23%, 53% Want To Secede

I definitely would consider it in the future if things continue the way they are. I would like to be part of a nation that actually protects it's borders and doesn't put the welcome mat out for people who sneak in and take our jobs driving wages down. So it would depend on what the foundations of the new country are, and I would be very interested in having the option.
You can leave too, dick.

Try Somalia - no rules or regulations. It's a Wingnut Paradise.
Canada is more to your liking. Need an airline ticket ?
Sure! I'd love to visit Montreal. I hear it's beautiful.

We should be more like Canada.
We don't want to live under liberal slavery to the state, shocker.
Then get the fuck out.

You won't be missed.

For all their whining, none of have a clue how easy they have it or what real slavery is.

I wish those who hate the U.S. Would go live in Russia where they can worship Pootin up close.

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They don't have the balls. They're all pussies, bitching from the couch in their trailer, with cheese puff powder all over their wife-beaters.
Normal people do not dream of stealing an entire state and placing it's people under the tyranny of religious conservatives who despise due process and equal protection, we call people who wish for this "fascists".

If thats states population wishes it, it most certainly can.
You mean a popular vote? What about the people who live there and do not want to leave the union? I suspect the new government would be happy to take possession of any property belonging to anyone who will not take the loyalty oath and renounce their American citizenship and deport their librul asses.

What of bakers who don't want to serve homosexual customers in Liberal Totalitarian Land? Do they get to exercise their human rights? What's your solution for them?

Let them move to Russia. Putin agrees with you.

But here in the United States you are not allowed to discriminate.

Do you also believe that bakers should be allowed to deny a Black couple a wedding cake?

Of course you do, you degenerate asshole.
Normal people do not dream of stealing an entire state and placing it's people under the tyranny of religious conservatives who despise due process and equal protection, we call people who wish for this "fascists".

If thats states population wishes it, it most certainly can.
You mean a popular vote? What about the people who live there and do not want to leave the union? I suspect the new government would be happy to take possession of any property belonging to anyone who will not take the loyalty oath and renounce their American citizenship and deport their librul asses.

What of bakers who don't want to serve homosexual customers in Liberal Totalitarian Land? Do they get to exercise their human rights? What's your solution for them?

Let them move to Russia. Putin agrees with you.

But here in the United States you are not allowed to discriminate.

Do you also believe that bakers should be allowed to deny a Black couple a wedding cake?

Of course you do, you degenerate asshole.

You communists should move to North Korea rather than acting like a fungus in every country and smothering freedom everywhere.
We don't want to live under liberal slavery to the state, shocker.
Then get the fuck out.

You won't be missed.

For all their whining, none of have a clue how easy they have it or what real slavery is.

I wish those who hate the U.S. Would go live in Russia where they can worship Pootin up close.

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They don't have the balls. They're all pussies, bitching from the couch in their trailer, with cheese puff powder all over their wife-beaters.

Oh please have you looked at the punks that make up your average gaggle of liberals, they are laughable.
I know that none of the tea party folks would actually break the pledge that they made every school day for at least 12 years:

"I pledge Allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America
and to the Republic for which it stands,
one nation under God, indivisible,
with Liberty and Justice for all."

I mean, that would mean that these people have no honor at all, wouldn't it?
I know that none of the tea party folks would actually break the pledge that they made every school day for at least 12 years:

"I pledge Allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America
and to the Republic for which it stands,
one nation under God, indivisible,
with Liberty and Justice for all."

I mean, that would mean that these people have no honor at all, wouldn't it?

The pledge of allegiance was written in 1892 by a socialist. The Constitution on the other hand gives us the right to throw off the yoke of corrupt liberal oppressors.
I know that none of the tea party folks would actually break the pledge that they made every school day for at least 12 years:

"I pledge Allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America
and to the Republic for which it stands,
one nation under God, indivisible,
with Liberty and Justice for all."

I mean, that would mean that these people have no honor at all, wouldn't it?

The United States that existed when I was a kid doesn't exist anymore. Thanks liberals. The patrimony that my parents and grandparents generation should have passed down to my generation has been soiled by liberals. Thanks again liberals. Why does everything you touch turn to shit?
I know that none of the tea party folks would actually break the pledge that they made every school day for at least 12 years:

"I pledge Allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America
and to the Republic for which it stands,
one nation under God, indivisible,
with Liberty and Justice for all."

I mean, that would mean that these people have no honor at all, wouldn't it?

The United States that existed when I was a kid doesn't exist anymore. Thanks liberals. The patrimony that my parents and grandparents generation should have passed down to my generation has been soiled by liberals. Thanks again liberals. Why does everything you touch turn to shit?

Haha! Have you considered that the nutrients from shit produce some of the most beautiful plants on earth?
I know that none of the tea party folks would actually break the pledge that they made every school day for at least 12 years:

"I pledge Allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America
and to the Republic for which it stands,
one nation under God, indivisible,
with Liberty and Justice for all."

I mean, that would mean that these people have no honor at all, wouldn't it?

The United States that existed when I was a kid doesn't exist anymore. Thanks liberals. The patrimony that my parents and grandparents generation should have passed down to my generation has been soiled by liberals. Thanks again liberals. Why does everything you touch turn to shit?

Haha! Have you considered that the nutrients from shit produce some of the most beautiful plants on earth?
And it makes an excellent dessert topping too, right?
I know that none of the tea party folks would actually break the pledge that they made every school day for at least 12 years:

"I pledge Allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America
and to the Republic for which it stands,
one nation under God, indivisible,
with Liberty and Justice for all."

I mean, that would mean that these people have no honor at all, wouldn't it?

Why do you imagine we would feel bound by a pledge we were ordered to repeat in a compulsory school system?
I know that none of the tea party folks would actually break the pledge that they made every school day for at least 12 years:

"I pledge Allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America
and to the Republic for which it stands,
one nation under God, indivisible,
with Liberty and Justice for all."

I mean, that would mean that these people have no honor at all, wouldn't it?

The United States that existed when I was a kid doesn't exist anymore. Thanks liberals. The patrimony that my parents and grandparents generation should have passed down to my generation has been soiled by liberals. Thanks again liberals. Why does everything you touch turn to shit?

Haha! Have you considered that the nutrients from shit produce some of the most beautiful plants on earth?
And it makes an excellent dessert topping too, right?
I suppose it could if you put enough Republican sugar coating on it.
Once the the liberal side of democratic party sees their innate right spend other people's money on massive social welfare programs dry up they will shrivel up and die. They need a lot of money, other people's money to exist.

That alone will scare the fudge outta them. It's kind of a paradox, militant liberals forcing people into a system they do not want. I don't see that working out to well.
Its not surprising that many in this country want a re-boot. It just took 51% of this country to be the 'straw that broke the camels back'. We will not allow this country to go further left. For the sake of humanity and the American way, socialist agendas need thwarted. That means the 51% of you that think the 49% of us want to keep going down your turd drain of destruction, are misinformed.

It may indeed be time to undue with might, what the weak and 'entitled' have done through weakness.

Once Big Ears legalizes the Mexican illegals, it won't be long before they demand the southwestern states secede from the USA.

Could be a silver lining leading to the dissolution of the USA.

Of course, Big Ears and the power elite may not have considered that their open border policy of letting in lots of D voters, could lead to revolution.
If I had a guarantee that we would actually have secure borders, I would gladly hand over Cali, Arizona and New Mexico to Mexico.

The thing is though, the moment those states became Mexico and the American handouts ended, the illegals that are in those states now, along with half or more of the American population would be pouring over the new borders in order to once again have their anchor babies and the free emergency room healthcare, and other welfare/food stamp handouts, etc etc.

I do not think that is how it will transpire. If the Hispanics outnumber non-Hispanics in the southwest, which may occur very soon, and they push for independence, the rest of the nation would not likely stay together. It would likely implode into many nation states....of course, this is all speculation.

It must be remembered that Mexicans are told from birth that the US stole the southwest from Mexico. If they were to demand secession from the USA, leading to the creation of a new nation, it might result in secessionist movements throughout the USA.

Small sovereign nation states, as our Founders envisioned each state to be, could lead to much better, smaller, and limited central government. Smaller sovereign states is preferably to a huge centralized state controlled by a small elite.
The very first thing a conservative secessionist state would build are concentration camps.
Water rights alone would have us fighting each other within 3 years. The court battles are already pretty vindictive.

Excellent point.

There is a very good dissertation done by a scholar pre-civil war talking about this very subject. He warned that the break up of the union would lead to split up european style continent constatnly at war with each other over a whole host of things.

Are you people for real?

Yes they are....but just yesterday we were reading another thread about how divisive Liberals are. And whatdayaknow, a bunch of shit-bucket conservatives are here sponsoring division.

Another Result Of The Left's Divisiveness

As I stated, Liberal Democrats are usually the most intolerant of anyone who disagrees with them. You cannot get around the fact that many Americans, right or wrong disagree with you and your policies. That will not change. In fact, the harder you try, the more bat shit crazy they will become to counter you. You want to know the reason the Tea Party exists? YOU.
Strange way of disagreeing.
Water rights alone would have us fighting each other within 3 years. The court battles are already pretty vindictive.

Excellent point.

There is a very good dissertation done by a scholar pre-civil war talking about this very subject. He warned that the break up of the union would lead to split up european style continent constatnly at war with each other over a whole host of things.

Are you people for real?

Yes they are....but just yesterday we were reading another thread about how divisive Liberals are. And whatdayaknow, a bunch of shit-bucket conservatives are here sponsoring division.

Another Result Of The Left's Divisiveness

As I stated, Liberal Democrats are usually the most intolerant of anyone who disagrees with them. You cannot get around the fact that many Americans, right or wrong disagree with you and your policies. That will not change. In fact, the harder you try, the more bat shit crazy they will become to counter you. You want to know the reason the Tea Party exists? YOU.
Strange way of disagreeing.

With hindsight being 20/20, want to bet those numbers are now irrelevant?

I know that none of the tea party folks would actually break the pledge that they made every school day for at least 12 years:

"I pledge Allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America
and to the Republic for which it stands,
one nation under God, indivisible,
with Liberty and Justice for all."

I mean, that would mean that these people have no honor at all, wouldn't it?

The United States that existed when I was a kid doesn't exist anymore. Thanks liberals. The patrimony that my parents and grandparents generation should have passed down to my generation has been soiled by liberals. Thanks again liberals. Why does everything you touch turn to shit?
The good old days were not that good if you were anything other than a white protestant male. That's what I think when i read some con lamenting the loss of the past where women and ethnic groups had no choice but to submit. It doesn't sound like you want a free country, just one where the balance of power was tilted in a more lopsided way towards you.

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