25th Anniversary Of The Illegal NATO Attack On Yugoslavia.

Wikipedia entry:

NATO's intervention was prompted by Yugoslavia's bloodshed and ethnic cleansing of Albanians, which drove the Albanians into neighbouring countries and had the potential to destabilize the region. Yugoslavia's actions had already provoked condemnation by international organisations and agencies such as the UN, NATO, and various INGOs.[33][34] Yugoslavia's refusal to sign the Rambouillet Accords was initially offered as justification for NATO's use of force.[35] NATO countries attempted to gain authorisation from the UN Security Council for military action, but were opposed by China and Russia, who indicated that they would veto such a measure. As a result, NATO launched its campaign without the UN's approval, stating that it was a humanitarian intervention. The UN Charter prohibits the use of force except in the case of a decision by the Security Council under Chapter VII, or self-defence against an armed attack – neither of which were present in this case.[36]

This month will mark the illegal and brutal attack on the former Yugoslavia by Nato, this frenzied bombing for 78 days marked the day NATO went on it's Global rampage.

The Fourth Time in a Century That Serbia Has Been on the Right Side of History

The Glowbullies needed to establish Nazislami terrorist outposts in Bosnia and Kosovo. Clinton and Albright were their loyal servants. It was prelude to the strategic goal of dismembering Russia.

As for Croatia, that was a local problem that had been around for centuries. Even though justice was on the side of the Croats, NYETO had no business interfering in an entangling Balkan squabble.

Back in 1697, daring Serbian scouts were a key factor in the battle that ended the previous Moslem globalist threat to civilization:

Christian Soldier Martyred: 429
Muzzies Sent to Allah: 30,000
Wikipedia entry:

NATO's intervention was prompted by Yugoslavia's bloodshed and ethnic cleansing of Albanians, which drove the Albanians into neighbouring countries and had the potential to destabilize the region. Yugoslavia's actions had already provoked condemnation by international organisations and agencies such as the UN, NATO, and various INGOs.[33][34] Yugoslavia's refusal to sign the Rambouillet Accords was initially offered as justification for NATO's use of force.[35] NATO countries attempted to gain authorisation from the UN Security Council for military action, but were opposed by China and Russia, who indicated that they would veto such a measure. As a result, NATO launched its campaign without the UN's approval, stating that it was a humanitarian intervention. The UN Charter prohibits the use of force except in the case of a decision by the Security Council under Chapter VII, or self-defence against an armed attack – neither of which were present in this case.[36]

That was the excuse, and no one authorized NATO to attack Yugoslavia it was illegal,NATO are not the UN, we keep hearing from the usual suspects NATO is a defensive alliance, i just showed it isn't,
The Fourth Time in a Century That Serbia Has Been on the Right Side of History

The Glowbullies needed to establish Nazislami terrorist outposts in Bosnia and Kosovo. Clinton and Albright were their loyal servants. It was prelude to the strategic goal of dismembering Russia.

As for Croatia, that was a local problem that had been around for centuries. Even though justice was on the side of the Croats, NYETO had no business interfering in an entangling Balkan squabble.

Back in 1697, daring Serbian scouts were a key factor in the battle that ended the previous Moslem globalist threat to civilization:

Christian Soldier Martyred: 429
Muzzies Sent to Allah: 30,000
Correct, Clinton has a lot of blood on his hands, along with his Islamo fascist pal Izetbegovic he imported thousands of Al Qaeda type Jihadists into Bosnia from places like Saudi Arabia to kill Serbs and anyone else who got in the way in their usual style of hacking heads off.
That was the excuse, and no one authorized NATO to attack Yugoslavia it was illegal,NATO are not the UN, we keep hearing from the usual suspects NATO is a defensive alliance, i just showed it isn't,
Authorized? :auiqs.jpg:

Yugoslavia's actions had already provoked condemnation by international organisations and agencies such as the UN, NATO, and various INGOs.
Slick Willy "Hey, lets go bomb the Christians to protect the Muslims".
It was Bill Clinton's plan to distract attention from his peculiar sexual appetite. There were no identified sides in the alleged conflict and NATO had no legitimate targets. The U.S. media overwhelmingly supported the bombing and so did the international media so the slaughter of innocent Yugoslavian farmers with "daisy cutter " bombs was considered to be legitimate. Liberal historians are reluctant to note that the 9-11 terrorists were attending flight school in Florida while Clinton was bombing Belgrade.
There was a civil war between Serbs, Croats, and Muslims that had nothing to do with NATO, the Serbs didn't start the civil war they didn't break up Yugoslavia.

The Balkan has always had something to do with Europe, usually making things worse. The Serbs wanted to keep Yugoslavia, everyone else wanted out.
What do you expect from NATO?

That's what they are

There was absolutely no reason for the US to have been involved in that war.

The Muslim invasion and occupation of Europe had been a source of major conflict for hundreds of years.

The US backed the wrong side and bombed Christians fighting against the Muslim filth. We found out about what assholes the Muslim are a few months later on 911, didn't we? .

It was a "Wag the Dog" distracted for Slick Willy as Whitehall well articulated above. They even did a movie about it.
The Balkan has always had something to do with Europe, usually making things worse. The Serbs wanted to keep Yugoslavia, everyone else wanted out.
Yes and they used violence to get out with Western support, as far as i know there was a constitutional process for any of the federal areas to leave, but the Croat Nationalists said we are leaving like it or lump it, now the Serbs remembering what the Croat Nationalists did last time when they collaborated with the Nazis when the Croats murdered undreds of thousands of Serbs they thought they wouldn't allow that ever again, and the Croats with American help started to do just that, they drove a quarter of a million Serbs from the Krijina region of Croatia where they had lived for centuries and murdered others, and the Bosnian Muslims went on a rampage doing what they do best, torturing and beheading Serbs and anyone else who was in the way, Clinton was responsible.
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Yes and they used violence to get out with Western support, as far as i know there was a constitutional process for any of the federal areas to leave, but the Croat Nationalists said we are leaving like it or lump it, now the Serbs remembering what the Croat Nationalists did last time when they collaborated with the Nazis when the Croats murdered undreds of thousands of Serbs they thought they wouldn't allow that ever again, and the Croats with American help started to do just that, they drove a quarter of a million Serbs from the Krijina region of Croatia where they had lived for centuries and murdered others, and the Bosnian Muslims went on a rampage doing what they do best, torturing and beheading Serbs and anyone else who was in the way, Clinton was responsible.

Serbs have been for a "Pan Serbia" since before the 1st world war. It's what got us the assassination of Franz Ferdinand.
I bet you are a serb.
Serbs have been for a "Pan Serbia" since before the 1st world war. It's what got us the assassination of Franz Ferdinand.
I bet you are a serb.
I am English, and the war had nothing to do with Framz bloody Ferdinand, it was about Croat and Bosnian Nationalism encouraged as usual by the usual suspects in the West the same ones who sided with Hitler, the Serbs wanted to keep the Country together

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