25 blacks asked to leave because 1 white "feels threatened"

Once again folks...the race baiters and racism promoters are all up in arms about a story whose sole source is one man's Facebook post.

So what you are saying is that a reporter from a moderate news agency has to be there to capture the story in order for it to be valid?

No, someone posting something on Facebook is all the proof we need, right? I guess whoever posts their version of story the first wins.
but but but it was repeated in Daily KOS.

So, you know, it MUST be true.

One is not permitted to lie on algore's internet.

It's the law.

Don't watch the video because it's covered by the news. Not Facebook.

Next dodge is "waaaaa liberal media!"

Both the video and the original news reports don't jive with what the OP article said.

The news article says they were refused service for video recording.

It also never reveals or indicates the race of the patron who complained.

That was all fabricated by Huffington POst and Daily KOS.

In the business, that's known as...lying.

They were kicked AFTER they were made to wait 2 hours. I guess that was because of the video recording in the future too!

The victim said it was a white person. Did you want the vic to find the persons personal info? Since he couldnt find that out of COURSE thats the info you're asking for. The kind that can never ever be found
So far the excuses range from maybe they deserved it to it never happened. From only on facebook, to only reported by liberals, to show me the person who did it.

It HAS to be their fault SOMEHOW!
Once again folks...the race baiters and racism promoters are all up in arms about a story whose sole source is one man's Facebook post.

So what you are saying is that a reporter from a moderate news agency has to be there to capture the story in order for it to be valid?

No, someone posting something on Facebook is all the proof we need, right? I guess whoever posts their version of story the first wins.

Yes. In lieu of further information we have to ride with what the person making the claim says. I will believe that until I hear facts that change the story.
So what you are saying is that a reporter from a moderate news agency has to be there to capture the story in order for it to be valid?

There is nothing in the original article that indicates the RACE of the customer that originally complained.

Daily KOS and HuffPo INFERRED that she was white.

There isn't the least bit of proof that there is any truth to that assumption.

So here's the $64,000 question.

If the customer that complained was black...then what?

Is this discrimination?

Is it discrimination to move a black party because a black patron complained?

Does management have a duty to report the race of the customer that complained?
There would have been no Facebook post if the complaining customer was Black. Does that make sense to you?
So then it is your position that these black people were racist?
There is nothing in the original article that indicates the RACE of the customer that originally complained.

Daily KOS and HuffPo INFERRED that she was white.

There isn't the least bit of proof that there is any truth to that assumption.

So here's the $64,000 question.

If the customer that complained was black...then what?

Is this discrimination?

Is it discrimination to move a black party because a black patron complained?

Does management have a duty to report the race of the customer that complained?
There would have been no Facebook post if the complaining customer was Black. Does that make sense to you?
So then it is your position that these black people were racist?

Keep trying! You'll find ANY way you can to find fault with the victims:lol:

You'll come up with a good one yet, even if you have to make it a hypothetical :lol:
So what you are saying is that a reporter from a moderate news agency has to be there to capture the story in order for it to be valid?

No, someone posting something on Facebook is all the proof we need, right? I guess whoever posts their version of story the first wins.

Yes. In lieu of further information we have to ride with what the person making the claim says. I will believe that until I hear facts that change the story.

of course, whitey is always guilty until proven innocent
I hope the alleged white woman paid in cash so she can't be identified, hunted down, threatened, and harassed for the rest of her life. If it were me, I would have just left. I would let the manager know how the group was bothering me and I would leave. Chicken just isn't that special to me. And there is more to the story than is being told at this point.
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There is nothing in the original article that indicates the RACE of the customer that originally complained.

Daily KOS and HuffPo INFERRED that she was white.

There isn't the least bit of proof that there is any truth to that assumption.

So here's the $64,000 question.

If the customer that complained was black...then what?

Is this discrimination?

Is it discrimination to move a black party because a black patron complained?

Does management have a duty to report the race of the customer that complained?
There would have been no Facebook post if the complaining customer was Black. Does that make sense to you?
So then it is your position that these black people were racist?

Wow! How did the Black people become racist? They were the ones discriminated against according to the story. That was a swing and a miss.
This is from the Daily Kos, so we don't have any idea what really happened or what threats were voiced. After all, we have a Department of Homeland Security manager advocating genocide of whites with the full permission of his supervisors. Maybe these 25 took that seriously.

I get so hot and have a hug erection when you lie like that.

"You should call your doctor immediately if you get a cyber-erection that lasts more than four hours."
Daily Kos: Restaurant Asks 25 Black People to Leave Because 1 White Person Feels "Threatened"

This actually makes me feel a little sick to my stomach. We humans are not the most evolved on the planet.

Anyone wanna bet that some here will actually agree that these people should have been told to leave the restaurant just because one person wanted it?

Those black folks ought count themselves lucky. Some white people think its actually OK to kill black people when they feew "threatened"

don't stand in the way of black folks and their chicken

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pyW6w5B7Aw]Popeyes Runs Out of Chicken in Rochester, NY - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVfJjH5Gq30]Popeyes Freakout (UNCUT) - YouTube[/ame]
No, someone posting something on Facebook is all the proof we need, right? I guess whoever posts their version of story the first wins.

Yes. In lieu of further information we have to ride with what the person making the claim says. I will believe that until I hear facts that change the story.

of course, whitey is always guilty until proven innocent

Has nothing to do with white or black. if someone came out and said they found the fountain of youth i would believe it until I learned differently. I'm not one of those people that cant let go of my original assumption in the face of facts.
1. Sounds like an idiot manager that should be fired.
2. Who goes to a restaurant with 25 people and doesn't make a reservation?
Don't watch the video because it's covered by the news. Not Facebook.

Next dodge is "waaaaa liberal media!"

Both the video and the original news reports don't jive with what the OP article said.

The news article says they were refused service for video recording.

It also never reveals or indicates the race of the patron who complained.

That was all fabricated by Huffington POst and Daily KOS.

In the business, that's known as...lying.

They were kicked AFTER they were made to wait 2 hours. I guess that was because of the video recording in the future too!

The victim said it was a white person. Did you want the vic to find the persons personal info? Since he couldnt find that out of COURSE thats the info you're asking for. The kind that can never ever be found

Are you capable of both reading and comprehending the English Language?

I've posted it three times.

He says after his party of 25 waited two hours for a table, the shift manager told them there was a "situation."

"She said there's a situation where one of our customers feels threatened by your party, so she asked us not to seat you in our section, which totally alarmed all of us because we're sitting there peaceably for two hours," explains Brown. "Obviously, if we were causing any conflict, we would have been ejected out of the place hours before."

Brown says while he was talking to the shift manager, someone in his group began videotaping the conversation. Brown says that's when the manager became upset and refused to seat them.

Complaint of racial discrimination at restaurant taken to Facebo - Live5News.com | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

Here...I'll collect all the dots for you, so there's no possibility of misunderstanding.

1) The group waited for a table. They waited two hours.

2) When a table opened up, something happened that caused a patron to complain.

3) The shift manager informed the party of the situation, and that, to alleviate the problem, they would seat the party in a different section...they were not refused service at this time.

4) During the discussion about seating, a member of the party began video recording the conversation.

5) It was AT THIS TIME that the shift manager took exception and refused service.

Get it? Got it? Good.
I had a nice, well thought out post ready to go and my computer locked up...

Suffice it to say, there are other sources out there, it was covered by our local stations, the channel 5 website even has an interview with Mr. Brown...

I've been to this restaurant, as I stated previously, it would be damn near impossible to seat twenty-five people anywhere in that dining room and be near a person who complained. I find it highly suspect that any manager would let it be known that someone complained about any group. It certainly calls into question the judgment of this manager. I suspect that the management determined that they would likely make more money by not serving such a large group and made up a story to get rid of them.

Either way, it was a bullshit situation that never should have happened...

Complaint of racial discrimination at restaurant taken to Facebo - Live5News.com | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

Seems like a whole bunch of bla, bla, bla over a shift manager who for whatever reasons didn't have the skills needed to solve a few minor problems, none of which had much to do about racism. Ofcourse the media jumped on the racist spin because that is what makes it a hot story. Some of the folks who were asked to leave were said to be regular customers, so if they had been there before without problems, how could the restaurant be racist? The real problem began when 25 people showed up without reservations and wanted to be seated as a group. The manager should have told them that that was not an option without prior arrangements (reservations), but they could be seated in smaller groups as other patrons finished their meals and left. If the group was unhappy with that, so be it, but there is no way you would want two dozen folks hanging around waiting for two hours, not the local football team, church congregation, biker gang or whatever, no matter what color skin they had. As far as the customer complaint, that one is obvious, again, doesn't matter what color the complainers skin happens to be. There are alot of "entitled" folks out there with ego and control issue's and restaurant managers and workers just have to know how to handle them in a professional way. Patrons don't have the right to demand other patrons be removed. They can complain about other patrons, but it's managements job to decide how to handle the complaint. If a person does't like other folks in the establishment, that person needs to finish their meal and leave. After all, the restaurant and staff are there to earn money. Seems unreasonalble to throw out 25 paying customers to satisfy 1. How much is a meal in that place? If it were only $10 it would mean asking the restaurant to give up $250 and the servers to give up a bunch of tips. That is alot to ask just because a person feels uncomfortable. Racism, no. Poor management, yes.


There ya go.. I've googled your propaganda piece and nothing but all librul sites are carrying it with the preface- "The rumor is, or It's alleged, " Or going viral.. So the dude who made the charge states for some reason they stuck a video camera in the face of the Manager there because they were pissed about having to wait .. they were loud and obnoxious and accused the restaurant of being racist because they had to wait.. like everyone else.. The manager states she told them at that point she had the right to refuse them service being they were being loud and sticking a camera in her face... So let's get the fucking story straight.. come in to our family owned biznez looking for trouble and I'll kick your black ass out myself.. I don't give a damn what color you are.. Act like a decent human being and you will be treated with respect.. Act like a band of wildazz animals and I don't care if you're PURPLE, your ass is out.
I had a nice, well thought out post ready to go and my computer locked up...

Suffice it to say, there are other sources out there, it was covered by our local stations, the channel 5 website even has an interview with Mr. Brown...

I've been to this restaurant, as I stated previously, it would be damn near impossible to seat twenty-five people anywhere in that dining room and be near a person who complained. I find it highly suspect that any manager would let it be known that someone complained about any group. It certainly calls into question the judgment of this manager. I suspect that the management determined that they would likely make more money by not serving such a large group and made up a story to get rid of them.

Either way, it was a bullshit situation that never should have happened...

Complaint of racial discrimination at restaurant taken to Facebo - Live5News.com | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports

Seems like a whole bunch of bla, bla, bla over a shift manager who for whatever reasons didn't have the skills needed to solve a few minor problems, none of which had much to do about racism. Ofcourse the media jumped on the racist spin because that is what makes it a hot story. Some of the folks who were asked to leave were said to be regular customers, so if they had been there before without problems, how could the restaurant be racist? The real problem began when 25 people showed up without reservations and wanted to be seated as a group. The manager should have told them that that was not an option without prior arrangements (reservations), but they could be seated in smaller groups as other patrons finished their meals and left. If the group was unhappy with that, so be it, but there is no way you would want two dozen folks hanging around waiting for two hours, not the local football team, church congregation, biker gang or whatever, no matter what color skin they had. As far as the customer complaint, that one is obvious, again, doesn't matter what color the complainers skin happens to be. There are alot of "entitled" folks out there with ego and control issue's and restaurant managers and workers just have to know how to handle them in a professional way. Patrons don't have the right to demand other patrons be removed. They can complain about other patrons, but it's managements job to decide how to handle the complaint. If a person does't like other folks in the establishment, that person needs to finish their meal and leave. After all, the restaurant and staff are there to earn money. Seems unreasonalble to throw out 25 paying customers to satisfy 1. How much is a meal in that place? If it were only $10 it would mean asking the restaurant to give up $250 and the servers to give up a bunch of tips. That is alot to ask just because a person feels uncomfortable. Racism, no. Poor management, yes.

Hard to argue with that assessment.

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