250 $ for supporting Gaza genocide

Ancient lion

Thank your creator
Nov 22, 2010
If you are a coward vampire, who find murdering women & babies amusing, you can earn easy money:

Just attend the rally that support our war crimes (yes, we already murdered 11,000 civilians with 4,000+ children and 3,000+ women..but we aren't satisfied yet, so, please join us):

If you are a coward vampire, who find murdering women & babies amusing, you can earn easy money:

Just attend the rally that support our war crimes (yes, we already murdered 11,000 civilians with 4,000+ children and 3,000+ women..but we aren't satisfied yet, so, please join us):

View attachment 855625

Perhaps you need to learn what the word "genocide" means first.
Perhaps you need to learn what the word "genocide" means first.
You may be technically correct but I believe compassion and understanding might be far more helpful and appropriate .

We are watching a country being led by mad men and the US will suffer from the spill of disgust when its pathetic response is judged .

Of course both sides are guilty but Israel's actions are beyond excessive and are at least border line Evil .
imho .

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