237 years later - Has government dependency hurt Whites in America?

So, you ready to hand over the keys to your house to the next Chinese person you see? There's a good chance his very distant unrelated ancestors set foot in California before your very distant unrelated ancestors set foot on the coast of Mexico.
So, you ready to hand over the keys to your house to the next Chinese person you see? There's a good chance his very distant unrelated ancestors set foot in California before your very distant unrelated ancestors set foot on the coast of Mexico.

Not yet. Especially since the Chinese are descended from the Africans. When someone can show me more evidence the Chinese were here first I'd be glad to take a look. Until then I got this.
So, you ready to hand over the keys to your house to the next Chinese person you see? There's a good chance his very distant unrelated ancestors set foot in California before your very distant unrelated ancestors set foot on the coast of Mexico.

Not yet. Especially since the Chinese are descended from the Africans. .

By that reasoning the Native Americans are African too so you don't need to worry about all this.

Just how fucking ridiculous do you intend to get with this nonsense?

This is why I said: "It doesn't matter to me who 'got here first' and it doesn't change anything one way or the other."
Wich book can I read that explains that blacks lived in California before the white man?

One book I read a couple of years ago was by Paul Barton, "A History of the African Olmecs". that one stands out more than the others but thats a good place to start if you are really trying to educate yourself.

It's not exactly universally accepted scholarship, but there are a number of books and scholarly pieces on the Olmec connection as well as other possible evidence of early African exploration elsewhere in the New World. Of course there are books and writings suggesting that Chinese explorers were here long before that. Other studies suggest Pre-Colombian visits by ancient Romans, Egyptians, Irish, Japanese, Arabic, Semitic, Welsh, Aborigines, etc. It doesn't matter to me who 'got here first' and it doesn't change anything one way or the other.

"Not universally accepted" means it's the same kind of scholarship that goes into making those programs about ancient aliens who built the pyramids.
Explain to me how the Olmec language and writing was basically Mande a West African language? If you have some suggestions on books saying white people predated Africans in the Americas please list something I can educate myself with.

Why ask me? Have I made any claims of the sort you seem to want to dispute there? Once AGAIN your reading comprehension skills fall short.

Well you said it doesnt change things. If you were keeping up with the conversation instead of nipping at my heels you would understand we were talking about who was here first the white people or the Africans. If Africans were here first then I not only have the Native American side of me to lay first claim to unclaimed land I also have the African side as well.

In the real world what difference does it make? All that matters legally is who the law says owns any given piece of property. Anything else is moonshine.
Dont read thousands of white boy books. Read some real history.

Wich book can I read that explains that blacks lived in California before the white man?

One book I read a couple of years ago was by Paul Barton, "A History of the African Olmecs". that one stands out more than the others but thats a good place to start if you are really trying to educate yourself.

Here are some reviews of your book on Amazon:

"How stereotypical is it for black people to look at these olmec heads and "assume" theyre african?! get over yourselves! youre not the only people with features like those, and has it ever crossed your minds that people traveled back then and traded items? Also if the olmec were really african dont you think i would look black since im a decendant of natives from mexico? wouldnt the mayans, mexicas, mixtec, zapotec and many more natives just from that area be african? they should of if that theory was true, but they arent and you all need to accept that we natives are the true people of this land and be happy with the tribes in your continent. To belive that the olmecs were black is disrespecful to myself and my people, and its ridiculous that Mr.Barton would lead you to believe this."

"How stereotypical is it for black people to look at these Olmec heads and "assume" they're African?! get over yourselves! you're not the only people with features like those, and has it ever crossed your minds that people traveled back then and traded items? Also if the Olmecs were really African don't you think i would look black since I'm a descendant of natives from Mexico? wouldn't the Mayans, Mexicas, Mixtec, Zapotec and many more natives just from that area be African? they should of if that theory was true, but they aren't and you all need to accept that we natives are the true people of this land and be happy with the tribes in your continent. To believe that the Olmecs were black is disrespectful to myself and my people, and its ridiculous that Mr.Barton would lead you to believe this."
Why ask me? Have I made any claims of the sort you seem to want to dispute there? Once AGAIN your reading comprehension skills fall short.

Well you said it doesnt change things. If you were keeping up with the conversation instead of nipping at my heels you would understand we were talking about who was here first the white people or the Africans. If Africans were here first then I not only have the Native American side of me to lay first claim to unclaimed land I also have the African side as well.

In the real world what difference does it make? All that matters legally is who the law says owns any given piece of property. Anything else is moonshine.

And who stands behind that law? Sunshine?

The government?

And who is dependent on that fact?

If you own land?


Wich book can I read that explains that blacks lived in California before the white man?

One book I read a couple of years ago was by Paul Barton, "A History of the African Olmecs". that one stands out more than the others but thats a good place to start if you are really trying to educate yourself.

Here are some reviews of your book on Amazon:

"How stereotypical is it for black people to look at these olmec heads and "assume" theyre african?! get over yourselves! youre not the only people with features like those, and has it ever crossed your minds that people traveled back then and traded items? Also if the olmec were really african dont you think i would look black since im a decendant of natives from mexico? wouldnt the mayans, mexicas, mixtec, zapotec and many more natives just from that area be african? they should of if that theory was true, but they arent and you all need to accept that we natives are the true people of this land and be happy with the tribes in your continent. To belive that the olmecs were black is disrespecful to myself and my people, and its ridiculous that Mr.Barton would lead you to believe this."

Thats what we call that river in Egypt. Denial Why didnt you show the other reviews instead of a buttsore Mexican who has had it proven by DNA they are a mix of mostly African and Native American with some Spanish thrown in? :lol:

In my understanding of the Olmecs it is clearly that they were of Africans descent. The features of the head stones do not in ANY WAY resemble natives of that region!! Yes I have been there and seen the head stones. But in some natives they do the darkest one in skin complextion. Its has been widely known that when runaway slaves in S. America ran into the jungle. They encountered Africans. And spoke their language.

Again as far as the African origins of the Shang Dynasty is concern, for the ones who commented saying that their not from Africa. Would you please direct me to ONE single statue or figure from that dynasty and era deplicting a NON-AFRICAN representation of the Shang Dynasty! Because if you can find one you would be the first to find it!! All artifacts representing the rulers of Shang in physical form were all deplicted as African! ALL OF THEM! So these authors are only going off what is found and presented. Also in Egyptian writtings it is said that they explored and set forth kingship in the region of China. What I have learned about Euro-myths (e.g. greek, roman, etc) that there all some how originated from African events and religion. The Golden Fleece! What is the Golden Fleece.....really? That all man wanted to "wear" according to this myth story? So some of the reviews were clearly written by those who have issues with Africans doing anything towards the betterment of world civilizations. But that has to be expected! The only thing that non-Africans are now admitting, thanks to the Dr's Leaky, is that Egyptians were indeed dark skinned Africans. Ever since Europe step in to Africa after, Napoleon, Africa wasn't inhabitated by Africans. Now thats been proven wrong without a doubt! Now next up in S. & N. America! I've personally know Africans in China, dark skin Africans, that the people there especially the older generation. Calls them "King" is Chinese. That's the funniest thing about some of these comments is that the same people who recongize Africans as being apart of the culture and identity. Opinions will be ignored until you ask them personally, if not you get third and fifth hand info. from a party not even involved! It's seems that when people say "pseudo-science" their really saying I don't really know or din't want to believe it's fact, even though all the evidence makes sense! LOL!
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Well you said it doesnt change things. If you were keeping up with the conversation instead of nipping at my heels you would understand we were talking about who was here first the white people or the Africans. If Africans were here first then I not only have the Native American side of me to lay first claim to unclaimed land I also have the African side as well.

In the real world what difference does it make? All that matters legally is who the law says owns any given piece of property. Anything else is moonshine.

And who stands behind that law? Sunshine?

The government?

And who is dependent on that fact?

If you own land?



Anyone who owns land in this country depends on the government to enforce his property rights. Any claims to land that aren't enforced by the government are just so much moonshine.
One book I read a couple of years ago was by Paul Barton, "A History of the African Olmecs". that one stands out more than the others but thats a good place to start if you are really trying to educate yourself.

Here are some reviews of your book on Amazon:

"How stereotypical is it for black people to look at these olmec heads and "assume" theyre african?! get over yourselves! youre not the only people with features like those, and has it ever crossed your minds that people traveled back then and traded items? Also if the olmec were really african dont you think i would look black since im a decendant of natives from mexico? wouldnt the mayans, mexicas, mixtec, zapotec and many more natives just from that area be african? they should of if that theory was true, but they arent and you all need to accept that we natives are the true people of this land and be happy with the tribes in your continent. To belive that the olmecs were black is disrespecful to myself and my people, and its ridiculous that Mr.Barton would lead you to believe this."

Thats what we call that river in Egypt. Denial Why didnt you show the other reviews instead of a buttsore Mexican who has had it proven by DNA they are a mix of mostly African and Native American with some Spanish thrown in? :lol:

I haven't seen this DNA evidence. Unless I see it from a credible source, I'll assume it's horse manure.

In my understanding of the Olmecs it is clearly that they were of Africans descent. The features of the head stones do not in ANY WAY resemble natives of that region!! Yes I have been there and seen the head stones. But in some natives they do the darkest one in skin complextion. Its has been widely known that when runaway slaves in S. America ran into the jungle. They encountered Africans. And spoke their language.

"It has been widely known" is another way of saying, I have no hard evidence. I've never noted traces of African features among people living in the area, and I've traveled there.

Again as far as the African origins of the Shang Dynasty is concern, for the ones who commented saying that their not from Africa. Would you please direct me to ONE single statue or figure from that dynasty and era deplicting a NON-AFRICAN representation of the Shang Dynasty! Because if you can find one you would be the first to find it!! All artifacts representing the rulers of Shang in physical form were all deplicted as African! ALL OF THEM! So these authors are only going off what is found and presented. Also in Egyptian writtings it is said that they explored and set forth kingship in the region of China. What I have learned about Euro-myths (e.g. greek, roman, etc) that there all some how originated from African events and religion. The Golden Fleece! What is the Golden Fleece.....really? That all man wanted to "wear" according to this myth story? So some of the reviews were clearly written by those who have issues with Africans doing anything towards the betterment of world civilizations. But that has to be expected! The only thing that non-Africans are now admitting, thanks to the Dr's Leaky, is that Egyptians were indeed dark skinned Africans. Ever since Europe step in to Africa after, Napoleon, Africa wasn't inhabitated by Africans. Now thats been proven wrong without a doubt! Now next up in S. & N. America! I've personally know Africans in China, dark skin Africans, that the people there especially the older generation. Calls them "King" is Chinese. That's the funniest thing about some of these comments is that the same people who recongize Africans as being apart of the culture and identity. Opinions will be ignored until you ask them personally, if not you get third and fifth hand info. from a party not even involved! It's seems that when people say "pseudo-science" their really saying I don't really know or din't want to believe it's fact, even though all the evidence makes sense! LOL!

The Egyptians were not negroes. Look at any Egyptian statue and you do not see the thick lips, flat nose or frizzy hair.
Well you said it doesnt change things. If you were keeping up with the conversation instead of nipping at my heels you would understand we were talking about who was here first the white people or the Africans. If Africans were here first then I not only have the Native American side of me to lay first claim to unclaimed land I also have the African side as well.

In the real world what difference does it make? All that matters legally is who the law says owns any given piece of property. Anything else is moonshine.

And who stands behind that law? Sunshine?

The government?

And who is dependent on that fact?

If you own land?



because only white people are permitted to own land?
In the real world what difference does it make? All that matters legally is who the law says owns any given piece of property. Anything else is moonshine.

And who stands behind that law? Sunshine?

The government?

And who is dependent on that fact?

If you own land?



Anyone who owns land in this country depends on the government to enforce his property rights. Any claims to land that aren't enforced by the government are just so much moonshine.


A winner.
And who stands behind that law? Sunshine?

The government?

And who is dependent on that fact?

If you own land?



Anyone who owns land in this country depends on the government to enforce his property rights. Any claims to land that aren't enforced by the government are just so much moonshine.


A winner.

show us how it's govt. dependency for whites in America only and you have partially made your case. Until then, it's just another one of your lies.
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because only white people are permitted to own land?

In this country?

For a good long time?


You a land owner?

I'm not 237 years old, and I'm paying for it without govt. assistance for white folks

Paying for what? The police to protect your interests? The fire department to make sure your investment doesn't totally burn to the ground? The courts to recognize the legal contracts? The electric company to give you power? The water company to give you water? The maintenance crews to assure you have roads to drive on to get food?

Most of those costs are "pooled". Meaning that we are ALL paying for your land. Why? That's part of the "pact". It's also part of your dependency.

Anyone who owns land in this country depends on the government to enforce his property rights. Any claims to land that aren't enforced by the government are just so much moonshine.


A winner.

show us how it's govt. dependency for whites in America only and you have partially made your case. Until then, it's just another one of your lies.

Crack open a history book.

Look up slavery, the civil war, Jim Crow and the Civil rights movement.

That'd be a good start.
In this country?

For a good long time?


You a land owner?

I'm not 237 years old, and I'm paying for it without govt. assistance for white folks

Paying for what? The police to protect your interests? The fire department to make sure your investment doesn't totally burn to the ground? The courts to recognize the legal contracts? The electric company to give you power? The water company to give you water? The maintenance crews to assure you have roads to drive on to get food?

Most of those costs are "pooled". Meaning that we are ALL paying for your land. Why? That's part of the "pact". It's also part of your dependency.


1. I pay for those services, so they are dependent on me for a job

2. non-taxpayers are dependent on me to pay for those services

3. how are whites only using those services?

you have yet to answer direct questions
I'm not 237 years old, and I'm paying for it without govt. assistance for white folks

Paying for what? The police to protect your interests? The fire department to make sure your investment doesn't totally burn to the ground? The courts to recognize the legal contracts? The electric company to give you power? The water company to give you water? The maintenance crews to assure you have roads to drive on to get food?

Most of those costs are "pooled". Meaning that we are ALL paying for your land. Why? That's part of the "pact". It's also part of your dependency.


1. I pay for those services, so they are dependent on me for a job

2. non-taxpayers are dependent on me to pay for those services

3. how are whites only using those services?

you have yet to answer direct questions

None of that changes the fact you have multiple dependencies on government.

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