24 States Refuse To Turn Over Voting Data Unstable President

I thought this would be what liberals wanted, with all the Russian meddling in the election don't y'all want to see where the fraud was so we can fix it, or are y'all scared that Trump was correct about illegal votes?

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The committee will not be able to determine voter fraud from the data because the data is not sufficient. They will only be able to determine that the possibility exist which we know now. It's just partisan politics.

Kobach is kkk. Trump is kkk. Both are alt right. Kobach is or was Arpaios atty. Arpaio is kkk. All are known to be corrupt and have criminal pasts. All are openly nazi/fascist.

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Oh boy, another radicalized Democrat nutbag. I sure hope they're keeping an eye on this one. A very sick individual. :cuckoo:
He's not just unstable. He's a crook.

He won't show his tax returns. Why should I trust him with personal info?

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You trusted the guy from Kenya.
What guy from Kenya?
He's not just unstable. He's a crook.

He won't show his tax returns. Why should I trust him with personal info?

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You trusted the guy from Kenya.
What guy from Kenya?
Why'd you post that? Obama didn't write it.

True. LIz Fowler wrote it. But Obama signed it.
He did? Show me his signature.....
I don't get it. Honestly I don't. The voter rolls are public information. Anyone can walk in and pay a small fee and get the rolls. They include who voted, and who is registered to vote. I don't get it, why say that they won't provide it when anyone can go and get it? Both parties regularly get the lists to target their mailings and campaign information.

All that is going to happen is that someone will go, and buy the lists, and then send them to the commission. It is a useless and stupid stand. The Governor of New York said he would not provide them, and then admitted that they were already public information, and that anyone could get them.

It is useless posturing to gin up the support of their side, meaningless, and even worse will look guilty if the Commission finds that the dead were voting, or illegals were voting. Then those who are rushing about now and saying they will not participate with this effort will have to say that the illegals who voted or the dead who voted were no big deal, or worse, they look like they were involved in a conspiracy to cover it up.

I honestly just don't get it.

They are not. Some of the information such as drivers licenses and social security numbers are not public. There is no need for Washington to have this information.

Hey dipshit! Washington has your social security number already!

I would ask how stupid can you brain-dead nitwits can be, but you'd see it as a challenge!
Kobach is known as KKKris and we know that trump is kkk. This is all about stopping certain Americans from voting and, thanks to RWs who hate their own country, they are succeeding.

No we hate the country that you leftys want to make it into..thank god for Trump rolling back all the damage Obama caused.


I hate the country that Trump supporters are trying to turn this country into as well. The left and Trump supporters are two sides of a rotten coin. There is no reason for this information to go to Washington. If Obama wanted to do this, the very same Trump supporters defending this would be lambasting him and calling him a traitor. Maybe we should have the same type of list of registered gun owners in each state. After all, what do legal gun owners have to hide?

Hey moron! My state doesn't register guns and neither do the vast majority of states that are not liberal-infested slums.
You need to post 3-5 million more to come close to Trumps claim.

Funny how Kobach wants states to release enough information for hackers to steal the identity of every voter.

kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who is vice chairman of the commission, gave states on Wednesday about two weeks to hand over roughly a dozen data points of voters who participated in the 2016 election, including birthdates, the last four digits of Social Security numbers, voting history, military status, and information about felony convictions.

My Identity Was Stolen. Here’s How They Did It — NOVA Next | PBS

My bank informed me that a thief with knowledge of my social security number, address, birthdate, and mother’s maiden name had succeeded in changing the contact information associated with my credit card.

Given an individual’s birthdate and the state they were born in, the researchers could, in some cases, predict the first five digits of an individual’s social security number with more than 90% accuracy.

Only way to do that is audit the election, that's what the commission is trying to do. What are you folks hiding?

BTW all that information is available though public records.


Quit lying. Some of the information is not available. Birth dates, license numbers, and social security numbers are not available. They have not said what they will do with the information. Why don't you just up you Nazi goon. You don't have to be hiding anything to oppose this.

Again, the federal government already knows your birth date and SSN! What an idiot!
There is no reason for this information to go to Washington.

Maybe we should have the same type of list of registered gun owners in each state. After all, what do legal gun owners have to hide?

Suddenly republicans are against states rights, and want to federalize the election process.
States rights was just a vehicle republicans used to capture the South over 40 years ago. They have had no problem ignoring states rights when it fits their goals, however it has become a key plank in republican platforms and for good reasons. By transferring huge problems such healthcare, welfare, and education to the states it accomplish several goals.
  • First, it allow republicans at the national level to adopt the "not my problem" rhetoric.
  • Knowing states can not run deficits and can not possibly raise enough funds to cover the cost of these programs, it will reduce government support, leaving the poor and low income workers to fend for themselves, a long time goal of many republicans.
  • Lastly, if frees up federal funds to abolish estate taxes, taxes on investment gains, lower tax rates for the most wealthy, and cut corporate taxes.
Republicans love states rights, at least most of time.

Wow! I never knew anyone with a more accurate user name. You flip and flop with the best of them, Sometimes you have great posts, and then sometimes you run face-first into a brick wall of stupid!

This is one of those times.

Look up "new federalism". I taught all about it in my history and government classes. You obviously need a refresher course.
I don't get it. Honestly I don't. The voter rolls are public information. Anyone can walk in and pay a small fee and get the rolls. They include who voted, and who is registered to vote. I don't get it, why say that they won't provide it when anyone can go and get it? Both parties regularly get the lists to target their mailings and campaign information.

All that is going to happen is that someone will go, and buy the lists, and then send them to the commission. It is a useless and stupid stand. The Governor of New York said he would not provide them, and then admitted that they were already public information, and that anyone could get them.

It is useless posturing to gin up the support of their side, meaningless, and even worse will look guilty if the Commission finds that the dead were voting, or illegals were voting. Then those who are rushing about now and saying they will not participate with this effort will have to say that the illegals who voted or the dead who voted were no big deal, or worse, they look like they were involved in a conspiracy to cover it up.

I honestly just don't get it.

They are not. Some of the information such as drivers licenses and social security numbers are not public. There is no need for Washington to have this information.

Hey dipshit! Washington has your social security number already!

I would ask how stupid can you brain-dead nitwits can be, but you'd see it as a challenge!

Hey dipshit! Social Security numbers are not passed out to every Tom, Dick, and Harry who wants it.

I would ask how stupid you are but the fact that you defend Trump shows how brain dead you are like most members of a cult are. Incapable of any independent though and only worried about der Fuerher.
Why'd you post that? Obama didn't write it.

True. LIz Fowler wrote it. But Obama signed it.
He did? Show me his signature.....
obama admits born in kenya - Bing video
I must have missed it -- at what mark in that video did Obama say, "I was born in Kenya?"
He said "glad to be back home".
Oh, ok. So he didn't say he was born in Kenya. Thanks for clarifying. :thup:
You need to post 3-5 million more to come close to Trumps claim.

Funny how Kobach wants states to release enough information for hackers to steal the identity of every voter.

kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who is vice chairman of the commission, gave states on Wednesday about two weeks to hand over roughly a dozen data points of voters who participated in the 2016 election, including birthdates, the last four digits of Social Security numbers, voting history, military status, and information about felony convictions.

My Identity Was Stolen. Here’s How They Did It — NOVA Next | PBS

My bank informed me that a thief with knowledge of my social security number, address, birthdate, and mother’s maiden name had succeeded in changing the contact information associated with my credit card.

Given an individual’s birthdate and the state they were born in, the researchers could, in some cases, predict the first five digits of an individual’s social security number with more than 90% accuracy.

Only way to do that is audit the election, that's what the commission is trying to do. What are you folks hiding?

BTW all that information is available though public records.


Quit lying. Some of the information is not available. Birth dates, license numbers, and social security numbers are not available. They have not said what they will do with the information. Why don't you just up you Nazi goon. You don't have to be hiding anything to oppose this.

Again, the federal government already knows your birth date and SSN! What an idiot!

Again, the federal government does not pass that out to every Tom, Dick and Harry. Generally it takes a court order and there is no basis for this in this case. There are privacy laws governing the release of this information. What a idiot and good little Nazi you are.
True. LIz Fowler wrote it. But Obama signed it.
He did? Show me his signature.....
obama admits born in kenya - Bing video
I must have missed it -- at what mark in that video did Obama say, "I was born in Kenya?"
He said "glad to be back home".
Oh, ok. So he didn't say he was born in Kenya. Thanks for clarifying. :thup:
Kenya is his home, America isn't.
I must have missed it -- at what mark in that video did Obama say, "I was born in Kenya?"
He said "glad to be back home".
Oh, ok. So he didn't say he was born in Kenya. Thanks for clarifying. :thup:
Kenya is his home, America isn't.
No, Kenya is his ancestral home. America is the home where he was born.

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