23%, 53% Want To Secede

The very first thing a conservative secessionist state would build are concentration camps.

History disagrees.

Concentration camps generally are implemented by leftist governments.
Only your twisted version of history disagrees. Any new conservative government will clamp down on the inevitable social unrest and seek to consolidate power unto themselves permanently. You cannot disagree with that. In order to meet these ends coercive force will be required. Cops, soldiers and prisons will be needed right away and the legal argument surrounding Gitmo proves that conservatives have no respect for Habias Corpus when they think national security is at stake. You people would be locking people up and throwing away the key without trial and never even think you are being exactly what you claim to despise.

Many problems with your post.

The only time the American government has imposed concentration camps were under every progressives hero, FDR.

If we look globally the past 100 years, nearly all nations which imposed concentration camps were leftist.

Secondly, there will be no conservative government in the US because there are few conservatives in politics and even if one could reach the WH, he or she would be unable to change the liberalism that infects the federal government bureaucracy.

But I suppose you are under the misconception that all Rs are conservatives. Just another ignorant belief held by many foolish partisan liberal democrats.
The very first thing a conservative secessionist state would build are concentration camps.

History disagrees.

Concentration camps generally are implemented by leftist governments.
Only your twisted version of history disagrees. Any new conservative government will clamp down on the inevitable social unrest and seek to consolidate power unto themselves permanently. You cannot disagree with that. In order to meet these ends coercive force will be required. Cops, soldiers and prisons will be needed right away and the legal argument surrounding Gitmo proves that conservatives have no respect for Habias Corpus when they think national security is at stake. You people would be locking people up and throwing away the key without trial and never even think you are being exactly what you claim to despise.

Many problems with your post.

The only time the American government has imposed concentration camps were under every progressives hero, FDR.

If we look globally the past 100 years, nearly all nations which imposed concentration camps were leftist.

Secondly, there will be no conservative government in the US because there are few conservatives in politics and even if one could reach the WH, he or she would be unable to change the liberalism that infects the federal government bureaucracy.

But I suppose you are under the misconception that all Rs are conservatives. Just another ignorant belief held by many foolish partisan liberal democrats.
Why else to secede then? Are you somehow claiming that any government you would approve of would not need security and prisons to keep the peace? It is clear that part of the liberalism that infects the government, in your view, is extending constitutional protections to unpopular minorities and protecting the social order with social programs rather than force. The absence of thos two alone in your perfect society is enough proof that secessionists seek more freedom to deny freedoms to people who they think do not deserve it because they are stupid or lazy.
I know that none of the tea party folks would actually break the pledge that they made every school day for at least 12 years:

"I pledge Allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America
and to the Republic for which it stands,
one nation under God, indivisible,
with Liberty and Justice for all."

I mean, that would mean that these people have no honor at all, wouldn't it?

The pledge of allegiance was written in 1892 by a socialist. The Constitution on the other hand gives us the right to throw off the yoke of corrupt liberal oppressors.

Well, then. I assume that, as an honest man, you refuse to make such a pledge when others do, at civic events, ball games, etc.
Lmao. Liberals always seem to forget that
That would be my main reason for entertaining secession. To be rid of both sides once and for all.

"Both sides" exist as a function of innate human personality traits and a free flow of information and cannot be legislated away by any means. People suck, that is never going to change.

Yes but when both sides become so self enamored and so convinced of the righteousness of their cause that in infects the very government designed to encapsulate them both and renders the system paralyzed. .it's time for a change.
Lmao. Liberals always seem to forget that
That would be my main reason for entertaining secession. To be rid of both sides once and for all.

"Both sides" exist as a function of innate human personality traits and a free flow of information and cannot be legislated away by any means. People suck, that is never going to change.

Yes but when both sides become so self enamored and so convinced of the righteousness of their cause that in infects the very government designed to encapsulate them both and renders the system paralyzed. .it's time for a change.
No political party or system can function without it's zealots to whip up the aimless mob of society.
The system is paralyzed. Debate is nothing more then yelling and insulting and mean while, nothing gets done. It is a no - go and the middle of the road folks have all but given up. It is just a matter of time.

Politics, while a necessary evil, is compromise. And that is non existant. That cannot continue and if you follow a situation like that to its logical conclusion it only has one of two outcomes... it does nothing but get worse and worse.

We are waging WAR and our elected leaders in Congress will do nothing. What the hell more does one need?
The very first thing a conservative secessionist state would build are concentration camps.

History disagrees.

Concentration camps generally are implemented by leftist governments.
Only your twisted version of history disagrees. Any new conservative government will clamp down on the inevitable social unrest and seek to consolidate power unto themselves permanently. You cannot disagree with that. In order to meet these ends coercive force will be required. Cops, soldiers and prisons will be needed right away and the legal argument surrounding Gitmo proves that conservatives have no respect for Habias Corpus when they think national security is at stake. You people would be locking people up and throwing away the key without trial and never even think you are being exactly what you claim to despise.

Many problems with your post.

The only time the American government has imposed concentration camps were under every progressives hero, FDR.

If we look globally the past 100 years, nearly all nations which imposed concentration camps were leftist.

Secondly, there will be no conservative government in the US because there are few conservatives in politics and even if one could reach the WH, he or she would be unable to change the liberalism that infects the federal government bureaucracy.

But I suppose you are under the misconception that all Rs are conservatives. Just another ignorant belief held by many foolish partisan liberal democrats.
Why else to secede then? Are you somehow claiming that any government you would approve of would not need security and prisons to keep the peace? It is clear that part of the liberalism that infects the government, in your view, is extending constitutional protections to unpopular minorities and protecting the social order with social programs rather than force. The absence of thos two alone in your perfect society is enough proof that secessionists seek more freedom to deny freedoms to people who they think do not deserve it because they are stupid or lazy.

Nothing you post is accurate, particularly as they relate to my beliefs.
Just heard this- that 23% of Americans and 53% if tee potties answered yes to the question of 'would they like to secede from the union?'

A poster here recently asked 'why, if Scotland can vote to secede, why can't Americans?'

People say they want to secede but don't even know what US laws concerning secession.


Would you vote to secede?

Why or why not?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatal

It doesn't matter what secessionist minded idiots want.......they will never have my permission to dismember my country.
The very first thing a conservative secessionist state would build are concentration camps.

History disagrees.

Concentration camps generally are implemented by leftist governments.
Only your twisted version of history disagrees. Any new conservative government will clamp down on the inevitable social unrest and seek to consolidate power unto themselves permanently. You cannot disagree with that. In order to meet these ends coercive force will be required. Cops, soldiers and prisons will be needed right away and the legal argument surrounding Gitmo proves that conservatives have no respect for Habias Corpus when they think national security is at stake. You people would be locking people up and throwing away the key without trial and never even think you are being exactly what you claim to despise.

Many problems with your post.

The only time the American government has imposed concentration camps were under every progressives hero, FDR.

If we look globally the past 100 years, nearly all nations which imposed concentration camps were leftist.

Secondly, there will be no conservative government in the US because there are few conservatives in politics and even if one could reach the WH, he or she would be unable to change the liberalism that infects the federal government bureaucracy.

But I suppose you are under the misconception that all Rs are conservatives. Just another ignorant belief held by many foolish partisan liberal democrats.
Why else to secede then? Are you somehow claiming that any government you would approve of would not need security and prisons to keep the peace? It is clear that part of the liberalism that infects the government, in your view, is extending constitutional protections to unpopular minorities and protecting the social order with social programs rather than force. The absence of thos two alone in your perfect society is enough proof that secessionists seek more freedom to deny freedoms to people who they think do not deserve it because they are stupid or lazy.

Nothing you post is accurate, particularly as they relate to my beliefs.
Your beliefs are just that, beliefs. Defend them by saying how you think a secessionist state would maintain order and raise enough revenue to do it without becoming everything they claim to hate. Your new nation would become a magnet for right-wing militias everywhere and those people are not going to be told what to do, even by a government they help form. Anarchy would then ensue and only brute force would put it down. Human nature should inform you of what is possible and what is a pipe dream.
I guess the radical left is out of issues. You almost gotta laugh when you remember that democrat guru Bill Ayers and his gang still defend their revolution. They didn't want to secede, they opted for the violent overthrow of the government.
I know that none of the tea party folks would actually break the pledge that they made every school day for at least 12 years:

"I pledge Allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America
and to the Republic for which it stands,
one nation under God, indivisible,
with Liberty and Justice for all."

I mean, that would mean that these people have no honor at all, wouldn't it?

The pledge of allegiance was written in 1892 by a socialist. The Constitution on the other hand gives us the right to throw off the yoke of corrupt liberal oppressors.

Well, then. I assume that, as an honest man, you refuse to make such a pledge when others do, at civic events, ball games, etc.

I destroyed your stupid post with facts and knowledge, run away with your tail tucked between your legs.
Just heard this- that 23% of Americans and 53% if tee potties answered yes to the question of 'would they like to secede from the union?'

A poster here recently asked 'why, if Scotland can vote to secede, why can't Americans?'

People say they want to secede but don't even know what US laws concerning secession.


Would you vote to secede?

Why or why not?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatal

Heard all this before when President George W Bush was elected. Now the views have flipped. I'd say let the liberals produce a bigger more controlling government power over the people, and the higher taxes to support the new atrocity. People will eventually get sick of throwing more money at a ruling government bureaucracy, and will eventually demand change and throw those responsible out, one way or another, and Constitutionally look to establish a clean slate.
USMB nutter politics: if you can't beat em'........run away.
most of the farther righties i have encountered seem to say.....if you cant beat em....make them leave or make sure they are never heard from again....just sayin...
The apocalyptic language they use as rationalization for secession is proof enough of that. I have no doubt that if one of the southern red states broke away there would be a flood of forced exiles from the place.
The will of the people be done.
The people do not all feel the same about it and no state would actually vote themselves out of the union. The will of the people, not just the right-wing looneybirds is to stay in.
[QUOTE="BluesLegend, post: 9879997, member: 51009

Well, then. I assume that, as an honest man, you refuse to make such a pledge when others do, at civic events, ball games, etc.[/QUOTE]

I destroyed your stupid post with facts and knowledge, run away with your tail tucked between your legs.[/QUOTE]

Oh, absolutely, because you are a really scary guy, and your superior intellect is simply more than I am my simple liberal mind can handle! The fact that you probably voted for Palin and McCain, and are still free to walk around the streets, without observation, is enough to make me quake in my boots!

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