25 blacks asked to leave because 1 white "feels threatened"

Once again folks...the race baiters and racism promoters are all up in arms about a story whose sole source is one man's Facebook post.

So what you are saying is that a reporter from a moderate news agency has to be there to capture the story in order for it to be valid?

There is nothing in the original article that indicates the RACE of the customer that originally complained.

Daily KOS and HuffPo INFERRED that she was white.

There isn't the least bit of proof that there is any truth to that assumption.

So here's the $64,000 question.

If the customer that complained was black...then what?

Is this discrimination?

Is it discrimination to move a black party because a black patron complained?

Does management have a duty to report the race of the customer that complained?
boy the petty keeps getting stronger with this race hustlers, first rodeo clowns, now ONE WHITE person was able to get 25 BLACK people kicked out of a restaurant..

DEAR GAWD save us from this crap
Hurry think of some other reason why these blacks deserved it, are lying, stink, are ugly, Al Sharpton, Soul Train SOMETHING!!

Hurry, use all of the excuses...see if ANYTHING can stick
Once again folks...the race baiters and racism promoters are all up in arms about a story whose sole source is one man's Facebook post.

So what you are saying is that a reporter from a moderate news agency has to be there to capture the story in order for it to be valid?

There is nothing in the original article that indicates the RACE of the customer that originally complained.

Daily KOS and HuffPo INFERRED that she was white.

There isn't the least bit of proof that there is any truth to that assumption.

So here's the $64,000 question.

If the customer that complained was black...then what?

Is this discrimination?

Is it discrimination to move a black party because a black patron complained?

Does management have a duty to report the race of the customer that complained?

..... as a bag of rocks. This is where it pays to have inside information. There would have been no Facebook post if the complaining customer was Black. Does that make sense to you?
Once again folks...the race baiters and racism promoters are all up in arms about a story whose sole source is one man's Facebook post.

but but but it was repeated in Daily KOS.

So, you know, it MUST be true.

One is not permitted to lie on algore's internet.

It's the law.

Don't watch the video because it's covered by the news. Not Facebook.

Next dodge is "waaaaa liberal media!"

Both the video and the original news reports don't jive with what the OP article said.

The news article says they were refused service for video recording.

It also never reveals or indicates the race of the patron who complained.

That was all fabricated by Huffington POst and Daily KOS.

In the business, that's known as...lying.
So what you are saying is that a reporter from a moderate news agency has to be there to capture the story in order for it to be valid?

There is nothing in the original article that indicates the RACE of the customer that originally complained.

Daily KOS and HuffPo INFERRED that she was white.

There isn't the least bit of proof that there is any truth to that assumption.

So here's the $64,000 question.

If the customer that complained was black...then what?

Is this discrimination?

Is it discrimination to move a black party because a black patron complained?

Does management have a duty to report the race of the customer that complained?

..... as a bag of rocks. This is where it pays to have inside information. There would have been no Facebook post if the complaining customer was Black. Does that make sense to you?

I'm from Missouri...SHOW ME.

When you can't...I'll let you in on a little secret...

The manager would not have told them who complained, for fear of a confrontation, altercation and lawsuit.

Assuming makes and ass out of U and Ming.
There is nothing in the original article that indicates the RACE of the customer that originally complained.

Daily KOS and HuffPo INFERRED that she was white.

There isn't the least bit of proof that there is any truth to that assumption.

So here's the $64,000 question.

If the customer that complained was black...then what?

Is this discrimination?

Is it discrimination to move a black party because a black patron complained?

Does management have a duty to report the race of the customer that complained?

..... as a bag of rocks. This is where it pays to have inside information. There would have been no Facebook post if the complaining customer was Black. Does that make sense to you?

I'm from Missouri...SHOW ME.

When you can't...I'll let you in on a little secret...

The manager would not have told them who complained, for fear of a confrontation, altercation and lawsuit.

Assuming makes and ass out of U and Ming.

Oh I wasnt trying to convince you. You can believe what you wish. Again inside information is your friend. If you were Black you would know that chances are extremely high the person that reported them was not Black. Black people don't get "threatened" like that. That seems to be a catch word white people use with each other so you probably already know it was a white person right?
Daily Kos: Restaurant Asks 25 Black People to Leave Because 1 White Person Feels "Threatened"

Fifty years after Dr. King's I Have a Dream speech this crap's still going on. From Progressive Populist: Blacks Asked to Leave South Carolina Restaurant Because White Customer Felt Threatened. It happened at the Wild Wing Cafe in North Charleston.

This actually makes me feel a little sick to my stomach. We humans are not the most evolved on the planet.

Anyone wanna bet that some here will actually agree that these people should have been told to leave the restaurant just because one person wanted it?

Made up story. I mean think about it, chicken wings and a corporation? A white person might just eat six, each black person in the 25 person party would eat 50 minimum! It's in their DNA, they love the shit! LOL. J/K

I don't believe it at all. Take the daily kos who takes it from Progressive Insider or whoever they quoted. First, 2 hour wait? Come on BS right there. Second, one person complaining? Come on no manager would give that as the reason! NONE. Third, no restaurant is going go accommodate one person for a party of 25!!! Third, why didn't the WEAK blogge give a perspective from anyone there? Why not from the restaurant manager? Nope they only have a person who could have made up the story or embellished. What if the party of 25 was getting drunk, rowdy and abusive? That would be legit grounds to kick the people out regardless of race!
..... as a bag of rocks. This is where it pays to have inside information. There would have been no Facebook post if the complaining customer was Black. Does that make sense to you?

I'm from Missouri...SHOW ME.

When you can't...I'll let you in on a little secret...

The manager would not have told them who complained, for fear of a confrontation, altercation and lawsuit.

Assuming makes and ass out of U and Ming.

Oh I wasnt trying to convince you. You can believe what you wish. Again inside information is your friend. If you were Black you would know that chances are extremely high the person that reported them was not Black. Black people don't get "threatened" like that. That seems to be a catch word white people use with each other so you probably already know it was a white person right?

"I can't." would have sufficed.
There's more to this story than has been reported.

I've been to North Charleston many times.

It's a well diversified community.

I would imagine half the customers at the restaurant were black...maybe more.
There's more to this story than has been reported.

I've been to North Charleston many times.

It's a well diversified community.

I would imagine half the customers at the restaurant were black...maybe more.

Dont talk to yourself. It looks like you are unsure of what you think.


Don't sweat it man, that butthurt will be all healed up in the morning.
There's more to this story than has been reported.

I've been to North Charleston many times.

It's a well diversified community.

I would imagine half the customers at the restaurant were black...maybe more.

Dont talk to yourself. It looks like you are unsure of what you think.

Don't sweat it man, that butthurt will be all healed up in the morning.

I see you have plenty experience with being butt hurt. I'll let you know if I need your reassurances when it occurs with me.
Dont talk to yourself. It looks like you are unsure of what you think.

Don't sweat it man, that butthurt will be all healed up in the morning.

I see you have plenty experience with being butt hurt. I'll let you know if I need your reassurances when it occurs with me.

You still mad?

Good grief...let it go.

I asked you to prove something...you couldn't...that's it.

Don't be a sore loser, it makes you look petty and small.

You go ahead and get the last word in if it make you feel better.

I don't want to be responsible for further damage to your already pitifully fragile self esteem.
Don't sweat it man, that butthurt will be all healed up in the morning.

I see you have plenty experience with being butt hurt. I'll let you know if I need your reassurances when it occurs with me.

You still mad?

Good grief...let it go.

I asked you to prove something...you couldn't...that's it.

Don't be a sore loser, it makes you look petty and small.

You go ahead and get the last word in if it make you feel better.

I don't want to be responsible for further damage to your already pitifully fragile self esteem.

Who said I was mad? Youre funny. Sorta like a circus clown. You dont provoke anger.
Hurry think of some other reason why these blacks deserved it, are lying, stink, are ugly, Al Sharpton, Soul Train SOMETHING!!

Hurry, use all of the excuses...see if ANYTHING can stick

Duke Lacrosse

Jena 6

Tawana Brawley

Oprah Purse Gate

George Zimmerman

Rodeo Clown Gate

Racial taunts at Obama in Arizona gate
I had a nice, well thought out post ready to go and my computer locked up...

Suffice it to say, there are other sources out there, it was covered by our local stations, the channel 5 website even has an interview with Mr. Brown...

I've been to this restaurant, as I stated previously, it would be damn near impossible to seat twenty-five people anywhere in that dining room and be near a person who complained. I find it highly suspect that any manager would let it be known that someone complained about any group. It certainly calls into question the judgment of this manager. I suspect that the management determined that they would likely make more money by not serving such a large group and made up a story to get rid of them.

Either way, it was a bullshit situation that never should have happened...

Complaint of racial discrimination at restaurant taken to Facebo - Live5News.com | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports
Daily Kos: Restaurant Asks 25 Black People to Leave Because 1 White Person Feels "Threatened"

Fifty years after Dr. King's I Have a Dream speech this crap's still going on. From Progressive Populist: Blacks Asked to Leave South Carolina Restaurant Because White Customer Felt Threatened. It happened at the Wild Wing Cafe in North Charleston.

This actually makes me feel a little sick to my stomach. We humans are not the most evolved on the planet.

Anyone wanna bet that some here will actually agree that these people should have been told to leave the restaurant just because one person wanted it?

Those black folks ought count themselves lucky. Some white people think its actually OK to kill black people when they feew "threatened"
Daily Kos: Restaurant Asks 25 Black People to Leave Because 1 White Person Feels "Threatened"

Fifty years after Dr. King's I Have a Dream speech this crap's still going on. From Progressive Populist: Blacks Asked to Leave South Carolina Restaurant Because White Customer Felt Threatened. It happened at the Wild Wing Cafe in North Charleston.

This actually makes me feel a little sick to my stomach. We humans are not the most evolved on the planet.

Anyone wanna bet that some here will actually agree that these people should have been told to leave the restaurant just because one person wanted it?

Those black folks ought count themselves lucky. Some white people think its actually OK to kill black people when they feew "threatened"

Much like Trayvon tried to kill that "white Hispanic" guy when HE felt threatened, you mean?
Daily Kos: Restaurant Asks 25 Black People to Leave Because 1 White Person Feels "Threatened"

Fifty years after Dr. King's I Have a Dream speech this crap's still going on. From Progressive Populist: Blacks Asked to Leave South Carolina Restaurant Because White Customer Felt Threatened. It happened at the Wild Wing Cafe in North Charleston.

This actually makes me feel a little sick to my stomach. We humans are not the most evolved on the planet.

Anyone wanna bet that some here will actually agree that these people should have been told to leave the restaurant just because one person wanted it?

Those black folks ought count themselves lucky. Some white people think its actually OK to kill black people when they feew "threatened"

don't stand in the way of black folks and their chicken

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pyW6w5B7Aw]Popeyes Runs Out of Chicken in Rochester, NY - YouTube[/ame]

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