25 blacks asked to leave because 1 white "feels threatened"

Only if they start it. Listen fool, I live in a racially mixed city. I have neighbors who are black, asian, hispanic, and white. we all get along fine, we eat oysters together, drink beer and cheer for the Saints. We put the blame where it belongs no matter who is involved.

Don't play your race games with me. I am way ahead of you.

Hey buddy, you fell in it. Not me. Blame yourself

I admitted that I misread your silly OP. Fuck you if you want more than that.

Not misread...rushed to judgement and rush to excuse the racism
after a year of inciting of the racial violence from the very top of the country's administration, after it resulted in a whole series of black-on-white murders wit clear evidence that is exact result of the administration provocations and with administration being silent on these - WHAT do you expect, people?

some will feel threatened and are JUSTIFIED.

The problem is it will, as usual, be aimed at the wrong group of people - but the reason here is REAL FEAR.

And it is Obama's administration to be blamed for it - it is the most racist and divisive administration since XIX century.
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after a year of inciting of the racial violence from the very top of the country's administration, after it resulted in a whole series of black-on-white murders wit clear evidence that is exact result of the administration provocations and with administration being silent on these - WHAT do you expect, people?

some will feel threatened and are JUSTIFIED.

The problem is it will, as usual, be aimed at the wrong group of people - but the reason here is REAL FEAR.

And it is Obama's administration to be blamed for it - it is the most racist and divisive administration since XIX century.

Justifiable racism...the only racism approved by the GOP!
[Kinda hard to blame the restaurant patrons. They're just exhibiting the same defensive response airline passengers exhibit aboard a plane, when six, eight, or ten Muslims, who were all seated roughly together or strategically around the cabin, suddenly jump up and start shouting "Allahu Akhbar" How can they tell the difference between a potential Nadal Hasan seeking his 72 virgins or an Arab with a severe case of hemmorrhoids from riding on the backs of too many camels without adequate shock absorbers. Remember "When seconds count, the police are only minutes away"

Trayvons cousins have been working very hard 24/7/365 to undo Martin Luther Kings works and deeds., especially in the murder of Delbert Belton, who marched out along with fifteen million other Americans to stop the carnage and the bringing of death wholesale to groups of people considered Untermuenchen by powerful forces of the time, a classic case of no good deed ever going unpunished. Keep up their work and it will be almost the same as if they were murdering Martin Luther King himself. Hitler wasn't too pleased with Jessee owens performance during the 1936 Olympics when he upstaged Germany's Aryan supermen multiple times. Delbert's murderers great grandparents would have eventually made the Untermuenchen list in due time, and those old German farmers of the time didn't care what skin color their fertilizer started out as, as long as it helped to grow good crops]

"Consider these statistics:

§ Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.

§ The best indicator of violent crime levels in an area is the percent of the population that is black and Hispanic.

§ Blacks are 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against whites then vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit a robbery.

§ The death toll from murder in Chicago over the last decade exceeds the death toll of our soldiers in Afghanistan since the beginning of that war. [Handgun purchases are not allowed in Chicago.]

§ Nearly 3/4 of black children are born out of wedlock. Generations of children are being raise without fathers.

§ Academic achievement for black students is appallingly low, despite a large amount of money being spent to provide that group with educational opportunities."

Articles: Faces of Evil in a Violent Underclass

[Contrary to Eric Holder's seemingly pained statement there's obviously a very good reason why so many occupy our jails. Simply letting them loose, carte blanche, will just increase the number of habitual criminals out on the street. And of course, Comrade Barack wants to simultaneously remove our ability to defend ourselves from these criminals by taking away our guns. We have enough trouble already with the criminals loose in the WhiteHouse.]
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after a year of inciting of the racial violence from the very top of the country's administration, after it resulted in a whole series of black-on-white murders wit clear evidence that is exact result of the administration provocations and with administration being silent on these - WHAT do you expect, people?

some will feel threatened and are JUSTIFIED.

The problem is it will, as usual, be aimed at the wrong group of people - but the reason here is REAL FEAR.

And it is Obama's administration to be blamed for it - it is the most racist and divisive administration since XIX century.

Justifiable racism...the only racism approved by the GOP!

we have had racism all over the news and from the very top of this administration starting from march 2012 - remember that Trayvon case?

last time I checked, Obama is a democrat :lol:
[Kinda hard to blame the restaurant patrons. They're just exhibiting the same defensive response airline passengers exhibit aboard a plane, when six, eight, or ten Muslims, who were all seated roughly together or strategically around the cabin, suddenly jump up and start shouting "Allahu Akhbar" How can they tell the difference between a potential Nadal Hasan seeking his 72 virgins or an Arab with a severe case of hemmorrhoids from riding on the backs of too many camels without adequate shock absorbers. Remember "When seconds count, the police are only minutes away"

Trayvons cousins have been working very hard 24/7/365 to undo Martin Luther Kings works and deeds., especially in the murder of Delbert Belton, who marched out along with fifteen million other Americans to stop the carnage and the bringing of death wholesale to groups of people considered Untermuenchen by powerful forces of the time, a classic case of no good deed ever going unpunished. Keep up their work and it will be almost the same as if they were murdering Martin Luther King himself. Hitler wasn't too pleased with Jessee owens performance during the 1936 Olympics when he upstaged Germany's Aryan supermen multiple times. Delbert's murderers great grandparents would have eventually made the Untermuenchen list in due time, and those old German farmers of the time didn't care what skin color their fertilizer started out as, as long as it helped to grow good crops]

"Consider these statistics:

§ Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.

§ The best indicator of violent crime levels in an area is the percent of the population that is black and Hispanic.

§ Blacks are 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against whites then vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit a robbery.

§ The death toll from murder in Chicago over the last decade exceeds the death toll of our soldiers in Afghanistan since the beginning of that war. [Handgun purchases are not allowed in Chicago.]

§ Nearly 3/4 of black children are born out of wedlock. Generations of children are being raise without fathers.

§ Academic achievement for black students is appallingly low, despite a large amount of money being spent to provide that group with educational opportunities."

Articles: Faces of Evil in a Violent Underclass

[Contrary to Eric Holder's seemingly pained statement there's obviously a very good reason why so many occupy our jails. Simply letting them loose, carte blanche, will just increase the number of habitual criminals out on the street. And of course, Comrade Barack wants to simultaneously remove our ability to defend ourselves from these criminals by taking away our guns. We have enough trouble already with the criminals loose in the WhiteHouse.]
Good article - poignant!
What racism?

from Obama administration - did you miss it?

calls to racial violence from all the race baiters - all those sharptons et al - and total silence on a series of the racist black-on-white crimes as a result of these calls.
This is from the Daily Kos, so we don't have any idea what really happened or what threats were voiced. After all, we have a Department of Homeland Security manager advocating genocide of whites with the full permission of his supervisors. Maybe these 25 took that seriously.

I get so hot and have a hug erection when you lie like that.

That's when you have one that's so small (like a baby mouse) that you feel inclined to give it a hug?
A White woman in the southern United States did not want a party of Blacks seated in her section. She should have been shown the door. Instead, the Blacks had to leave. How do you defend such actions in this day and age.

According to a Facebook post. So I see you continue to promote the story as if it happened.
That makes you a tool and a sheep.
Once again folks...the race baiters and racism promoters are all up in arms about a story whose sole source is one man's Facebook post.
This is going to turn out to be as phony as oprah and the handbag.

I don't think so, I've read, and watched several sites. Now why they waited 2 hours, I don't know, but for them to be asked to leave because such a large group upset ONE customer is not only wrong, it's bad business. I'm betting that supervisor doesn't have her job long.

The problem is there is real racism in the world, like this, but it's been overshadowed and made irrelevant by fake racism, such as Trayvon and Oprah. Remember the upset over that stupid cheerios commercial because they used an interracial family? That's REAL racism, not fake.

EXACTLY! So why would a business owner kick out 25 black people because there was one racist white customer who didn't want them there? The answer is... he wouldn't kick them out, because like you said, that would be bad business, therefore the reason they were kicked out was likely because they had done something to deserve being kicked out. Im going to take a shot in the dark and say they were probably behaving inappropriately, and that's why they were asked to leave.

What kind of fool would think a business owner would kick out 25 paying customers in order to satisfy one racist? Get a fucking clue retards.
if true, that was wrong, they should sue the restaurant. But you may not have the whole story, imagine that.

Uhhmmm...And I may have the whole story...uh...Imagine that. *shrugs*

were they asked to leave before or after one of them called the waitress a white bitch? Is that why the customer felt uncomfortable?

Were they told to leave the restaurant or informed they would be seated in another section?
Once again folks...the race baiters and racism promoters are all up in arms about a story whose sole source is one man's Facebook post.

but but but it was repeated in Daily KOS.

So, you know, it MUST be true.

One is not permitted to lie on algore's internet.

It's the law.

Don't watch the video because it's covered by the news. Not Facebook.

Next dodge is "waaaaa liberal media!"
Before I read this whole thread, is there anything outside of Daily Kosciusko that mentions this story? Is there anything outside the minds of the racist that the person who allegedly complained was white? What were the people who were asked to leave wearing? What were they doing? Do we have any evidence that all of them were black?

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