24 States Refuse To Turn Over Voting Data Unstable President

What, do you think the federal government doesn't already know all that information and much more. Also you can go to your county registrars office and get a complete list of every one registered to vote and what ballot they voted in the last primary or what party they declared on their registration. You can also find out if any of them voted and when. If your dear leader were asking for this you wouldn't say a freaking word. So run along snowflake and kiss my ass on your way out.

First, in the letter to the states, the federal government is asking the states for information that is not public record such as felony convictions, social security information and date of birth, all of which is is confidential information. In addition, a number of states can not legally release any information for voters that requested an exception such as victims of spousal abuse.

Second, states are under no obligation to provide any of this information to federal government.

Lastly, the investigation seeks to legitimize the false and already debunked claims of massive voter fraud at a significant cost. Any conclusion the commission comes to will be based on incomplete and missing information. It is a foregone conclusion that republicans will claim the results prove massive voter fraud, democrats will reject it, and the tax payers will have funded another multi-million dollar waste of money.

This is another example of a Trump project that no one ever bothered to investigate the legal and political ramifications.

I'm going to keep this short. You don't know if there is massive voter fraud because the system isn't set up to catch it. The only way to determine the extent of fraud is to audit the election. This information is what's required to do so.

The have caught people voting in 2 and 3 States, felons voting and non citizens voting. No one knows how many because they aren't really looking. The States have an opportunity to verify their safe guards are working at the feds expense, why wouldn't they want to cooperate?

But most of all why wouldn't every citizen want to know for sure the integrity of the vote is being protected? Only people involved in fraud have something to fear.


The fact is that this is a bipartisan rejection of the commission. It includes Republican states like Utah, Tennessee, ND, SD, and Mississippi to name a few. The federal government has no need for this information.

Tell me child, can you think of any more excuses not to insure the integrity of our elections? Me thinks you doth protest too much, what are you trying to hide? Are you afraid you're gonna get caught?


The same thing Utah, Tennessee, ND, SD, and Indiana are trying to hide. Information that the federal government has no business with. Trump has already been caught.

So riddle me this child, how can you insure only citizens are voting when the law and the courts don't allow States to verify they are citizens?

You need to post 3-5 million more to come close to Trumps claim.

Funny how Kobach wants states to release enough information for hackers to steal the identity of every voter.

kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who is vice chairman of the commission, gave states on Wednesday about two weeks to hand over roughly a dozen data points of voters who participated in the 2016 election, including birthdates, the last four digits of Social Security numbers, voting history, military status, and information about felony convictions.

My Identity Was Stolen. Here’s How They Did It — NOVA Next | PBS

My bank informed me that a thief with knowledge of my social security number, address, birthdate, and mother’s maiden name had succeeded in changing the contact information associated with my credit card.

Given an individual’s birthdate and the state they were born in, the researchers could, in some cases, predict the first five digits of an individual’s social security number with more than 90% accuracy.

Only way to do that is audit the election, that's what the commission is trying to do. What are you folks hiding?

BTW all that information is available though public records.


Quit lying. Some of the information is not available. Birth dates, license numbers, and social security numbers are not available. They have not said what they will do with the information. Why don't you just up you Nazi goon. You don't have to be hiding anything to oppose this.

What, do you think the federal government doesn't already know all that information and much more. Also you can go to your county registrars office and get a complete list of every one registered to vote and what ballot they voted in the last primary or what party they declared on their registration. You can also find out if any of them voted and when. If your dear leader were asking for this you wouldn't say a freaking word. So run along snowflake and kiss my ass on your way out.

First, in the letter to the states, the federal government is asking the states for information that is not public record such as felony convictions, social security information and date of birth, all of which is is confidential information. In addition, a number of states can not legally release any information for voters that requested an exception such as victims of spousal abuse.

Second, states are under no obligation to provide any of this information to federal government.

Lastly, the investigation seeks to legitimize the false and already debunked claims of massive voter fraud at a significant cost. Any conclusion the commission comes to will be based on incomplete and missing information. It is a foregone conclusion that republicans will claim the results prove massive voter fraud, democrats will reject it, and the tax payers will have funded another multi-million dollar waste of money.

This is another example of a Trump project that no one ever bothered to investigate the legal and political ramifications.

I'm going to keep this short. You don't know if there is massive voter fraud because the system isn't set up to catch it. The only way to determine the extent of fraud is to audit the election. This information is what's required to do so.

The have caught people voting in 2 and 3 States, felons voting and non citizens voting. No one knows how many because they aren't really looking. The States have an opportunity to verify their safe guards are working at the feds expense, why wouldn't they want to cooperate?

But most of all why wouldn't every citizen want to know for sure the integrity of the vote is being protected? Only people involved in fraud have something to fear.
It is not the responsibility of the federal government to audit state voter registration records and there is no requirement that states submit voter registration information to the federal goverment.

Anecdotal evidence is not evidence of massive voter fraud. Most of these allegations of fraud turn out to be baseless and the few allegations remaining, when investigated reveal election irregularities and other forms of election misconduct but not voter fraud, mostly machines snafus and poll worker misconduct and mistakes. There have been numerous studies that have reached this conclusion.

There are thousands of voting irregularities that states investigate. Alt-Right news outlets are quick to grab these reports and frame them as evidence of massive voter fraud long before they are investigated. Unless these irregularities would overturn the election results, they are not investigated until well after the election results have been certified. One of the most common irregularities occurs with mail in ballots. A person votes by mail then shows up at the poll and votes again claiming they want to change their vote or didn't put the right postage on their ballot etc. Poll workers usually allow them to vote but flag it as an irregularity.

As one of the investigators commented, the vast number of American voters want to vote but hate wasting the time finding the polling place, standing in line, and being confronted with a multitude of choices that they haven't investigated. Going through this process over and over and possibly facing criminal charges is not that appealing and thus voter fraud is extremely rare.

Resources on Voter Fraud Claims
DNC election fraud was rampant in both their primaries and the 2016 election. Several people have been arrested now, and the curtain has been thrown back, exposing liberals are more than willing to steal what they can not win.

BULLCRAP!! There was no fraud in the Democrat primaries. You have a big mouth but when you are asked to provide proof, you shut up. No one was denied the right to vote unless they did not meet the legal requirements for voting in the Democrat primary. I would say the Democrat primaries are fairer than Republican primaries.

Proof is easy..next .


What, do you think the federal government doesn't already know all that information and much more. Also you can go to your county registrars office and get a complete list of every one registered to vote and what ballot they voted in the last primary or what party they declared on their registration. You can also find out if any of them voted and when. If your dear leader were asking for this you wouldn't say a freaking word. So run along snowflake and kiss my ass on your way out.

First, in the letter to the states, the federal government is asking the states for information that is not public record such as felony convictions, social security information and date of birth, all of which is is confidential information. In addition, a number of states can not legally release any information for voters that requested an exception such as victims of spousal abuse.

Second, states are under no obligation to provide any of this information to federal government.

Lastly, the investigation seeks to legitimize the false and already debunked claims of massive voter fraud at a significant cost. Any conclusion the commission comes to will be based on incomplete and missing information. It is a foregone conclusion that republicans will claim the results prove massive voter fraud, democrats will reject it, and the tax payers will have funded another multi-million dollar waste of money.

This is another example of a Trump project that no one ever bothered to investigate the legal and political ramifications.

I'm going to keep this short. You don't know if there is massive voter fraud because the system isn't set up to catch it. The only way to determine the extent of fraud is to audit the election. This information is what's required to do so.

The have caught people voting in 2 and 3 States, felons voting and non citizens voting. No one knows how many because they aren't really looking. The States have an opportunity to verify their safe guards are working at the feds expense, why wouldn't they want to cooperate?

But most of all why wouldn't every citizen want to know for sure the integrity of the vote is being protected? Only people involved in fraud have something to fear.


The fact is that this is a bipartisan rejection of the commission. It includes Republican states like Utah, Tennessee, ND, SD, and Mississippi to name a few. The federal government has no need for this information.

Tell me child, can you think of any more excuses not to insure the integrity of our elections? Me thinks you doth protest too much, what are you trying to hide? Are you afraid you're gonna get caught?


The same thing Utah, Tennessee, ND, SD, and Indiana are trying to hide. Information that the federal government has no business with. Trump has already been caught.

What was Trump caught with?

Only way to do that is audit the election, that's what the commission is trying to do. What are you folks hiding?

BTW all that information is available though public records.


Quit lying. Some of the information is not available. Birth dates, license numbers, and social security numbers are not available. They have not said what they will do with the information. Why don't you just up you Nazi goon. You don't have to be hiding anything to oppose this.

What, do you think the federal government doesn't already know all that information and much more. Also you can go to your county registrars office and get a complete list of every one registered to vote and what ballot they voted in the last primary or what party they declared on their registration. You can also find out if any of them voted and when. If your dear leader were asking for this you wouldn't say a freaking word. So run along snowflake and kiss my ass on your way out.

First, in the letter to the states, the federal government is asking the states for information that is not public record such as felony convictions, social security information and date of birth, all of which is is confidential information. In addition, a number of states can not legally release any information for voters that requested an exception such as victims of spousal abuse.

Second, states are under no obligation to provide any of this information to federal government.

Lastly, the investigation seeks to legitimize the false and already debunked claims of massive voter fraud at a significant cost. Any conclusion the commission comes to will be based on incomplete and missing information. It is a foregone conclusion that republicans will claim the results prove massive voter fraud, democrats will reject it, and the tax payers will have funded another multi-million dollar waste of money.

This is another example of a Trump project that no one ever bothered to investigate the legal and political ramifications.

I'm going to keep this short. You don't know if there is massive voter fraud because the system isn't set up to catch it. The only way to determine the extent of fraud is to audit the election. This information is what's required to do so.

The have caught people voting in 2 and 3 States, felons voting and non citizens voting. No one knows how many because they aren't really looking. The States have an opportunity to verify their safe guards are working at the feds expense, why wouldn't they want to cooperate?

But most of all why wouldn't every citizen want to know for sure the integrity of the vote is being protected? Only people involved in fraud have something to fear.
It is not the responsibility of the federal government to audit state voter registration records and there is no requirement that states submit voter registration information to the federal goverment.

Anecdotal evidence is not evidence of massive voter fraud. Most of these allegations of fraud turn out to be baseless and the few allegations remaining, when investigated reveal election irregularities and other forms of election misconduct but not voter fraud, mostly machines snafus and poll worker misconduct and mistakes. There have been numerous studies that have reached this conclusion.

There are thousands of voting irregularities that states investigate. Alt-Right news outlets are quick to grab these reports and frame them as evidence of massive voter fraud long before they are investigated. Unless these irregularities would overturn the election results, they are not investigated until well after the election results have been certified. One of the most common irregularities occurs with mail in ballots. A person votes by mail then shows up at the poll and votes again claiming they want to change their vote or didn't put the right postage on their ballot etc. Poll workers usually allow them to vote but flag it as an irregularity.

As one of the investigators commented, the vast number of American voters want to vote but hate wasting the time finding the polling place, standing in line, and being confronted with a multitude of choices that they haven't investigated. Going through this process over and over and possibly facing criminal charges is not that appealing and thus voter fraud is extremely rare.

Resources on Voter Fraud Claims

You have your studies, I've seen studies that contradict them. Why is it only one side is the most vocal, doing everything they can to prevent safeguards from being put in place. You fight when we ask for proof of citizenship when registering, you fight when we want ID to make sure the person voting is the person that is registered. ID should be required to obtain a mail in ballot.

Here's an idea, since you don't want the States to give the government information to audit the election, how about we zero out voter rolls and require everyone who registers to provide proof of voting eligibility and run all registrants against State and Federal criminal and immigration data bases.

Now feel free to cry voter suppression.

What, do you think the federal government doesn't already know all that information and much more.


The comission isn't the federal government. If the government already has the information why doesn't he get it from the feds.

Because they want to compare what they have with the voter rolls, it's the only way to tell if someone is using a stolen identity of a person living or dead. It's basically an audit, but I wouldn't expect you to know what that is. Maybe an adult can explain it to ya.


What would you know about adults? We know what this is about. Trump having a temper tantrum because winning the election is not enough. He cannot accept the fact that he lost the popular vote and is wasting our time and money to prove a conspiracy theory that has been thoroughly debunked.

This is a state responsibility not federal. I remember Trump supporters going crazy when Obama suggested that our election systems should be declared a critical infrastructure. The meme was that Obama was taking over our election systems. Now that it is something Trump supporters are mad, it is okay for the federal government to meddle in something they have no business in.

To paraphrase the REPUBLICAN Secretary of State in Mississippi, "Go jump in the Gulf of Mexico,"

Debunked, name one State that has done a top to bottom audit of their elections. Here's a hint for ya child, just saying it ain't so isn't debunking anything.

What do you consider a top down audit of voting?
What, do you think the federal government doesn't already know all that information and much more.


The comission isn't the federal government. If the government already has the information why doesn't he get it from the feds.

Because they want to compare what they have with the voter rolls, it's the only way to tell if someone is using a stolen identity of a person living or dead. It's basically an audit, but I wouldn't expect you to know what that is. Maybe an adult can explain it to ya.


What would you know about adults? We know what this is about. Trump having a temper tantrum because winning the election is not enough. He cannot accept the fact that he lost the popular vote and is wasting our time and money to prove a conspiracy theory that has been thoroughly debunked.

This is a state responsibility not federal. I remember Trump supporters going crazy when Obama suggested that our election systems should be declared a critical infrastructure. The meme was that Obama was taking over our election systems. Now that it is something Trump supporters are mad, it is okay for the federal government to meddle in something they have no business in.

To paraphrase the REPUBLICAN Secretary of State in Mississippi, "Go jump in the Gulf of Mexico,"

Debunked, name one State that has done a top to bottom audit of their elections. Here's a hint for ya child, just saying it ain't so isn't debunking anything.

What do you consider a top down audit of voting?

Ensuring that everyone who cast a ballot was qualified to do so.

BTW I said top to bottom, not top down.

Only way to do that is audit the election, that's what the commission is trying to do. What are you folks hiding?

BTW all that information is available though public records.


Quit lying. Some of the information is not available. Birth dates, license numbers, and social security numbers are not available. They have not said what they will do with the information. Why don't you just up you Nazi goon. You don't have to be hiding anything to oppose this.

What, do you think the federal government doesn't already know all that information and much more. Also you can go to your county registrars office and get a complete list of every one registered to vote and what ballot they voted in the last primary or what party they declared on their registration. You can also find out if any of them voted and when. If your dear leader were asking for this you wouldn't say a freaking word. So run along snowflake and kiss my ass on your way out.

First, in the letter to the states, the federal government is asking the states for information that is not public record such as felony convictions, social security information and date of birth, all of which is is confidential information. In addition, a number of states can not legally release any information for voters that requested an exception such as victims of spousal abuse.

Second, states are under no obligation to provide any of this information to federal government.

Lastly, the investigation seeks to legitimize the false and already debunked claims of massive voter fraud at a significant cost. Any conclusion the commission comes to will be based on incomplete and missing information. It is a foregone conclusion that republicans will claim the results prove massive voter fraud, democrats will reject it, and the tax payers will have funded another multi-million dollar waste of money.

This is another example of a Trump project that no one ever bothered to investigate the legal and political ramifications.

I'm going to keep this short. You don't know if there is massive voter fraud because the system isn't set up to catch it. The only way to determine the extent of fraud is to audit the election. This information is what's required to do so.

The have caught people voting in 2 and 3 States, felons voting and non citizens voting. No one knows how many because they aren't really looking. The States have an opportunity to verify their safe guards are working at the feds expense, why wouldn't they want to cooperate?

But most of all why wouldn't every citizen want to know for sure the integrity of the vote is being protected? Only people involved in fraud have something to fear.


The fact is that this is a bipartisan rejection of the commission. It includes Republican states like Utah, Tennessee, ND, SD, and Mississippi to name a few. The federal government has no need for this information.
Trump may actually bring the Democrats and Republicans together in their common hatred for him. He would go down as the president who united the nation but not exactly the way he intended.
Quit lying. Some of the information is not available. Birth dates, license numbers, and social security numbers are not available. They have not said what they will do with the information. Why don't you just up you Nazi goon. You don't have to be hiding anything to oppose this.

What, do you think the federal government doesn't already know all that information and much more. Also you can go to your county registrars office and get a complete list of every one registered to vote and what ballot they voted in the last primary or what party they declared on their registration. You can also find out if any of them voted and when. If your dear leader were asking for this you wouldn't say a freaking word. So run along snowflake and kiss my ass on your way out.

First, in the letter to the states, the federal government is asking the states for information that is not public record such as felony convictions, social security information and date of birth, all of which is is confidential information. In addition, a number of states can not legally release any information for voters that requested an exception such as victims of spousal abuse.

Second, states are under no obligation to provide any of this information to federal government.

Lastly, the investigation seeks to legitimize the false and already debunked claims of massive voter fraud at a significant cost. Any conclusion the commission comes to will be based on incomplete and missing information. It is a foregone conclusion that republicans will claim the results prove massive voter fraud, democrats will reject it, and the tax payers will have funded another multi-million dollar waste of money.

This is another example of a Trump project that no one ever bothered to investigate the legal and political ramifications.

I'm going to keep this short. You don't know if there is massive voter fraud because the system isn't set up to catch it. The only way to determine the extent of fraud is to audit the election. This information is what's required to do so.

The have caught people voting in 2 and 3 States, felons voting and non citizens voting. No one knows how many because they aren't really looking. The States have an opportunity to verify their safe guards are working at the feds expense, why wouldn't they want to cooperate?

But most of all why wouldn't every citizen want to know for sure the integrity of the vote is being protected? Only people involved in fraud have something to fear.
It is not the responsibility of the federal government to audit state voter registration records and there is no requirement that states submit voter registration information to the federal goverment.

Anecdotal evidence is not evidence of massive voter fraud. Most of these allegations of fraud turn out to be baseless and the few allegations remaining, when investigated reveal election irregularities and other forms of election misconduct but not voter fraud, mostly machines snafus and poll worker misconduct and mistakes. There have been numerous studies that have reached this conclusion.

There are thousands of voting irregularities that states investigate. Alt-Right news outlets are quick to grab these reports and frame them as evidence of massive voter fraud long before they are investigated. Unless these irregularities would overturn the election results, they are not investigated until well after the election results have been certified. One of the most common irregularities occurs with mail in ballots. A person votes by mail then shows up at the poll and votes again claiming they want to change their vote or didn't put the right postage on their ballot etc. Poll workers usually allow them to vote but flag it as an irregularity.

As one of the investigators commented, the vast number of American voters want to vote but hate wasting the time finding the polling place, standing in line, and being confronted with a multitude of choices that they haven't investigated. Going through this process over and over and possibly facing criminal charges is not that appealing and thus voter fraud is extremely rare.

Resources on Voter Fraud Claims

You have your studies, I've seen studies that contradict them. Why is it only one side is the most vocal, doing everything they can to prevent safeguards from being put in place. You fight when we ask for proof of citizenship when registering, you fight when we want ID to make sure the person voting is the person that is registered. ID should be required to obtain a mail in ballot.

Here's an idea, since you don't want the States to give the government information to audit the election, how about we zero out voter rolls and require everyone who registers to provide proof of voting eligibility and run all registrants against State and Federal criminal and immigration data bases.

Now feel free to cry voter suppression.
Why is it only one side is the most vocal, doing everything they can to prevent people that are entitled to vote from being turned away at the polls?

Even though I usually vote democrat, I'm not particular concerned about requiring voter ids. It think both sides are wrong. There is no massive voter fraud and requiring all voters to carry an id to the polls is not going have any big effect on election outcomes. Illegal immigrants who are fearfully of registering their kids in school or going to emergency rooms are certainly not going risk deportation and prison by voting. Democrats that actually vote are just as likely to not have proper ids as republicans that vote.

The objection I have with voter ids is that it's just more unneeded bureaucracy and creates a false sense of security because the real voter fraud when it occurs is in vote counting or as Joseph Stalin said,
"It's not the people that vote that counts, it's the people who count the votes."
What, do you think the federal government doesn't already know all that information and much more. Also you can go to your county registrars office and get a complete list of every one registered to vote and what ballot they voted in the last primary or what party they declared on their registration. You can also find out if any of them voted and when. If your dear leader were asking for this you wouldn't say a freaking word. So run along snowflake and kiss my ass on your way out.

First, in the letter to the states, the federal government is asking the states for information that is not public record such as felony convictions, social security information and date of birth, all of which is is confidential information. In addition, a number of states can not legally release any information for voters that requested an exception such as victims of spousal abuse.

Second, states are under no obligation to provide any of this information to federal government.

Lastly, the investigation seeks to legitimize the false and already debunked claims of massive voter fraud at a significant cost. Any conclusion the commission comes to will be based on incomplete and missing information. It is a foregone conclusion that republicans will claim the results prove massive voter fraud, democrats will reject it, and the tax payers will have funded another multi-million dollar waste of money.

This is another example of a Trump project that no one ever bothered to investigate the legal and political ramifications.

I'm going to keep this short. You don't know if there is massive voter fraud because the system isn't set up to catch it. The only way to determine the extent of fraud is to audit the election. This information is what's required to do so.

The have caught people voting in 2 and 3 States, felons voting and non citizens voting. No one knows how many because they aren't really looking. The States have an opportunity to verify their safe guards are working at the feds expense, why wouldn't they want to cooperate?

But most of all why wouldn't every citizen want to know for sure the integrity of the vote is being protected? Only people involved in fraud have something to fear.
It is not the responsibility of the federal government to audit state voter registration records and there is no requirement that states submit voter registration information to the federal goverment.

Anecdotal evidence is not evidence of massive voter fraud. Most of these allegations of fraud turn out to be baseless and the few allegations remaining, when investigated reveal election irregularities and other forms of election misconduct but not voter fraud, mostly machines snafus and poll worker misconduct and mistakes. There have been numerous studies that have reached this conclusion.

There are thousands of voting irregularities that states investigate. Alt-Right news outlets are quick to grab these reports and frame them as evidence of massive voter fraud long before they are investigated. Unless these irregularities would overturn the election results, they are not investigated until well after the election results have been certified. One of the most common irregularities occurs with mail in ballots. A person votes by mail then shows up at the poll and votes again claiming they want to change their vote or didn't put the right postage on their ballot etc. Poll workers usually allow them to vote but flag it as an irregularity.

As one of the investigators commented, the vast number of American voters want to vote but hate wasting the time finding the polling place, standing in line, and being confronted with a multitude of choices that they haven't investigated. Going through this process over and over and possibly facing criminal charges is not that appealing and thus voter fraud is extremely rare.

Resources on Voter Fraud Claims

You have your studies, I've seen studies that contradict them. Why is it only one side is the most vocal, doing everything they can to prevent safeguards from being put in place. You fight when we ask for proof of citizenship when registering, you fight when we want ID to make sure the person voting is the person that is registered. ID should be required to obtain a mail in ballot.

Here's an idea, since you don't want the States to give the government information to audit the election, how about we zero out voter rolls and require everyone who registers to provide proof of voting eligibility and run all registrants against State and Federal criminal and immigration data bases.

Now feel free to cry voter suppression.
Why is it only one side is the most vocal, doing everything they can to prevent people that are entitled to vote from being turned away at the polls?

Even though I usually vote democrat, I'm not particular concerned about requiring voter ids. It think both sides are wrong. There is no massive voter fraud and requiring all voters to carry an id to the polls is not going have any big effect on election outcomes. Illegal immigrants who are fearfully of registering their kids in school or going to emergency rooms are certainly not going risk deportation and prison by voting. Democrats that actually vote are just as likely to not have proper ids as republicans that vote.

The objection I have with voter ids is that it's just more unneeded bureaucracy and creates a false sense of security because the real voter fraud when it occurs is in vote counting or as Joseph Stalin said,
"It's not the people that vote that counts, it's the people who count the votes."

Well I'll tell ya, illegals aren't fearful enough to go home, many are using false or stolen identities to work and who knows what else.

I'm a simple guy, I just want to know the people who are voting are eligible to vote and as the system stands, I have my doubts, as do millions of others.

Quit lying. Some of the information is not available. Birth dates, license numbers, and social security numbers are not available. They have not said what they will do with the information. Why don't you just up you Nazi goon. You don't have to be hiding anything to oppose this.

What, do you think the federal government doesn't already know all that information and much more. Also you can go to your county registrars office and get a complete list of every one registered to vote and what ballot they voted in the last primary or what party they declared on their registration. You can also find out if any of them voted and when. If your dear leader were asking for this you wouldn't say a freaking word. So run along snowflake and kiss my ass on your way out.

First, in the letter to the states, the federal government is asking the states for information that is not public record such as felony convictions, social security information and date of birth, all of which is is confidential information. In addition, a number of states can not legally release any information for voters that requested an exception such as victims of spousal abuse.

Second, states are under no obligation to provide any of this information to federal government.

Lastly, the investigation seeks to legitimize the false and already debunked claims of massive voter fraud at a significant cost. Any conclusion the commission comes to will be based on incomplete and missing information. It is a foregone conclusion that republicans will claim the results prove massive voter fraud, democrats will reject it, and the tax payers will have funded another multi-million dollar waste of money.

This is another example of a Trump project that no one ever bothered to investigate the legal and political ramifications.

I'm going to keep this short. You don't know if there is massive voter fraud because the system isn't set up to catch it. The only way to determine the extent of fraud is to audit the election. This information is what's required to do so.

The have caught people voting in 2 and 3 States, felons voting and non citizens voting. No one knows how many because they aren't really looking. The States have an opportunity to verify their safe guards are working at the feds expense, why wouldn't they want to cooperate?

But most of all why wouldn't every citizen want to know for sure the integrity of the vote is being protected? Only people involved in fraud have something to fear.


The fact is that this is a bipartisan rejection of the commission. It includes Republican states like Utah, Tennessee, ND, SD, and Mississippi to name a few. The federal government has no need for this information.
Trump may actually bring the Democrats and Republicans together in their common hatred for him. He would go down as the president who united the nation but not exactly the way he intended.

Jesus everyone is showing their butt hurt color's..

And we just sit back and enjoy.

Trump the first president in history that doesn't hurt anything except liberals feelings..

News at 11

The comission isn't the federal government. If the government already has the information why doesn't he get it from the feds.

Because they want to compare what they have with the voter rolls, it's the only way to tell if someone is using a stolen identity of a person living or dead. It's basically an audit, but I wouldn't expect you to know what that is. Maybe an adult can explain it to ya.


What would you know about adults? We know what this is about. Trump having a temper tantrum because winning the election is not enough. He cannot accept the fact that he lost the popular vote and is wasting our time and money to prove a conspiracy theory that has been thoroughly debunked.

This is a state responsibility not federal. I remember Trump supporters going crazy when Obama suggested that our election systems should be declared a critical infrastructure. The meme was that Obama was taking over our election systems. Now that it is something Trump supporters are mad, it is okay for the federal government to meddle in something they have no business in.

To paraphrase the REPUBLICAN Secretary of State in Mississippi, "Go jump in the Gulf of Mexico,"

Debunked, name one State that has done a top to bottom audit of their elections. Here's a hint for ya child, just saying it ain't so isn't debunking anything.

What do you consider a top down audit of voting?

Ensuring that everyone who cast a ballot was qualified to do so.

BTW I said top to bottom, not top down.


So, because there are single digit cases of voter fraud out of the 100mil+ votes that were cast, you want an complete audit?

That's like gutting your entire house to check for leaks because you found one drop of water on the floor in the past four years.
Trump the first president in history that doesn't hurt anything except liberals feelings..

News at 11


I have a friend with serious pre-existing conditions who's insurance was just cancelled due to Trump's policies. It will cost more than $35,000 per year to insure her, assuming she can find another company. She cannot afford that amount or anything much more than she currently pays.

To say that Trump isn't hurting anyone is a lie.
BULLCRAP!! There was no fraud in the Democrat primaries. You have a big mouth but when you are asked to provide proof, you shut up. No one was denied the right to vote unless they did not meet the legal requirements for voting in the Democrat primary. I would say the Democrat primaries are fairer than Republican primaries.
Of course you would day that, snowflake.

Hillary could not beat Sanders without rigged primaries, debate cheating, and election fraud. The DNC rep running the Iowa primary still hasn't turned over the actual votes as was called for, and that 2-headed coin used to help Hillary has suddenly disappeared. :p

Democrats engaged in 'terrorism' after the election, using threats of violence against Electoral College Voters in an attempt to change the outcome of the election - in an attempt to STEAL the election, which is a helluva lot more / worse than the Russians did!

Again, the unethical / illegal activity in their primaries, after the election, and recent arrests for voter / election fraud prove Democrats haveno problem trying to steal what they can't win!
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So, because there are single digit cases of voter fraud...
For years snowflakes declared there was / is no voter fraud. 2016 blew that lie out of the water. Now Democrsts are trying to claim only single-digit voter fraud exists.

You jackasses got caught rigging primaries, cheating in debates, engaging in voter fraud, threatening violence against Electoral College voters in an attempt to change the election results, protected a criminal from prosecution just so she could remain in the race, called for military coups and assassination, have had numerous people arrested lately, AND refuse to turn over voter rolls to hide more fraud.

And you still want to try to claim 'nothing to see here!'

Holy Crap! :p
So, because there are single digit cases of voter fraud...
For years snowflakes declared there was / is no voter fraud. 2016 blew that lie out of the water. Now Democrsts are trying to claim only single-digit voter fraud exists.

You jackasses got caught rigging primaries, cheating in debates, engaging in voter fraud, threatening violence against Electoral College voters in an attempt to change the election results, protected a criminal from prosecution just so she could remain in the race, called for military coups and assassination, have had numerous people arrested lately, AND refuse to turn over voter rolls to hide more fraud.

And you still want to try to claim 'nothing to see here!'

Holy Crap! :p

Better get that info to the government, because you obviously know something they don't.
Because they want to compare what they have with the voter rolls, it's the only way to tell if someone is using a stolen identity of a person living or dead. It's basically an audit, but I wouldn't expect you to know what that is. Maybe an adult can explain it to ya.


What would you know about adults? We know what this is about. Trump having a temper tantrum because winning the election is not enough. He cannot accept the fact that he lost the popular vote and is wasting our time and money to prove a conspiracy theory that has been thoroughly debunked.

This is a state responsibility not federal. I remember Trump supporters going crazy when Obama suggested that our election systems should be declared a critical infrastructure. The meme was that Obama was taking over our election systems. Now that it is something Trump supporters are mad, it is okay for the federal government to meddle in something they have no business in.

To paraphrase the REPUBLICAN Secretary of State in Mississippi, "Go jump in the Gulf of Mexico,"

Debunked, name one State that has done a top to bottom audit of their elections. Here's a hint for ya child, just saying it ain't so isn't debunking anything.

What do you consider a top down audit of voting?

Ensuring that everyone who cast a ballot was qualified to do so.

BTW I said top to bottom, not top down.


So, because there are single digit cases of voter fraud out of the 100mil+ votes that were cast, you want an complete audit?

That's like gutting your entire house to check for leaks because you found one drop of water on the floor in the past four years.

So the very real possibility of having your vote canceled, by a felon or non citizen, every single election doesn't bother you? The way the system is set up now, and the fact that there is so much resistance to fixing it, makes that a likely possibility.

BTW a lot of local elections are decided by single digits.


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