24 States Refuse To Turn Over Voting Data Unstable President

...You can claim to be a centrist all day, but you're firmly with the left on this one...
I am, indeed, a Centrist, and I am, indeed, firmly with the Left on this one... given that Drumpf has zero evidence to support his ridiculous claim of 3,000,000 Illegal Alien voters.

Your boy is hallucinating, and even Republican State Attorneys General are labeling his assertion and data-request as inappropriate.

As of July 4, 2017, at 3:30 PM US CDST, a total of forty-four (44) states have already refused to hand-over such data...


Apparently, a fair number of state-level Republicans ALSO think your boy is hallucinating.

...They fight tooth and nail against every effort to ensure the integrity of the vote...
Neither the Left or that substantial portion of the Center and the Right (state-level Republicans who ALSO refuse to hand-over the data) are fighting any such effort.

They merely refused to engage in such efforts and to undertake such expenditures without substantive and credible preliminary evidence that such is appropriate at this time.

Produce the preliminary substantive and credible evidence indicating the likelihood of such wrong-doing and you'll have all the cooperation you need.

...And BTW it's not a non issue when half the country doubts the system..
I am not aware of any unbiased and credible polling which indicates any such thing.

And, gauging by the 44 states (including many Republican -controlled ones) who are refusing to comply, well, you're "half the nation" claim seems a wee bit shaky.
Are there not republican election officials at every polling place?

Are they allowed to verify citizenship and felon status?

They are there to verify if a person is eligible to vote. What does a felon status have to do with this, many states do allow felons to vote, or didn't you know that honey bunch

You're full of shit, all they can do is verify the person is registered, it's all done on the honor system, no other information is available at the polls.

Who is in charge of verifying and accepting registrations? Who has to jump through hoops to be allowed to register. No, you are full of shit

States are prohibited form verifying citizenship when a person registers, why is that?
Since when did you come up with that piece of bullshyte?
...We have more evidence than you folks...
1. I am a Centrist and not one of "you folks".

2. Present your evidence... link?

...had on Trump Russia collusion and there's currently 6 investigations looking for something on that...
And you have thrown rocks at most or all of those.

Will you now join the ranks of those foolishly spending money to prove a non-issue?

By all means, present your evidence, that the expenditure of millions of dollars to investigate widespread vote-fraud is warranted.


...If there's nothing to find on voter fraud, why are you folks so worried about them looking?...
1. I am a Centrist and not one of "you folks".

2. I am not worried.

3. I am trying to be "fiscally responsible".

4. Why aren't you?

...Don't you want to know if someone is canceling your vote that shouldn't be? .

If you have reason to suspect such on a widespread basis, then, by all means, present your preliminary evidence, so that citizens may determine whether such an expenditure is warranted, and whether the pursuit of such an investigation is likely to prove worthwhile in a political or constitutional context.

For example, the Chicago Democratic Machine has historically - and largely remains to this day - as crooked as crooked can be.

Start there, or any other Democrat-controlled Big City $hithole... ought to be easy enough to find substantive investigative narration or even credible speculation.

Good luck with that.

You can claim to be a centrist all day, but you're firmly with the left on this one. They fight tooth and nail against every effort to ensure the integrity of the vote. And BTW it's not a non issue when half the country doubts the system.

Why don't you care just as much about allowing every single person eligible to vote, his ability to do so? That is what makes your kind FOS

How is asking for proof of eligibility denying any eligible voter? Is asking for an ID at a liquor store denying 21 year olds the right to make a purchase?

Lets not go through this again asshole. You ask the same shit under every single one of your ID's
You know that felons are allowed to vote, depending on what state they were convicted in, not what state they are voting in.

Yet some, not allowed, were busted for voting, go figure. How many did they miss?


Kobach found about half a dozen

How many have been found in blue States with 10 times their population? Wait, they're not bothering to look, are they? And they don't want anyone else looking.

Between 2000 and 2010 there were:

640 million votes case in general elections
47,000 UFO sightings
441 Americans killed by lightening
13 credible cases of in person voter impersonation


Out of the 197 million votes cast for federal candidates between 2002 and 2005, only 40 voters were indicted for voter fraud. Only 26 of those cases, or about .00000013percent of the votes cast, resulted in convictions or guilty pleas.

Voter Fraud Facts | Voter Fraud Statistics - Voter Fraud Facts
How many have been found in blue States with 10 times their population? Wait, they're not bothering to look, are they? And they don't want anyone else looking.

The heritge foundation ran 47 sates for illegal votes, and came up with an average of less than two per state per year.

There have already been more convictions than that, like 848 criminal convictions, based on Heritage reports. Check this thread.

Growing Pile of Data Shows That Voter Fraud Is a Real and Vast Problem

848 convictions since the 2000 election equals 1.9 convictions per state per election.

Thanks for demonstrating there is no cause for either alarm or handing over more than a hundred million sets of data for the federal government to abuse.
Considering everyone and their mother has their knickers in a twist on the left over a "Russia hijacked the election" one would think States would wish to participate to ensure that potential voter fraud is identified and addressed.
There are a number of reasons states both red and blue, are not cooperating:
  • First off, Trump is asking the states to provide information that many of them can not legally provide such as party affiliation, criminal conviction information, social security, etc.
  • Many credible investigations of voter fraud have been conducted, some by the states themselves and the conclusion are near unanimous, voter fraud is rare.
  • Methods to reduce voter fraud such as requiring birth certificates and passports to register and voter picture ids to vote will reduce voter turnout, estimated at a loss of 2 to 4 nationwide in order to prevent a few dozen cases of voter fraud.
  • Many republicans, including Trump are willing to reduce voter turnout believing that most would be democrats. The voter fraud issue is just an excuse to reduce minority voters, younger voters which generally vote democrat.
  • Most state election officials simply do not trust the Trump organized investigation feeling that it's a witch hunt whose purpose is to prove Trump's allegation of millions of illegals voters which states say do not exist.
  • Since the states have no input into the investigation methods, are receiving no funds for their efforts, and the whole issue of managing the elections is a state issue, not federal one, there is no reason for the states to cooperate.
  • Lastly, state and federal files are not date synchronized; that is time frames are not the same and there comparison would be invalid. Also, the data elements are not all the same between states and the federal government. All of this would require states to adjust their format to meet a federal standard.
...You can claim to be a centrist all day, but you're firmly with the left on this one...
I am, indeed, a Centrist, and I am, indeed, firmly with the Left on this one... given that Drumpf has zero evidence to support his ridiculous claim of 3,000,000 Illegal Alien voters.

Your boy is hallucinating, and even Republican State Attorneys General are labeling his assertion and data-request as inappropriate.

As of July 4, 2017, at 3:30 PM US CDST, a total of forty-four (44) states have already refused to hand-over such data...


Apparently, a fair number of state-level Republicans ALSO think your boy is hallucinating.

...They fight tooth and nail against every effort to ensure the integrity of the vote...
Neither the Left or that substantial portion of the Center and the Right (state-level Republicans who ALSO refuse to hand-over the data) are fighting any such effort.

They merely refused to engage in such efforts and to undertake such expenditures without substantive and credible preliminary evidence that such is appropriate at this time.

Produce the preliminary substantive and credible evidence indicating the likelihood of such wrong-doing and you'll have all the cooperation you need.

...And BTW it's not a non issue when half the country doubts the system..
I am not aware of any unbiased and credible polling which indicates any such thing.

And, gauging by the 44 states (including many Republican -controlled ones) who are refusing to comply, well, you're "half the nation" claim seems a wee bit shaky.
This commission to look into voting is typical of what we have seen in this administration, knee jerk reactions without considering legal, political, and operations considerations such as:
Is supplying the requested information legal?
Will states cooperate?
How are states going to be funded for their efforts?
Why should state election officials want to cooperate?
What can be done to assure the public that is not a biased investigation whose goal is to defend the presidents allegation?

This looks like just another administration clusterfuck like the Trump and Comey private meetings, the handling of the Trump firing, the silly threats about white house tapes, the opposition to the Special Council, and the initial Muslim ban false starts. After nearly 6 months, they are still struggling. It's like no one is there to dot I's and cross the T's. Trump tells his staff what to do and they do exactly what he says.
Last edited:
...You can claim to be a centrist all day, but you're firmly with the left on this one...
I am, indeed, a Centrist, and I am, indeed, firmly with the Left on this one... given that Drumpf has zero evidence to support his ridiculous claim of 3,000,000 Illegal Alien voters.

Your boy is hallucinating, and even Republican State Attorneys General are labeling his assertion and data-request as inappropriate.

As of July 4, 2017, at 3:30 PM US CDST, a total of forty-four (44) states have already refused to hand-over such data...


Apparently, a fair number of state-level Republicans ALSO think your boy is hallucinating.

...They fight tooth and nail against every effort to ensure the integrity of the vote...
Neither the Left or that substantial portion of the Center and the Right (state-level Republicans who ALSO refuse to hand-over the data) are fighting any such effort.

They merely refused to engage in such efforts and to undertake such expenditures without substantive and credible preliminary evidence that such is appropriate at this time.

Produce the preliminary substantive and credible evidence indicating the likelihood of such wrong-doing and you'll have all the cooperation you need.

...And BTW it's not a non issue when half the country doubts the system..
I am not aware of any unbiased and credible polling which indicates any such thing.

And, gauging by the 44 states (including many Republican -controlled ones) who are refusing to comply, well, you're "half the nation" claim seems a wee bit shaky.
This commission to look into voting is typical of what we have seen in this administration, knee jerk reactions without considering legal, political, and operations considerations such as:
Is supplying the requested information legal?
Will states cooperate?
How are states going to be funded for their efforts?
Why should state election officials want to cooperate?
What can be done to assure the public that is not a biased investigation whose goal is to defend the presidents allegation?

This looks like just another administration clusterfuck like the Trump and Comey private meetings, the handling of the Trump firing, the silly threats about white house tapes, the opposition to the Special Council, and the initial Muslim ban false starts. After nearly 6 months, they are still struggling.
We are in 100% agreement on something.

Somewhere, Hell has frozen over.

My apologies


And, you're absolutely right... this is a clusterphukk of the first order... and that is, indeed, typical of this Amateur-Hour dog-and-pony show in the White House.
How is asking for proof of eligibility denying any eligible voter? Is asking for an ID at a liquor store denying 21 year olds the right to make a purchase?
You can use our student ID to buy liquor You don't need a special government ID.

Student ID verifies age, not residency. Most out of State students maintain residency in their home State.

You've identified the number one form of voter fraud, multiple address voting. Like with Mitt Romney with homes in Utah and Massachusetts.

Two words, prove it.

...You can claim to be a centrist all day, but you're firmly with the left on this one...
I am, indeed, a Centrist, and I am, indeed, firmly with the Left on this one... given that Drumpf has zero evidence to support his ridiculous claim of 3,000,000 Illegal Alien voters.

Your boy is hallucinating, and even Republican State Attorneys General are labeling his assertion and data-request as inappropriate.

As of July 4, 2017, at 3:30 PM US CDST, a total of forty-four (44) states have already refused to hand-over such data...


Apparently, a fair number of state-level Republicans ALSO think your boy is hallucinating.

...They fight tooth and nail against every effort to ensure the integrity of the vote...
Neither the Left or that substantial portion of the Center and the Right (state-level Republicans who ALSO refuse to hand-over the data) are fighting any such effort.

They merely refused to engage in such efforts and to undertake such expenditures without substantive and credible preliminary evidence that such is appropriate at this time.

Produce the preliminary substantive and credible evidence indicating the likelihood of such wrong-doing and you'll have all the cooperation you need.

...And BTW it's not a non issue when half the country doubts the system..
I am not aware of any unbiased and credible polling which indicates any such thing.

And, gauging by the 44 states (including many Republican -controlled ones) who are refusing to comply, well, you're "half the nation" claim seems a wee bit shaky.

Ok I was a few points off.
My bold.

Overall, slightly more than one in three (36 percent) of the adults surveyed said they saw it as a major problem, while 32 percent said they viewed the prospect of eligible voters not being able to vote as a significant issue. Along partisan lines, 52 percent of Republicans said they are concerned about votes being cast by people who are not eligible vote, compared with 33 percent of independents and 26 percent of Democrats. The issue does not have a significant difference among whites, of which 37 percent called it a "major" issue, and 35 percent of non-whites who said the same. More than four in 10 in the South (42 percent) suggested they see voter fraud as a major issue, while about one in three in the East, Midwest and West said they saw it the same way.

Eighty percent said they support voter ID, while 19 percent said they generally oppose the measure. Among Republicans, 95 percent support voter ID, compared to 83 percent of independents and a smaller share of 63 percent of Democrats.

Poll: 52 percent of Republicans call voter fraud major problem in 2016

They didn't comment on how many thought fraud was small problem, but still about 60 million that see it as a major problem.

Are they allowed to verify citizenship and felon status?

They are there to verify if a person is eligible to vote. What does a felon status have to do with this, many states do allow felons to vote, or didn't you know that honey bunch

You're full of shit, all they can do is verify the person is registered, it's all done on the honor system, no other information is available at the polls.

Who is in charge of verifying and accepting registrations? Who has to jump through hoops to be allowed to register. No, you are full of shit

States are prohibited form verifying citizenship when a person registers, why is that?
Since when did you come up with that piece of bullshyte?

Supreme Court denies states’ request for proof of voter citizenship

Supreme Court denies states’ request for proof of voter citizenship

You know that felons are allowed to vote, depending on what state they were convicted in, not what state they are voting in.

Yet some, not allowed, were busted for voting, go figure. How many did they miss?


Kobach found about half a dozen

How many have been found in blue States with 10 times their population? Wait, they're not bothering to look, are they? And they don't want anyone else looking.

Between 2000 and 2010 there were:

640 million votes case in general elections
47,000 UFO sightings
441 Americans killed by lightening
13 credible cases of in person voter impersonation


Out of the 197 million votes cast for federal candidates between 2002 and 2005, only 40 voters were indicted for voter fraud. Only 26 of those cases, or about .00000013percent of the votes cast, resulted in convictions or guilty pleas.

Voter Fraud Facts | Voter Fraud Statistics - Voter Fraud Facts

Am I supposed to be impressed with one method of fraud counted?

How many have been found in blue States with 10 times their population? Wait, they're not bothering to look, are they? And they don't want anyone else looking.

The heritge foundation ran 47 sates for illegal votes, and came up with an average of less than two per state per year.

There have already been more convictions than that, like 848 criminal convictions, based on Heritage reports. Check this thread.

Growing Pile of Data Shows That Voter Fraud Is a Real and Vast Problem

848 convictions since the 2000 election equals 1.9 convictions per state per election.

Thanks for demonstrating there is no cause for either alarm or handing over more than a hundred million sets of data for the federal government to abuse.

So now show me what percentage of actual fraud was discovered. Never mind, because you have no way of knowing, do you?

...We have more evidence than you folks...
1. I am a Centrist and not one of "you folks".

2. Present your evidence... link?

...had on Trump Russia collusion and there's currently 6 investigations looking for something on that...
And you have thrown rocks at most or all of those.

Will you now join the ranks of those foolishly spending money to prove a non-issue?

By all means, present your evidence, that the expenditure of millions of dollars to investigate widespread vote-fraud is warranted.


...If there's nothing to find on voter fraud, why are you folks so worried about them looking?...
1. I am a Centrist and not one of "you folks".

2. I am not worried.

3. I am trying to be "fiscally responsible".

4. Why aren't you?

...Don't you want to know if someone is canceling your vote that shouldn't be? .

If you have reason to suspect such on a widespread basis, then, by all means, present your preliminary evidence, so that citizens may determine whether such an expenditure is warranted, and whether the pursuit of such an investigation is likely to prove worthwhile in a political or constitutional context.

For example, the Chicago Democratic Machine has historically - and largely remains to this day - as crooked as crooked can be.

Start there, or any other Democrat-controlled Big City $hithole... ought to be easy enough to find substantive investigative narration or even credible speculation.

Good luck with that.

You can claim to be a centrist all day, but you're firmly with the left on this one. They fight tooth and nail against every effort to ensure the integrity of the vote. And BTW it's not a non issue when half the country doubts the system.


The fact is that the rejection is bipartisan. Tennessee has said that they will not release any information to the commission. Utah, ND, SD, and Indiana are a sampling of Republican states that are saying no. By the way you are aware that it is illegal for the federal government to receive data on party affiliation.

Twenty-four states have defied Trump’s request for sensitive voter information data, as they are refusing to turn over personal information to the unstable president.

Ari Berman of The Nation has the updated listed:

Ari Berman


24 states won't provide voter data to Kobach: AZ, CA, CT, IN, KY, MA, MN, MS, NC, NM, ND, NV, NY, OH, OK, PA, RI, SD, TN, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI

6:05 PM - 30 Jun 2017
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The Secretary of State in Mississippi told Trump to go jump in the Gulf of Mexico. The home state of the man leading Trump’s voter suppression charge, Kansas Sec. of State Kris Kobach turned down his request for voter data.

The panel which was born out of Trump’s false belief that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote because of people voting illegally has turned into another black eye and a complete fiasco for this White House.

The smart thing to do would be for the White House to quietly announce over the holiday weekend that they are putting the commission on hold for the time being, and then never speak of it again. Since this is the Trump administration, they will probably attack the states that refuse to turn over the voter data, and claim that since Trump is president, he can do whatever he wants.

It’s ironic that just days before America’s Independence Day holiday, the states are celebrating their independence by defying a request from a president who is becoming more like King George III with each passing day of his presidency.

24 States Have Defied Trump And Are Refusing His Request For Voter Information

And if they don't turn it over, the orange assclown is going to do what?

I guess it's time to appoint a special counsel to find what they are hiding.

Youre pathetic. You'll support any Trump move regardless of what it is. I can't believe the rightwing could be such pawns.
...We have more evidence than you folks...
1. I am a Centrist and not one of "you folks".

2. Present your evidence... link?

...had on Trump Russia collusion and there's currently 6 investigations looking for something on that...
And you have thrown rocks at most or all of those.

Will you now join the ranks of those foolishly spending money to prove a non-issue?

By all means, present your evidence, that the expenditure of millions of dollars to investigate widespread vote-fraud is warranted.


...If there's nothing to find on voter fraud, why are you folks so worried about them looking?...
1. I am a Centrist and not one of "you folks".

2. I am not worried.

3. I am trying to be "fiscally responsible".

4. Why aren't you?

...Don't you want to know if someone is canceling your vote that shouldn't be? .

If you have reason to suspect such on a widespread basis, then, by all means, present your preliminary evidence, so that citizens may determine whether such an expenditure is warranted, and whether the pursuit of such an investigation is likely to prove worthwhile in a political or constitutional context.

For example, the Chicago Democratic Machine has historically - and largely remains to this day - as crooked as crooked can be.

Start there, or any other Democrat-controlled Big City $hithole... ought to be easy enough to find substantive investigative narration or even credible speculation.

Good luck with that.

You can claim to be a centrist all day, but you're firmly with the left on this one. They fight tooth and nail against every effort to ensure the integrity of the vote. And BTW it's not a non issue when half the country doubts the system.

Why don't you care just as much about allowing every single person eligible to vote, his ability to do so? That is what makes your kind FOS

How is asking for proof of eligibility denying any eligible voter? Is asking for an ID at a liquor store denying 21 year olds the right to make a purchase?


These are state issues not federal. The federal government has no business with this information just so Trump's ego can be satisfied.
How is asking for proof of eligibility denying any eligible voter? Is asking for an ID at a liquor store denying 21 year olds the right to make a purchase?
You can use our student ID to buy liquor You don't need a special government ID.

Student ID verifies age, not residency. Most out of State students maintain residency in their home State.

You've identified the number one form of voter fraud, multiple address voting. Like with Mitt Romney with homes in Utah and Massachusetts.

Two words, prove it.


You are the one making the accusation. It is up to you to prove it.
How many have been found in blue States with 10 times their population? Wait, they're not bothering to look, are they? And they don't want anyone else looking.

The heritge foundation ran 47 sates for illegal votes, and came up with an average of less than two per state per year.

There have already been more convictions than that, like 848 criminal convictions, based on Heritage reports. Check this thread.

Growing Pile of Data Shows That Voter Fraud Is a Real and Vast Problem

848 convictions since the 2000 election equals 1.9 convictions per state per election.

Thanks for demonstrating there is no cause for either alarm or handing over more than a hundred million sets of data for the federal government to abuse.

So now show me what percentage of actual fraud was discovered. Never mind, because you have no way of knowing, do you?


That's your case to make.
Good for them.

There are, indeed, some uses for States' Rights, after all.

The idea of the Government of the United States demanding to know how its citizens voted during the course of a Secret Ballot is downright UN-American.

This isn't Nazi Germany or Fascist Italy or Soviet Russia.


Let's keep it that way.

Else be haunted by the ghosts of every Patriot who shed his blood for our People and their Republic and its Constitution.

And be condemned by our own grandchildren and their grandchildren, for our cowardice and lemming behavior.

For shame, Drumpf !!!
How they voted? Is that is what is being asked?

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