25 blacks asked to leave because 1 white "feels threatened"

read Duddley's article "contribution" again. They were asked to leave after they began filming the incident. Furthermore, it was the decision of the manager to do so, as their right. We dont know any other details than that. Which means we have us a Duddley story. Half to go with the half working brain.

Using your entire brain cell, you don't make sense.

How could there have been an "incident" to film if they had not already been asked to leave?

Which is it?

Facts please.

First off, I agree that if a manager, I'd have told the 'white woman' to choose another establishment and not have even approached the party of 24, $$ count.

Since all we have to go on is your link, the manager didn't do what I would have. Instead, he/she went to the party and said they wouldn't seat them in the section of the 'white woman that complained,' which implies they were going to seat them elsewhere, but when filming started, he/she refused service.

That is how TASB got 'there.'

BTW, based on the one side only, I agree they probably have legal recourse from the get go.

Except that this "story" is based on a Facebook post. A Facebook post.
No vetting, no verification by other sources or from the company. A facebook post.
A White woman in the southern United States did not want a party of Blacks seated in her section. She should have been shown the door. Instead, the Blacks had to leave. How do you defend such actions in this day and age.
Wow! You actually admitted you were wrong! Theres hope for you yet.

unlike most of the liberals on this board, I will always admit it when I am wrong. Doesn't happen very often, but when it does I will step up and take responsibility.

It would be refreshing if just one of our lib posters would do that.

The minute someone proves me wrong I will be the first. I have no ego.

for the record, he did not prove me wrong about anything, he proved that I was careless in reading the OP, nothing more.
Using your entire brain cell, you don't make sense.

How could there have been an "incident" to film if they had not already been asked to leave?

Which is it?

Facts please.

First off, I agree that if a manager, I'd have told the 'white woman' to choose another establishment and not have even approached the party of 24, $$ count.

Since all we have to go on is your link, the manager didn't do what I would have. Instead, he/she went to the party and said they wouldn't seat them in the section of the 'white woman that complained,' which implies they were going to seat them elsewhere, but when filming started, he/she refused service.

That is how TASB got 'there.'

BTW, based on the one side only, I agree they probably have legal recourse from the get go.

Except that this "story" is based on a Facebook post. A Facebook post.
No vetting, no verification by other sources or from the company. A facebook post.

Why are you giving it any credence then?
unlike most of the liberals on this board, I will always admit it when I am wrong. Doesn't happen very often, but when it does I will step up and take responsibility.

It would be refreshing if just one of our lib posters would do that.

The minute someone proves me wrong I will be the first. I have no ego.

for the record, he did not prove me wrong about anything, he proved that I was careless in reading the OP, nothing more.

But you admit you did clamp down on the bitch thing and totally missed the part saying he was kidding.
There is nothing in the original article that identifies the race of customer that complained.

That detail is a complete fabrication of the leftist websites.

The original source says only "She said there's a situation where one of our customers feels threatened by your party, so she asked us not to seat you in our section..."

Complaint of racial discrimination at restaurant taken to Facebo - Live5News.com | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

Why do you think she was 'threatened' by them?
I think you missed the part where he said he was kidding?

Yes, I did. He got me. I admit it :redface:

Blame the black first

Only if they start it. Listen fool, I live in a racially mixed city. I have neighbors who are black, asian, hispanic, and white. we all get along fine, we eat oysters together, drink beer and cheer for the Saints. We put the blame where it belongs no matter who is involved.

Don't play your race games with me. I am way ahead of you.
Yes, I did. He got me. I admit it :redface:

Blame the black first

Only if they start it. Listen fool, I live in a racially mixed city. I have neighbors who are black, asian, hispanic, and white. we all get along fine, we eat oysters together, drink beer and cheer for the Saints. We put the blame where it belongs no matter who is involved.

Don't play your race games with me. I am way ahead of you.

Hey buddy, you fell in it. Not me. Blame yourself
Why would a mob of blacks intimidate anyone? It's not like there is any history of black mobs tearing shit up or looting stores.... oh wait....Police Officer Attacked By Chicago Black Mob, Top 100 Black Mob Violence Videos............

Top 100 Black Mob Violence Videos: #99 Greenville, South Carolina

Top 100 Black Mob Videos: #98 KC Knockout Game

Top 100 Black Mobs: #97 Portland

Top 100 Black Mob Violence Video: #96 Suburb of D.C.

Top 100 Black Mob Videos: #95 Hurricane Sandy

Top 100 Black Mob Violence Videos: #94 Pittsburgh Teacher

Top 100 Black Mob Violence Video: #94 Dallas

Top 100 Black Mob Video #93: Gainseville.

Top 100 Black Mob Violence Video #92: Denny’s

Top 100 Black Mob Violence Videos #92 – Fourth of July

Top 100 Black Mob Violence Video #91: Chicago beaches

Top 100 Black Mob Violence Videos #91: Philly

Top 100 Black Mob Violence Videos #90: Stockton

Blame the black first

Only if they start it. Listen fool, I live in a racially mixed city. I have neighbors who are black, asian, hispanic, and white. we all get along fine, we eat oysters together, drink beer and cheer for the Saints. We put the blame where it belongs no matter who is involved.

Don't play your race games with me. I am way ahead of you.

Hey buddy, you fell in it. Not me. Blame yourself

I admitted that I misread your silly OP. Fuck you if you want more than that.
A White woman in the southern United States did not want a party of Blacks seated in her section. She should have been shown the door. Instead, the Blacks had to leave. How do you defend such actions in this day and age.

Easy when its based on uncomfirmed hearsay. Along with what we do know which is that they weren't asked to leave for being black. That was the admission of the facebook posting.

Where in the article did it say that.

I gave you the link.

If you mean where in Luddly's bullshit Daily KOS Blog entry...that's a damn fine question.

Why do you think they left that out?

It's in the news report they sourced, which I linked.

NEWSFLASH: There is a reason we don't accept these sources...it's cuz they are full of shit.

She had already told them that someone did not want them in their section before the videoing began. That is why it began.

So what?

They weren't being asked to leave or refused service because someone complained.


End of conversation.

They were only refused service after they began videotaping.

So...if one were to say "They were refused service because a customer complained that she felt threatened"...that would be a lie.

See how that works?
Shocking. Another dullard posts another thread with the same title as the first dullard. Turns out that it s a lie.

News at 11.
There is nothing in the original article that identifies the race of customer that complained.

That detail is a complete fabrication of the leftist websites.

The original source says only "She said there's a situation where one of our customers feels threatened by your party, so she asked us not to seat you in our section..."

Complaint of racial discrimination at restaurant taken to Facebo - Live5News.com | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

Why do you think she was 'threatened' by them?

I have no idea, and neither does anyone else based on the information we have.

You can SPECULATE...but that's all it is, speculation.

Here's some total speculation for you.

A black customer recognized a member of the party from a previous altercation, and as she was there with her young children, she did not want to risk another confrontation.
Daily Kos: Restaurant Asks 25 Black People to Leave Because 1 White Person Feels "Threatened"

Fifty years after Dr. King's I Have a Dream speech this crap's still going on. From Progressive Populist: Blacks Asked to Leave South Carolina Restaurant Because White Customer Felt Threatened. It happened at the Wild Wing Cafe in North Charleston.

This actually makes me feel a little sick to my stomach. We humans are not the most evolved on the planet.

Anyone wanna bet that some here will actually agree that these people should have been told to leave the restaurant just because one person wanted it?

Did you feel sick to your stomach when they killed the octogenarian? Did you say so? please link it.

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