24 States Refuse To Turn Over Voting Data Unstable President

848 convictions since the 2000 election equals 1.9 convictions per state per election.

Thanks for demonstrating there is no cause for either alarm or handing over more than a hundred million sets of data for the federal government to abuse.

So now show me what percentage of actual fraud was discovered. Never mind, because you have no way of knowing, do you?


That's your case to make.

Says the party of no. LMAO

No worries. If you can't make your own case, there must not have been much of a case to begin with.

Your willful stupidity isn't making you case either. I've proven that States are prohibited form verifying citizenship, so far you haven't proven shit.

There's nothing I need to prove. You haven't proven that election fraud is so rampant, that the 2016 election needs to be audited.
How many have been found in blue States with 10 times their population? Wait, they're not bothering to look, are they? And they don't want anyone else looking.

The heritge foundation ran 47 sates for illegal votes, and came up with an average of less than two per state per year.

There have already been more convictions than that, like 848 criminal convictions, based on Heritage reports. Check this thread.

Growing Pile of Data Shows That Voter Fraud Is a Real and Vast Problem

848 convictions since the 2000 election equals 1.9 convictions per state per election.

Thanks for demonstrating there is no cause for either alarm or handing over more than a hundred million sets of data for the federal government to abuse.

So now show me what percentage of actual fraud was discovered. Never mind, because you have no way of knowing, do you?

There is no way to determine the actual amount of voter fraud no matter what precautions are taken. You require fingerprint, optical scan
...You can claim to be a centrist all day, but you're firmly with the left on this one...
I am, indeed, a Centrist, and I am, indeed, firmly with the Left on this one... given that Drumpf has zero evidence to support his ridiculous claim of 3,000,000 Illegal Alien voters.

Your boy is hallucinating, and even Republican State Attorneys General are labeling his assertion and data-request as inappropriate.

As of July 4, 2017, at 3:30 PM US CDST, a total of forty-four (44) states have already refused to hand-over such data...


Apparently, a fair number of state-level Republicans ALSO think your boy is hallucinating.

...They fight tooth and nail against every effort to ensure the integrity of the vote...
Neither the Left or that substantial portion of the Center and the Right (state-level Republicans who ALSO refuse to hand-over the data) are fighting any such effort.

They merely refused to engage in such efforts and to undertake such expenditures without substantive and credible preliminary evidence that such is appropriate at this time.

Produce the preliminary substantive and credible evidence indicating the likelihood of such wrong-doing and you'll have all the cooperation you need.

...And BTW it's not a non issue when half the country doubts the system..
I am not aware of any unbiased and credible polling which indicates any such thing.

And, gauging by the 44 states (including many Republican -controlled ones) who are refusing to comply, well, you're "half the nation" claim seems a wee bit shaky.

Ok I was a few points off.
My bold.

Overall, slightly more than one in three (36 percent) of the adults surveyed said they saw it as a major problem, while 32 percent said they viewed the prospect of eligible voters not being able to vote as a significant issue. Along partisan lines, 52 percent of Republicans said they are concerned about votes being cast by people who are not eligible vote, compared with 33 percent of independents and 26 percent of Democrats. The issue does not have a significant difference among whites, of which 37 percent called it a "major" issue, and 35 percent of non-whites who said the same. More than four in 10 in the South (42 percent) suggested they see voter fraud as a major issue, while about one in three in the East, Midwest and West said they saw it the same way.

Eighty percent said they support voter ID, while 19 percent said they generally oppose the measure. Among Republicans, 95 percent support voter ID, compared to 83 percent of independents and a smaller share of 63 percent of Democrats.

Poll: 52 percent of Republicans call voter fraud major problem in 2016

They didn't comment on how many thought fraud was small problem, but still about 60 million that see it as a major problem.

Voter Fraud is just more republican bull shit to suppress voting of minorities because they usually vote for democrats. In states with strict voter picture ids, there is a slight decrease in turnout for all voters but a drop of several percentage points for minorities.

At least the Alt Right is honest enough to just admit that they want to keep black and Latinos minorities from voting.

The point is there is a lot more that can be done that isn't now and ignorant people just don't give a shit. That tells me they favor fraud.

So now show me what percentage of actual fraud was discovered. Never mind, because you have no way of knowing, do you?


That's your case to make.

Says the party of no. LMAO

No worries. If you can't make your own case, there must not have been much of a case to begin with.

Your willful stupidity isn't making you case either. I've proven that States are prohibited form verifying citizenship, so far you haven't proven shit.

There's nothing I need to prove. You haven't proven that election fraud is so rampant, that the 2016 election needs to be audited.

Since when is proof required for you ignorant asses, you have 6 investigations of collusion with Russia with no proof. You fucking commies claim there needs to be an investigation to find proof, funny how that only works for investigation you want. Hypocrite much?


That's your case to make.

Says the party of no. LMAO

No worries. If you can't make your own case, there must not have been much of a case to begin with.

Your willful stupidity isn't making you case either. I've proven that States are prohibited form verifying citizenship, so far you haven't proven shit.

There's nothing I need to prove. You haven't proven that election fraud is so rampant, that the 2016 election needs to be audited.

Since when is proof required for you ignorant asses, you have 6 investigations of collusion with Russia with no proof. You fucking commies claim there needs to be an investigation to find proof, funny how that only works for investigation you want. Hypocrite much?

Aww, you poor, thing. Seems you're so frustrated because you can't prove there's enough voter fraud to warrant an audit of more than 130 million votes. Fortunately, the states know better than you and so far, at least 44 states refuse to comply with Trump's request.
...Voting HISTORY is not "how they voted" as you stated. I can ask you if you voted last year there is nothing wrong with that question and there really isn't much reason for you not to answer. But when I ask whom you voted for then there is a problem. Voting history is NOT the same as how they voted. Voting history is a public record. I am not sure what the issue is other then the states grandstanding.
You and I have interpreted this differently.

I do believe that a fair number of State Attorneys General have interpreted the request in the very same way that I did.

Oh, and, by the way...

I you have my Registered Party Affiliation...

And you know whether or not I voted in Election A or B...

You can guess WHOM I voted for in Election A or B, now, can't you?

Plus-or-minus a few percentage points for error, when spread across an entire population.


No Sale.
...I believe they are looking into voter fraud and are requesting public information.
1. there is no credible preliminary ('probable cause') evidence indicating that such an effort is warranted

2. nobody trusts your boy and his minions with such data

And, given that 44 States (and counting) are balking, I'd say you've got a Trust Problem on your (collective) hands that spin-doctoring isn't going to fix.
...So the States can release all that info to the private political parties but not the feds, got it..
Bingo... nobody trusts your Boy and his Minions with such sensitive data... with good reason, according to 44 State Attorneys General
...The point is there is a lot more that can be done that isn't now and ignorant people just don't give a shit. That tells me they favor fraud. .

It merely tells you that they favor the public presentation of credible preliminary evidence of wrongdoing, before they will comply with such a request...

  • Present the evidence, and many of them will change their tune...

  • Fail to present the evidence and you're gonna be waiting for the data until Hell freezes over...

Hope that helps as an aid to understanding...
The heritge foundation ran 47 sates for illegal votes, and came up with an average of less than two per state per year.

There have already been more convictions than that, like 848 criminal convictions, based on Heritage reports. Check this thread.

Growing Pile of Data Shows That Voter Fraud Is a Real and Vast Problem

848 convictions since the 2000 election equals 1.9 convictions per state per election.

Thanks for demonstrating there is no cause for either alarm or handing over more than a hundred million sets of data for the federal government to abuse.

So now show me what percentage of actual fraud was discovered. Never mind, because you have no way of knowing, do you?

There is no way to determine the actual amount of voter fraud no matter what precautions are taken. You require fingerprint, optical scan
...You can claim to be a centrist all day, but you're firmly with the left on this one...
I am, indeed, a Centrist, and I am, indeed, firmly with the Left on this one... given that Drumpf has zero evidence to support his ridiculous claim of 3,000,000 Illegal Alien voters.

Your boy is hallucinating, and even Republican State Attorneys General are labeling his assertion and data-request as inappropriate.

As of July 4, 2017, at 3:30 PM US CDST, a total of forty-four (44) states have already refused to hand-over such data...


Apparently, a fair number of state-level Republicans ALSO think your boy is hallucinating.

...They fight tooth and nail against every effort to ensure the integrity of the vote...
Neither the Left or that substantial portion of the Center and the Right (state-level Republicans who ALSO refuse to hand-over the data) are fighting any such effort.

They merely refused to engage in such efforts and to undertake such expenditures without substantive and credible preliminary evidence that such is appropriate at this time.

Produce the preliminary substantive and credible evidence indicating the likelihood of such wrong-doing and you'll have all the cooperation you need.

...And BTW it's not a non issue when half the country doubts the system..
I am not aware of any unbiased and credible polling which indicates any such thing.

And, gauging by the 44 states (including many Republican -controlled ones) who are refusing to comply, well, you're "half the nation" claim seems a wee bit shaky.

Ok I was a few points off.
My bold.

Overall, slightly more than one in three (36 percent) of the adults surveyed said they saw it as a major problem, while 32 percent said they viewed the prospect of eligible voters not being able to vote as a significant issue. Along partisan lines, 52 percent of Republicans said they are concerned about votes being cast by people who are not eligible vote, compared with 33 percent of independents and 26 percent of Democrats. The issue does not have a significant difference among whites, of which 37 percent called it a "major" issue, and 35 percent of non-whites who said the same. More than four in 10 in the South (42 percent) suggested they see voter fraud as a major issue, while about one in three in the East, Midwest and West said they saw it the same way.

Eighty percent said they support voter ID, while 19 percent said they generally oppose the measure. Among Republicans, 95 percent support voter ID, compared to 83 percent of independents and a smaller share of 63 percent of Democrats.

Poll: 52 percent of Republicans call voter fraud major problem in 2016

They didn't comment on how many thought fraud was small problem, but still about 60 million that see it as a major problem.

Voter Fraud is just more republican bull shit to suppress voting of minorities because they usually vote for democrats. In states with strict voter picture ids, there is a slight decrease in turnout for all voters but a drop of several percentage points for minorities.

At least the Alt Right is honest enough to just admit that they want to keep black and Latinos minorities from voting.

The point is there is a lot more that can be done that isn't now and ignorant people just don't give a shit. That tells me they favor fraud.
That tells me that a lot of people want to suppress minority voting.
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Good for them.

There are, indeed, some uses for States' Rights, after all.

The idea of the Government of the United States demanding to know how its citizens voted during the course of a Secret Ballot is downright UN-American.

This isn't Nazi Germany or Fascist Italy or Soviet Russia.


Let's keep it that way.

Else be haunted by the ghosts of every Patriot who shed his blood for our People and their Republic and its Constitution.

And be condemned by our own grandchildren and their grandchildren, for our cowardice and lemming behavior.

For shame, Drumpf !!!
How they voted? Is that is what is being asked?
No but they have asked for birth dates, felony conviction information, and social security info. That information is considered confidential.
You are making that up. the governor of PA said that the Trump Administration can get the information just like anyone else, just pay 20 dollars.

Much to do over nothing.
...Voting HISTORY is not "how they voted" as you stated. I can ask you if you voted last year there is nothing wrong with that question and there really isn't much reason for you not to answer. But when I ask whom you voted for then there is a problem. Voting history is NOT the same as how they voted. Voting history is a public record. I am not sure what the issue is other then the states grandstanding.
You and I have interpreted this differently.

I do believe that a fair number of State Attorneys General have interpreted the request in the very same way that I did.

Oh, and, by the way...

I you have my Registered Party Affiliation...

And you know whether or not I voted in Election A or B...

You can guess WHOM I voted for in Election A or B, now, can't you?

Plus-or-minus a few percentage points for error, when spread across an entire population.


No Sale.
there is no way to tell how a person voted. For a Republican to win in most democrat areas then democrats have to cross vote.

Besides your party affiliation is public information.
Good for them.

There are, indeed, some uses for States' Rights, after all.

The idea of the Government of the United States demanding to know how its citizens voted during the course of a Secret Ballot is downright UN-American.

This isn't Nazi Germany or Fascist Italy or Soviet Russia.


Let's keep it that way.

Else be haunted by the ghosts of every Patriot who shed his blood for our People and their Republic and its Constitution.

And be condemned by our own grandchildren and their grandchildren, for our cowardice and lemming behavior.

For shame, Drumpf !!!
How they voted? Is that is what is being asked?
No but they have asked for birth dates, felony conviction information, and social security info. That information is considered confidential.
You are making that up. the governor of PA said that the Trump Administration can get the information just like anyone else, just pay 20 dollars.

Much to do over nothing.
Yes, and he will get it just like anyone else, over 600 million records of raw data with no social numbers or birth dates to match on. No state releases birth dates and social security numbers to the public.
...Voting HISTORY is not "how they voted" as you stated. I can ask you if you voted last year there is nothing wrong with that question and there really isn't much reason for you not to answer. But when I ask whom you voted for then there is a problem. Voting history is NOT the same as how they voted. Voting history is a public record. I am not sure what the issue is other then the states grandstanding.
You and I have interpreted this differently.

I do believe that a fair number of State Attorneys General have interpreted the request in the very same way that I did.

Oh, and, by the way...

I you have my Registered Party Affiliation...

And you know whether or not I voted in Election A or B...

You can guess WHOM I voted for in Election A or B, now, can't you?

Plus-or-minus a few percentage points for error, when spread across an entire population.


No Sale.
there is no way to tell how a person voted. For a Republican to win in most democrat areas then democrats have to cross vote.
Besides your party affiliation is public information.

Under the Privacy Act of 1974, it is illegal for the federal government to have a voter's affiliation. You are advocating for a commission on illegal voting to commit a illegal act. Maybe Mueller can investigate this as well.

If you know what primary a voter votes in, it can tell you something about who they identify with.
Trump just wants to find out who voted for him so he can thank them personally. Is that so wrong?
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...Voting HISTORY is not "how they voted" as you stated. I can ask you if you voted last year there is nothing wrong with that question and there really isn't much reason for you not to answer. But when I ask whom you voted for then there is a problem. Voting history is NOT the same as how they voted. Voting history is a public record. I am not sure what the issue is other then the states grandstanding.
You and I have interpreted this differently.

I do believe that a fair number of State Attorneys General have interpreted the request in the very same way that I did.

Oh, and, by the way...

I you have my Registered Party Affiliation...

And you know whether or not I voted in Election A or B...

You can guess WHOM I voted for in Election A or B, now, can't you?

Plus-or-minus a few percentage points for error, when spread across an entire population.


No Sale.
there is no way to tell how a person voted. For a Republican to win in most democrat areas then democrats have to cross vote.
Besides your party affiliation is public information.

Under the Privacy Act of 1974, it is illegal for the federal government to have a voter's affiliation. You are advocating for a commission on illegal voting to commit a illegal act. Maybe Mueller can investigate this as well.

If you know what primary a voter votes in, it can tell you something about who they identify with.
I think you may be mistaken or the person who told you that is mistaken.

The Privacy Act of 1974 (5 U.S.C. § 552a) protects personal information held by the federal government by preventing unauthorized disclosures of such information. Individuals also have the right to review such information, request corrections, and be informed of any disclosures. The Freedom of Information Act facilitates these processes.

Personal Information
Good for them.

There are, indeed, some uses for States' Rights, after all.

The idea of the Government of the United States demanding to know how its citizens voted during the course of a Secret Ballot is downright UN-American.

This isn't Nazi Germany or Fascist Italy or Soviet Russia.


Let's keep it that way.

Else be haunted by the ghosts of every Patriot who shed his blood for our People and their Republic and its Constitution.

And be condemned by our own grandchildren and their grandchildren, for our cowardice and lemming behavior.

For shame, Drumpf !!!
How they voted? Is that is what is being asked?
No but they have asked for birth dates, felony conviction information, and social security info. That information is considered confidential.
You are making that up. the governor of PA said that the Trump Administration can get the information just like anyone else, just pay 20 dollars.

Much to do over nothing.
Yes, and he will get it just like anyone else, over 600 million records of raw data with no social numbers or birth dates to match on. No state releases birth dates and social security numbers to the public.

I am not positive what people are so damn scared of. Do they think Pence is going to look at the list, determine who is a democrat and then send the IRS after them? I can understand the concern since that is pretty much what Obama did do.

But what in the hell difference does it make if someone knows your party affiliation? Like that is hard to determine? What I am thinking is you all are scared of what might turn up. Maybe every election in every state is rampant with fraud, that is why their is resistance. Maybe still the commission will find no fraud, that should make everyone happy. But if they do it sure would be nice to have the information to back it up.

Me thinks that the establishment is the one opposing this using the guise of privacy, which is BS.
Good for them.

There are, indeed, some uses for States' Rights, after all.

The idea of the Government of the United States demanding to know how its citizens voted during the course of a Secret Ballot is downright UN-American.

This isn't Nazi Germany or Fascist Italy or Soviet Russia.


Let's keep it that way.

Else be haunted by the ghosts of every Patriot who shed his blood for our People and their Republic and its Constitution.

And be condemned by our own grandchildren and their grandchildren, for our cowardice and lemming behavior.

For shame, Drumpf !!!
How they voted? Is that is what is being asked?
No but they have asked for birth dates, felony conviction information, and social security info. That information is considered confidential.
You are making that up. the governor of PA said that the Trump Administration can get the information just like anyone else, just pay 20 dollars.

Much to do over nothing.
Yes, and he will get it just like anyone else, over 600 million records of raw data with no social numbers or birth dates to match on. No state releases birth dates and social security numbers to the public.

I am not positive what people are so damn scared of. Do they think Pence is going to look at the list, determine who is a democrat and then send the IRS after them? I can understand the concern since that is pretty much what Obama did do.

But what in the hell difference does it make if someone knows your party affiliation? Like that is hard to determine? What I am thinking is you all are scared of what might turn up. Maybe every election in every state is rampant with fraud, that is why their is resistance. Maybe still the commission will find no fraud, that should make everyone happy. But if they do it sure would be nice to have the information to back it up.

Me thinks that the establishment is the one opposing this using the guise of privacy, which is BS.

This isn't about individual voters. It's strong arm politics. Trump is "building a file" on his opponents. It won't matter what's in the file. It's simply an excuse to attack opponents with lawsuits. This is old hat for Trump. He's cornered, and he's going back to what he knows.
How they voted? Is that is what is being asked?
No but they have asked for birth dates, felony conviction information, and social security info. That information is considered confidential.
You are making that up. the governor of PA said that the Trump Administration can get the information just like anyone else, just pay 20 dollars.

Much to do over nothing.
Yes, and he will get it just like anyone else, over 600 million records of raw data with no social numbers or birth dates to match on. No state releases birth dates and social security numbers to the public.

I am not positive what people are so damn scared of. Do they think Pence is going to look at the list, determine who is a democrat and then send the IRS after them? I can understand the concern since that is pretty much what Obama did do.

But what in the hell difference does it make if someone knows your party affiliation? Like that is hard to determine? What I am thinking is you all are scared of what might turn up. Maybe every election in every state is rampant with fraud, that is why their is resistance. Maybe still the commission will find no fraud, that should make everyone happy. But if they do it sure would be nice to have the information to back it up.

Me thinks that the establishment is the one opposing this using the guise of privacy, which is BS.

This isn't about individual voters. It's strong arm politics. Trump is "building a file" on his opponents. It won't matter what's in the file. It's simply an excuse to attack opponents with lawsuits. This is old hat for Trump. He's cornered, and he's going back to what he knows.
Trump already knows his enemies he hardly needs to make a list, he isn't Santa Claus. You and a lot of other folks are just making shit up as if Obama didn't do exactly the same thing.
...Voting HISTORY is not "how they voted" as you stated. I can ask you if you voted last year there is nothing wrong with that question and there really isn't much reason for you not to answer. But when I ask whom you voted for then there is a problem. Voting history is NOT the same as how they voted. Voting history is a public record. I am not sure what the issue is other then the states grandstanding.
You and I have interpreted this differently.

I do believe that a fair number of State Attorneys General have interpreted the request in the very same way that I did.

Oh, and, by the way...

I you have my Registered Party Affiliation...

And you know whether or not I voted in Election A or B...

You can guess WHOM I voted for in Election A or B, now, can't you?

Plus-or-minus a few percentage points for error, when spread across an entire population.


No Sale.
Your voting history, whether you like it or not, is "public information". It can be purchased by candidates, campaigns and journalists.

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