23%, 53% Want To Secede

But we liberals will continue to win many elections, and build a better nation. And if you don't like that, feel free to emigrate.

America, love it or leave it.

Bull shit!

No state is perpetual and a state that is lead by criminals, liars, and thieves needs to be terminated.

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.”
Thomas Jefferson, Letters of Thomas Jefferson
But we liberals will continue to win many elections, and build a better nation. And if you don't like that, feel free to emigrate.

America, love it or leave it.

Bull shit!

No state is perpetual and a state that is lead by criminals, liars, and thieves needs to be terminated.

What country before ever existed a century and half without a rebellion? And what country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon and pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.”
Thomas Jefferson, Letters of Thomas Jefferson

Conservatives are by definition too fearful and feel they have too much to lose to ever mount a real rebellion. Most are hoping the military will just stage a coup.
Blah blah blah blah...no matter what you all say or do..Both conservative and liberals are wankers and we would be better off if you were related to city councils and commissions arguing over lattes and dog poop areas.:up_yours:
Blah blah blah blah...no matter what you all say or do..Both conservative and liberals are wankers and we would be better off if you were related to city councils and commissions arguing over lattes and dog poop areas.:up_yours:
Your angle of being in the middle and therefore above the fray is retarded.
Just heard this- that 23% of Americans and 53% if tee potties answered yes to the question of 'would they like to secede from the union?'

A poster here recently asked 'why, if Scotland can vote to secede, why can't Americans?'

People say they want to secede but don't even know what US laws concerning secession.


Would you vote to secede?

Why or why not?

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It doesn't matter what secessionist minded idiots want.......they will never have my permission to dismember my country.

What makes you think anyone is going to ask for your permission?

BTW, it isn't your country.
Sorry, real patriots don't secede.

So those who claim to be most patriotic want to secede? That is classic.

You're way off. We would be taking the real America with us,leaving you with your socialist utopia.

I guess it's a good thing our fore fathers didnt think like you.
The distinction would be that the Founders had not representation in Parliament, and were even denied it when requested, while the confederacy was always represented under the constitution that their states had ratified.
Yeah..centrists are always retarded to the left and right...common sense..good governing..compromising...putting what is in the best interests of our country above our self centered beliefs or political party...being able to admit fault.... i know, that's some crazy, retarded shit there.
Sorry, real patriots don't secede.

So those who claim to be most patriotic want to secede? That is classic.

You're way off. We would be taking the real America with us,leaving you with your socialist utopia.

I guess it's a good thing our fore fathers didnt think like you.
The distinction would be that the Founders had not representation in Parliament, and were even denied it when requested, while the confederacy was always represented under the constitution that their states had ratified.

One of the differences. We have a largely contiguous country and nobody is being exploited without compensation
Just heard this- that 23% of Americans and 53% if tee potties answered yes to the question of 'would they like to secede from the union?'

A poster here recently asked 'why, if Scotland can vote to secede, why can't Americans?'

People say they want to secede but don't even know what US laws concerning secession.


Would you vote to secede?

Why or why not?

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It doesn't matter what secessionist minded idiots want.......they will never have my permission to dismember my country.

What makes you think anyone is going to ask for your permission?

BTW, it isn't your country.
Sorry, real patriots don't secede.

So those who claim to be most patriotic want to secede? That is classic.

You're way off. We would be taking the real America with us,leaving you with your socialist utopia.

I guess it's a good thing our fore fathers didnt think like you.
The distinction would be that the Founders had not representation in Parliament, and were even denied it when requested, while the confederacy was always represented under the constitution that their states had ratified.

One of the differences. We have a largely contiguous country and nobody is being exploited without compensation

I would argue that.
Yeah..centrists are always retarded to the left and right...common sense..good governing..compromising...putting what is in the best interests of our country above our self centered beliefs or political party...being able to admit fault.... i know, that's some crazy, retarded shit there.
I have little problem with centrists, you on the other hand just adopted an angle to gripe at people and spread some abuse while standing up for nothing in particular. I suppose being a centrist is OK, seems kind of boring and noncommittal though.
I wonder what would lead these fucking idiots to believe that state governments are less corrupt than the federal government. Are they really that stupid?
Beats being a whiny bible beater or holy then thought liberal. Like I said..i advocate common sense governing, acting like a adult, believing that maybe, just maybe another's view point may hold merit, believing in compromise, believing that my personal beliefs while valid, may not be in the interest of everyone. Blind faith in a political party. Disregard for another's beliefs due to a political affiliation
Yeah..centrists are always retarded to the left and right...common sense..good governing..compromising...putting what is in the best interests of our country above our self centered beliefs or political party...being able to admit fault.... i know, that's some crazy, retarded shit there.
I have little problem with centrists, you on the other hand just adopted an angle to gripe at people and spread some abuse while standing up for nothing in particular. I suppose being a centrist is OK, seems kind of boring and noncommittal though.

Being a centrist keeps you from having to falsely endorse/criticize anyone. Just one of the many benefits.
Beats being a whiny bible beater or holy then thought liberal. Like I said..i advocate common sense governing, acting like a adult, believing that maybe, just maybe another's view point may hold merit, believing in compromise, believing that my personal beliefs while valid, may not be in the interest of everyone. Blind faith in a political party. Disregard for another's beliefs due to a political affiliation
Sounds good, I like common sense and conform to no one's stereotype, including yours. I believe we should do what works and leave out the dogmatic knee jerks. Sounds fine so far but when i suggest that some bankers go to jail for their frauds or that financial markets should be better regulated I become a communist to some and hate capitalism. As I said I conform to no stereotype and accept nothing on faith nor do I subscribe to any set political philosophy or party (registered independent) but certain views put me in the far left for some and I really don't care about what labels people put on me.
Just heard this- that 23% of Americans and 53% if tee potties answered yes to the question of 'would they like to secede from the union?'

A poster here recently asked 'why, if Scotland can vote to secede, why can't Americans?'

People say they want to secede but don't even know what US laws concerning secession.


Would you vote to secede?

Why or why not?

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There is no US law regarding secession. Lincoln was wrong. The Federal government operates from the consent of the governed. A people who don't consent cannot be governed by the Federal government.
Just heard this- that 23% of Americans and 53% if tee potties answered yes to the question of 'would they like to secede from the union?'

A poster here recently asked 'why, if Scotland can vote to secede, why can't Americans?'

People say they want to secede but don't even know what US laws concerning secession.


Would you vote to secede?

Why or why not?

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There is no US law regarding secession. Lincoln was wrong. The Federal government operates from the consent of the governed. A people who don't consent cannot be governed by the Federal government.
The federal government differs with you on that and would see a secession attempt as insurrection and take whatever steps necessary to put it down. This fantasy that there is a legal and peaceful path to secession is a pipe dream.

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