25 blacks asked to leave because 1 white "feels threatened"

Using your entire brain cell, you don't make sense.

How could there have been an "incident" to film if they had not already been asked to leave?

Which is it?

Facts please.

it's really difficult Dudlley, I know. With that lack of brain power you have. So, today is your lucky day. I'm going to help you out.

Blacks Asked To Leave South Carolina Restaurant Because White Customer Felt Threatened (Video)

( :lmao: ) Progressive populist....:rofl:

So, because this individual felt threatened, they were asked to be seated in another...

"I asked her – I want to be clear with you. I said, so you’re telling me I have to leave. She said I have a right to deny you service. I said so you’re asking me to leave because you’re upset because he was recording you...

And that is all the relevant information we have. According to duddley, they were asked to leave because someone felt threatened. Now, that's not the truth, is it, Duddley? Ya fuckin' simpleton.

You're welcome.

Okay, I see.

BUT, good for them for documenting this. It will come in real handy at lawsuit time.


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I will boycott the restaurant, which I admit is pretty much meaningless as I don't live anywhere near it. I have one question, "Why did they wait 2 hours?" I can't think of a single restaurant that's worth waiting two hours for around here. And wings? Really, I'd rather pick up a bucket of KFC.

Seriously though, we elected a black president. How did race relations get worse? What the heck has he done to us?

A significant point (my emphasis)...a question that the media is ignoring.
He has done, like almost every black leader, absolutely ZERO in changing or even talking about the self-defeating culture of inner cities. And then on the Trayvon Martin case - he made the outrageous statement that if Trayvon was white the verdict would have been different. ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE statement by him.

Even though its true?

Seriously. Should our president pretend everything is just hunkey dorry just because its uncomfortable to face the FACTS of racism in our country? Should he gloss over the truth just to make the racists feel better about their own vile ignorance and the damage they do to our country?

I watched most of the trial, the color of Trayvon's skin had nothing to do with it, with the exception that it was the only reason it was brought to court and wasted our tax dollars in the first place.

Almost everyone I talk to, regardless of race, says that racial relations are worse now than when Obama was elected. Who would have thought that electing a black man to office would make racial tensions worse? What the president should do is everything in his power to make racial tensions go away, not make them worse. He has only made them worse and he's done it on purpose, whether to distract us from some secret agenda or just for the hell of it, I don't know, but he has purposely, himself, made race matters worse in this country.

Remember, blacks make up only 12% of our population, THEY didn't get Obama into office, WE did.
read Duddley's article "contribution" again. They were asked to leave after they began filming the incident. Furthermore, it was the decision of the manager to do so, as their right. We dont know any other details than that. Which means we have us a Duddley story. Half to go with the half working brain.

Using your entire brain cell, you don't make sense.

How could there have been an "incident" to film if they had not already been asked to leave?

Which is it?

Facts please.

He is an asshole who just likes to cause trouble and should be ignored.
This is going to turn out to be as phony as oprah and the handbag.

I don't think so, I've read, and watched several sites. Now why they waited 2 hours, I don't know, but for them to be asked to leave because such a large group upset ONE customer is not only wrong, it's bad business. I'm betting that supervisor doesn't have her job long.

The problem is there is real racism in the world, like this, but it's been overshadowed and made irrelevant by fake racism, such as Trayvon and Oprah. Remember the upset over that stupid cheerios commercial because they used an interracial family? That's REAL racism, not fake.
read Duddley's article "contribution" again. They were asked to leave after they began filming the incident. Furthermore, it was the decision of the manager to do so, as their right. We dont know any other details than that. Which means we have us a Duddley story. Half to go with the half working brain.

Using your entire brain cell, you don't make sense.

How could there have been an "incident" to film if they had not already been asked to leave?

Which is it?

Facts please.

He is an asshole who just likes to cause trouble and should be ignored.

yes, when presented with the facts, just call them an asshole and ignore. That's the LOLberal way.

good ole DAILYKOS...

they do KNOW how to keep their rabid cult members paying their bills..
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Daily Kos: Restaurant Asks 25 Black People to Leave Because 1 White Person Feels "Threatened"

Fifty years after Dr. King's I Have a Dream speech this crap's still going on. From Progressive Populist: Blacks Asked to Leave South Carolina Restaurant Because White Customer Felt Threatened. It happened at the Wild Wing Cafe in North Charleston.

This actually makes me feel a little sick to my stomach. We humans are not the most evolved on the planet.

Anyone wanna bet that some here will actually agree that these people should have been told to leave the restaurant just because one person wanted it?

I've been to this restaurant, I know the area, I was shocked when this hit our news the other day. Seriously unbelievable. Were I the manager, I would have told the one cutomer to pound sand. Sure, twenty-five is a large number, but it's not like they were going to riot.

The next time I go to this place it will be to tell them I'll not be eating there again...
This is going to turn out to be as phony as oprah and the handbag.

No kidding, wasn't Oprah just frikken PATHETIC? she got racist treatment over a HANDBAG

And people were awwwwwwww pooor Oprah...I just about died laughing

these stories are going to come at us fast and furious now folks...be prepared to yawn A lot
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This is going to turn out to be as phony as oprah and the handbag.

I don't think so, I've read, and watched several sites. Now why they waited 2 hours, I don't know, but for them to be asked to leave because such a large group upset ONE customer is not only wrong, it's bad business. I'm betting that supervisor doesn't have her job long.

The problem is there is real racism in the world, like this, but it's been overshadowed and made irrelevant by fake racism, such as Trayvon and Oprah. Remember the upset over that stupid cheerios commercial because they used an interracial family? That's REAL racism, not fake.

All I've heard on this incident is coming from democrat liberal sites. This is like oprah's handbag. The racism lasted only until the store responded calling oprah a liar. This happens all the time.

Will the restaurant stick up for itself? Doubtful. But they should tell exactly what happened. I would bet, after seeing very similar incidents happen, is that one man started making comments about the white woman. She complained about that one man who was told to leave and that metastacized to the whole group. That's what normally happens when things like this crop up. It would be surprising if it didn't.
I don't see any race issue here. Merely one patron expressing his displeasure with having a large group seated next to him.
read Duddley's article "contribution" again. They were asked to leave after they began filming the incident. Furthermore, it was the decision of the manager to do so, as their right. We dont know any other details than that. Which means we have us a Duddley story. Half to go with the half working brain.

Using your entire brain cell, you don't make sense.

How could there have been an "incident" to film if they had not already been asked to leave?

Which is it?

Facts please.

He is an asshole who just likes to cause trouble and should be ignored.

Totally agree...Luddly is an asshole...and I only stop ignoring him long enough to discredit him as a liar.

Here is a case in point...they weren't asked to leave because a white person "felt threatened"...that was a lie.

Luddly doesn't care about the truth, only his agenda.
Using your entire brain cell, you don't make sense.

How could there have been an "incident" to film if they had not already been asked to leave?

Which is it?

Facts please.

He is an asshole who just likes to cause trouble and should be ignored.

Totally agree...Luddly is an asshole...and I only stop ignoring him long enough to discredit him as a liar.

Here is a case in point...they weren't asked to leave because a white person "felt threatened"...that was a lie.

Luddly doesn't care about the truth, only his agenda.

Of course it is, look at the sites he goes to and then dumps on here...dailykos...they are the racist haters of everything over there...go there at your own RISK people
Daily Kos: Restaurant Asks 25 Black People to Leave Because 1 White Person Feels "Threatened"

Fifty years after Dr. King's I Have a Dream speech this crap's still going on. From Progressive Populist: Blacks Asked to Leave South Carolina Restaurant Because White Customer Felt Threatened. It happened at the Wild Wing Cafe in North Charleston.

This actually makes me feel a little sick to my stomach. We humans are not the most evolved on the planet.

Anyone wanna bet that some here will actually agree that these people should have been told to leave the restaurant just because one person wanted it?

so you got your way Dudley..... you got those people kicked out so your skinny little ass could eat .....why act like you are upset?....
Sooo...from what I am getting from various sources is that this entire story is based on a Facebook post made by one person. No interviews conducted, no getting another side of the story - a Facebook post.
One story said there were "several issues that gave the manager reason to act"...but would not specify (as you would expect if they think there might be litigation)
So in a nutshell - the story is one-sided from one persons view, totally unvetted, and DailyKos made only one attempt to contact the company.
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I wonder if those boys that shot the Australian jogger for fun, or the boys who beat to death the WWII veteran also look like the son Obama wished he'd had.
Sooo...from what I am getting from various sources is that this entire story is based on a Facebook post made by one person. No interviews conducted, no getting another side of the story - a Facebook post.
One story said there were "several issues that gave the manager reason to act"...but would not specify (as you would expect if they think there might be litigation)
So in a nutshell - the story is one-sided from one persons view, totally unvetted, and DailyKos made only one attempt to contact the company.


No explanation as to why anyone "felt threatened".

No evidence the person who felt threaten was white.

They were not asked to leave because someone felt threatened.

They were asked to leave for video recording.

Where's the video they recorded?

The entire story is bogus.
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Using your entire brain cell, you don't make sense.

How could there have been an "incident" to film if they had not already been asked to leave?

Which is it?

Facts please.

He is an asshole who just likes to cause trouble and should be ignored.

Totally agree...Luddly is an asshole...and I only stop ignoring him long enough to discredit him as a liar.

Here is a case in point...they weren't asked to leave because a white person "felt threatened"...that was a lie.

Luddly doesn't care about the truth, only his agenda.

Why were they asked to leave?
He is an asshole who just likes to cause trouble and should be ignored.

Totally agree...Luddly is an asshole...and I only stop ignoring him long enough to discredit him as a liar.

Here is a case in point...they weren't asked to leave because a white person "felt threatened"...that was a lie.

Luddly doesn't care about the truth, only his agenda.

Why were they asked to leave?

No one knows - again - DailyKos got the story off of a Facebook post only.

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