24 States Refuse To Turn Over Voting Data Unstable President

You know that felons are allowed to vote, depending on what state they were convicted in, not what state they are voting in.

Yet some, not allowed, were busted for voting, go figure. How many did they miss?


Kobach found about half a dozen

How many have been found in blue States with 10 times their population? Wait, they're not bothering to look, are they? And they don't want anyone else looking.

There are republican election officials, even in blue states, honey bunch
Why does anyone need a voter ID? Its all bullshit

Everybody needs an ID. What's bullshit is that it has to be a government issued picture ID with the persons address, DOB, etc, on it.

A military ID isn't good enough, under the new ID laws. Veterans have to go to the DMV to get an ID to vote.
How many have been found in blue States with 10 times their population? Wait, they're not bothering to look, are they? And they don't want anyone else looking.

The heritge foundation ran 47 sates for illegal votes, and came up with an average of less than two per state per year.
How many have been found in blue States with 10 times their population? Wait, they're not bothering to look, are they? And they don't want anyone else looking.

They have looked, and they found virtually ZERO. This is just harassment with no evidence (not even classified reports) of there being a problem worth investigating. The number of votes suppressed, those illegally thrown off the voting rolls has been in the tens of thousands. we saw that proved in florida in 2000 when they looked into that election. Thousands denied the vote. THOUSANDS.
...We have more evidence than you folks...
1. I am a Centrist and not one of "you folks".

2. Present your evidence... link?

...had on Trump Russia collusion and there's currently 6 investigations looking for something on that...
And you have thrown rocks at most or all of those.

Will you now join the ranks of those foolishly spending money to prove a non-issue?

By all means, present your evidence, that the expenditure of millions of dollars to investigate widespread vote-fraud is warranted.


...If there's nothing to find on voter fraud, why are you folks so worried about them looking?...
1. I am a Centrist and not one of "you folks".

2. I am not worried.

3. I am trying to be "fiscally responsible".

4. Why aren't you?

...Don't you want to know if someone is canceling your vote that shouldn't be? .

If you have reason to suspect such on a widespread basis, then, by all means, present your preliminary evidence, so that citizens may determine whether such an expenditure is warranted, and whether the pursuit of such an investigation is likely to prove worthwhile in a political or constitutional context.

For example, the Chicago Democratic Machine has historically - and largely remains to this day - as crooked as crooked can be.

Start there, or any other Democrat-controlled Big City $hithole... ought to be easy enough to find substantive investigative narration or even credible speculation.

Good luck with that.

You can claim to be a centrist all day, but you're firmly with the left on this one. They fight tooth and nail against every effort to ensure the integrity of the vote. And BTW it's not a non issue when half the country doubts the system.

Why don't you care just as much about allowing every single person eligible to vote, his ability to do so? That is what makes your kind FOS

How is asking for proof of eligibility denying any eligible voter? Is asking for an ID at a liquor store denying 21 year olds the right to make a purchase?

How do you know that there isn't. Especially when you won't let them check.
Are there not republican election officials at every polling place?

Are they allowed to verify citizenship and felon status?

They are there to verify if a person is eligible to vote. What does a felon status have to do with this, many states do allow felons to vote, or didn't you know that honey bunch

You're full of shit, all they can do is verify the person is registered, it's all done on the honor system, no other information is available at the polls.

Who is in charge of verifying and accepting registrations? Who has to jump through hoops to be allowed to register. No, you are full of shit

States are prohibited form verifying citizenship when a person registers, why is that?
How is asking for proof of eligibility denying any eligible voter? Is asking for an ID at a liquor store denying 21 year olds the right to make a purchase?


You can use our student ID to buy liquor You don't need a special government ID.
How many have been found in blue States with 10 times their population? Wait, they're not bothering to look, are they? And they don't want anyone else looking.

The heritge foundation ran 47 sates for illegal votes, and came up with an average of less than two per state per year.

There have already been more convictions than that, like 848 criminal convictions, based on Heritage reports. Check this thread.

Growing Pile of Data Shows That Voter Fraud Is a Real and Vast Problem

How is asking for proof of eligibility denying any eligible voter? Is asking for an ID at a liquor store denying 21 year olds the right to make a purchase?


You can use our student ID to buy liquor You don't need a special government ID.

Student ID verifies age, not residency. Most out of State students maintain residency in their home State.

There have already been more convictions than that, like 848 criminal convictions, based on Heritage reports. Check this thread.


848 in 47 states for the last 10 years.

848 / 47 / 10 = what?

How many time does a drunk driver drive that way before they are caught I've heard estimates as high a 87, and cops are actually looking for them.

Why is it only one side is the most vocal, doing everything they can to prevent people that are entitled to vote from being turned away at the polls?

Even though I usually vote democrat, I'm not particular concerned about requiring voter ids. It think both sides are wrong. There is no massive voter fraud and requiring all voters to carry an id to the polls is not going have any big effect on election outcomes. Illegal immigrants who are fearfully of registering their kids in school or going to emergency rooms are certainly not going risk deportation and prison by voting. Democrats that actually vote are just as likely to not have proper ids as republicans that vote.

The objection I have with voter ids is that it's just more unneeded bureaucracy and creates a false sense of security because the real voter fraud when it occurs is in vote counting or as Joseph Stalin said,
"It's not the people that vote that counts, it's the people who count the votes."

Well I'll tell ya, illegals aren't fearful enough to go home, many are using false or stolen identities to work and who knows what else.

I'm a simple guy, I just want to know the people who are voting are eligible to vote and as the system stands, I have my doubts, as do millions of others.

There is no sure and practical way to determine that people voting by mail are qualified. and all states will allow voting by mail if requested by the voter. Two states do all voting by mail and 2 others are moving to all mail voting, 22 states allow mail voting in some elections, and two states with the most restrictive voter id laws now allow everyone to vote by mail.

Today over 23 million people vote by mail and the number has doubled in the last 15 years. By 2050, nearly half the voting will be done by mail, making voter ids useless in preventing voter fraud. However, since voter fraud is rare, the extra 3% to 4% in voter turnout in all mail elections is well worth a small increase in voter fraud.

So you have no problems with making fraud easier. Good to know.

If we get a couple of million more Americans voting and only a dozen or so are fraudulent, you're damn right.

You're making assumptions you can't possibly prove. When States are forbidden, by law and the courts, from verifying citizenship of people who register, where are the checks, how do you detect fraud? I'll bet you're not naive enough to leave an unattended bowl of candy on your porch at Halloween with a sign to take one piece. But you have no problems conducting elections on the honor system. That's just pathetic.

People do not violate laws and rules because they can. Most people are honest. Yes, we have left candy on the front poach at Halloween with a sign that says take one and that is exactly what most kids do.

Our criminal justice system is based on the concept that the vast majority of people will obey the law without monitoring. No one checks that you have a drivers license, sober and free of drugs before you get behind the wheel of your car. Inmates in prison are granted furloughs to make visits with relatives with no supervision and it is rare that an inmate violates the trust placed them. There is a restaurant in my area which is run by a charity where the menu has a recommended price but says pay what the meal is worth. It's very rare for anyone not to pay and most pay the recommend amount and some pay more.

Aside from the fact, that numerous studies have shown voter fraud is rare, voter ids are are not likely to stop that fraud. This is because most voter fraud occurs with mail in ballot which all states allow and many states encourage or require. Secondly, passing off forged ids at polls would not be a problem for any organized attempt. There are over 178,000 polling places in the US. Most are run by volunteers and part time workers with no equipment to validate ids. Poll workers just glance at the id and that's it.

Most of the states that have strict voter ids laws are states that consistently vote republican in national elections. These states have seen reduced turnout. The claim of course is that it's reducing illegal voting. However, the fact is it reduces all voting slightly and minority and elderly vote significantly. With blue states not supporting tighter voter id laws and reds supporting them, it is quite possible that republican efforts to enact voter id laws in their state will actually hurt them in national elections.
Well I'll tell ya, illegals aren't fearful enough to go home, many are using false or stolen identities to work and who knows what else.

I'm a simple guy, I just want to know the people who are voting are eligible to vote and as the system stands, I have my doubts, as do millions of others.

There is no sure and practical way to determine that people voting by mail are qualified. and all states will allow voting by mail if requested by the voter. Two states do all voting by mail and 2 others are moving to all mail voting, 22 states allow mail voting in some elections, and two states with the most restrictive voter id laws now allow everyone to vote by mail.

Today over 23 million people vote by mail and the number has doubled in the last 15 years. By 2050, nearly half the voting will be done by mail, making voter ids useless in preventing voter fraud. However, since voter fraud is rare, the extra 3% to 4% in voter turnout in all mail elections is well worth a small increase in voter fraud.

So you have no problems with making fraud easier. Good to know.

If we get a couple of million more Americans voting and only a dozen or so are fraudulent, you're damn right.

You're making assumptions you can't possibly prove. When States are forbidden, by law and the courts, from verifying citizenship of people who register, where are the checks, how do you detect fraud? I'll bet you're not naive enough to leave an unattended bowl of candy on your porch at Halloween with a sign to take one piece. But you have no problems conducting elections on the honor system. That's just pathetic.

People do not violate laws and rules because they can. Most people are honest. Yes, we have left candy on the front poach at Halloween with a sign that says take one and that is exactly what most kids do.

Our criminal justice system is based on the concept that the vast majority of people will obey the law without monitoring. No one checks that you have a drivers license, sober and free of drugs before you get behind the wheel of your car. Inmates in prison are granted furloughs to make visits with relatives with no supervision and it is rare that an inmate violates the trust placed them. There is a restaurant in my area which is run by a charity where the menu has a recommended price but says pay what the meal is worth. It's very rare for anyone not to pay and most pay the recommend amount and some pay more.

Aside from the fact, that numerous studies have shown voter fraud is rare, voter ids are are not likely to stop that fraud. This is because most voter fraud occurs with mail in ballot which all states allow and many states encourage or require. Secondly, passing off forged ids at polls would not be a problem for any organized attempt. There are over 178,000 polling places in the US. Most are run by volunteers and part time workers with no equipment to validate ids. Poll workers just glance at the id and that's it.

Most of the states that have strict voter ids laws are states that consistently vote republican in national elections. These states have seen reduced turnout. The claim of course is that it's reducing illegal voting. However, the fact is it reduces all voting slightly and minority and elderly vote significantly. With blue states not supporting tighter voter id laws and reds supporting them, it is quite possible that republican efforts to enact voter id laws in their state will actually hurt them in national elections.

There aren't reliable recent stats on turnout but turnout is declining pretty much across the board.

The states with the highest and lowest turnout in 2012, in 2 charts

How is asking for proof of eligibility denying any eligible voter? Is asking for an ID at a liquor store denying 21 year olds the right to make a purchase?
You can use our student ID to buy liquor You don't need a special government ID.

Student ID verifies age, not residency. Most out of State students maintain residency in their home State.

You've identified the number one form of voter fraud, multiple address voting. Like with Mitt Romney with homes in Utah and Massachusetts.
Considering everyone and their mother has their knickers in a twist on the left over a "Russia hijacked the election" one would think States would wish to participate to ensure that potential voter fraud is identified and addressed.
Considering everyone and their mother has their knickers in a twist on the left over a "Russia hijacked the election" one would think States would wish to participate to ensure that potential voter fraud is identified and addressed.

Why are they asking for party affiliation? How can that even be used to find voter fraud?

That's for targeting for voter suppression.

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