2nd Thessalonians 2 - the interpretation

Stop putting racist bullcrap in the scriptures. The scriptures don't justify your hate. God has commanded us to love one another. And the proof that we are disciples of Christ is our love for our fellow man.

LOL What part of my interpretation is "bullcrap"?

Have not modern-day white Americans fallen away from the view once held by their forefathers about interracial marriage with the black man?

And, have not the African Americans exalted themselves as the result of that falling away?

Whatta you think Daniel meant when he wrote in 11:17,
"......and he shall give him the daughter of women, corrupting her....."

Since when did America become Persia?
Daniel is talking about Persia in chapter 11.

>>>Daniel is talking about Persia in chapter 11.<<<

Not so. Chapter 11 is about the European Americans, whom are described in 7:24 as that of "the ten kings" out of the fourth kingdom upon the earth", ie out of England.

And it's about the African Americans, whom are described in the same verse (verse 24) as that of "another ten horns" (another people) that are diverse from the ten kings.
LOL What part of my interpretation is "bullcrap"?

Have not modern-day white Americans fallen away from the view once held by their forefathers about interracial marriage with the black man?

And, have not the African Americans exalted themselves as the result of that falling away?

Whatta you think Daniel meant when he wrote in 11:17,
"......and he shall give him the daughter of women, corrupting her....."

Since when did America become Persia?
Daniel is talking about Persia in chapter 11.

>>>Daniel is talking about Persia in chapter 11.<<<

Not so. Chapter 11 is about the European Americans, whom are described in 7:24 as that of "the ten kings" out of the fourth kingdom upon the earth", ie out of England.

And it's about the African Americans, whom are described in the same verse (verse 24) as that of "another ten horns" (another people) that are diverse from the ten kings.

Chapter 11 -2
"And now I will tell you the truth: Behold, three more kings will arise in Persia, and the fourth shall be far richer than them all; by his strength, through his riches, he shall stir up all against the realm of Greece.
The three kings were Cambyses, Smerdis and Darius.
The 4th was Xerxes, the son of Darius who invaded Greece.

Chapter 11 is talking about the rule of Persia and the Rule of Greece.
Which came true. It has already happened. It has nothing to do with the future.
Not Europe of African Americans.
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3 "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come until the great falling away of the latter-day white churches, followed by the revealing of the black man, the man of lawlessness"


You inserted a word here. You couldn't translate the greek to english and ever get the word "Black" because there is no justification for that.

New International Version (©2011)
From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands.

There is only one race and it is human.

1 John 2:9 ESV Whoever says he is in the light and hates his brother is still in darkness.

The black person is your brother or sister.

John 13:34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

There are no excuses for you to not love one another. You don't get to choose which verses apply and which ones don't.

If I can get sued for speaking out against false teachers, anyone which includes you can get sued for speaking out against black people or any people because it is defamation.

3 "Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come until the great falling away of the latter-day white churches, followed by the revealing of the black man, the man of lawlessness"


You inserted a word here. You couldn't translate the greek to english and ever get the word "Black" because there is no justification for that.

New International Version (©2011)
From one man he made all the nations, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he marked out their appointed times in history and the boundaries of their lands.

There is only one race and it is human.

1 John 2:9 ESV Whoever says he is in the light and hates his brother is still in darkness.

The black person is your brother or sister.

John 13:34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

There are no excuses for you to not love one another. You don't get to choose which verses apply and which ones don't.

If I can get sued for speaking out against false teachers, anyone which includes you can get sued for speaking out against black people or any people because it is defamation.


>>>There is only one race and it is human.<<<

Tell that to the blacks, whom are forevermore accusing the white man. Tell them that the white man doesn't exist. LOL

>>>You can get sued for speaking out against black people.......<<<

You got that right, pal. Blacks love to file discrimination charges against the white Americans and to bankrupt and take away their livelihood. Revelation 13:15 says it this way:

"And he (MLK) had power to give life unto the image of the beast (unto the blacks), that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed."
Stop putting racist bullcrap in the scriptures. The scriptures don't justify your hate. God has commanded us to love one another. And the proof that we are disciples of Christ is our love for our fellow man.

LOL What part of my interpretation is "bullcrap"?

Have not modern-day white Americans fallen away from the view once held by their forefathers about interracial marriage with the black man?

And, have not the African Americans exalted themselves as the result of that falling away?

Whatta you think Daniel meant when he wrote in 11:17,
"......and he shall give him the daughter of women, corrupting her....."

Did you include Thomas Jefferson?
Sorry Dear
Martin Luther King is dead, he has no power to do anything at all, and he certainly was not Satan.

The Bible is not about the color of any people.
The Bible is all about worshiping God and doing what he commands us to do.

It's about Jews, Israel and people of all races who believe in Jesus Christ.
Sorry Dear
Martin Luther King is dead, he has no power to do anything at all, and he certainly was not Satan.

The Bible is not about the color of any people.
The Bible is all about worshiping God and doing what he commands us to do.

It's about Jews, Israel and people of all races who believe in Jesus Christ.

The prophetic scriptures, however, are about America, and about the falling away of the latter-day white Americans, followed by the exaltation and revealing of African Americans.
God obviously chose to use those events, which have already come to pass btw, to be the timeline for Christ's second coming.

"and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy (christian) people , all these things shall be finished", Daniel 12:7 says.

Present-day African Americans owe their power and success to MLK. Had there been no MLK, they would still be riding the back of the bus.
John wrote about him in Revelation 13
He's that other beast in verse 11.
You can wrest the scriptures to your own destruction. But no matter how many times you try to rewrite what the scriptures actually say, they do not say your racist nonsense.
Sorry Dear
Martin Luther King is dead, he has no power to do anything at all, and he certainly was not Satan.

The Bible is not about the color of any people.
The Bible is all about worshiping God and doing what he commands us to do.

It's about Jews, Israel and people of all races who believe in Jesus Christ.

The prophetic scriptures, however, are about America, and about the falling away of the latter-day white Americans, followed by the exaltation and revealing of African Americans.
God obviously chose to use those events, which have already come to pass btw, to be the timeline for Christ's second coming.

"and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy (christian) people , all these things shall be finished", Daniel 12:7 says.

Present-day African Americans owe their power and success to MLK. Had there been no MLK, they would still be riding the back of the bus.
John wrote about him in Revelation 13
He's that other beast in verse 11.
this may come as a shock but jesus was not a WHITE GUY..
Sorry Dear
Martin Luther King is dead, he has no power to do anything at all, and he certainly was not Satan.

The Bible is not about the color of any people.
The Bible is all about worshiping God and doing what he commands us to do.

It's about Jews, Israel and people of all races who believe in Jesus Christ.

The prophetic scriptures, however, are about America, and about the falling away of the latter-day white Americans, followed by the exaltation and revealing of African Americans.
God obviously chose to use those events, which have already come to pass btw, to be the timeline for Christ's second coming.

"and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy (christian) people , all these things shall be finished", Daniel 12:7 says.

Present-day African Americans owe their power and success to MLK. Had there been no MLK, they would still be riding the back of the bus.
John wrote about him in Revelation 13
He's that other beast in verse 11.
this may come as a shock but jesus was not a WHITE GUY..

How do you know Jesus wasn't a white guy? Did you meet him? :lol:
The prophetic scriptures, however, are about America, and about the falling away of the latter-day white Americans, followed by the exaltation and revealing of African Americans.
God obviously chose to use those events, which have already come to pass btw, to be the timeline for Christ's second coming.

"and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy (christian) people , all these things shall be finished", Daniel 12:7 says.

Present-day African Americans owe their power and success to MLK. Had there been no MLK, they would still be riding the back of the bus.
John wrote about him in Revelation 13
He's that other beast in verse 11.
this may come as a shock but jesus was not a WHITE GUY..

How do you know Jesus wasn't a white guy? Did you meet him? :lol:

His skin color is completely irrelevant. Your interpretation of the scriptures requires every rational person to ignore what the verses actually say to get your racist nonsense. Stop trying to read racial divisions in the scriptures where none exist and read the scriptures to learn what they actually say. Repent and come to Christ.
this may come as a shock but jesus was not a WHITE GUY..

How do you know Jesus wasn't a white guy? Did you meet him? :lol:

His skin color is completely irrelevant. Your interpretation of the scriptures requires every rational person to ignore what the verses actually say to get your racist nonsense. Stop trying to read racial divisions in the scriptures where none exist and read the scriptures to learn what they actually say. Repent and come to Christ.

>>>His skin color is completely irrelevant.<<<

If you truly feel that way then why do you reject my saying that he's white? :lol:

You know what I think? I think you don't like the idea of a white Jesus. I think you'd rather have a black Jesus. In fact, I believe ALL OF YOU would rather have a black Jesus.
How do you know Jesus wasn't a white guy? Did you meet him? :lol:

His skin color is completely irrelevant. Your interpretation of the scriptures requires every rational person to ignore what the verses actually say to get your racist nonsense. Stop trying to read racial divisions in the scriptures where none exist and read the scriptures to learn what they actually say. Repent and come to Christ.

>>>His skin color is completely irrelevant.<<<

If you truly feel that way then why do you reject my saying that he's white? :lol:

You know what I think? I think you don't like the idea of a white Jesus. I think you'd rather have a black Jesus. In fact, I believe ALL OF YOU would rather have a black Jesus.

I didn't. What im rejecting is you reading your hateful racist crap into the scriptures that clearly teach us to love one another.

Jesus would be my Savior regardless of His skin color. Because I care about what He did, not what He looks like
The prophetic scriptures, however, are about America, and about the falling away of the latter-day white Americans, followed by the exaltation and revealing of African Americans.
God obviously chose to use those events, which have already come to pass btw, to be the timeline for Christ's second coming.

"and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy (christian) people , all these things shall be finished", Daniel 12:7 says.

Present-day African Americans owe their power and success to MLK. Had there been no MLK, they would still be riding the back of the bus.
John wrote about him in Revelation 13
He's that other beast in verse 11.
this may come as a shock but jesus was not a WHITE GUY..

How do you know Jesus wasn't a white guy? Did you meet him? :lol:
didn't have to Jesus was of middle eastern decent...or since he was not really human he blended in with the locals and took on their outward appearance...
If we go by the Biblical geneologies, Jesus was descended from the peoples who migrated into lower Mesopotamia 1-1/2 to 2 millenia before his birth. Those people were almost certainly dark or dark reddish hue skinned according to the anthropologists who have researched that area in that era. There was certainly intermarriage with other peoples and natural evolution during all the time that followed, but the Jewish people of the eastern Mediterranean in the First Century A.D. were certainly much darker skinned than most European or American caucasians are now.

So was Jesus white as we think of European or American whites? Almost certainly he was not. And does it matter? It certainly does not.

That Jesus died for not only for those of his Jewish Heritage but for all of us is pretty well summed up in Paul's statement in Galatians 3: "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Jesus, as did the Apostles who carried on after him, preached a unity and inclusiveness. I'm pretty sure Jesus would have had some harsh words if anybody tried to rewrite the Old Testament scriptures and make them into something they were not. And he would have problems with somebody rewriting Thessalonians and trying to make them into something racist which they were not.
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If we go by the Biblical geneologies, Jesus was descended from the peoples who migrated into lower Mesopotamia 1-1/2 to 2 millenia before his birth. Those people were almost certainly dark or dark reddish hue skinned according to the anthropologists who have researched that area in that era. There was certainly intermarriage with other peoples and natural evolution during all the time that followed, but the Jewish people of the eastern Mediterranean in the First Century A.D. were certainly much darker skinned than most European or American caucasians are now.

So was Jesus white as we think of European or American whites? Almost certainly he was not. And does it matter? It certainly does not.

That Jesus died for not only for those of his Jewish Heritage but for all of us is pretty well summed up in Paul's statement in Galatians 3: "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Jesus, as did the Apostles who carried on after him, preached a unity and inclusiveness. I'm pretty sure Jesus would have had some harsh words if anybody tried to rewrite the Old Testament scriptures and make them into something they were not. And he would have problems with somebody rewriting Thessalonians and trying to make them into something racist which they were not.
finally the voice of reason..

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