24 States Refuse To Turn Over Voting Data Unstable President

Why is it only one side is the most vocal, doing everything they can to prevent people that are entitled to vote from being turned away at the polls?

Even though I usually vote democrat, I'm not particular concerned about requiring voter ids. It think both sides are wrong. There is no massive voter fraud and requiring all voters to carry an id to the polls is not going have any big effect on election outcomes. Illegal immigrants who are fearfully of registering their kids in school or going to emergency rooms are certainly not going risk deportation and prison by voting. Democrats that actually vote are just as likely to not have proper ids as republicans that vote.

The objection I have with voter ids is that it's just more unneeded bureaucracy and creates a false sense of security because the real voter fraud when it occurs is in vote counting or as Joseph Stalin said,
"It's not the people that vote that counts, it's the people who count the votes."

Well I'll tell ya, illegals aren't fearful enough to go home, many are using false or stolen identities to work and who knows what else.

I'm a simple guy, I just want to know the people who are voting are eligible to vote and as the system stands, I have my doubts, as do millions of others.

There is no sure and practical way to determine that people voting by mail are qualified. and all states will allow voting by mail if requested by the voter. Two states do all voting by mail and 2 others are moving to all mail voting, 22 states allow mail voting in some elections, and two states with the most restrictive voter id laws now allow everyone to vote by mail.

Today over 23 million people vote by mail and the number has doubled in the last 15 years. By 2050, nearly half the voting will be done by mail, making voter ids useless in preventing voter fraud. However, since voter fraud is rare, the extra 3% to 4% in voter turnout in all mail elections is well worth a small increase in voter fraud.

So you have no problems with making fraud easier. Good to know.

There is no fraud!

Yeah, and you never lie. ROFLMAO

correct, now prove to us that there is any meaningful voter fraud.
You have your studies, I've seen studies that contradict them. Why is it only one side is the most vocal, doing everything they can to prevent safeguards from being put in place. You fight when we ask for proof of citizenship when registering, you fight when we want ID to make sure the person voting is the person that is registered. ID should be required to obtain a mail in ballot.

Here's an idea, since you don't want the States to give the government information to audit the election, how about we zero out voter rolls and require everyone who registers to provide proof of voting eligibility and run all registrants against State and Federal criminal and immigration data bases.

Now feel free to cry voter suppression.
Why is it only one side is the most vocal, doing everything they can to prevent people that are entitled to vote from being turned away at the polls?

Even though I usually vote democrat, I'm not particular concerned about requiring voter ids. It think both sides are wrong. There is no massive voter fraud and requiring all voters to carry an id to the polls is not going have any big effect on election outcomes. Illegal immigrants who are fearfully of registering their kids in school or going to emergency rooms are certainly not going risk deportation and prison by voting. Democrats that actually vote are just as likely to not have proper ids as republicans that vote.

The objection I have with voter ids is that it's just more unneeded bureaucracy and creates a false sense of security because the real voter fraud when it occurs is in vote counting or as Joseph Stalin said,
"It's not the people that vote that counts, it's the people who count the votes."

Well I'll tell ya, illegals aren't fearful enough to go home, many are using false or stolen identities to work and who knows what else.

I'm a simple guy, I just want to know the people who are voting are eligible to vote and as the system stands, I have my doubts, as do millions of others.

There is no sure and practical way to determine that people voting by mail are qualified. and all states will allow voting by mail if requested by the voter. Two states do all voting by mail and 2 others are moving to all mail voting, 22 states allow mail voting in some elections, and two states with the most restrictive voter id laws now allow everyone to vote by mail.

Today over 23 million people vote by mail and the number has doubled in the last 15 years. By 2050, nearly half the voting will be done by mail, making voter ids useless in preventing voter fraud. However, since voter fraud is rare, the extra 3% to 4% in voter turnout in all mail elections is well worth a small increase in voter fraud.
How do you know voter fraud is rare?
How many cases have been found throughout the country? Probably less than a tiny fraction of 1%.
Wait until they get the data so they can give it a serious look before you talk about number of cases.
Why is it only one side is the most vocal, doing everything they can to prevent people that are entitled to vote from being turned away at the polls?

Even though I usually vote democrat, I'm not particular concerned about requiring voter ids. It think both sides are wrong. There is no massive voter fraud and requiring all voters to carry an id to the polls is not going have any big effect on election outcomes. Illegal immigrants who are fearfully of registering their kids in school or going to emergency rooms are certainly not going risk deportation and prison by voting. Democrats that actually vote are just as likely to not have proper ids as republicans that vote.

The objection I have with voter ids is that it's just more unneeded bureaucracy and creates a false sense of security because the real voter fraud when it occurs is in vote counting or as Joseph Stalin said,
"It's not the people that vote that counts, it's the people who count the votes."

Well I'll tell ya, illegals aren't fearful enough to go home, many are using false or stolen identities to work and who knows what else.

I'm a simple guy, I just want to know the people who are voting are eligible to vote and as the system stands, I have my doubts, as do millions of others.

There is no sure and practical way to determine that people voting by mail are qualified. and all states will allow voting by mail if requested by the voter. Two states do all voting by mail and 2 others are moving to all mail voting, 22 states allow mail voting in some elections, and two states with the most restrictive voter id laws now allow everyone to vote by mail.

Today over 23 million people vote by mail and the number has doubled in the last 15 years. By 2050, nearly half the voting will be done by mail, making voter ids useless in preventing voter fraud. However, since voter fraud is rare, the extra 3% to 4% in voter turnout in all mail elections is well worth a small increase in voter fraud.
How do you know voter fraud is rare?
How many cases have been found throughout the country? Probably less than a tiny fraction of 1%.
Wait until they get the data so they can give it a serious look before you talk about number of cases.
There is no data to get, we have had years to prove voter fraud, but no one has rally found anything measurable.
Well I'll tell ya, illegals aren't fearful enough to go home, many are using false or stolen identities to work and who knows what else.

I'm a simple guy, I just want to know the people who are voting are eligible to vote and as the system stands, I have my doubts, as do millions of others.

There is no sure and practical way to determine that people voting by mail are qualified. and all states will allow voting by mail if requested by the voter. Two states do all voting by mail and 2 others are moving to all mail voting, 22 states allow mail voting in some elections, and two states with the most restrictive voter id laws now allow everyone to vote by mail.

Today over 23 million people vote by mail and the number has doubled in the last 15 years. By 2050, nearly half the voting will be done by mail, making voter ids useless in preventing voter fraud. However, since voter fraud is rare, the extra 3% to 4% in voter turnout in all mail elections is well worth a small increase in voter fraud.

So you have no problems with making fraud easier. Good to know.

There is no fraud!

Yeah, and you never lie. ROFLMAO

correct, now prove to us that there is any meaningful voter fraud.

I find even one fraudulent vote meaningful, because no legitimate voter should have their vote canceled by an illegitimate vote. Of course we know there's many more than just one, we just don't know how many, because no one is seriously checking.

Well I'll tell ya, illegals aren't fearful enough to go home, many are using false or stolen identities to work and who knows what else.

I'm a simple guy, I just want to know the people who are voting are eligible to vote and as the system stands, I have my doubts, as do millions of others.

There is no sure and practical way to determine that people voting by mail are qualified. and all states will allow voting by mail if requested by the voter. Two states do all voting by mail and 2 others are moving to all mail voting, 22 states allow mail voting in some elections, and two states with the most restrictive voter id laws now allow everyone to vote by mail.

Today over 23 million people vote by mail and the number has doubled in the last 15 years. By 2050, nearly half the voting will be done by mail, making voter ids useless in preventing voter fraud. However, since voter fraud is rare, the extra 3% to 4% in voter turnout in all mail elections is well worth a small increase in voter fraud.
How do you know voter fraud is rare?
How many cases have been found throughout the country? Probably less than a tiny fraction of 1%.
Wait until they get the data so they can give it a serious look before you talk about number of cases.
There is no data to get, we have had years to prove voter fraud, but no one has rally found anything measurable.
open up voter rolls to collate and compare to national data banks and let us learn who the non citizens are that are voting.
There is no sure and practical way to determine that people voting by mail are qualified. and all states will allow voting by mail if requested by the voter. Two states do all voting by mail and 2 others are moving to all mail voting, 22 states allow mail voting in some elections, and two states with the most restrictive voter id laws now allow everyone to vote by mail.

Today over 23 million people vote by mail and the number has doubled in the last 15 years. By 2050, nearly half the voting will be done by mail, making voter ids useless in preventing voter fraud. However, since voter fraud is rare, the extra 3% to 4% in voter turnout in all mail elections is well worth a small increase in voter fraud.

So you have no problems with making fraud easier. Good to know.

There is no fraud!

Yeah, and you never lie. ROFLMAO

correct, now prove to us that there is any meaningful voter fraud.

I find even one fraudulent vote meaningful, because no legitimate voter should have their vote canceled by an illegitimate vote. Of course we know there's many more than just one, we just don't know how many, because no one is seriously checking.

HOW do YOU know that there is more than just one? Republican voter suppression is far more dangerous and lethal.
There is no sure and practical way to determine that people voting by mail are qualified. and all states will allow voting by mail if requested by the voter. Two states do all voting by mail and 2 others are moving to all mail voting, 22 states allow mail voting in some elections, and two states with the most restrictive voter id laws now allow everyone to vote by mail.

Today over 23 million people vote by mail and the number has doubled in the last 15 years. By 2050, nearly half the voting will be done by mail, making voter ids useless in preventing voter fraud. However, since voter fraud is rare, the extra 3% to 4% in voter turnout in all mail elections is well worth a small increase in voter fraud.
How do you know voter fraud is rare?
How many cases have been found throughout the country? Probably less than a tiny fraction of 1%.
Wait until they get the data so they can give it a serious look before you talk about number of cases.
There is no data to get, we have had years to prove voter fraud, but no one has rally found anything measurable.
open up voter rolls to collate and compare to national data banks and let us learn who the non citizens are that are voting.
What is that supposed to mean? What national data banks?
...I find even one fraudulent vote meaningful, because no legitimate voter should have their vote canceled by an illegitimate vote. Of course we know there's many more than just one, we just don't know how many, because no one is seriously checking..
Sounds like a bad case of "Spend a Dollar to make a Dime"

I thought Republicans were all about cost-effectiveness and sensible return-on-investment...

God knows, they shout that concept to the rooftops, in dealing with social safety-net programming...

If you have sufficient evidence on-hand to sensibly warrant such an expenditure, then, by all means, produce it, and thereby reduce resistance to such an overreach.
So you have no problems with making fraud easier. Good to know.

There is no fraud!

Yeah, and you never lie. ROFLMAO

correct, now prove to us that there is any meaningful voter fraud.

I find even one fraudulent vote meaningful, because no legitimate voter should have their vote canceled by an illegitimate vote. Of course we know there's many more than just one, we just don't know how many, because no one is seriously checking.

HOW do YOU know that there is more than just one? Republican voter suppression is far more dangerous and lethal.
How do you know that there isn't. Especially when you won't let them check.
How do you know voter fraud is rare?
How many cases have been found throughout the country? Probably less than a tiny fraction of 1%.
Wait until they get the data so they can give it a serious look before you talk about number of cases.
There is no data to get, we have had years to prove voter fraud, but no one has rally found anything measurable.
open up voter rolls to collate and compare to national data banks and let us learn who the non citizens are that are voting.
What is that supposed to mean? What national data banks?
Social security for example. Surely your not really that dumb.
How do you know voter fraud is rare?
How many cases have been found throughout the country? Probably less than a tiny fraction of 1%.
Wait until they get the data so they can give it a serious look before you talk about number of cases.
There is no data to get, we have had years to prove voter fraud, but no one has rally found anything measurable.
open up voter rolls to collate and compare to national data banks and let us learn who the non citizens are that are voting.
What is that supposed to mean? What national data banks?
The national data banks that Corporatists and their minions wish to create, utilizing voter history and affiliation data, in order to tighten their hold on political power.
There is no fraud!

Yeah, and you never lie. ROFLMAO

correct, now prove to us that there is any meaningful voter fraud.

I find even one fraudulent vote meaningful, because no legitimate voter should have their vote canceled by an illegitimate vote. Of course we know there's many more than just one, we just don't know how many, because no one is seriously checking.

HOW do YOU know that there is more than just one? Republican voter suppression is far more dangerous and lethal.
How do you know that there isn't. Especially when you won't let them check.
Are there not republican election officials at every polling place?
How many cases have been found throughout the country? Probably less than a tiny fraction of 1%.
Wait until they get the data so they can give it a serious look before you talk about number of cases.
There is no data to get, we have had years to prove voter fraud, but no one has rally found anything measurable.
open up voter rolls to collate and compare to national data banks and let us learn who the non citizens are that are voting.
What is that supposed to mean? What national data banks?
Social security for example. Surely your not really that dumb.
What is social security going to do or prove, Einstein? You still make zero sense.
...I find even one fraudulent vote meaningful, because no legitimate voter should have their vote canceled by an illegitimate vote. Of course we know there's many more than just one, we just don't know how many, because no one is seriously checking..
Sounds like a bad case of "Spend a Dollar to make a Dime"

I thought Republicans were all about cost-effectiveness and sensible return-on-investment...

God knows, they shout that concept to the rooftops, in dealing with social safety-net programming...

If you have sufficient evidence on-hand to sensibly warrant such an expenditure, then, by all means, produce it, and thereby reduce resistance to such an overreach.
Trump LOST the popular vote. That's all they need.
I find even one fraudulent vote meaningful, because no legitimate voter should have their vote canceled by an illegitimate vote. Of course we know there's many more than just one, we just don't know how many, because no one is seriously checking.

For every possible fraudulent vote, there are 10,000 counts of voter intimidation, voter suppression, and wrongful removal from the voter rolls.
Wait until they get the data so they can give it a serious look before you talk about number of cases.
There is no data to get, we have had years to prove voter fraud, but no one has rally found anything measurable.
open up voter rolls to collate and compare to national data banks and let us learn who the non citizens are that are voting.
What is that supposed to mean? What national data banks?
Social security for example. Surely your not really that dumb.
What is social security going to do or prove, Einstein? You still make zero sense.
I want proof that every voter is a legal citizens before they vote.
Every non-citizen who voted should be incarcerated or expelled.
Social Security will help do that.
I find even one fraudulent vote meaningful, because no legitimate voter should have their vote canceled by an illegitimate vote. Of course we know there's many more than just one, we just don't know how many, because no one is seriously checking.

For every possible fraudulent vote, there are 10,000 counts of voter intimidation, voter suppression, and wrongful removal from the voter rolls.
Prove it.
There is no data to get, we have had years to prove voter fraud, but no one has rally found anything measurable.
open up voter rolls to collate and compare to national data banks and let us learn who the non citizens are that are voting.
What is that supposed to mean? What national data banks?
Social security for example. Surely your not really that dumb.
What is social security going to do or prove, Einstein? You still make zero sense.
I want proof that every voter is a legal citizens before they vote.
Every non-citizen who voted should be incarcerated or expelled.
Social Security will help do that.
Once again, HOW does SS do that?
Of course you also want to be sure that every citizen eligible to vote is allowed to do so, with no impediments.
...I find even one fraudulent vote meaningful, because no legitimate voter should have their vote canceled by an illegitimate vote. Of course we know there's many more than just one, we just don't know how many, because no one is seriously checking..
Sounds like a bad case of "Spend a Dollar to make a Dime"

I thought Republicans were all about cost-effectiveness and sensible return-on-investment...

God knows, they shout that concept to the rooftops, in dealing with social safety-net programming...

If you have sufficient evidence on-hand to sensibly warrant such an expenditure, then, by all means, produce it, and thereby reduce resistance to such an overreach.

We have more evidence than you folks had on Trump Russia collusion and there's currently 6 investigations looking for something on that. If there's nothing to find on voter fraud, why are you folks so worried about them looking? Don't you want to know if someone is canceling your vote that shouldn't be?

Yeah, and you never lie. ROFLMAO

correct, now prove to us that there is any meaningful voter fraud.

I find even one fraudulent vote meaningful, because no legitimate voter should have their vote canceled by an illegitimate vote. Of course we know there's many more than just one, we just don't know how many, because no one is seriously checking.

HOW do YOU know that there is more than just one? Republican voter suppression is far more dangerous and lethal.
How do you know that there isn't. Especially when you won't let them check.
Are there not republican election officials at every polling place?

Are they allowed to verify citizenship and felon status?


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