237 years later - Has government dependency hurt Whites in America?

Why dont you point out where I lied then?

We've been over this several times now. Try to pay attention. You lied when you said you had seen several posters here claim to be members of the KKK. You lied when you claimed that several posters here specifically requested that you speak as a representative of all black Americans. You lied when you claimed to be a member of Mensa.

Your no-class, low-life pattern of behavior is well established by now.
Why dont you point out where I lied then?

We've been over this several times now. Try to pay attention. You lied when you said you had seen several posters here claim to be members of the KKK. You lied when you claimed that several posters here specifically requested that you speak as a representative of all black Americans. You lied when you claimed to be a member of Mensa.

Your no-class, low-life pattern of behavior is well established by now.

I know and you still havent provided proof other than your opinion that i was lying. Where is the proof Unk? :lol:
Why dont you point out where I lied then?

We've been over this several times now. Try to pay attention. You lied when you said you had seen several posters here claim to be members of the KKK. You lied when you claimed that several posters here specifically requested that you speak as a representative of all black Americans. You lied when you claimed to be a member of Mensa.

Your no-class, low-life pattern of behavior is well established by now.

I know and you still havent provided proof other than your opinion that i was lying. Where is the proof Unk?

You admitted to it yourself. Get off the drugs kid, they're not doing you any good.
We've been over this several times now. Try to pay attention. You lied when you said you had seen several posters here claim to be members of the KKK. You lied when you claimed that several posters here specifically requested that you speak as a representative of all black Americans. You lied when you claimed to be a member of Mensa.

Your no-class, low-life pattern of behavior is well established by now.

I know and you still havent provided proof other than your opinion that i was lying. Where is the proof Unk?

You admitted to it yourself. Get off the drugs kid, they're not doing you any good.

Post the link where I admitted to lying so you can out me on the message board. :lol: My guess is that it wont happen will it? :lol:
You admitted to it yourself. Get off the drugs kid, they're not doing you any good.

Post the link where I admitted to lying so you can out me on the message board.

According to your own standards, "that's your job and I won't do it for you." Remember?

So you admit you are nothing more than the dog in your avatar nipping at my heels? If I already know then why are you following me around telling me? Post the proof Unk. I double dare you! :lol:
Post the proof Unk.

I would like to, but it would be "bad manners" not to follow your own standards that you explained so clearly.

Do you understand any of this?

The only thing I understand is that either your uterus hurts or you are going through menopause. Until you post the quote that says I admitted lying then I will be resigned to the fact that every now and then I will have to kick you away from my heels. Go away little doggie.
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Until you post the quote ...

But "that's your job. I won't do it for you." Your own 'rule.' Or do your own rules only apply to everyone else? Is that part of your inscrutable "soul"?

Yeah, you're starting to get the point, aren't you? Starting to sink in, right? Don't be afraid...
Yeah, you're starting to get the point, aren't you? Starting to sink in, right? Don't be afraid...

What point would that be? That you are in love with me? :lol: I'm not afraid of gay men. I'm just not interested.
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237 years later - Has government dependency hurt Whites in America?

Given that the Republicans, a predominantly "white" party, currently enjoy a 33 seat majority in the House despite receiving 1.4 million fewer votes than the Democrats - conservative "whites" in America have been very successful at "gerrymandering" the system!
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237 years later - Has government dependency hurt Whites in America?

Given that the Republicans, a predominantly "white" party, currently enjoy a 33 seat majority in the House despite receiving 1.4 million fewer votes than the Democrats - conservative "whites" in America have been very successful at "gerrymandering" the system!


That's gonna leave a mark.

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