24 States Refuse To Turn Over Voting Data Unstable President

I find even one fraudulent vote meaningful, because no legitimate voter should have their vote canceled by an illegitimate vote. Of course we know there's many more than just one, we just don't know how many, because no one is seriously checking.

For every possible fraudulent vote, there are 10,000 counts of voter intimidation, voter suppression, and wrongful removal from the voter rolls.

Like black panthers at voting locations if Philly? You know the ones your dear leader let off the hook.

I want proof that every voter is a legal citizens before they vote.
Every non-citizen who voted should be incarcerated or expelled.
Social Security will help do that.

Social security has nothing to do with legal status. If you are a foreign national, and want to oen a bank account in the US, you need a social security number.


How can I get a Social Security number and card?

If you are an immigrant, there are two ways you can apply. • You can apply in your home country before you come to the United States when filing an application for an immigrant visa with the U.S. Department of State. In almost all cases, if you apply for a Social Security number and card with your immigrant visa application, you don’t have to visit a Social Security office
For every possible fraudulent vote, there are 10,000 counts of voter intimidation, voter suppression, and wrongful removal from the voter rolls.
Prove it.

They ran the number of votersb, efore and after voter ID laws were put in place, and spotchecked those who droped off the voter rolls. One check was of a black man who had a typo on his birth certificate that he spent over $200 to try and correct, but still wasnt allowed to vote.
There is no data to get, we have had years to prove voter fraud, but no one has rally found anything measurable.
open up voter rolls to collate and compare to national data banks and let us learn who the non citizens are that are voting.
What is that supposed to mean? What national data banks?
Social security for example. Surely your not really that dumb.
What is social security going to do or prove, Einstein? You still make zero sense.
I want proof that every voter is a legal citizens before they vote.
Every non-citizen who voted should be incarcerated or expelled.
Social Security will help do that.
You're closing the barn door after the horses have gotten out.

Want proof?

Set laws into motion that stipulate such requirements, prior to an election.

Spending millions upon millions of dollars after the fact, based upon little or no evidence or empirical data, is a non-starter, to sensible minds.

Twenty-four states have defied Trump’s request for sensitive voter information data, as they are refusing to turn over personal information to the unstable president.

Ari Berman of The Nation has the updated listed:

Ari Berman


24 states won't provide voter data to Kobach: AZ, CA, CT, IN, KY, MA, MN, MS, NC, NM, ND, NV, NY, OH, OK, PA, RI, SD, TN, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI

6:05 PM - 30 Jun 2017
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The Secretary of State in Mississippi told Trump to go jump in the Gulf of Mexico. The home state of the man leading Trump’s voter suppression charge, Kansas Sec. of State Kris Kobach turned down his request for voter data.

The panel which was born out of Trump’s false belief that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote because of people voting illegally has turned into another black eye and a complete fiasco for this White House.

The smart thing to do would be for the White House to quietly announce over the holiday weekend that they are putting the commission on hold for the time being, and then never speak of it again. Since this is the Trump administration, they will probably attack the states that refuse to turn over the voter data, and claim that since Trump is president, he can do whatever he wants.

It’s ironic that just days before America’s Independence Day holiday, the states are celebrating their independence by defying a request from a president who is becoming more like King George III with each passing day of his presidency.

24 States Have Defied Trump And Are Refusing His Request For Voter Information

And if they don't turn it over, the orange assclown is going to do what?
They're probably going to have the data erased before handing them over. They has gotten rid of the one that oversees the election, to make sure that if no one is committing election fraud.

The murder of Seth Conrad Rich has turned into something of a mystery story, with conspiracy theories building that the young Democratic National Committee staffer may have been silenced for threatening to expose some kind of massive voter fraud in favor of Hillary Clinton. Was Seth Conrad Rich Murdered For Exposing Election Fraud? Conspiracy Theories Build After Death Of Young DNC Staffer


...We have more evidence than you folks...
1. I am a Centrist and not one of "you folks".

2. Present your evidence... link?

...had on Trump Russia collusion and there's currently 6 investigations looking for something on that...
And you have thrown rocks at most or all of those.

Will you now join the ranks of those foolishly spending money to prove a non-issue?

By all means, present your evidence, that the expenditure of millions of dollars to investigate widespread vote-fraud is warranted.


...If there's nothing to find on voter fraud, why are you folks so worried about them looking?...
1. I am a Centrist and not one of "you folks".

2. I am not worried.

3. I am trying to be "fiscally responsible".

4. Why aren't you?

...Don't you want to know if someone is canceling your vote that shouldn't be? .

If you have reason to suspect such on a widespread basis, then, by all means, present your preliminary evidence, so that citizens may determine whether such an expenditure is warranted, and whether the pursuit of such an investigation is likely to prove worthwhile in a political or constitutional context.

For example, the Chicago Democratic Machine has historically - and largely remains to this day - as crooked as crooked can be.

Start there, or any other Democrat-controlled Big City $hithole... ought to be easy enough to find substantive investigative narration or even credible speculation.

Good luck with that.
...Are they allowed to verify citizenship and felon status?.

LibProg community organizers wouldn't like that.

Still... unless somebody serves-up substantive and credible preliminary evidence to make the thing worthwhile... we're spending a Dollar to make a Dime.

Barring any credible reason to pursue this further, the Gubmint has other things to spend its Dollars and Dimes on.
correct, now prove to us that there is any meaningful voter fraud.

I find even one fraudulent vote meaningful, because no legitimate voter should have their vote canceled by an illegitimate vote. Of course we know there's many more than just one, we just don't know how many, because no one is seriously checking.

HOW do YOU know that there is more than just one? Republican voter suppression is far more dangerous and lethal.
How do you know that there isn't. Especially when you won't let them check.
Are there not republican election officials at every polling place?

Are they allowed to verify citizenship and felon status?

They are there to verify if a person is eligible to vote. What does a felon status have to do with this, many states do allow felons to vote, or didn't you know that honey bunch
...We have more evidence than you folks...
1. I am a Centrist and not one of "you folks".

2. Present your evidence... link?

...had on Trump Russia collusion and there's currently 6 investigations looking for something on that...
And you have thrown rocks at most or all of those.

Will you now join the ranks of those foolishly spending money to prove a non-issue?

By all means, present your evidence, that the expenditure of millions of dollars to investigate widespread vote-fraud is warranted.


...If there's nothing to find on voter fraud, why are you folks so worried about them looking?...
1. I am a Centrist and not one of "you folks".

2. I am not worried.

3. I am trying to be "fiscally responsible".

4. Why aren't you?

...Don't you want to know if someone is canceling your vote that shouldn't be? .

If you have reason to suspect such on a widespread basis, then, by all means, present your preliminary evidence, so that citizens may determine whether such an expenditure is warranted, and whether the pursuit of such an investigation is likely to prove worthwhile in a political or constitutional context.

For example, the Chicago Democratic Machine has historically - and largely remains to this day - as crooked as crooked can be.

Start there, or any other Democrat-controlled Big City $hithole... ought to be easy enough to find substantive investigative narration or even credible speculation.

Good luck with that.

You can claim to be a centrist all day, but you're firmly with the left on this one. They fight tooth and nail against every effort to ensure the integrity of the vote. And BTW it's not a non issue when half the country doubts the system.

Still... unless somebody serves-up substantive and credible preliminary evidence to make the thing worthwhile... we're spending a Dollar to make a Dime.

Barring any credible reason to pursue this further, the Gubmint has other things to spend its Dollars and Dimes on.

More like spending $100 to make a dime.

BTW, why are they asking for party affiliation? In order to target voter suppression?
...We have more evidence than you folks...
1. I am a Centrist and not one of "you folks".

2. Present your evidence... link?

...had on Trump Russia collusion and there's currently 6 investigations looking for something on that...
And you have thrown rocks at most or all of those.

Will you now join the ranks of those foolishly spending money to prove a non-issue?

By all means, present your evidence, that the expenditure of millions of dollars to investigate widespread vote-fraud is warranted.


...If there's nothing to find on voter fraud, why are you folks so worried about them looking?...
1. I am a Centrist and not one of "you folks".

2. I am not worried.

3. I am trying to be "fiscally responsible".

4. Why aren't you?

...Don't you want to know if someone is canceling your vote that shouldn't be? .

If you have reason to suspect such on a widespread basis, then, by all means, present your preliminary evidence, so that citizens may determine whether such an expenditure is warranted, and whether the pursuit of such an investigation is likely to prove worthwhile in a political or constitutional context.

For example, the Chicago Democratic Machine has historically - and largely remains to this day - as crooked as crooked can be.

Start there, or any other Democrat-controlled Big City $hithole... ought to be easy enough to find substantive investigative narration or even credible speculation.

Good luck with that.

You can claim to be a centrist all day, but you're firmly with the left on this one. They fight tooth and nail against every effort to ensure the integrity of the vote. And BTW it's not a non issue when half the country doubts the system.

Why don't you care just as much about allowing every single person eligible to vote, his ability to do so? That is what makes your kind FOS
I find even one fraudulent vote meaningful, because no legitimate voter should have their vote canceled by an illegitimate vote. Of course we know there's many more than just one, we just don't know how many, because no one is seriously checking.

HOW do YOU know that there is more than just one? Republican voter suppression is far more dangerous and lethal.
How do you know that there isn't. Especially when you won't let them check.
Are there not republican election officials at every polling place?

Are they allowed to verify citizenship and felon status?

They are there to verify if a person is eligible to vote. What does a felon status have to do with this, many states do allow felons to vote, or didn't you know that honey bunch

You're full of shit, all they can do is verify the person is registered, it's all done on the honor system, no other information is available at the polls.

HOW do YOU know that there is more than just one? Republican voter suppression is far more dangerous and lethal.
How do you know that there isn't. Especially when you won't let them check.
Are there not republican election officials at every polling place?

Are they allowed to verify citizenship and felon status?

They are there to verify if a person is eligible to vote. What does a felon status have to do with this, many states do allow felons to vote, or didn't you know that honey bunch

You're full of shit, all they can do is verify the person is registered, it's all done on the honor system, no other information is available at the polls.

Who is in charge of verifying and accepting registrations? Who has to jump through hoops to be allowed to register. No, you are full of shit
You're full of shit, all they can do is verify the person is registered, it's all done on the honor system, no other information is available at the polls.

Bingo. It's like a cop running your information can only verify the car is registered. The registration is where all the eligibility checks are made and verified.
You're full of shit, all they can do is verify the person is registered, it's all done on the honor system, no other information is available at the polls.

Bingo. It's like a cop running your information can only verify the car is registered. The registration is where all the eligibility checks are made and verified.
Why does anyone need a voter ID? Its all bullshit
You know that felons are allowed to vote, depending on what state they were convicted in, not what state they are voting in.

Yet some, not allowed, were busted for voting, go figure. How many did they miss?


Kobach found about half a dozen

How many have been found in blue States with 10 times their population? Wait, they're not bothering to look, are they? And they don't want anyone else looking.


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