede from the USA.

Could be a silver lining leading to the dissolution of the USA.

Of course, Big Ears and the power elite may not have considered that their open border policy of letting in lots of D voters, could lead to revolution.
Water rights alone would have us fighting each other within 3 years. The court battles are already pretty vindictive.

Excellent point.

There is a very good dissertation done by a scholar pre-civil war talking about this very subject. He warned that the break up of the union would lead to split up european style continent constatnly at war with each other over a whole host of things.

Are you people for real?

Yes they are....but just yesterday we were reading another thread about how divisive Liberals are. And whatdayaknow, a bunch of shit-bucket conservatives are here sponsoring division.

Another Result Of The Left's Divisiveness

As I stated, Liberal Democrats are usually the most intolerant of anyone who disagrees with them. You cannot get around the fact that many Americans, right or wrong disagree with you and your policies. That will not change. In fact, the harder you try, the more bat shit crazy they will become to counter you. You want to know the reason the Tea Party exists? YOU.
Let's talk about the cancer the liberals have injected into society. California students get punished for wearing an American flag symbol to school while Mexican students at the school can bring the Mexican flag onto school property.

Liberals have destroyed America.
And at least the right wing has the stones to come out and say what they think. Most of the liberal elite are a bunch of chickenshit vanillas. You love the blacks as long as they don't go wandering to far off the plantation and go thinking they can fend for themselves without your high and mighty selves.. You love the illegals as long as you can actually keep the immigrants in a perpetual state of being illegal. Once the problem is solved they will ditch the democratic party pretty quickly. They are not stupid, they will see that you all want to keep them on the plantation.

Here is a clue. Take all them inner city black kids and families and plop them down in one of your vanilla, latte drinking cities and lets see what becomes of it. Put your little private school kids in the detroit public school system and lets see how that turns out. Being all high and mighty living in the burbs is easy.

At least the republicans are honest about it. They just do not want them and advocate them fixing their own troubles.

There is a pretty good book out now called " Please stop helping us " Read it. All them smart, educated black folks in the middle class are starting to see it too.
Water rights alone would have us fighting each other within 3 years. The court battles are already pretty vindictive.

Excellent point.

There is a very good dissertation done by a scholar pre-civil war talking about this very subject. He warned that the break up of the union would lead to split up european style continent constatnly at war with each other over a whole host of things.

Are you people for real?

Yes they are....but just yesterday we were reading another thread about how divisive Liberals are. And whatdayaknow, a bunch of shit-bucket conservatives are here sponsoring division.

Another Result Of The Left's Divisiveness

As I stated, Liberal Democrats are usually the most intolerant of anyone who disagrees with them. You cannot get around the fact that many Americans, right or wrong disagree with you and your policies. That will not change. In fact, the harder you try, the more bat shit crazy they will become to counter you. You want to know the reason the Tea Party exists? YOU.
All because of me? Shit I knew I should not have personally implemented all those government policies. Taking the government personally and making me the object of your impotent rage is retarded. All I've ever done is the same as everyone else who is not not rich or politically connected, live my life in spite of the fact that the world of humans is savage and yet very cold.
I'm an Atheist trying to escape Liberals and their religious laws.
Russia is right over there, they hate gay people.

No thanks. You guys changed this country, most of the people who are unhappy want their country back.
Your opinons on secession are not held by most people, not even a lot of people. You belong to the fringe. Speak for yourself and leave most people out of it. Claiming to speak for most people is dumb.

Did you say the same thing to homosexual marriage advocates 20 years ago?
You saying you are some renaissance man and that people will eventually come around? America rejected that crap quite spectacularly about 150 years ago, you are a throwback and a crank.
America didn't, the north did, and waged an immoral war to keep states enthralled. Hopefully, states will some day regain their indepedence, peacefully if possible but by some means regardless. When a people are no longer a people, but rather disparate groups holding the other in contempt, a unified country is an abomination, succesively bending the other to their objectionable will.
Russia is right over there, they hate gay people.

No thanks. You guys changed this country, most of the people who are unhappy want their country back.
Your opinons on secession are not held by most people, not even a lot of people. You belong to the fringe. Speak for yourself and leave most people out of it. Claiming to speak for most people is dumb.

Did you say the same thing to homosexual marriage advocates 20 years ago?
You saying you are some renaissance man and that people will eventually come around? America rejected that crap quite spectacularly about 150 years ago, you are a throwback and a crank.
America didn't, the north did, and waged an immoral war to keep states enthralled. Hopefully, states will some day regain their indepedence, peacefully if possible but by some means regardless. When a people are no longer a people, but rather disparate groups holding the other in contempt, a unified country is an abomination, succesively bending the other to their objectionable will.

Yes. America did reject this crap over a hundred and fifty years ago. Don't like it here now? Get the hell out, we don't need you.
America is a very different place now.

Keep on preaching that intolerance, you will do more for the cause then anything.
No thanks. You guys changed this country, most of the people who are unhappy want their country back.
Your opinons on secession are not held by most people, not even a lot of people. You belong to the fringe. Speak for yourself and leave most people out of it. Claiming to speak for most people is dumb.

Did you say the same thing to homosexual marriage advocates 20 years ago?
You saying you are some renaissance man and that people will eventually come around? America rejected that crap quite spectacularly about 150 years ago, you are a throwback and a crank.
America didn't, the north did, and waged an immoral war to keep states enthralled. Hopefully, states will some day regain their indepedence, peacefully if possible but by some means regardless. When a people are no longer a people, but rather disparate groups holding the other in contempt, a unified country is an abomination, succesively bending the other to their objectionable will.

Yes. America did reject this crap over a hundred and fifty years ago. Don't like it here now? Get the hell out, we don't need you.

NO. Now what are you going to do?
Once Big Ears legalizes the Mexican illegals, it won't be long before they demand the southwestern states secede from the USA.

Could be a silver lining leading to the dissolution of the USA.

Of course, Big Ears and the power elite may not have considered that their open border policy of letting in lots of D voters, could lead to revolution.
If I had a guarantee that we would actually have secure borders, I would gladly hand over Cali, Arizona and New Mexico to Mexico.

The thing is though, the moment those states became Mexico and the American handouts ended, the illegals that are in those states now, along with half or more of the American population would be pouring over the new borders in order to once again have their anchor babies and the free emergency room healthcare, and other welfare/food stamp handouts, etc etc.
No thanks. You guys changed this country, most of the people who are unhappy want their country back.
Your opinons on secession are not held by most people, not even a lot of people. You belong to the fringe. Speak for yourself and leave most people out of it. Claiming to speak for most people is dumb.

Did you say the same thing to homosexual marriage advocates 20 years ago?
You saying you are some renaissance man and that people will eventually come around? America rejected that crap quite spectacularly about 150 years ago, you are a throwback and a crank.
America didn't, the north did, and waged an immoral war to keep states enthralled. Hopefully, states will some day regain their indepedence, peacefully if possible but by some means regardless. When a people are no longer a people, but rather disparate groups holding the other in contempt, a unified country is an abomination, succesively bending the other to their objectionable will.

Yes. America did reject this crap over a hundred and fifty years ago. Don't like it here now? Get the hell out, we don't need you.
Love it or leave it ehh ? Lol !! I remember when libs despised those bumper stickers.
And if it were to come to fruition, it would not be two seperate countries, it would fracture regionally into a european style union, with 5, 6, 7 to 10 independent nations.
Water rights alone would have us fighting each other within 3 years. The court battles are already pretty vindictive.

Europe seems to have managed to resolve that issue. I think we can too.
Your opinons on secession are not held by most people, not even a lot of people. You belong to the fringe. Speak for yourself and leave most people out of it. Claiming to speak for most people is dumb.

Did you say the same thing to homosexual marriage advocates 20 years ago?
You saying you are some renaissance man and that people will eventually come around? America rejected that crap quite spectacularly about 150 years ago, you are a throwback and a crank.
America didn't, the north did, and waged an immoral war to keep states enthralled. Hopefully, states will some day regain their indepedence, peacefully if possible but by some means regardless. When a people are no longer a people, but rather disparate groups holding the other in contempt, a unified country is an abomination, succesively bending the other to their objectionable will.

Yes. America did reject this crap over a hundred and fifty years ago. Don't like it here now? Get the hell out, we don't need you.
Love it or leave it ehh ? Lol !! I remember when libs despised those bumper stickers.

Liberals are the new rednecks
No thanks. You guys changed this country, most of the people who are unhappy want their country back.
Your opinons on secession are not held by most people, not even a lot of people. You belong to the fringe. Speak for yourself and leave most people out of it. Claiming to speak for most people is dumb.

Did you say the same thing to homosexual marriage advocates 20 years ago?
You saying you are some renaissance man and that people will eventually come around? America rejected that crap quite spectacularly about 150 years ago, you are a throwback and a crank.
America didn't, the north did, and waged an immoral war to keep states enthralled. Hopefully, states will some day regain their indepedence, peacefully if possible but by some means regardless. When a people are no longer a people, but rather disparate groups holding the other in contempt, a unified country is an abomination, succesively bending the other to their objectionable will.

Yes. America did reject this crap over a hundred and fifty years ago. Don't like it here now? Get the hell out, we don't need you.

150 years ago American rejected freedom and the Constitution.

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