237 years later - Has government dependency hurt Whites in America?

237 years later - Has government dependency hurt Whites in America?

Given that the Republicans, a predominantly "white" party, currently enjoy a 33 seat majority in the House despite receiving 1.4 million fewer votes than the Democrats - conservative "whites" in America have been very successful at "gerrymandering" the system!


That's gonna leave a mark.

last time I heard the dim party was primarily white too, yet who are the race whores playing the "we black" card ?

swallow still hasn't answered my questions
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No, liar, no. If this is your attempt to provide cover while you retreat, it's as lame as everything else you've offered here so far.

Thats what I keep saying.

= you recognize your utter failure at defending your position on this thread and now are making more of a fool of yourself trying to run away from your ill-considered 'arguments.'

I recognize your utter failure at getting a date. I dont want you. :lol:
= you recognize your utter failure at defending your position on this thread and now are making more of a fool of yourself trying to run away from your ill-considered 'arguments.'

I recognize your utter failure at getting a date.

= waving the white flag of surrender while adding to his own humiliation.

I'll never surrender to you. I'm not gay. Go away stalker! Your love is unrequited. :lol:
hate to break this to you, but someone providing a service and selling a product to the us government doesn't mean they are dependant on the government.

To you someone how goes to a job and produces something is the equivelant of collecting a welfare check for doing nothing.

Fail. :cuckoo:

according to sallow, if the government provides a single service, like delivering the mail, then it "owns the economy," and everything you earn is government property. It's a gift from the government. Therefor we are all dependent on the government.

The above is how the utterly servile fucked up minds of libturds function.


Well, now...

Open your wallet and take a look at the money in there.

Pretty sure it's been minted in the us.

the more you keep digging the deeper into the hole of historical ignorance you slip. But please continue your spin, it is rather amusing to see where this will end up.
Whites are still enjoying their unearned privileges, and their living standards are made possible by the stolen labor of blacks. Yes, even this long after slavery was ended.
I didn't realize you were a racist.

Now I know better.

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