23%, 53% Want To Secede

Myth, the people who left for religious reasons wanted to make strict puritanical laws governing everything and really legislate morality. Kind of like today;s secessionists who are disappointed that government policy is not made in the pulpit.

I'm an Atheist trying to escape Liberals and their religious laws.
Russia is right over there, they hate gay people.

No thanks. You guys changed this country, most of the people who are unhappy want their country back.
Your opinons on secession are not held by most people, not even a lot of people. You belong to the fringe. Speak for yourself and leave most people out of it. Claiming to speak for most people is dumb.

Did you say the same thing to homosexual marriage advocates 20 years ago?
Any system of courts and laws you people would set up would be a carnival of show trials, special interests, and unequally applied laws.

What liberals innovate, conservatives eventually adopt. Now you know the reason so many want to flee from what you've created.
I've created nothing, what you want to create is a dictatorship, conservatives would have nothing less as long as they felt the tyranny is not directed at them and they get a piece of the action.
Any system of courts and laws you people would set up would be a carnival of show trials, special interests, and unequally applied laws.

What liberals innovate, conservatives eventually adopt. Now you know the reason so many want to flee from what you've created.
I've created nothing, what you want to create is a dictatorship, conservatives would have nothing less as long as they felt the tyranny is not directed at them and they get a piece of the action.
Lots of people simply want to undo all the totalitarianism that you liberals have inflicted on them. Others want to undo the other changes that you've imposed on society. They like the America that used to be before you fuckers fucked it up.
Well, assholes, this is One Nation, Indivisable. And my great-grandfather fought from Fort Donaldson to New Orleans to keep it that way. You fruitloop fringies are not going to be allowed to destroy it.

What is really funny here is that these very same treasonous assholes that would destroy our nation always claim to be so patriotic. They love our nation so much they wish to destroy it. What beautiful logic.
Myth, the people who left for religious reasons wanted to make strict puritanical laws governing everything and really legislate morality. Kind of like today;s secessionists who are disappointed that government policy is not made in the pulpit.

I'm an Atheist trying to escape Liberals and their religious laws.
Russia is right over there, they hate gay people.

No thanks. You guys changed this country, most of the people who are unhappy want their country back.
Your opinons on secession are not held by most people, not even a lot of people. You belong to the fringe. Speak for yourself and leave most people out of it. Claiming to speak for most people is dumb.

Did you say the same thing to homosexual marriage advocates 20 years ago?
You saying you are some renaissance man and that people will eventually come around? America rejected that crap quite spectacularly about 150 years ago, you are a throwback and a crank.
My reason for entertaining the ideas has nothing to do with religion. at all. My reasons are strictly goverment and its complete and uselessness of it. We are a divided nation and probably always have been, however our goverment is pretty much useless and the divides I am not so sure can be bridged. Its a long long long festering problem that is only getting worse.
Any system of courts and laws you people would set up would be a carnival of show trials, special interests, and unequally applied laws.

What liberals innovate, conservatives eventually adopt. Now you know the reason so many want to flee from what you've created.
I've created nothing, what you want to create is a dictatorship, conservatives would have nothing less as long as they felt the tyranny is not directed at them and they get a piece of the action.
Lots of people simply want to undo all the totalitarianism that you liberals have inflicted on them. Others want to undo the other changes that you've imposed on society. They like the America that used to be before you fuckers fucked it up.

Look asshole, there are far too many like myself that would stop your kind of idiocy even without governmental intervention.

The only totalitiarnism is that that exists in your fevered mind. You are completely looney tune, and are too far gone to realize it.
Just heard this- that 23% of Americans and 53% if tee potties answered yes to the question of 'would they like to secede from the union?'

A poster here recently asked 'why, if Scotland can vote to secede, why can't Americans?'

People say they want to secede but don't even know what US laws concerning secession.


Would you vote to secede?

Why or why not?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatal

Leave it to you to sew, or should I say, fertilize, the deadly seeds of secession.

You do Jihad creatively.
Any system of courts and laws you people would set up would be a carnival of show trials, special interests, and unequally applied laws.

What liberals innovate, conservatives eventually adopt. Now you know the reason so many want to flee from what you've created.
I've created nothing, what you want to create is a dictatorship, conservatives would have nothing less as long as they felt the tyranny is not directed at them and they get a piece of the action.
Lots of people simply want to undo all the totalitarianism that you liberals have inflicted on them. Others want to undo the other changes that you've imposed on society. They like the America that used to be before you fuckers fucked it up.
Everything that "fucked up this nation" would still be there in your new country and the sheer government force that would be required to keep it from flying apart into armed camps would make "liberal tyranny" seem like a pleasant memory.
For christs sake, we are involved in a war and our congress is on vacation. What the hell more do you need? The people who actually vote, will, in fact, keep electing the same stooges to keep doing the same things and gulfs between the two factions ( which is exactly what they are) will keep growing. We are ripe for a revolution and instead of bridging we digging trenches.
My reason for entertaining the ideas has nothing to do with religion. at all. My reasons are strictly goverment and its complete and uselessness of it. We are a divided nation and probably always have been, however our goverment is pretty much useless and the divides I am not so sure can be bridged. Its a long long long festering problem that is only getting worse.

OH, fuck you, you silly asshole. ONE NATION, INDIVISABLE. For as long as I am alive.

What festering problem, silly person? The fact that all the sane people in this nation laugh at your insane notions? Get used to it.
And if it were to come to fruition, it would not be two seperate countries, it would fracture regionally into a european style union, with 5, 6, 7 to 10 independent nations.
For christs sake, we are involved in a war and our congress is on vacation. What the hell more do you need? The people who actually vote, will, in fact, keep electing the same stooges to keep doing the same things and gulfs between the two factions ( which is exactly what they are) will keep growing. We are ripe for a revolution and instead of bridging we digging trenches.

What a crock of shit. The only people extoling Revolution are you way, way out there rightwingnut dingbats. Try it, and see how long you spend in justified confinement.
Any system of courts and laws you people would set up would be a carnival of show trials, special interests, and unequally applied laws.

What liberals innovate, conservatives eventually adopt. Now you know the reason so many want to flee from what you've created.
I've created nothing, what you want to create is a dictatorship, conservatives would have nothing less as long as they felt the tyranny is not directed at them and they get a piece of the action.
Lots of people simply want to undo all the totalitarianism that you liberals have inflicted on them. Others want to undo the other changes that you've imposed on society. They like the America that used to be before you fuckers fucked it up.

Look asshole, there are far too many like myself that would stop your kind of idiocy even without governmental intervention.

The only totalitiarnism is that that exists in your fevered mind. You are completely looney tune, and are too far gone to realize it.

Go change your Depends, Grandpa.
And if it were to come to fruition, it would not be two seperate countries, it would fracture regionally into a european style union, with 5, 6, 7 to 10 independent nations.

So now you are cheering for the Balkanization of this nation. Just keep talking, I am sure that everyone reading is cheering you on. LOL
Rightwing? Lmao. Ummm, that is laughable. What makes you think I am a right winger? Stereotype much?
And if it were to come to fruition, it would not be two seperate countries, it would fracture regionally into a european style union, with 5, 6, 7 to 10 independent nations.

So now you are cheering for the Balkanization of this nation. Just keep talking, I am sure that everyone reading is cheering you on. LOL

Liberals have already balkanized us. Put on your glasses, Grandpa.
Are you a left winger? The party of tolerance is usually the most intolerant of anyone who disagrees with them? Go read the first post I wrote on the subject captain america.

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