237 years later - Has government dependency hurt Whites in America?

I haven't seen this DNA evidence. Unless I see it from a credible source, I'll assume it's horse manure.

"It has been widely known" is another way of saying, I have no hard evidence. I've never noted traces of African features among people living in the area, and I've traveled there.

The Egyptians were not negroes. Look at any Egyptian statue and you do not see the thick lips, flat nose or frizzy hair.

Thats fair. I wouldnt believe it either if I didnt want it to be true.

Ive met people from there myself who are classified as indians by the government but look like sub saharan africans and know their people came from the east across the sea. Again you wont see what you dont want to see. One of the Olmec heads with cornrows and found by temples inscribed with the Mande language from West Africa. I wonder why their governments dont like showing these artifacts? Does this guy look like your typical Mexican or Indian?


Egyptians were not mixed until relatively recently the civilization was built by Black Africans from the Kush region and were actually preceded by that culture. Only white people seem to think that you have to have thick lips, flat nose or frizzy hair to be African. We come in all types being the blue print for human DNA. Many Africans like Nelson Mandela actually look Asian. Yes there are statues that do show the stereotypical look you describe and want to stick your head in the sand about.

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Ive met people from there myself who are classified as indians by the government but look like sub saharan africans and know their people came from the east across the sea. ]

Bullshit alert! Bullshit alert!

Whether the Olmec civilization was influenced by early African explorers/settlers or not, that underlined bit [emphasis mine] is complete BS.
You said:

Does this guy look like your typical Mexican or Indian?

And then you said:

Only white people seem to think that you have to have thick lips, flat nose or frizzy hair to be African. We come in all types being the blue print for human DNA. Many Africans like Nelson Mandela actually look Asian.

Do you even realize what you did there? You don't, do you? :rolleyes:
You even supplied pictures to demonstrate your illogic and hypocrisy. Amazing.
Ive met people from there myself who are classified as indians by the government but look like sub saharan africans and know their people came from the east across the sea. ]

Bullshit alert! Bullshit alert!

Whether the Olmec civilization was influenced by early African explorers/settlers or not, that underlined bit [emphasis mine] is complete BS.

Why? Because you say so? :lol:
You said:

Does this guy look like your typical Mexican or Indian?

And then you said:

Only white people seem to think that you have to have thick lips, flat nose or frizzy hair to be African. We come in all types being the blue print for human DNA. Many Africans like Nelson Mandela actually look Asian.

Do you even realize what you did there? You don't, do you? :rolleyes:

What did I do wise one?
Ive met people from there myself who are classified as indians by the government but look like sub saharan africans and know their people came from the east across the sea. ]

Bullshit alert! Bullshit alert!

Whether the Olmec civilization was influenced by early African explorers/settlers or not, that underlined bit [emphasis mine] is complete BS.

Why? Because you say so? :lol:

Because I'm not an irrational fool with an agenda like you. According to most scholarship on the subject that you want to take as gospel, supposed influences would have taken place so long ago that no one you have 'met' :)rolleyes:) in the area today could be expected to have any living, generational, or even folkloric memory such that they "know their people came from the east across the sea." Your dishonesty and lack of mental acuity have conspired against you once again.
You said:

Does this guy look like your typical Mexican or Indian?

And then you said:

Only white people seem to think that you have to have thick lips, flat nose or frizzy hair to be African. We come in all types being the blue print for human DNA. Many Africans like Nelson Mandela actually look Asian.

Do you even realize what you did there? You don't, do you? :rolleyes:

What did I do wise one?

:lmao: You really don't realize it! This is pathetic, even for you.
Since I'm not interested in anything the cum dumpster swallow says I'll simply say this.

Government dependency HURTS EVERYONE except the people handing out the bennies.

The people who are dependent are hurt regardless of any classification the insane left uses for them. People who're dependent on others for survival are little more than slaves. They're not free to pursue a better standard of living, because they're in prisoned in their minds. They've had their motivation stolen from them. They'll never have a sence of accomplishment or success. They've been convinced there is no social upward mobility potential for them or they would seek it through working for it.

It also hurts the people who fund it, because there's never going to be enough money.

It greatly enriches the sociopaths who run the scheme though.
Bullshit alert! Bullshit alert!

Whether the Olmec civilization was influenced by early African explorers/settlers or not, that underlined bit [emphasis mine] is complete BS.

Why? Because you say so? :lol:

Because I'm not an irrational fool with an agenda like you. According to most scholarship on the subject that you want to take as gospel, supposed influences would have taken place so long ago that no one you have 'met' :)rolleyes:) in the area today could be expected to have any living, generational, or even folkloric memory such that they "know their people came from the east across the sea." Your dishonesty and lack of mental acuity have conspired against you once again.

Once again you express your utter disdain for anything not white. I'm not talking about influences. I'm talking about sub-saharan people off the Atlantic coast of South America being classified as Indians. I know who I met and what they told me. I saw the pictures of their families and listened to the oral rendition of their history. I dont need a scholar or anyone else to validate what is being told to me by someone that is living proof. Your desperation is starting to smell like BO. :lol:
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Why? Because you say so? :lol:

Because I'm not an irrational fool with an agenda like you. According to most scholarship on the subject that you want to take as gospel, supposed influences would have taken place so long ago that no one you have 'met' :)rolleyes:) in the area today could be expected to have any living, generational, or even folkloric memory such that they "know their people came from the east across the sea." Your dishonesty and lack of mental acuity have conspired against you once again.

Once again you express your utter disdain for anything not white.

I didn't say anything about race. Predictably, you did, you racist douchebag.
I know who I met and what they told me.

What anyone who has read your posts here knows is that you are an established liar, so any claims based on personal anecdote coming from you are even less persuasive than usual.
Because I'm not an irrational fool with an agenda like you. According to most scholarship on the subject that you want to take as gospel, supposed influences would have taken place so long ago that no one you have 'met' :)rolleyes:) in the area today could be expected to have any living, generational, or even folkloric memory such that they "know their people came from the east across the sea." Your dishonesty and lack of mental acuity have conspired against you once again.

Once again you express your utter disdain for anything not white.

I didn't say anything about race. Predictably, you did, you racist douchebag.

Once again your senses fail you. i said something about race. I never claimed you said anything about it. White people cant stand it when their opinion doesnt matter. They like it even less if the source of information is not white.
Once again you express your utter disdain for anything not white.

I didn't say anything about race. Predictably, you did, you racist douchebag.

Once again your senses fail you. i said something about race. I never claimed you said anything about it. White people cant stand it when their opinion doesnt matter. They like it even less if the source of information is not white.

Do you bother to read what you quote, or what you post? You frequently contradict yourself all in the same post.
I know who I met and what they told me.

What anyone who has read your posts here knows is that you are an established liar, so any claims based on personal anecdote coming from you are even less persuasive than usual.

I'm not trying to persuade anyone. Know one cares. Why dont you point out where I lied then? So far it just seem to be a vague opinion you have. We know that is pretty much because you cant handle being abused. Are you up to the challenge of proving where I lied Unk? :lol:
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Paying for what? The police to protect your interests? The fire department to make sure your investment doesn't totally burn to the ground? The courts to recognize the legal contracts? The electric company to give you power? The water company to give you water? The maintenance crews to assure you have roads to drive on to get food?

Most of those costs are "pooled". Meaning that we are ALL paying for your land. Why? That's part of the "pact". It's also part of your dependency.


1. I pay for those services, so they are dependent on me for a job

2. non-taxpayers are dependent on me to pay for those services

3. how are whites only using those services?

you have yet to answer direct questions

None of that changes the fact you have multiple dependencies on government.

1. I'm paying for it , so they are dependant on me , but more importantlye
how are only whites dependent on those services asswipe?

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