23%, 53% Want To Secede

Water rights alone would have us fighting each other within 3 years. The court battles are already pretty vindictive.

Excellent point.

There is a very good dissertation done by a scholar pre-civil war talking about this very subject. He warned that the break up of the union would lead to split up european style continent constatnly at war with each other over a whole host of things.

Are you people for real?

Yes they are....but just yesterday we were reading another thread about how divisive Liberals are. And whatdayaknow, a bunch of shit-bucket conservatives are here sponsoring division.

Another Result Of The Left's Divisiveness

As I stated, Liberal Democrats are usually the most intolerant of anyone who disagrees with them. You cannot get around the fact that many Americans, right or wrong disagree with you and your policies. That will not change. In fact, the harder you try, the more bat shit crazy they will become to counter you. You want to know the reason the Tea Party exists? YOU.
Strange way of disagreeing.

With hindsight being 20/20, want to bet those numbers are now irrelevant?


I give Obama no chance of winning a 3rd term.
But we liberals will continue to win many elections, and build a better nation. And if you don't like that, feel free to emigrate.

Meh, I think we would rather fight for what is right in this country, and destructive liberals ain't it

I dislike conservatives and liberals alike. I think the middle of the road people have had enough of both. Both sides are pretty much wankers who believe that they and they alone are the righteous.

I'll take a middle of the road state all day, every day.
You are both just different sides of the same coin. It's the middle who has to decide having the lesser of two evils...who is worse the dippo liberal or dippo conservative. The middle of the roaders are pretty much sick of both sides.

While I at one time sided with the Republicans because I do believe in the republic...the re pubs now are so far on the right they don't resemble anything I ever sided with..

The liberal left is much of the same, all you have to do is switch a few words around and they are the exact same.
If I had it my way I would kick both sides asses out of here. The country would be better off and we could have common sense govern us.
So those who claim to be most patriotic want to secede? That is classic.
USMB nutter politics: if you can't beat em'........run away.
Like it or not, this is a very divided nation, and if enough people eventually want a new country, there's nothing wrong with at least discussing it.
Liberals here are obviously very afraid of a two nation solution. I would have thought they would at least not attempt to silence the discussion.

Of course they're nervous. Kinda hard to live off the government when all the tax payers leave town.
USMB nutter politics: if you can't beat em'........run away.
Like it or not, this is a very divided nation, and if enough people eventually want a new country, there's nothing wrong with at least discussing it.
Liberals here are obviously very afraid of a two nation solution. I would have thought they would at least not attempt to silence the discussion.

Of course they're nervous. Kinda hard to live off the government when all the tax payers leave town.

Bon voyage.

The very first thing a conservative secessionist state would build are concentration camps.

History disagrees.

Concentration camps generally are implemented by leftist governments.
Only your twisted version of history disagrees. Any new conservative government will clamp down on the inevitable social unrest and seek to consolidate power unto themselves permanently. You cannot disagree with that. In order to meet these ends coercive force will be required. Cops, soldiers and prisons will be needed right away and the legal argument surrounding Gitmo proves that conservatives have no respect for Habias Corpus when they think national security is at stake. You people would be locking people up and throwing away the key without trial and never even think you are being exactly what you claim to despise.
You know of the last century starting with the first world war liberal Democrats have been in charge the majority of the time.

Wilson..ww 1
Truman...Korean War
Vietnam...Johnson ( can't get anymore liberal)
Gulf 1....Bush Sr
Clinton... used the military more then anyone
Afghanistan/Gulf 2...dumbass junior bush
Normal people do not dream of stealing an entire state and placing it's people under the tyranny of religious conservatives who despise due process and equal protection, we call people who wish for this "fascists".

If thats states population wishes it, it most certainly can.
You mean a popular vote? What about the people who live there and do not want to leave the union? I suspect the new government would be happy to take possession of any property belonging to anyone who will not take the loyalty oath and renounce their American citizenship and deport their librul asses.

What of bakers who don't want to serve homosexual customers in Liberal Totalitarian Land? Do they get to exercise their human rights? What's your solution for them?

You think a gay couple would want a homophobe baking their wedding cake? Is this really a primary concern for you?
Normal people do not dream of stealing an entire state and placing it's people under the tyranny of religious conservatives who despise due process and equal protection, we call people who wish for this "fascists".

If thats states population wishes it, it most certainly can.
You mean a popular vote? What about the people who live there and do not want to leave the union? I suspect the new government would be happy to take possession of any property belonging to anyone who will not take the loyalty oath and renounce their American citizenship and deport their librul asses.

What of bakers who don't want to serve homosexual customers in Liberal Totalitarian Land? Do they get to exercise their human rights? What's your solution for them?

You think a gay couple would want a homophobe baking their wedding cake? Is this really a primary concern for you?

No, why is it a concern of yours enough to form your own country just to deprive gays of equal protection? Social conservatives seek more government involvement in our personal lives, that's why I steadfastly maintain that any government you people would form would be much less free than the one we have now.
Normal people do not dream of stealing an entire state and placing it's people under the tyranny of religious conservatives who despise due process and equal protection, we call people who wish for this "fascists".

If thats states population wishes it, it most certainly can.
You mean a popular vote? What about the people who live there and do not want to leave the union? I suspect the new government would be happy to take possession of any property belonging to anyone who will not take the loyalty oath and renounce their American citizenship and deport their librul asses.

What of bakers who don't want to serve homosexual customers in Liberal Totalitarian Land? Do they get to exercise their human rights? What's your solution for them?

You think a gay couple would want a homophobe baking their wedding cake? Is this really a primary concern for you?

No, why is it a concern of yours enough to form your own country just to deprive gays of equal protection? Social conservatives seek more government involvement in our personal lives, that's why I steadfastly maintain that any government you people would form would be much less free than the one we have now.

Where could you have ever gotten the idea that I'm a conservative?
Normal people do not dream of stealing an entire state and placing it's people under the tyranny of religious conservatives who despise due process and equal protection, we call people who wish for this "fascists".

If thats states population wishes it, it most certainly can.
You mean a popular vote? What about the people who live there and do not want to leave the union? I suspect the new government would be happy to take possession of any property belonging to anyone who will not take the loyalty oath and renounce their American citizenship and deport their librul asses.

What of bakers who don't want to serve homosexual customers in Liberal Totalitarian Land? Do they get to exercise their human rights? What's your solution for them?

You think a gay couple would want a homophobe baking their wedding cake? Is this really a primary concern for you?

No, why is it a concern of yours enough to form your own country just to deprive gays of equal protection? Social conservatives seek more government involvement in our personal lives, that's why I steadfastly maintain that any government you people would form would be much less free than the one we have now.

Where could you have ever gotten the idea that I'm a conservative?
Sorry, momentary reading comprehension malfunction.
We would be better off witout liberals and conservative agendas.....Fact. Middle of the road folks dislike you both equally. And we are the majority.


That would be my main reason for entertaining secession. To be rid of both sides once and for all.

That would be my main reason for entertaining secession. To be rid of both sides once and for all.

"Both sides" exist as a function of innate human personality traits and a free flow of information and cannot be legislated away by any means. People suck, that is never going to change.

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