23 Yr Old Shot In The Back By Ohio Sherrif's Deputy

I used to work 7 till 7. I would often stop on my way home to get something to eat because the rest of the family didn't want to wait that late. If it was winter and dark the door would often be locked when I got home.

Door was locked and you didn't take that as a clue? It's like nobody wants to deal with your racist whiny ass, that's why.
I used to work 7 till 7. I would often stop on my way home to get something to eat because the rest of the family didn't want to wait that late. If it was winter and dark the door would often be locked when I got home.

Door was locked and you didn't take that as a clue? It's like nobody wants to deal with your racist whiny ass, that's why.

Stomping your feet doesn't make for a decent rebuttal.
He had a concealed license -- which means he had the forethought to go thru all the legal steps to LEGALLY obtain a weapon.....

In an open carry state, he should have not even been confronted by the police....

But its always the same with you dic sucking authoritarians, whenever its a white guy with an assault rifle -- he can freely walk right by police even tho those police are responding to a shooting....
Asswipes like JGalt Et al want all blacks to live significantly subservient lives to whites like him.
Another killing right wingers will try and make excuses for.

Say you are the officer. How are you going to handle this situation?

I am going to make sure I am not stalking an innocent man.

This needs to be thoroughly investigated. The officer’s job is to “identify and apprehend violent offenders who are fugitives.” That is not stalking. It means that people fitting the description of a fugitive violent offender may detained. As unpleasant this situation is, it is incumbent upon both the officer and suspect to be compliant and cooperative and stringently follow protocol.

That's easy to say until you are the one being subjected to that bullshit. This young man was killed in front of his little brother and grandmother holding a Subway sandwich.
Probably had Skittles too. Another dead thug is a good thing.
You deserve cancer.

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