25 blacks asked to leave because 1 white "feels threatened"

What makes me sick is the fact that this thread is probably going to go over 500 post. Slaughter of innocent white people daily doesn't get more then a few dozen....

What a sick statement....

A private business can throw people out...

Not for being black. Not because ONE patron says she feels "uncomfortable" around such a large group of black people.
Now Kondor wheres the other possible argument? No time to explain it from another way right?

Like I said the FB post was from someone who wasn't even involved. A random FB post that isn't even at the links provided.
I don't understand, CC... there are a myriad of possible explanations, many of which have been given good service here already... I was under the impression that I was merely serving-up another couple of such... but my own meager contribution was by no means intended to be all-inclusive and exclusionary of others, if that's where you were heading with that...

No what you did was go with a rumor then seek to explain (legitimize) the rumor to move from being hear say to a genuine topic.

For example: I say you fuck goats. Someone else says if he fucks goats he must like a hairy ass. Someone else says if he likes hairy ass he must like guys!

See how that happens? No, I bet you don't just because you did it


I did not see myself as "going with a rumor" (as in locking that down as the real cause)...

It was a Devils Advocate -caliber speculative exercise, with the Deaf-White/Injured-Black scenario as its underlying basis.

I saw myself exploring that much discussed possibility, from the perspective of honest mistakes possibly triggering more visceral or biased reactions on both sides.

After emphasizing the world "IF" twice in letters the size of the Empire State Building, I don't know what more I could have done to clearly label the post as speculative, contingent upon the veracity of that alternative explanation.

I also went so far as to say, if there was a disturbance underway, then, regardless of the cause, I could see how a restaurant manager could eject a bunch of folks whose number included the person(s) who were loudly venting their spleens and disturbing customers.

But I did not take the Alternative Story as Gospel Truth; nor was the piece meant to be some kind of lame and oblique way to reinforce the idea that it was credible.

Rather, it had simply been bandied-about so much, I was drawn to contributing a little myself, with the very clear caveat that its veracity was still very much in question.

That is my right as a contributor here, and it is a legitimate and permissible gambit, in exploring all of the possible explanations.

I also called for more information from stakeholders on all sides, before we rushed to judgment.

I have my own biases, like all of us, with respect to race and race-relations, but I also possess sufficient objectivity and goodwill and ethical and moral fiber, to shun the harmful effects of racial bias to the best of my own poor ability.

That includes race-baiting and hate-mongering coming from the Black side of the so-called racial divide, as well as the White side.

That includes rejecting one-sided explanations of racial incidents until all of the data is in.

And, until that 'rumor' has been quelled, and while that 'rumor' is being actively discussed, it was (and is) entirely permissible and ethical to explore its ramifications.

Such exploration does not legitimize nor reinforce the rumor; it merely sets the stage for a 'what-if' scenario.

And, of course, until we KNOW, with some reliable degree of certainty, what DID happen, then... the whole damned thing is up-for-grabs, and 'what-if' scenarios are part-and-parcel of that mix...

Sorry you don't feel that way about it, but, them's the breaks, sometimes...
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Here's a flask folks: Not everyone says 'excuse me' when they accidentally touch you because they are not always aware the accidentally touched you. It doesn't make you look like you have good manners if you start screaming about it. If this did come to a lawsuit, it would be a hoot to watch!

^^ See Kondor?

They are just running with the bullshit. So much now that they actually believe this is what happened...

I'm having a hard time conjuring-up the angst to blame 'em much for that.

I mean, look at the sources...

The Daily Kos?

The Progressive Populist?

And with editorial commentary that was about as slanted as one can possibly get without saying "Look at what these Gawdawful White Motherfuckers did to those Po Lovely Black Folk" in print.


If the Populist Progressive said that Daytime was Daytime, I'd verify it for myself, rather than trust them.

It's been said that the OP was just an allegation.

I tend to agree.

A one-sided, lop-sided allegation... and a great many folks aren't inclined to trust either the source nor a single side of a story like that.

Ergo, the broader discussion about Alternative Explanations, and some folks hanging onto that possibility as a placeholder until we actually DO know what happened.

Personally, I don't see it as significant, but I'm a bit skeptical about the truthfulness of the original story, so, my own bias is interfering a bit with my judgment.

So long as I'm open about my bias and so long as I'm willing to concede that my resistance to the accusations behind the OP might be proven wrong eventually after all, it's all good.

Ditto for our colleagues, I expect.

Let it slide for now, is my own thinking on the subject, so long as folks don't start insisting that it's the Gospel Truth, it's all part of the discussion, right?

"...Just like you liking guys, if that's true *wink*"

Not my style...
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Well, here you go, the truth comes out.

From Wild Wing Cafe, N. Charleston's facebook:
Hunter Moffitt said:

This is ridiculous, Wild wings doesn't owe anyone an apology. The issue was that a DEAF woman stepped on the a lady's foot. (Yes, that lady happened to be black) The deaf woman walked away as the black woman yelled at her. The woman assumed that she was being ignored and caused a scene, then her party was asked to leave because she was yelling.
So there you have it.

From the same source as the original story. https://www.facebook.com/WildWingCafeNorthCharleston

Not racism.

Did anyone click the link provided?

Because that goes to some guy who wasn't involved in any way with the incident. Its just some random guy. If you follow the second link, which Missouri says "is from the same source". It's not.

But who cares about lying. If you go to the second link you'll find a VERY different message. Which he leglected to post or maybe thought Hunter was Wild Wings...either way fail

The majority owners of Wild Wing Cafe (WWC) and the WWC senior management team want to say that we are incredibly saddened and regretful about all that has happened in this unfortunate situation.

We are appalled that a customer service issue of any kind would be left unaddressed for three weeks. As soon as the owners and the senior management team were made aware of the situation on the afternoon of Thursday, August 22, we responded swiftly.

We are truly disappointed and sorry that any guests of ours felt disrespected or discriminated against. Our ownership group, home office staff and restaurant staff represent the diversity that our great country is made up of and these accusations do not reflect our values. We can assure you that we will not tolerate any discriminatory behavior in our organization.

We are conducting a thorough investigation and are taking the appropriate action. In the meantime, we are in regular and productive conversation with the individuals and we hope to keep all involved fans and friends of WWC. We realize these are topics that engender emotional reactions. We truly believe that actions speak louder than words and we hope all are open to let ours speak for us as we move through this situation. We are committed to not repeat the mistakes that have been made and to make sure anybody who walks in the doors of WWC is treated with love, respect and care.

Thank you for your understanding.
Now how did Missery miss that or forget to post from Wild Wings site? Why would he pick one comment from a random person as legitimate?

Confirmation Bias and you fuckers fell for it hook line and stinker...like always

That was the source of the original complaint.

The restaurants Facebook page.
Assuming the story about the deaf woman stepping on the black woman's foot is true. So far all we have is a post on a facebook page which I can't find (the post, not the page) as evidence.

The OP was just an allegation.

the op has several sites to back it up:

Wild Wing Cafe Kicks Out 25 African Americans After White Customer Felt 'Threatened': Report

25 African-Americans thrown out of South Carolina restaurant after a white woman complained of feeling 'threatened' | Mail Online

Black man claims he was kicked out of South Carolina restaurant because a white woman 'felt threatened' - NY Daily News

Black Restaurant Patrons Kicked Out After White Woman Feels 'Threatened'

The idea that a deaf woman stepped on a black woman's foot has only one site, and that is even specious since it's a post on a Facebook page which I can't even find (again, the post, not the page). I need more than that as evidence before I can condone kicking a group of 25 people out of a restaurant.

All of the several sites that back OP up stem from the same source. I was able to find more info on the other side as well, like this from an employee

Woman from Wild Wings Contacts Radio Facts, States Black Patrons Asked to Leave for Several Reasons

It sounds fishy to me that any restaurant would kick out 25 paying customers in favor of 1, especially if the paying customers were peaceful and celebrating. They spend a LOT more and that server would have gotten a huge tip likely.

Perhaps people were annoyed at having to wait 2 hours to be seated (which they could have avoided by calling ahead and reserving/putting a deposit on seating), were standing in the aisle (maybe that's why someone stepped on a foot) loudly complaining and repeatedly using the N word (which makes most people uncomfortable).

Seriously, N Charleston is virtually a 50/50 white/black area. Do you really believe that restaurant doesn't want black people there?

I have no problem with any restaurant removing loud obnoxious people who are disrupting patrons. I also have no problem with any restaurant removing war heros and their service dogs (the current repub flip side thing going on). Dogs don't belong in a restaurant any more than someone repeatedly and loudly using the N word does. Just MHO.
Well, here you go, the truth comes out.

From Wild Wing Cafe, N. Charleston's facebook:
Hunter Moffitt said:

This is ridiculous, Wild wings doesn't owe anyone an apology. The issue was that a DEAF woman stepped on the a lady's foot. (Yes, that lady happened to be black) The deaf woman walked away as the black woman yelled at her. The woman assumed that she was being ignored and caused a scene, then her party was asked to leave because she was yelling.
So there you have it.

From the same source as the original story. https://www.facebook.com/WildWingCafeNorthCharleston

Not racism.

Did anyone click the link provided?

Because that goes to some guy who wasn't involved in any way with the incident. Its just some random guy. If you follow the second link, which Missouri says "is from the same source". It's not.

But who cares about lying. If you go to the second link you'll find a VERY different message. Which he leglected to post or maybe thought Hunter was Wild Wings...either way fail

The majority owners of Wild Wing Cafe (WWC) and the WWC senior management team want to say that we are incredibly saddened and regretful about all that has happened in this unfortunate situation.

We are appalled that a customer service issue of any kind would be left unaddressed for three weeks. As soon as the owners and the senior management team were made aware of the situation on the afternoon of Thursday, August 22, we responded swiftly.

We are truly disappointed and sorry that any guests of ours felt disrespected or discriminated against. Our ownership group, home office staff and restaurant staff represent the diversity that our great country is made up of and these accusations do not reflect our values. We can assure you that we will not tolerate any discriminatory behavior in our organization.

We are conducting a thorough investigation and are taking the appropriate action. In the meantime, we are in regular and productive conversation with the individuals and we hope to keep all involved fans and friends of WWC. We realize these are topics that engender emotional reactions. We truly believe that actions speak louder than words and we hope all are open to let ours speak for us as we move through this situation. We are committed to not repeat the mistakes that have been made and to make sure anybody who walks in the doors of WWC is treated with love, respect and care.

Thank you for your understanding.
Now how did Missery miss that or forget to post from Wild Wings site? Why would he pick one comment from a random person as legitimate?

Confirmation Bias and you fuckers fell for it hook line and stinker...like always

That was the source of the original complaint.

The restaurants Facebook page.

Where is the post refuting the OP at though? Can someone find it or was it just a lie?
As it turns out, the deaf girl didn't even step on anyone's foot. She just didn't get out of the way fast enough to suit them.

You’re only getting one side of story here. I work at the restaurant and your representation of the events is way off base. The group was being loud and obnoxious to both customers and staffers. They kept complaining about their long wait and were talking about how “whitey” was able to get seated, but they were not. The problem was that they had a large group and insisted on sitting next to each other. We only had one area that could accommodate their large group and the patrons in that area were not done. So yes, some “whities” were able to be seated before them, but only because they were going to a different area. We also seated non-whites in other areas too…They made this a racial issue before anything. One of the guests also insulted a deaf white girl because she didn’t respond to one of them telling her to move (she was deaf and didn’t hear them) They were also all standing in the middle of the walk way, making it difficult for customers to leave. We asked them if they could move over, but they said they can stand wherever they want, and if we wanted them out of the way then we should seat them. The customer that was offended was offended by a particular individual’s constant uses of the word “n*gger” When asked to stop, he threw out a long string of racial epithets against one of my co-workers - See more at: Woman from Wild Wings Contacts Radio Facts, States Black Patrons Asked to Leave for Several Reasons

This group went there intending to start some shit.
Well, here you go, the truth comes out.

From Wild Wing Cafe, N. Charleston's facebook:
Hunter Moffitt said:

This is ridiculous, Wild wings doesn't owe anyone an apology. The issue was that a DEAF woman stepped on the a lady's foot. (Yes, that lady happened to be black) The deaf woman walked away as the black woman yelled at her. The woman assumed that she was being ignored and caused a scene, then her party was asked to leave because she was yelling.
So there you have it.

From the same source as the original story. https://www.facebook.com/WildWingCafeNorthCharleston

Not racism.

Did anyone click the link provided?

Because that goes to some guy who wasn't involved in any way with the incident. Its just some random guy. If you follow the second link, which Missouri says "is from the same source". It's not.

But who cares about lying. If you go to the second link you'll find a VERY different message. Which he leglected to post or maybe thought Hunter was Wild Wings...either way fail

The majority owners of Wild Wing Cafe (WWC) and the WWC senior management team want to say that we are incredibly saddened and regretful about all that has happened in this unfortunate situation.

We are appalled that a customer service issue of any kind would be left unaddressed for three weeks. As soon as the owners and the senior management team were made aware of the situation on the afternoon of Thursday, August 22, we responded swiftly.

We are truly disappointed and sorry that any guests of ours felt disrespected or discriminated against. Our ownership group, home office staff and restaurant staff represent the diversity that our great country is made up of and these accusations do not reflect our values. We can assure you that we will not tolerate any discriminatory behavior in our organization.

We are conducting a thorough investigation and are taking the appropriate action. In the meantime, we are in regular and productive conversation with the individuals and we hope to keep all involved fans and friends of WWC. We realize these are topics that engender emotional reactions. We truly believe that actions speak louder than words and we hope all are open to let ours speak for us as we move through this situation. We are committed to not repeat the mistakes that have been made and to make sure anybody who walks in the doors of WWC is treated with love, respect and care.

Thank you for your understanding.
Now how did Missery miss that or forget to post from Wild Wings site? Why would he pick one comment from a random person as legitimate?

Confirmation Bias and you fuckers fell for it hook line and stinker...like always

That was the source of the original complaint.

The restaurants Facebook page.

No it wasn't. You left a link to some guy and took his comment as being the truth. Then said it came from Wild Wings. It didn't. It might have come from Wild Wings comment section but you presented it as "the real story" from Wild Wings

A little lying to reinforce your bullshit is ok :eusa_boohoo: When you click the links none of that shows up. Coincidence right?

And a bigger coincidence that people believe that story and not the original. No racism sometimes people just believe the worst about a certain group of people, hey that's not racism :doubt: Suuuuuuuure
Did anyone click the link provided?

Because that goes to some guy who wasn't involved in any way with the incident. Its just some random guy. If you follow the second link, which Missouri says "is from the same source". It's not.

But who cares about lying. If you go to the second link you'll find a VERY different message. Which he leglected to post or maybe thought Hunter was Wild Wings...either way fail

Now how did Missery miss that or forget to post from Wild Wings site? Why would he pick one comment from a random person as legitimate?

Confirmation Bias and you fuckers fell for it hook line and stinker...like always

That was the source of the original complaint.

The restaurants Facebook page.

Where is the post refuting the OP at though? Can someone find it or was it just a lie?

you can tell by how short his answer is he's been pushed into a corner by his own lies and bullshit
"...All of the several sites that back OP up stem from the same source...

...I was able to find more info on the other side as well, like this from an employee...

Woman from Wild Wings Contacts Radio Facts, States Black Patrons Asked to Leave for Several Reasons...


And here is the extract from that site...


A woman contacted Radio Facts who works at the Wild Wings restaurant that asked the black patrons to leave. and asked that we allow her to be anonymous. She states there are several reasons the group was asked to leave (below) Radiofacts.com,


You’re only getting one side of story here. I work at the restaurant and your representation of the events is way off base. The group was being loud and obnoxious to both customers and staffers. They kept complaining about their long wait and were talking about how “whitey” was able to get seated, but they were not.

The problem was that they had a large group and insisted on sitting next to each other. We only had one area that could accommodate their large group and the patrons in that area were not done. So yes, some “whities” were able to be seated before them, but only because they were going to a different area. We also seated non-whites in other areas too…

They made this a racial issue before anything. One of the guests also insulted a deaf white girl because she didn’t respond to one of them telling her to move (she was deaf and didn’t hear them)

They were also all standing in the middle of the walk way, making it difficult for customers to leave. We asked them if they could move over, but they said they can stand wherever they want, and if we wanted them out of the way then we should seat them.

The customer that was offended was offended by a particular individual’s constant uses of the word “n*gger” When asked to stop, he threw out a long string of racial epithets against one of my co-workers.



Another variation on the theme...

Too bad it was from an anonymous caller, but, if it's on the up-and-up, and it IS an employee, and if the employee IS being truthful or accurate, then, I can see why he-or-she decided to remain anonymous... their job is on the line... although it doesn't help with the credibility thing.

Still, it's another flavor of the story, and another explanation. It would be more helpful if the Restaurant Video Camera footage (assuming there is any) would be let loose into the wild on YouTube or something, but this sounds like another possible scenario.

Curiouser and curiouser...

Can't wait to get to the bottom of this one... :eusa_drool:
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And, given the demographics of the area and their customer base, and their hiring of black bands and other local entertainers over time (see the restaurant's FaceBook page), then, I seriously doubt that there was a racial motivation behind the ejecting of this group, but, of course, we won't know for sure, until the facts are in, from both sides...

( and from some source other than a POS like the Progressive Populist
Did anyone click the link provided?

Because that goes to some guy who wasn't involved in any way with the incident. Its just some random guy. If you follow the second link, which Missouri says "is from the same source". It's not.

But who cares about lying. If you go to the second link you'll find a VERY different message. Which he leglected to post or maybe thought Hunter was Wild Wings...either way fail

Now how did Missery miss that or forget to post from Wild Wings site? Why would he pick one comment from a random person as legitimate?

Confirmation Bias and you fuckers fell for it hook line and stinker...like always

That was the source of the original complaint.

The restaurants Facebook page.

No it wasn't. You left a link to some guy and took his comment as being the truth. Then said it came from Wild Wings. It didn't. It might have come from Wild Wings comment section but you presented it as "the real story" from Wild Wings

A little lying to reinforce your bullshit is ok :eusa_boohoo: When you click the links none of that shows up. Coincidence right?

And a bigger coincidence that people believe that story and not the original. No racism sometimes people just believe the worst about a certain group of people, hey that's not racism :doubt: Suuuuuuuure

The original story originated as a post on the restaurants Facebook page.

That is a fact.

A understand, you are all butthurt because there was no racism involved.

But you are going to have to learn to live with disappointment.
Whoa they were COMPLAINING about waiting 2 hours...well then it obvious they are wrong. The people who waited I mean not the lack of service. Of Course!!!!

And it was a Wednesday night, and the waitress didn't see the last episode of lost, and it was a windy day...
That was the source of the original complaint.

The restaurants Facebook page.

No it wasn't. You left a link to some guy and took his comment as being the truth. Then said it came from Wild Wings. It didn't. It might have come from Wild Wings comment section but you presented it as "the real story" from Wild Wings

A little lying to reinforce your bullshit is ok :eusa_boohoo: When you click the links none of that shows up. Coincidence right?

And a bigger coincidence that people believe that story and not the original. No racism sometimes people just believe the worst about a certain group of people, hey that's not racism :doubt: Suuuuuuuure

The original story originated as a post on the restaurants Facebook page.

That is a fact.

A understand, you are all butthurt because there was no racism involved.

But you are going to have to learn to live with disappointment.

Suuuure it did, except no one can find it. Not even you. I went to the guys FB page and no mention of that comment anywhere.

Either way its from some guy...which is all you need...not from the victims tho. You need a day stamp and a DNA test from them but everyone else a random untraceable comment from a random person will do just fine. Because that's fair :eusa_boohoo:
Here's a flask folks: Not everyone says 'excuse me' when they accidentally touch you because they are not always aware the accidentally touched you. It doesn't make you look like you have good manners if you start screaming about it. If this did come to a lawsuit, it would be a hoot to watch!

^^ See Kondor?

They are just running with the bullshit. So much now that they actually believe this is what happened...

I'm having a hard time conjuring-up the angst to blame 'em much for that.

I mean, look at the sources...

The Daily Kos?

The Progressive Populist?

And with editorial commentary that was about as slanted as one can possibly get without saying "Look at what these Gawdawful White Motherfuckers did to those Po Lovely Black Folk" in print.


If the Populist Progressive said that Daytime was Daytime, I'd verify it for myself, rather than trust them.

It's been said that the OP was just an allegation.

I tend to agree.

A one-sided, lop-sided allegation... and a great many folks aren't inclined to trust either the source nor a single side of a story like that.

Ergo, the broader discussion about Alternative Explanations, and some folks hanging onto that possibility as a placeholder until we actually DO know what happened.

Personally, I don't see it as significant, but I'm a bit skeptical about the truthfulness of the original story, so, my own bias is interfering a bit with my judgment.

So long as I'm open about my bias and so long as I'm willing to concede that my resistance to the accusations behind the OP might be proven wrong eventually after all, it's all good.

Ditto for our colleagues, I expect.

Let it slide for now, is my own thinking on the subject, so long as folks don't start insisting that it's the Gospel Truth, it's all part of the discussion, right?

"...Just like you liking guys, if that's true *wink*"

Not my style...

So now you are making justifications for why its ok to believe bullshit now?

because I said:
No what you did was go with a rumor then seek to explain (legitimize) the rumor to move from being hear say to a genuine topic.

Now you are saying that's cool to believe rumors because of what now...the source? :eusa_shifty:
Did anyone click the link provided?

Because that goes to some guy who wasn't involved in any way with the incident. Its just some random guy. If you follow the second link, which Missouri says "is from the same source". It's not.

But who cares about lying. If you go to the second link you'll find a VERY different message. Which he leglected to post or maybe thought Hunter was Wild Wings...either way fail

Now how did Missery miss that or forget to post from Wild Wings site? Why would he pick one comment from a random person as legitimate?

Confirmation Bias and you fuckers fell for it hook line and stinker...like always

That was the source of the original complaint.

The restaurants Facebook page.

No it wasn't. You left a link to some guy and took his comment as being the truth. Then said it came from Wild Wings. It didn't. It might have come from Wild Wings comment section but you presented it as "the real story" from Wild Wings

A little lying to reinforce your bullshit is ok :eusa_boohoo: When you click the links none of that shows up. Coincidence right?

And a bigger coincidence that people believe that story and not the original. No racism sometimes people just believe the worst about a certain group of people, hey that's not racism :doubt: Suuuuuuuure

Who didn't believe the original story?

I believe they were asked to leave.

I believe a customer felt threatened by them and complained.

I didn't believe that was all there was to the story.

You CHOSE to believe it was racism, even though Mr. Brown was a long time patron and the city is 50% black.

The story that has come out is very believable.

Folks in big groups cut up, they get loud.

If a white deaf person stepped on this ladies foot and didn't apologize I can certainly understand her saying something.

I surmise the misunderstand arose when the offender SEEMED to ignore the woman that had her foot stepped on, and the woman MISTOOK this for a racist snub.

If she started causing a scene, especially saying things like "I'll kick that cracker bitches ass" because she felt slighted, I could understand a white patron feeling threatened by that sort of outburst.

It makes everything make a whole lot more sense.

I get it, you WANT this whitey to be the bad guy...but I think it took two to tango in this instance.
CC... you seem bound-and-determined to pick a fight over this.

I've both (1) conceded the 'rumor' or 'unverified alternative explanation' status of the Deaf Woman story and (2) voiced my objections about the bias and subjectivity of the OP (Progressive Populist).

I've also tossed-in some verbiage from Alternative Explanation No. 2 (the employee who called into the radio station).

All I'm doing is resisting an unthinking following of the OP and scrambling for viable alternatives, until we've heard authoritatively from both sides.

Frankly, given the source of the OP, I don't trust that, either.

And it makes no sense, given the demographics of the area surrounding the restaurant, and their diversity in staffing, and their hiring of entertainers, etc., in the recent past.

There seems to be more to this than the Sheep Herders at the Progressive Populist want us to recognize.

And, now that the subject's been cracked wide-open, and the source of the OP identified, and its one-sided nature unmasked, well... it's all up-for-grabs... and worthy of speculation... until we have that Authoritative Response from both sides of the Stakeholder Divide...

If that doesn't sit well, then, that doesn't sit well... it's not the end of the world...

I knew it was a lie when I saw Luddly started the thread, but it is nice to see someone who doesn't even know him proving it.

As did I. What civilized individual mistreats a handicapped person?

Did any of you actually click on the link? It leads to the facebook page of the restaurant, not any news article. The people that were kicked out have it on video. ONE GUY on a facebook page says something different and you all believe it even though I myself couldn't even find his comment anywhere on the page.

Do you have a link to their video of the incident?

Have they released it?

I haven't seen it linked anywhere.
That was the source of the original complaint.

The restaurants Facebook page.

No it wasn't. You left a link to some guy and took his comment as being the truth. Then said it came from Wild Wings. It didn't. It might have come from Wild Wings comment section but you presented it as "the real story" from Wild Wings

A little lying to reinforce your bullshit is ok :eusa_boohoo: When you click the links none of that shows up. Coincidence right?

And a bigger coincidence that people believe that story and not the original. No racism sometimes people just believe the worst about a certain group of people, hey that's not racism :doubt: Suuuuuuuure

Who didn't believe the original story?

I believe they were asked to leave.

I believe a customer felt threatened by them and complained.

I didn't believe that was all there was to the story.

You CHOSE to believe it was racism, even though Mr. Brown was a long time patron and the city is 50% black.

The story that has come out is very believable.

Folks in big groups cut up, they get loud.

If a white deaf person stepped on this ladies foot and didn't apologize I can certainly understand her saying something.

I surmise the misunderstand arose when the offender SEEMED to ignore the woman that had her foot stepped on, and the woman MISTOOK this for a racist snub.

If she started causing a scene, especially saying things like "I'll kick that cracker bitches ass" because she felt slighted, I could understand a white patron feeling threatened by that sort of outburst.

It makes everything make a whole lot more sense.

I get it, you WANT this whitey to be the bad guy...but I think it took two to tango in this instance.

You're still moving the rumors forward I see. :lol: Just cant help yourself. There MUST be a reason why...not racism...any OTHER reason. Not any reason, just one that finds fault with the blacks.

See they were made to wait 2 hours because Marty McFly told the manager that a deaf woman would step on their feet in 2 hours and they will be rude :lol: Yes, the manager knew the future so they were made to wait. Its the Resturant version of Minority Report.

No it wasn't. You left a link to some guy and took his comment as being the truth. Then said it came from Wild Wings. It didn't. It might have come from Wild Wings comment section but you presented it as "the real story" from Wild Wings

A little lying to reinforce your bullshit is ok :eusa_boohoo: When you click the links none of that shows up. Coincidence right?

And a bigger coincidence that people believe that story and not the original. No racism sometimes people just believe the worst about a certain group of people, hey that's not racism :doubt: Suuuuuuuure

Who didn't believe the original story?

I believe they were asked to leave.

I believe a customer felt threatened by them and complained.

I didn't believe that was all there was to the story.

You CHOSE to believe it was racism, even though Mr. Brown was a long time patron and the city is 50% black.

The story that has come out is very believable.

Folks in big groups cut up, they get loud.

If a white deaf person stepped on this ladies foot and didn't apologize I can certainly understand her saying something.

I surmise the misunderstand arose when the offender SEEMED to ignore the woman that had her foot stepped on, and the woman MISTOOK this for a racist snub.

If she started causing a scene, especially saying things like "I'll kick that cracker bitches ass" because she felt slighted, I could understand a white patron feeling threatened by that sort of outburst.

It makes everything make a whole lot more sense.

I get it, you WANT this whitey to be the bad guy...but I think it took two to tango in this instance.

You're still moving the rumors forward I see. :lol: Just cant help yourself. There MUST be a reason why...not racism...any OTHER reason. Not any reason, just one that finds fault with the blacks.

See they were made to wait 2 hours because Marty McFly told the manager that a deaf woman would step on their feet in 2 hours and they will be rude :lol: Yes, the manager knew the future so they were made to wait. Its the Resturant version of Minority Report.


And you are convinced it was racism after hearing only one side of the story...

Reminds me of the "He had FED scrawled on his chest" story.

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