3.5 million more registered voters than live adults

How many of those 3.5 million are just legal citizens registered in more than one state?

Probably not as many as there are illegal aliens using some poor deceased person's social security number.
So, you think people who are afraid to go to the store because they might get caught are gonna vote?

You think they are afraid to go anywhere?

They need to fine tune the statistics and investigate simple stuff (and maybe prosecute) liberal college kids who vote in their college town as well as back home (they probably think it's legal) as well as the usual stuff like being registered to vote in two different precincts.

I seriously doubt that happens more often than rented buses pulling up at migrant farm worker camps to take them to vote at a poll or 3. Way less. Those few votes get canceled out with one camp alone.

PS: Most kids go to state colleges.

How many of those 3.5 million are just legal citizens registered in more than one state?

Probably not as many as there are illegal aliens using some poor deceased person's social security number.
So, you think people who are afraid to go to the store because they might get caught are gonna vote?

Nope the ones standing around Home Depot.

How many of those 3.5 million are just legal citizens registered in more than one state?

Probably not as many as there are illegal aliens using some poor deceased person's social security number.
So, you think people who are afraid to go to the store because they might get caught are gonna vote?

You think they are afraid to go anywhere?

You thjnk they aren't?


How many of those 3.5 million are just legal citizens registered in more than one state?

Probably not as many as there are illegal aliens using some poor deceased person's social security number.
So, you think people who are afraid to go to the store because they might get caught are gonna vote?

You think they are afraid to go anywhere?

You thjnk they aren't?

Ask Stacey Abrams, moron.

If they can affect politics at all levels in this country and even vote in local elections, they sure as fuck aren't scared.

Hillary's campaign rally

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