237 years later - Has government dependency hurt Whites in America?

Seems that 237 years ago European Whites set up a government in North America and have been completely dependent on it ever since. How have they fared?


The modern welfare state can only be tracked back to the FDR administration, and LBJ's Great Society in the 60's, so your trolling fails on its most basic merits.

Try harder next time.

The transcontinental railroad was built with government subsidies. This was more than a half century before FDR.
Seems that 237 years ago European Whites set up a government in North America and have been completely dependent on it ever since. How have they fared?


The modern welfare state can only be tracked back to the FDR administration, and LBJ's Great Society in the 60's, so your trolling fails on its most basic merits.

Try harder next time.

The transcontinental railroad was built with government subsidies. This was more than a half century before FDR.

And it was a HUGE boon to private business.
according to sallow, if the government provides a single service, like delivering the mail, then it "owns the economy," and everything you earn is government property. It's a gift from the government. Therefor we are all dependent on the government.

The above is how the utterly servile fucked up minds of libturds function.


Well, now...

Open your wallet and take a look at the money in there.

Pretty sure it's been minted in the us.

the more you keep digging the deeper into the hole of historical ignorance you slip. But please continue your spin, it is rather amusing to see where this will end up.

No need.

I've won my argument.

You folks just continue your pathetic prattle and wind up looking, well..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50Sq4n4kt2k]the simpsons old grey mare - YouTube[/ame]

The modern welfare state can only be tracked back to the FDR administration, and LBJ's Great Society in the 60's, so your trolling fails on its most basic merits.

Try harder next time.

The transcontinental railroad was built with government subsidies. This was more than a half century before FDR.

And it was a HUGE boon to private business.

It was a huge ripoff to the taxpayers. All the transcontinental railroads went bankrupt. The scandals and corruption where like nothing anyone had ever witnessed before. the infamous Crédit Mobilier scandal was a product of the subsidies to the transcontinental railroads.

It all sounds so familiar, doesn't it?

Well, now...

Open your wallet and take a look at the money in there.

Pretty sure it's been minted in the us.

the more you keep digging the deeper into the hole of historical ignorance you slip. But please continue your spin, it is rather amusing to see where this will end up.

No need.

I've won my argument.

You folks just continue your pathetic prattle and wind up looking, well..


You're too stupid to even understand what your argument is. What are you trying to prove, that government is the rightful owner of your paycheck? Really?
I dont care. I just dont swing like that. I'm not gay. :lol:

It seems as if you do.

Thats you not accepting the fact I'm not interested.

You're not interested in even trying to defend your stupid, racist positions because you know they have all been torn to shreds. You know you have admitted to being a liar and at best responded to calls that you backup any of your bullshit with:

I'm pretty sure its true just not really interested in digging up a link for you.

In short, you're a fraud, a liar, an idiot, and a racist. Congratulations.
It seems as if you do.

Thats you not accepting the fact I'm not interested. I'm not gay. Go away. :lol:

You're not interested in even trying to defend your stupid, racist positions because you know they have all been torn to shreds. You know you have admitted to being a liar and at best responded to calls that you backup any of your bullshit with:

I'm pretty sure its true just not really interested in digging up a link for you.

In short, you're a fraud, a liar, an idiot, and a racist. Congratulations.

Thats all amazing. I still dont want to date you. I'm not gay. :lol:

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Thats you not accepting the fact I'm not interested.

You're not interested in even trying to defend your stupid, racist positions because you know they have all been torn to shreds. You know you have admitted to being a liar and at best responded to calls that you backup any of your bullshit with:

I'm pretty sure its true just not really interested in digging up a link for you.

In short, you're a fraud, a liar, an idiot, and a racist. Congratulations.

Thats all amazing.

Not really. It is a pattern of behavior you have demonstrated time and time again.
You're not interested in even trying to defend your stupid, racist positions because you know they have all been torn to shreds. You know you have admitted to being a liar and at best responded to calls that you backup any of your bullshit with:

In short, you're a fraud, a liar, an idiot, and a racist. Congratulations.

Thats all amazing. I still dont want to date you. I'm not gay. :lol:

Not really.

No really. I dont want to date you. Stop begging. Its not going to happen. :lol:

The transcontinental railroad was built with government subsidies. This was more than a half century before FDR.

And it was a HUGE boon to private business.

It was a huge ripoff to the taxpayers. All the transcontinental railroads went bankrupt. The scandals and corruption where like nothing anyone had ever witnessed before. the infamous Crédit Mobilier scandal was a product of the subsidies to the transcontinental railroads.

It all sounds so familiar, doesn't it?

Ever so slowly..you are starting to see the light.

And it was a HUGE boon to private business.

It was a huge ripoff to the taxpayers. All the transcontinental railroads went bankrupt. The scandals and corruption where like nothing anyone had ever witnessed before. the infamous Crédit Mobilier scandal was a product of the subsidies to the transcontinental railroads.

It all sounds so familiar, doesn't it?

Ever so slowly..you are starting to see the light.


You're the one who needs to see the light. You were just leasing crony capitalism in the previous post.
It was a huge ripoff to the taxpayers. All the transcontinental railroads went bankrupt. The scandals and corruption where like nothing anyone had ever witnessed before. the infamous Crédit Mobilier scandal was a product of the subsidies to the transcontinental railroads.

It all sounds so familiar, doesn't it?

Ever so slowly..you are starting to see the light.


You're the one who needs to see the light. You were just leasing crony capitalism in the previous post.

Some of the first laws passed under the new Constitution were to help industry and business.
And it was a HUGE boon to private business.

It was a huge ripoff to the taxpayers. All the transcontinental railroads went bankrupt. The scandals and corruption where like nothing anyone had ever witnessed before. the infamous Crédit Mobilier scandal was a product of the subsidies to the transcontinental railroads.

It all sounds so familiar, doesn't it?

Ever so slowly..you are starting to see the light.


If the light is the knowledge that government overtake is ALWAYS causing humongous corruption and inefficiency - that has been known from the ancient Rome if not earlier.

Still it has NOTHING to do with government handouts - even corrupted companies WORKED and not received government cash alms for NOTHING
Ever so slowly..you are starting to see the light.


You're the one who needs to see the light. You were just leasing crony capitalism in the previous post.

Some of the first laws passed under the new Constitution were to help industry and business.

And? That what the government should do - create environment for the business to grow. Has nothing to do with government ams in form of cash payments to the lazy butts for doing nothing.
It was a huge ripoff to the taxpayers. All the transcontinental railroads went bankrupt. The scandals and corruption where like nothing anyone had ever witnessed before. the infamous Crédit Mobilier scandal was a product of the subsidies to the transcontinental railroads.

It all sounds so familiar, doesn't it?

Ever so slowly..you are starting to see the light.


If the light is the knowledge that government overtake is ALWAYS causing humongous corruption and inefficiency - that has been known from the ancient Rome if not earlier.

Still it has NOTHING to do with government handouts - even corrupted companies WORKED and not received government cash alms for NOTHING

Rome lost it's edge when Constantine became Emperor and adopted Christianity..

And I am not sure what alternative you folks are looking for..Theocracy? Monarchy? Plutocracy? Anarchy?

Almost everything you guys advocate for sounds ridiculous.
You're the one who needs to see the light. You were just leasing crony capitalism in the previous post.

Some of the first laws passed under the new Constitution were to help industry and business.

And? That what the government should do - create environment for the business to grow. Has nothing to do with government ams in form of cash payments to the lazy butts for doing nothing.

And..that's not ever what's been going on.

This country created a class of people that were almost forever doomed to inhabit the bottom of the economic food chain. It's slowly..and on the cheap, been trying to rectify that...all the while with a constant barrage of people advocating that's exactly where they should stay.

It's pretty mean spirited and in the long run? Damaging.
Your correspondent believes that since the government issues patents, that Edison and Ford were "dependent" on the government to make their wealth possible. The trick here is in switching out one definition of "dependent" for another. Cars depend on gasoline and the laws of physics to move. That's an entirely different definition than the one that says a tick is "dependent" on a blood supply from its host to grow and lay eggs. The former definition simply describes a cause effect relationship. There's no moral component involved. The later is, of course, the definition of a parasite.

If you really want to examine this concept of dependency, with respect to our government, government is instituted by the people. According to our Founders, our form of government is depended upon the good graces of the American people. When such a system becomes destructive in its purpose as a servant of the people, then the Declaration of Independence gives its citizens the right to abolish it to establish a new form of government. This was the thought surrounding the succession that led to the civil war, the important representation needed for individual states rights over the growing power of the Federal government.


It does no such thing.

I love it when liberals become so ill equipped to even know their own country. Try doing a little reading of the Declaration of Independence, you make it too easy for me.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Look at the dependency shakles is showing in support a racist, sexist, ageist, imperialist, colonialist version of America is withering away. He and his fellow dependents are afraid of the future and want the bad old past.
If you really want to examine this concept of dependency, with respect to our government, government is instituted by the people. According to our Founders, our form of government is depended upon the good graces of the American people. When such a system becomes destructive in its purpose as a servant of the people, then the Declaration of Independence gives its citizens the right to abolish it to establish a new form of government. This was the thought surrounding the succession that led to the civil war, the important representation needed for individual states rights over the growing power of the Federal government.


It does no such thing.

I love it when liberals become so ill equipped to even know their own country. Try doing a little reading of the Declaration of Independence, you make it too easy for me.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

The Declaration of Independence is a one shot deal.

No laws or legislation is drawn from it.

Of course you wouldn't know that.
Seems that 237 years ago European Whites set up a government in North America and have been completely dependent on it ever since. How have they fared?


NOT AT ALL that's if we had government dependency
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