23 Yr Old Shot In The Back By Ohio Sherrif's Deputy

Body cams are very expensive to maintain. Defunding the police guarantees there will be less cops with body cams.

Body cams should simply be a Federal mandate. The police officer deactivating, disabling, or obstructing them should be a Federal felony carrying mandatory prison time.
I doubt the oficer disabled it. Again, the expense of these things is usually why an oficer doesnt have a bodycam.

Good excuse.
Body cams are very expensive to maintain. Defunding the police guarantees there will be less cops with body cams.

Body cams should simply be a Federal mandate. The police officer deactivating, disabling, or obstructing them should be a Federal felony carrying mandatory prison time.
I doubt the oficer disabled it. Again, the expense of these things is usually why an oficer doesnt have a bodycam.

Good excuse.
Do you have proof of any kind that he disabled it?
I doubt the oficer disabled it. Again, the expense of these things is usually why an oficer doesnt have a bodycam.
He did not have one.

Which is, again, why body cameras should simply be a Federal mandate.
Well there you go. It isnt the cops fault, and he didnt turn it off. They didnt have body cams becayse of its expensive maintainance cost. That wont stop moron dems from wanting to defund the police.
Whether the dead black guy was guilty of a crime or not, he’s likely dead for not following the instructions of the cops to the letter

there are exceptions where the cops are totally wrong but those are rare

More likely: the cop was either evil or incompetent, and did "spray and pray". More than likely, he will get away with it, either no discipline at all, or quietly allowed to retire with a fat pension.

He was on a stakeout looking for someone else. What happens is they get all pumped and amped up while doing this and when nothing happens they go after whoever else may be around.

We saw it with Breonna Taylor (the person they were after was already in custody). We saw it with Eric Garner.

We saw something similar happen with the killing of Philandro Castile. Legal gun owners shot down because a police officer looses his cool.

It's really sad how many so called gun rights supporters support all of this.
Who supports this???
I’ve seen no one ever support what you say they do.
I’ve seen people repeatedly say we don’t know what exactly went on.
Legal carry is for white men only.
.....the facts show whites use them MUCH better ....blacks murder at FOUR times the rate--that's not even counting non-fatal shootings

Who did this young man murder?
hahahhahahaha---blacks murder at FOUR times the rate----you can't babble crap double talk it

stop the stupidshit --don't try any stupidshit/babble/etc
etc many more---FBI/etc

Post Table 43.
......I told you to not try the stupidshit..we've posted these a million times...there's no denying it ....you either know and are trying to babble crap or you are stupid
Whether the dead black guy was guilty of a crime or not, he’s likely dead for not following the instructions of the cops to the letter

there are exceptions where the cops are totally wrong but those are rare

More likely: the cop was either evil or incompetent, and did "spray and pray". More than likely, he will get away with it, either no discipline at all, or quietly allowed to retire with a fat pension.

He was on a stakeout looking for someone else. What happens is they get all pumped and amped up while doing this and when nothing happens they go after whoever else may be around.

We saw it with Breonna Taylor (the person they were after was already in custody). We saw it with Eric Garner.

We saw something similar happen with the killing of Philandro Castile. Legal gun owners shot down because a police officer looses his cool.

It's really sad how many so called gun rights supporters support all of this.
Who supports this???
I’ve seen no one ever support what you say they do.
I’ve seen people repeatedly say we don’t know what exactly went on.

The NRA was asked to speak up on the Philandro Castile case. They refused.
The NRA was asked to speak up on the Philandro Castile case. They refused.
Castle was a less than outstanding citizen who lied on his concealed carry application

The NRA was asked to speak up on the Philandro Castile case. They refused.
Castle was a less than outstanding citizen who lied on his concealed carry application

..there's always the unknown facts in these stories
The NRA was asked to speak up on the Philandro Castile case. They refused.
Castle was a less than outstanding citizen who lied on his concealed carry application

A ton of legal owners smoke pot. She is simply making excuses. How about we drug test anyone before giving them a permit to carry? What do you suppose she would say about that?
A ton of legal owners smoke pot.
I can legally own a gun without signing a false document

this guy was a concealed carry holder who had the controlled substance - we think it was pot but it might be something more serious - in his procession while carrying the gun
A ton of legal owners smoke pot.
I can legally own a gun without signing a false document

this guy was a concealed carry holder who had the controlled substance - we think it was pot but it might be something more serious - in his procession while carrying the gun

There was no evidence he had pot. Only that he had smoked it at some point. Many legal gun owners smoke pot.
Legal carry is for white men only.
.....the facts show whites use them MUCH better ....blacks murder at FOUR times the rate--that's not even counting non-fatal shootings
If the chap wasn't black you wouldn't be referring to him as a member of a racial group that murder at "FOUR times the rate!"
You would be talking about him as an individual and wouldn't even mention his colour.
The chap in question wasn't a murderer but a murder victim.
You personify racism.

PS. Yea I got it the first time you don't keep having to repeat in every post that - "You know nothing about the US!"
There was no evidence he had pot. Only that he had smoked it at some point. Many legal gun owners smoke pot.
Thats enough to makes carrying the gun illegal

As I pointed out already I suspect Casey Goodson was shot because he refused to cooperate with the police which created a dangerous situation

"Casey Goodson, 23, was fatally shot by a 17-year veteran of the Franklin County Sheriff's Department, identified as deputy Jason Meade, working for the US Marshal's fugitive task force looking for violent offenders Friday. The victim was not the person being sought by the US Marshal's Task Force, Columbus Police said -- the state's criminal investigations bureau declined to look into the case due to a three-day delay in police calling for assistance."

Basically, a sheriff's deputy reported seeing a man with a gun and went to confront him; there was a verbal exchange and then shots were fired...no other officers witnessed the shooting and there is no body cam footage...Goodman was returning home from a Subway sandwich shop, still carrying the sandwich in his hand when he was shot thru his front door -- where he fell into the kitchen in front of his 5 yr old brother and grandmother...his keys were still left in the front door....

The main question the family has is; why would the police even be confronting Goodson if Ohio is an open carry state and Goodson was legally carrying a weapon since he has a concealed carry license?
This is CNN "news", you can bet the real story will come along any time soon...

Zucker-approved not only to report it but Zucker guidelines for how, what, when, why.

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