24 States Refuse To Turn Over Voting Data Unstable President

Bottom line in all of this.

Is there any requirement to vote?

Living in the USA?

Now, if you think there is any requirement, how do we know that those requirements are being met?

Consider California for example. Does anyone believe that there are not people without citizenship voting? I think there are and that to me seems not right. Maybe a investigation is warranted to tell me I am full of crap. But just whining about public information be given to the feds, information they already have in various forms, doesn't answer any questions, to me it raises questions.
...In a nation that claims to have fair democratic elections, you really can't "cull the herd" of those that have beliefs different from yours and still claim your elections are the voice of the people...
Nothing to do with 'beliefs'... merely working towards a functional disenfranchisement of the Dolists (those "on-the-dole" - sucking off the welfare teat).

.. It is far better that the country fall into economic chaos as would eventually result from uncontrolled overspending than to resort to sham elections where only the "elite" are allow to vote....
1. disagree - I cannot think of a circumstance in which it would be better to allow the country to fall into economic chaos

2. they are not working for the elites - they are working against the Dolists - so that they do not have the power to elect Dole-perpetuating candidates

...We have a democratic republic in which voters select representatives to run the government and make our laws...
We were a democratic republic when there were property qualifications for voting - that's what they're working towards restoring, in a modern adaptation of the concept.

...These people answer to voters but voters are a fickle bunch that vote for many different reasons...
Yep... true for any bloc of voters... but doubly or triply true for those who have no property-stake and who are net consumers-of rather than contributors-to the state.

...People on welfare do not necessary vote for the person that promises more welfare...

Not necessarily.

But so close to that it's almost a certainty.

...because there are many different issues and there are many different forms of government support...
By welfare, let's confine ourselves to SNAP, TANF, LIHEAP and any other program designed to help able-bodied people of working age who are not self-sufficient.

...Stereotyping a person receiving government support is likely to lead to the wrong conclusions.

There are, indeed, dangers to be addressed when stereotyping.

However, many stereotypes have a demonstrable and historical basis in fact, and can be utilized, so long as one is on-guard against the risk of substantive inaccuracy.

Within the framework of SNAP, TANF, LIHEAP and the like... with respect to stereotyping of voter behaviors... the margin of error is so small that it's safe to stereotype.

And, in cases wherein 'race' (the poor White vote vs. the poor Black vote, etc.) is a factor, one can safely stereotype very broadly within those very large sub-groupings.
1 in 5 voters are now participating in government assistance programs. During the recession it was 1 in 4. Assuming you can come up with some cockeyed excuse to take away the vote from that many American, the US would be no better than a dozen third world countries that have systematically taking away the most basic right, to elect their leaders .
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You and I have interpreted this differently.

I do believe that a fair number of State Attorneys General have interpreted the request in the very same way that I did.

Oh, and, by the way...

I you have my Registered Party Affiliation...

And you know whether or not I voted in Election A or B...

You can guess WHOM I voted for in Election A or B, now, can't you?

Plus-or-minus a few percentage points for error, when spread across an entire population.


No Sale.
Your voting history, whether you like it or not, is "public information". It can be purchased by candidates, campaigns and journalists.

Incorrect. You can request individually with a name but they will not give you that information of the entire states.
If its that simple why didn't this dude Kobach did it himself?

Yes they do. It is in the data provided to candidates and campaigns. In the data I provide I have two formats, five elections worth of voting history in a single file or all the voters history in two files.

So why did Kobach even bother asking the states?
Remember both red and blue states rejected Trump request. Some will comply only what is available in public but SSN and DL is not available to the public.
Kobach has been fighting to overturn the National Voter Registration Act and is a supporter of tightening both registration requirements and voting requirements. He has also been an out spoken critic of open registration. Regardless of the data he will be able construct a report that indicates that vast numbers of people may be illegally voting which will be translated by the media into voter fraud when in fact the data only shows it is possible. That possibility in most cases only exists because of the way the data elements and the files are constructed.

When people move from county to county or state to state, they will not be removed from their old location for years. Thus a case can be made for illegally voting. A person dies but remains on the voter rolls for a number of years. A person with the same name, similar name or even the same birth date is voting in elections. The assumption is of course voter fraud. Then there are people who vote by mail and then vote again at polls and their vote is only registered once but records show they voted twice. Then there are provisional ballots in which voters are allowed to vote when there are discrepancies between voter identification and voter registration information. There are also cases where voters appear on the files multiple times because of name changes. There are many, many anomalies that can't be resolved by just looking at voting registration records and federal data bases. It is necessary that the procedures and other files be examined which would be a very long and costly investigation, an investigation that has been made already in some states and will not be made by this commission.

Thank you for the update.
I was just wondering if Kobach got all the information he wanted from 50 states.
1. What is going to do with all the information after he is done? Who will store it and keep it sacred? Him?
2. What happened It he found out that thousands of those dead Americans or other irregularities name voted for Trump?
Now what is going to do? Who is validating his investigation? Since this is not a bipartisan commission he can draw whatever conclusion to his favor.

In short this no more than a BANANA commission.
...1 in 5 voters are now participating in government assistance programs. During the recession it was 1 in 4. Assuming you can come up with some cockeyed excuse to take away the vote from that many American, the US would be no better than a dozen third world countries that have systematically taking away the most basic right, to elect their leaders .
Not to worry... 4 in 5 will still be enfranchised... the 80% that count...
Bottom line in all of this.

Is there any requirement to vote?

Living in the USA?

Now, if you think there is any requirement, how do we know that those requirements are being met?

Consider California for example. Does anyone believe that there are not people without citizenship voting? I think there are and that to me seems not right. Maybe a investigation is warranted to tell me I am full of crap. But just whining about public information be given to the feds, information they already have in various forms, doesn't answer any questions, to me it raises questions.

The Constitution delegates this responsibility to the states not the federal government. It is not public information and the federal government having voter affiliation of voters is illegal. The Constitution does not allow the federal government to break the law.
Bottom line in all of this.

Is there any requirement to vote?

Living in the USA?

Citizen - yes
non-felon - some state allow felons to vote, even while in prison
Alive - If you vote by mail, but die before election day, your vote counts
Living in the USA - that's what absentee ballots are for
1. What is going to do with all the information after he is done? Who will store it and keep it sacred? Him? .

They want to put all the voter registration data for the entire country onto one computer in the white house under the control of the vice president.

That way Putin doesn't have to hack 50 different state computer systems, All the information will be on a single unsecured server.
Holy Shit!! Just one more way Trump is destroying democracy!!

Hundreds of voters un-register after Trump voter fraud panel demands info

Maybe they're in the government witness protection program, or are a battered spouse. Folks the post office isn't allowed to disclose where they moved to without a court order. Even just looking them up requires special top level permission.

And the voter commission wants to make their nanes and addresses public information.
I thought this would be what liberals wanted, with all the Russian meddling in the election don't y'all want to see where the fraud was so we can fix it, or are y'all scared that Trump was correct about illegal votes?

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I thought this would be what liberals wanted, with all the Russian meddling in the election don't y'all want to see where the fraud was so we can fix it, or are y'all scared that Trump was correct about illegal votes?

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Let the commission travel to the 50 states, and grant them limited access to each states databases. But don't let them alter, copy or release any of that information. We're o.k. with that.

But putting the entire countries voter rolls onto a single server is just asking for the Russians to hack into it. Why make it easy for them.
One ex-intelligence agent said the Russians would love to have the voter database of Virginia and Maryland. That's where a lot of our CIA spies live, and can be culled out of the voter records.
I thought this would be what liberals wanted, with all the Russian meddling in the election don't y'all want to see where the fraud was so we can fix it, or are y'all scared that Trump was correct about illegal votes?

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Obviously you don't know what liberals want so I'll tell you. We want people to be encouraged to register and vote. We want automatic registration and early voting.

Trump is lying about wide spread voter fraud on a scale that we justify this commission. You and I both know that he is up to no good with this. The difference is that people like you won't admit it, or have your heads where the sun don't shine

Republicans have, for some time, been trying to limit voter access to the polls . They know that high turnout means that they loose.
Your voting history, whether you like it or not, is "public information". It can be purchased by candidates, campaigns and journalists.

Incorrect. You can request individually with a name but they will not give you that information of the entire states.
If its that simple why didn't this dude Kobach did it himself?

Yes they do. It is in the data provided to candidates and campaigns. In the data I provide I have two formats, five elections worth of voting history in a single file or all the voters history in two files.

So why did Kobach even bother asking the states?
Remember both red and blue states rejected Trump request. Some will comply only what is available in public but SSN and DL is not available to the public.
Kobach has been fighting to overturn the National Voter Registration Act and is a supporter of tightening both registration requirements and voting requirements. He has also been an out spoken critic of open registration. Regardless of the data he will be able construct a report that indicates that vast numbers of people may be illegally voting which will be translated by the media into voter fraud when in fact the data only shows it is possible. That possibility in most cases only exists because of the way the data elements and the files are constructed.

When people move from county to county or state to state, they will not be removed from their old location for years. Thus a case can be made for illegally voting. A person dies but remains on the voter rolls for a number of years. A person with the same name, similar name or even the same birth date is voting in elections. The assumption is of course voter fraud. Then there are people who vote by mail and then vote again at polls and their vote is only registered once but records show they voted twice. Then there are provisional ballots in which voters are allowed to vote when there are discrepancies between voter identification and voter registration information. There are also cases where voters appear on the files multiple times because of name changes. There are many, many anomalies that can't be resolved by just looking at voting registration records and federal data bases. It is necessary that the procedures and other files be examined which would be a very long and costly investigation, an investigation that has been made already in some states and will not be made by this commission.

Thank you for the update.
I was just wondering if Kobach got all the information he wanted from 50 states.
1. What is going to do with all the information after he is done? Who will store it and keep it sacred? Him?
2. What happened It he found out that thousands of those dead Americans or other irregularities name voted for Trump?
Now what is going to do? Who is validating his investigation? Since this is not a bipartisan commission he can draw whatever conclusion to his favor.

In short this no more than a BANANA commission.
They are not giving him information about how they voted, just name, address, party affiliation if specified, and whether they voted in an election from 2006 on. The states were also asked to supply the last 4 digits of Social Security number, criminal conviction information and date of birth. A few states mostly strong red states will provide everything. Most states will provide only the basic demographics, not birthday or criminal record. A few states will send nothing because there is no legal requirement to do so.

What the government will do with this massive amount of data with different format and different data elements is unknown. Since McConnell said congress will not be providing any money for this commission and there's no one on the committee that has any background in election data gathering, just politics, it will probably be announcements supporting the presidents opinion but with only evidence of the possibility of voter fraud in mostly republican states, which we are already know exists.
I thought this would be what liberals wanted, with all the Russian meddling in the election don't y'all want to see where the fraud was so we can fix it, or are y'all scared that Trump was correct about illegal votes?

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The committee will not be able to determine voter fraud from the data because the data is not sufficient. They will only be able to determine that the possibility exist which we know now. It's just partisan politics.
I thought this would be what liberals wanted, with all the Russian meddling in the election don't y'all want to see where the fraud was so we can fix it, or are y'all scared that Trump was correct about illegal votes?

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Obviously you don't know what liberals want so I'll tell you. We want people to be encouraged to register and vote. We want automatic registration and early voting.

Trump is lying about wide spread voter fraud on a scale that we justify this commission. You and I both know that he is up to no good with this. The difference is that people like you won't admit it, or have your heads where the sun don't shine

Republicans have, for some time, been trying to limit voter access to the polls . They know that high turnout means that they loose.

Still don't understand why y'all don't want to investigate all voting problems. What's wrong with showing ID to vote .
Don't you want to know if illegals did vote, how many would be ok with you?
And an investigation were we could see how many votes Russia changed.
Seams strange that alot of the states not wanting to do this investigation have a high illegal population, just looks fishy to me

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Oh boy, this shite is getting really silly. The other day Democrat Fake Newsters were claiming it was '44 States.' Trump's calling for a serious investigation into Voter Fraud. He's calling folks' bluff. Time to get it on.
I thought this would be what liberals wanted, with all the Russian meddling in the election don't y'all want to see where the fraud was so we can fix it, or are y'all scared that Trump was correct about illegal votes?

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The committee will not be able to determine voter fraud from the data because the data is not sufficient. They will only be able to determine that the possibility exist which we know now. It's just partisan politics.

Kobach is kkk. Trump is kkk. Both are alt right. Kobach is or was Arpaios atty. Arpaio is kkk. All are known to be corrupt and have criminal pasts. All are openly nazi/fascist.

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