24 States Refuse To Turn Over Voting Data Unstable President

It looks like the Fuhrer back off from this nonsense voter fraud collection data.

REUTERS: Trump's election panel puts hold on voter data request.

FOX NEWS: Trump voter fraud commission faces several challenges.
In the wake of surmounting legal challenges. President Donald Trump voter fraud commission has halted its widespread collection data.

I'm having a problem ----- can't post a link or picture.
It looks like the Fuhrer back off from this nonsense voter fraud collection data.

REUTERS: Trump's election panel puts hold on voter data request.

FOX NEWS: Trump voter fraud commission faces several challenges.
In the wake of surmounting legal challenges. President Donald Trump voter fraud commission has halted its widespread collection data.

I'm having a problem ----- can't post a link or picture.

Trump's election panel puts hold on voter data request

(Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump's commission to investigate possible election fraud on Monday put a freeze on its effort to collect sensitive voter data from states in the face of growing legal challenges.

In an email, the panel's designated officer, Andrew Kossack, asked state elections officers to "hold on submitting any data," the commission said in court filings.

Several state elections officials confirmed receiving a letter from the panel stating that it would provide further instructions after a federal judge had ruled on a complaint filed by a watchdog group, the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), which is seeking a temporary restraining order.

Trump Voter Fraud Commission faces new challenge in court

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