25 blacks asked to leave because 1 white "feels threatened"

Daily Kos: Restaurant Asks 25 Black People to Leave Because 1 White Person Feels "Threatened"

Fifty years after Dr. King's I Have a Dream speech this crap's still going on. From Progressive Populist: Blacks Asked to Leave South Carolina Restaurant Because White Customer Felt Threatened. It happened at the Wild Wing Cafe in North Charleston.

This actually makes me feel a little sick to my stomach. We humans are not the most evolved on the planet.

Anyone wanna bet that some here will actually agree that these people should have been told to leave the restaurant just because one person wanted it?

You are an idiot, if you cannot imagine that a group of 25 people might not be able to make a reasonable person feel threatened? Are you fucking kidding me?

Maybe things like this are becoming too common, so people have justifiable reason to feel threatened, you fucking moron
Woman brutally beaten by group of teens in North Side says... | www.wpxi.com
so they are so reputable of a site they just run with anything be damned of all the facts..

not a site I'd want to get my information from..but we see some people don't care what they post here as long as it fits their agenda....I went there once and that was all I needed...that place is full of hating idiots and this kind of race baiting articles without any facts...it gets keeps their cult members riled up and it also pay their BILLs...they know the type of people can play that's for sure

They are going with the available facts. As soon as the restaurant wants to put theirs out there, they will be reported on.

THE HORROR!!!! :lol::lol:

You sit there with your fat little ass in a safe comfy chair in front of your monitor and pass judgement on people that are out and exposed to this BS.

You might want to consider a little thing called Karma, dude. In my life I have seen it come back to bite people like you in the ass so many times it is amazing.
Daily Kos: Restaurant Asks 25 Black People to Leave Because 1 White Person Feels "Threatened"

Fifty years after Dr. King's I Have a Dream speech this crap's still going on. From Progressive Populist: Blacks Asked to Leave South Carolina Restaurant Because White Customer Felt Threatened. It happened at the Wild Wing Cafe in North Charleston.

This actually makes me feel a little sick to my stomach. We humans are not the most evolved on the planet.

Anyone wanna bet that some here will actually agree that these people should have been told to leave the restaurant just because one person wanted it?

You are an idiot, if you cannot imagine that a group of 25 people might not be able to make a reasonable person feel threatened? Are you fucking kidding me?

Maybe things like this are becoming too common, so people have justifiable reason to feel threatened, you fucking moron
Woman brutally beaten by group of teens in North Side says... | www.wpxi.com

In a restaurant? When my parents were alive, we would often meet at a certain restaurant and all have brunch together. With my parents, my siblings and grandkids, we're talking 25-30 people. No one ever had any problem with our group. Of course we're mulit-racial. There were blacks, whites and asians in our group, and we also made reservations so we didn't have to wait 2 hours to be seated.
What are you talking about?

They were waiting for an area for a party of 25 to open up.

It was during the time that they were waiting that the incident occurred.

Here...seriously, read this link so you at least understand the timeline and don't make any more asinine comments like the one quoted above.

Wild Wing Cafe Michael Brown: Black Group Refused Service At Cafe | News One

From that article:

In an interview with NewsOne, Brown said that he and his party arrived at the cafe around 8 p.m on Wednesday July 31. According to Brown, he called ahead to notify the cafe staff that a large party would be coming. Once everyone arrived, they were told to wait for an area in the cafe to become available.
Michael BrownMichael Brown
After 45 minutes, a member of their group allegedly asked the night manager for an update and was told the staff was still working on a spot. Another 45 minutes reportedly passed, and again, they asked about seating. “We’re working on it,” Brown remembers the manager telling the group.”We almost got it ready.” But around 10 p.m., the group grew impatient and asked what was going on.

“We asked [the shift manager], ‘Why can’t we sit in that area over there?’ Brown said, pointing to a row of empty tables in the cafe. “She said pretty much that costumer over there feels threatened by you guys and she asked that you not be seated by her.”
So where am I wrong. Your link actually backs me up. They were made to wait and not ONE mention of a deaf or handicap person except from some random guy who no one can seem to find the "comment"

I'm confused CC.

Are you saying it was racism that they had to wait?

Black ass holes not getting their way = racism to people like CC who thinks that if he sucks up enough to every black person he even merely hears of that maybe he can remove that guilt for slavery and segregation for all those centuries.

In other words he is an idiot and complete fool.
Daily Kos: Restaurant Asks 25 Black People to Leave Because 1 White Person Feels "Threatened"

This actually makes me feel a little sick to my stomach. We humans are not the most evolved on the planet.

Anyone wanna bet that some here will actually agree that these people should have been told to leave the restaurant just because one person wanted it?

You are an idiot, if you cannot imagine that a group of 25 people might not be able to make a reasonable person feel threatened? Are you fucking kidding me?

Maybe things like this are becoming too common, so people have justifiable reason to feel threatened, you fucking moron
Woman brutally beaten by group of teens in North Side says... | www.wpxi.com

In a restaurant? When my parents were alive, we would often meet at a certain restaurant and all have brunch together. With my parents, my siblings and grandkids, we're talking 25-30 people. No one ever had any problem with our group. Of course we're mulit-racial. There were blacks, whites and asians in our group, and we also made reservations so we didn't have to wait 2 hours to be seated.

Yeah, various churches I have been in had these regular after church socials among friends that would meet at some place like a Denny's or IHoP. But there seems to be a lot of facts missing here.

A mr Brown said that a deaf girl felt threatened and asked the manager to not sit the large group near them, but who knows?

Large groups like that have to be willing to wait longer for service and if its during a high business period where there is a normal wait of an hour or so, a large group like that could see a 2 hour wait easily. Don't you imagine that the restaurant hostess told them that? They could have called to another place to see if the wait time would be shorter there. Has that ever happened to you?

It has to me and I didn't think it was racism or anti-gingerism or anti-four-eyes-ism, lol.
ah so the dailykos leave out the real reason and just goes with it, WHY?

Probably because there is no official story coming from the restaurant. There is a story circulating around the internet that supposedly came from an employee but that hasn't been confirmed as far as I know.

The story from the "offended" side was not confirmed either.
It is just a hearsay.

But the left is already screaming "rrrrrrracism" as it usually does
They are going with the available facts. As soon as the restaurant wants to put theirs out there, they will be reported on.

THE HORROR!!!! :lol::lol:

You sit there with your fat little ass in a safe comfy chair in front of your monitor and pass judgement on people that are out and exposed to this BS.

You might want to consider a little thing called Karma, dude. In my life I have seen it come back to bite people like you in the ass so many times it is amazing.

you misspelled black people
Probably because there is no official story coming from the restaurant. There is a story circulating around the internet that supposedly came from an employee but that hasn't been confirmed as far as I know.

so they are so reputable of a site they just run with anything be damned of all the facts..

not a site I'd want to get my information from..but we see some people don't care what they post here as long as it fits their agenda....I went there once and that was all I needed...that place is full of hating idiots and this kind of race baiting articles without any facts...it gets keeps their cult members riled up and it also pay their BILLs...they know the type of people can play that's for sure

Let me guess, you're looking for facts you just don't know what kind. So you hate the facts provided because they aren't the facts you'll accept which are undefinable.

Those are NOT the FACTS.

It's a hearsay.

A gossip, in other words.
From that article:

So where am I wrong. Your link actually backs me up. They were made to wait and not ONE mention of a deaf or handicap person except from some random guy who no one can seem to find the "comment"

I'm confused CC.

Are you saying it was racism that they had to wait?

Black ass holes not getting their way = racism to people like CC who thinks that if he sucks up enough to every black person he even merely hears of that maybe he can remove that guilt for slavery and segregation for all those centuries.

In other words he is an idiot and complete fool.

What were you saying about karma?
THE HORROR!!!! :lol::lol:

You sit there with your fat little ass in a safe comfy chair in front of your monitor and pass judgement on people that are out and exposed to this BS.

You might want to consider a little thing called Karma, dude. In my life I have seen it come back to bite people like you in the ass so many times it is amazing.

you misspelled black people

Thank you for confirming that you are indeed an idiot.
I'm confused CC.

Are you saying it was racism that they had to wait?

Black ass holes not getting their way = racism to people like CC who thinks that if he sucks up enough to every black person he even merely hears of that maybe he can remove that guilt for slavery and segregation for all those centuries.

In other words he is an idiot and complete fool.

What were you saying about karma?

What are you talking about, Nimrod?

Or do you think that all white people have to kiss black leftists asses till the end of time for something that happened more than century ago?

Why don't you grow the hell up?
You sit there with your fat little ass in a safe comfy chair in front of your monitor and pass judgement on people that are out and exposed to this BS.

You might want to consider a little thing called Karma, dude. In my life I have seen it come back to bite people like you in the ass so many times it is amazing.

you misspelled black people

Thank you for confirming that you are indeed an idiot.

Exposed to what then? blacks in a group? Did someone not tell this person when they leave the house they may be exposed to other people?
you misspelled black people

Thank you for confirming that you are indeed an idiot.

Exposed to what then? blacks in a group? Did someone not tell this person when they leave the house they may be exposed to other people?

Perhaps not, but why do you consider only the complaining person?

Why not consider the range of plausible behavior being exhibited by the group of black people? Have you never had such experiences that even Jesse Jackson said once that if he is walking the streets alone at night and looks behind him to see a young white person he feels relieved?

At least Jackson is more honest than idiots like you who seem to have never had the pleasure of sitting next to a loud group of obnoxious people, no matter what their race is.

Why do you presume from the start that the whole problem lies with the white people?
Thank you for confirming that you are indeed an idiot.

Exposed to what then? blacks in a group? Did someone not tell this person when they leave the house they may be exposed to other people?

Perhaps not, but why do you consider only the complaining person?

Why not consider the range of plausible behavior being exhibited by the group of black people? Have you never had such experiences that even Jesse Jackson said once that if he is walking the streets alone at night and looks behind him to see a young white person he feels relieved?

At least Jackson is more honest than idiots like you who seem to have never had the pleasure of sitting next to a loud group of obnoxious people, no matter what their race is.

Why do you presume from the start that the whole problem lies with the white people?

Why not consider the plausible behavior by anyone. You're just looking to be mad. The patrons there, its plausible, was burning the cross or lynching people. It could happen.

Its plausible that someone was playing flag football there too. So its really weird that you list of "plausible" (meaning it never happened but he needs something) behavior is only negative and only with one group there?

Did you run out of plausible? Didn't bring enough for the restaurant?
Black ass holes not getting their way = racism to people like CC who thinks that if he sucks up enough to every black person he even merely hears of that maybe he can remove that guilt for slavery and segregation for all those centuries.

In other words he is an idiot and complete fool.

What were you saying about karma?

What are you talking about, Nimrod?

Or do you think that all white people have to kiss black leftists asses till the end of time for something that happened more than century ago?

Why don't you grow the hell up?

I did not think that you had the intellectual capacity to understand.
Plus Missery said I was wrong then posted a link that confirmed everything I said. Good job!

You guys need to find some more random untraceable comments lol

You were wrong.

You said something idiotic about time travel.

Waiting for room to seat a party of 25 is not racism.

I get that your bias blinds you to this fact, but it is a fact none the less.

First you said they were treated bad because of confronting a deaf person. I asked why were they made to wait 2 hours in the first place and you shrugged your shoulders unable to type a reason but one thing you KNOW for certain is that it WAS NOT racism.

:eusa_boohoo: Now you are trying to be funny by pretending I said waiting = Racism.

Keep dancing, you don't what it is the only thing you seem to know for sure is WHAT IT ISNT. :lol:

None of what you posted in this comment is true.

Here is exactly what I think happen, based on the different articles, explanations and perspectives I have read:

@hjmick of USMB lives down there. He said the restaurant in question is not very large and does not have a lot of seating to begin with.

Mr. Brown (the aggrieved) called to say he had a large party coming in.

The restaurant didn't set aside seating because they did not want to lose the revenue in the event Mr. Browns party was a no show.

Mr. Brown and party arrive, and they are forced to wait...they expected to be seated right away, and they were upset that they were inconvenienced.

According to the article @ News One, there was only one area of the restaurant that could accommodate Mr Browns party of 25...so some people who arrived after Mr. Browns party were seated ahead of Mr. Browns party. This only served to further fuel the animosity.

FTR, it is these events for which IMO the restaurant bears the blame.

If Mr. Brown called ahead, the restaurant management should have informed him that either they could not hold a section that large open at that time, or that they would...and if that was the case, they should have.

Also, it should have been explained that only one section was available that would accommodate a party of 25 seated together, and that was why some other guests were being seated ahead of Mr. Brown's party.

None of that is racism, it's unprofessionalism.

Now some time during this waiting period, it has been purported that some member of the party made racial statements about white people receiving preferential treatment, being seated while Mr. Brown's party was forced to wait.

Also, this was expounded on by relating an event where a misunderstanding was escalated into a major scene by a member of Mr Brown's party over what was perceived as racism, but was actually by a deaf patron who was not ignoring, but could not hear the offended woman's entreaty for an apology.

This report has been confirmed by at least one website as being from an eyewitness to these events, an employee of the restaurant.

The scene is what led directly to one of the other patrons, who was already dining, complaining that she felt threatened...it could have been the family of the deaf woman for all we know...that information has not come out yet.

NONE of what I have described here is racism towards Mr Brown's party.

In fact, I would propose that, if these reports are correct, that the restaurant was within their rights at this time to ask the party to leave.

Instead, the restaurant staff and management attempted to resolve the situation as best they could, given the circumstances, perhaps because they felt some amount of responsibility in not reserving, or explaining that they would not be able to reserve, a section for Mr Brown's party.

At this point, none of what had transpired was the result of racism against Mr Brown's party.

Here, we have to extrapolate, and use some common sense.

We know that Mr Brown is a regular customer.

We know that Mr. Brown has never experienced racism at this establishment before.

We know that the population of North Charleston is 46% black, so we can assume that Wild Wing Cafe has a good number of Black patrons.

We know we are only getting one side of the story from Mr. Brown.

So, at this point, the restaurant staff and management are still trying to work out an arrangement for seating Mr. Brown's party.

One of the members of Mr. Brown's party begins to video record the conversation.

Mr. Brown attests to the fact that THIS is the reason the are refused service.

The media, and now the left, wants to claim racism based solely on the reporting of one side of the story...because that is what they do...fan the flames of racism at every opportunity.

It MUST be racism, African-American's MUST be painted as victims.

That is the narrative.

Don't question the narrative, don't look any deeper, don't use common sense...just swallow this one-sided story hook line and sinker...
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Of course they were asked to leave for several reasons. They waited for 2 hours then had the nerve to say something about it. Then got mad when they waited for nothing and said something about getting kicked out. Then the mgr didn't like they were video taping AFTER waiting for 2 hours and being kicked out. Can you believe that? They had the NERVE....

Some could say "were made to wait that long" or "had the nerve to tell them to leave" or "make them leave because of one person"

No...you opt for...They had the nerve to video tape! lol...oh lawdy.

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