3/5 Of A Human Being

"counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed.” The WHOLE NUMBER OF PERSONS.

Pretty cut and dried, no matter the bigotry of the reader.

For folks who are willing to watch us get slaughtered just so they can play with the gun of their choice because the constitution says so, the rest of the document seems worthless.
So you're saying slave states should get equal representation in the house of representatives even though they had fewer free whites within their state?
I'm saying as slavery is unconstitutional but the census is, when the census is held, WVERYONE living in the United States MUST be counted.
You are confusing history with the present
When was slavery considered unconstitutional what year?
Well, the 13th amendment was ratified in 1865 so, there's that.
Do you know anything about the 3/5th compromise?
I know it has nothing to do with any argument that undocumented immigrants should not be counted.
Yet it stopped slave states from getting more power in the house. Imagine without that 1787 compromise slavery might still exist today. Just like today's illegal immigrants we need to count them as 3/5th
The moral imperative against slavery would have prevailed nonetheless. We were a moral nation prior to Trumpism..

"The moral imperative against slavery would have prevailed nonetheless. We were a moral nation prior to Trumpism.. "

Let's check:

Democrat’s Bountiful Gifts To Out Black Brethren

1.Doubling down on their support for slavery and segregation, the Democrat Party blocked every anti-lynching to come to the Senate.

2. Dragging their feet on post-war freedom for their slaves, they imposed poll taxes and Jim Crow laws.

3. The Obama ‘Promise Program’ made it almost impossible to remove thugs and criminals from ghetto schools, to make certain that learning was impeded.

4. Authored gun laws that only law abiding citizens would obey, preventing black citizens in crime ridden neighborhood from protecting themselves.

5. Promoted bogus anti-police hatred, while ignoring some 350,000 blacks killed by lawless blacks. 324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years

6. In nearing a century of Democrat welfare, blacks remain as the lowest income racial group.

7. Allied with the International Left, the Democrat party makes certain that racial animosity never dies down.

8. The Democrats made and make certain that religion and morality is barred from the schools and from the public arena. “…will America be made better by curbing religion in the name of secularism, of vice versa?” Ben Shapiro

9. The Democrat judicial system is based on the idea that all blacks are felons, so felons must be released from jails. Carter-appointed judge Norma Shapiro “ is one of the worst offenders among that influential cadre of federal judges who have substituted the ACLU's prisoners' rights wish list for the Bill of Rights and have trifled with public safety concerns. …” In 1992, black youths were nine times more likely to be murdered than white youths. Democrats lied, kids died.

10. But wait…..they did manage to ban one single word from common parlance.

Is this the party you support?
Typical of right wing misdirection and misleading. Right wingers vote republican, now. They changed from voting democrat after the civil rights acts. To much equality for right wingers to handle, I guess.
Liar prove it or retract your lie.
"counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed.” The WHOLE NUMBER OF PERSONS.

Pretty cut and dried, no matter the bigotry of the reader.

For folks who are willing to watch us get slaughtered just so they can play with the gun of their choice because the constitution says so, the rest of the document seems worthless.
So you're saying slave states should get equal representation in the house of representatives even though they had fewer free whites within their state?
I'm saying as slavery is unconstitutional but the census is, when the census is held, WVERYONE living in the United States MUST be counted.
You are confusing history with the present
When was slavery considered unconstitutional what year?
Well, the 13th amendment was ratified in 1865 so, there's that.
Do you know anything about the 3/5th compromise?
I know it has nothing to do with any argument that undocumented immigrants should not be counted.
Yet it stopped slave states from getting more power in the house. Imagine without that 1787 compromise slavery might still exist today. Just like today's illegal immigrants we need to count them as 3/5th
The purpose of the census is to count "the whole number of persons". Not create non-people when there are actual people to be counted. You're argument says not all men are created equal. How does that square up with the founding fathers?

Or are you saying racism and bigotry must govern our nation?
The purpose was to have a count of people for the makeup for the house of representatives. Should a slave who had no citizenship rights be counted as a whole number giving slave states bigger control of the house??
There is no immigration clause in our federal Constitution and we should have no illegal problem or illegal underclass.
Uh, illegal means the law already doesn't apply. You might as well say the Constitution has no drug policy clause so we shouldn't have any problem with ne'er do wells illegally smoking pot in Mom's basement. The truth is, we do have a problem.
"counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed.” The WHOLE NUMBER OF PERSONS.

Pretty cut and dried, no matter the bigotry of the reader.

For folks who are willing to watch us get slaughtered just so they can play with the gun of their choice because the constitution says so, the rest of the document seems worthless.
So you're saying slave states should get equal representation in the house of representatives even though they had fewer free whites within their state?
I'm saying as slavery is unconstitutional but the census is, when the census is held, WVERYONE living in the United States MUST be counted.
You are confusing history with the present
When was slavery considered unconstitutional what year?
Well, the 13th amendment was ratified in 1865 so, there's that.
Do you know anything about the 3/5th compromise?
I know it has nothing to do with any argument that undocumented immigrants should not be counted.
The argument is we have a naturalization clause not any form of Immigration clause. Right wingers simply have a moral problem being legal to our own laws.
You just got a stupid problem. . In accordance with laws of the 18th and mid 19th century law blacks and slaves had not citizenship rights.
Our Constitution is our supreme law of the land. All those other laws were unconstitutional after 1808. Our Constitution and Bill of Rights are both gender and race neutral.
Where in the Constitution before 1866 did the constitution mention citizenship for anyone other than white males? Be specific and not opinionated.
What does it matter? This happens to be 2020! Women weren't allowed to vote in 1866! Do you want 1866 governance for a 2020 nation?
You know how the lying propagandists love to claim that the Founders didn't acknowledge the humanity of the slaves, and counted them as only 3/5 of a person for the census?

Of course, the truth is that the anti-slavers knew that the slave owners wanted to use the numbers to increase their political power in the Congress, and the abolitionists knew that if they did, slavery would never be abolished. So....the 3/5 compromise to get the union formed.

"Just three years after ratification, in the census of 1790, the numbers were determined according to the Constitution proscription of “adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years…three-fifths of all other Persons.”

Rather than this representing racial animus, this compromise prevented the South from having the representation to always outvote the North on the issue of slavery.

In 1790, the slave population of South Carolina was 77% of the white population. By 1820, slaves outnumbered whites, 265,000 to 237,000, and by 1860, 412,000 to 291,000. Georgia and Virginia, similarly."
Full text of "Heads of families at the first census of the United States taken in the year 1790 .."

Well......the Democrats are using the same plan, but now that they own the judiciary, they get their way:

"Judges halt plan to exclude unauthorized immigrants from count used to award seats in Congress"

Why was it necessary......Obama just told them to go and vote: "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."

the slave owners in the USA were ALL CHRISTIANS!

like you
"counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed.” The WHOLE NUMBER OF PERSONS.

Pretty cut and dried, no matter the bigotry of the reader.

For folks who are willing to watch us get slaughtered just so they can play with the gun of their choice because the constitution says so, the rest of the document seems worthless.
So you're saying slave states should get equal representation in the house of representatives even though they had fewer free whites within their state?
I'm saying as slavery is unconstitutional but the census is, when the census is held, WVERYONE living in the United States MUST be counted.
You are confusing history with the present
When was slavery considered unconstitutional what year?
Well, the 13th amendment was ratified in 1865 so, there's that.
Do you know anything about the 3/5th compromise?
I know it has nothing to do with any argument that undocumented immigrants should not be counted.
Yet it stopped slave states from getting more power in the house. Imagine without that 1787 compromise slavery might still exist today. Just like today's illegal immigrants we need to count them as 3/5th
The purpose of the census is to count "the whole number of persons". Not create non-people when there are actual people to be counted. You're argument says not all men are created equal. How does that square up with the founding fathers?

Or are you saying racism and bigotry must govern our nation?
The purpose was to have a count of people for the makeup for the house of representatives. Should a slave who had no citizenship rights be counted as a whole number giving slave states bigger control of the house??
Representative apportionment is but one of the many reasons we take a census.
You know how the lying propagandists love to claim that the Founders didn't acknowledge the humanity of the slaves, and counted them as only 3/5 of a person for the census?

Of course, the truth is that the anti-slavers knew that the slave owners wanted to use the numbers to increase their political power in the Congress, and the abolitionists knew that if they did, slavery would never be abolished. So....the 3/5 compromise to get the union formed.

"Just three years after ratification, in the census of 1790, the numbers were determined according to the Constitution proscription of “adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years…three-fifths of all other Persons.”

Rather than this representing racial animus, this compromise prevented the South from having the representation to always outvote the North on the issue of slavery.

In 1790, the slave population of South Carolina was 77% of the white population. By 1820, slaves outnumbered whites, 265,000 to 237,000, and by 1860, 412,000 to 291,000. Georgia and Virginia, similarly."
Full text of "Heads of families at the first census of the United States taken in the year 1790 .."

Well......the Democrats are using the same plan, but now that they own the judiciary, they get their way:

"Judges halt plan to exclude unauthorized immigrants from count used to award seats in Congress"

Why was it necessary......Obama just told them to go and vote: "When you vote, you're a citizen yourself."

the slave owners in the USA were ALL CHRISTIANS!

like you


Religious folks were the abolitionists.

The reference can be found in a book you may not be familiar with, called the Bible, where we find the following: Genesis 1:26 And God said, 'Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness

Of course, you atheists have a different view of mankind.
"counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed.” The WHOLE NUMBER OF PERSONS.

Pretty cut and dried, no matter the bigotry of the reader.

For folks who are willing to watch us get slaughtered just so they can play with the gun of their choice because the constitution says so, the rest of the document seems worthless.
So you're saying slave states should get equal representation in the house of representatives even though they had fewer free whites within their state?
I'm saying as slavery is unconstitutional but the census is, when the census is held, WVERYONE living in the United States MUST be counted.
You are confusing history with the present
When was slavery considered unconstitutional what year?
Well, the 13th amendment was ratified in 1865 so, there's that.
Do you know anything about the 3/5th compromise?
I know it has nothing to do with any argument that undocumented immigrants should not be counted.
Yet it stopped slave states from getting more power in the house. Imagine without that 1787 compromise slavery might still exist today. Just like today's illegal immigrants we need to count them as 3/5th
The purpose of the census is to count "the whole number of persons". Not create non-people when there are actual people to be counted. You're argument says not all men are created equal. How does that square up with the founding fathers?

Or are you saying racism and bigotry must govern our nation?
The purpose was to have a count of people for the makeup for the house of representatives. Should a slave who had no citizenship rights be counted as a whole number giving slave states bigger control of the house??
Representative apportionment is but one of the many reasons we take a census.

It appears my posts have put a cork in your pie hole.

Many Democrat voters can neither defend, nor explain, the party they support, and behave the very same way. It's the reason Democrats wish to silence opposing voices, as we eat their lunch.

"counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed.” The WHOLE NUMBER OF PERSONS.

Pretty cut and dried, no matter the bigotry of the reader.

For folks who are willing to watch us get slaughtered just so they can play with the gun of their choice because the constitution says so, the rest of the document seems worthless.
So you're saying slave states should get equal representation in the house of representatives even though they had fewer free whites within their state?
I'm saying as slavery is unconstitutional but the census is, when the census is held, WVERYONE living in the United States MUST be counted.
You are confusing history with the present
When was slavery considered unconstitutional what year?
Well, the 13th amendment was ratified in 1865 so, there's that.
Do you know anything about the 3/5th compromise?
I know it has nothing to do with any argument that undocumented immigrants should not be counted.
Yet it stopped slave states from getting more power in the house. Imagine without that 1787 compromise slavery might still exist today. Just like today's illegal immigrants we need to count them as 3/5th
The purpose of the census is to count "the whole number of persons". Not create non-people when there are actual people to be counted. You're argument says not all men are created equal. How does that square up with the founding fathers?

Or are you saying racism and bigotry must govern our nation?
The purpose was to have a count of people for the makeup for the house of representatives. Should a slave who had no citizenship rights be counted as a whole number giving slave states bigger control of the house??
Representative apportionment is but one of the many reasons we take a census.

It appears my posts have put a cork in your pie hole.

Many Democrat voters can neither defend, nor explain, the party they support, and behave the very same way. It's the reason Democrats wish to silence opposing voices, as we eat their lunch.

View attachment 388570
If you believe everyone who identified as a Republican in 2016 STILL identifies as a Republican today, you're off your rocker.
"counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed.” The WHOLE NUMBER OF PERSONS.

Pretty cut and dried, no matter the bigotry of the reader.

For folks who are willing to watch us get slaughtered just so they can play with the gun of their choice because the constitution says so, the rest of the document seems worthless.
So you're saying slave states should get equal representation in the house of representatives even though they had fewer free whites within their state?
I'm saying as slavery is unconstitutional but the census is, when the census is held, WVERYONE living in the United States MUST be counted.
You are confusing history with the present
When was slavery considered unconstitutional what year?
Well, the 13th amendment was ratified in 1865 so, there's that.
Do you know anything about the 3/5th compromise?
I know it has nothing to do with any argument that undocumented immigrants should not be counted.
Yet it stopped slave states from getting more power in the house. Imagine without that 1787 compromise slavery might still exist today. Just like today's illegal immigrants we need to count them as 3/5th
The purpose of the census is to count "the whole number of persons". Not create non-people when there are actual people to be counted. You're argument says not all men are created equal. How does that square up with the founding fathers?

Or are you saying racism and bigotry must govern our nation?
The purpose was to have a count of people for the makeup for the house of representatives. Should a slave who had no citizenship rights be counted as a whole number giving slave states bigger control of the house??
Representative apportionment is but one of the many reasons we take a census.

It appears my posts have put a cork in your pie hole.

Many Democrat voters can neither defend, nor explain, the party they support, and behave the very same way. It's the reason Democrats wish to silence opposing voices, as we eat their lunch.

View attachment 388570
If you believe everyone who identified as a Republican in 2016 STILL identifies as a Republican today, you're off your rocker.

Sorry....you will not be allowed to change the subject to hide the fact that this is what you support:
Democrat’s Bountiful Gifts To Out Black Brethren

1.Doubling down on their support for slavery and segregation, the Democrat Party blocked every anti-lynching to come to the Senate.

2. Dragging their feet on post-war freedom for their slaves, they imposed poll taxes and Jim Crow laws.

3. The Obama ‘Promise Program’ made it almost impossible to remove thugs and criminals from ghetto schools, to make certain that learning was impeded.

4. Authored gun laws that only law abiding citizens would obey, preventing black citizens in crime ridden neighborhood from protecting themselves.

5. Promoted bogus anti-police hatred, while ignoring some 350,000 blacks killed by lawless blacks. 324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years

6. In nearing a century of Democrat welfare, blacks remain as the lowest income racial group.

7. Allied with the International Left, the Democrat party makes certain that racial animosity never dies down.

8. The Democrats made and make certain that religion and morality is barred from the schools and from the public arena. “…will America be made better by curbing religion in the name of secularism, of vice versa?” Ben Shapiro

9. The Democrat judicial system is based on the idea that all blacks are felons, so felons must be released from jails. Carter-appointed judge Norma Shapiro “ is one of the worst offenders among that influential cadre of federal judges who have substituted the ACLU's prisoners' rights wish list for the Bill of Rights and have trifled with public safety concerns. …” In 1992, black youths were nine times more likely to be murdered than white youths. Democrats lied, kids died.

10. But wait…..they did manage to ban one single word from common parlance.

And this is what you will be voting for:
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

It might be best if you simply wander off.
"counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed.” The WHOLE NUMBER OF PERSONS.

Pretty cut and dried, no matter the bigotry of the reader.

For folks who are willing to watch us get slaughtered just so they can play with the gun of their choice because the constitution says so, the rest of the document seems worthless.
So you're saying slave states should get equal representation in the house of representatives even though they had fewer free whites within their state?
I'm saying as slavery is unconstitutional but the census is, when the census is held, WVERYONE living in the United States MUST be counted.
You are confusing history with the present
When was slavery considered unconstitutional what year?
Well, the 13th amendment was ratified in 1865 so, there's that.
Do you know anything about the 3/5th compromise?
I know it has nothing to do with any argument that undocumented immigrants should not be counted.
Yet it stopped slave states from getting more power in the house. Imagine without that 1787 compromise slavery might still exist today. Just like today's illegal immigrants we need to count them as 3/5th
The purpose of the census is to count "the whole number of persons". Not create non-people when there are actual people to be counted. You're argument says not all men are created equal. How does that square up with the founding fathers?

Or are you saying racism and bigotry must govern our nation?
The purpose was to have a count of people for the makeup for the house of representatives. Should a slave who had no citizenship rights be counted as a whole number giving slave states bigger control of the house??
Representative apportionment is but one of the many reasons we take a census.

It appears my posts have put a cork in your pie hole.

Many Democrat voters can neither defend, nor explain, the party they support, and behave the very same way. It's the reason Democrats wish to silence opposing voices, as we eat their lunch.

View attachment 388570
If you believe everyone who identified as a Republican in 2016 STILL identifies as a Republican today, you're off your rocker.

Sorry....you will not be allowed to change the subject to hide the fact that this is what you support:
Democrat’s Bountiful Gifts To Out Black Brethren

1.Doubling down on their support for slavery and segregation, the Democrat Party blocked every anti-lynching to come to the Senate.

2. Dragging their feet on post-war freedom for their slaves, they imposed poll taxes and Jim Crow laws.

3. The Obama ‘Promise Program’ made it almost impossible to remove thugs and criminals from ghetto schools, to make certain that learning was impeded.

4. Authored gun laws that only law abiding citizens would obey, preventing black citizens in crime ridden neighborhood from protecting themselves.

5. Promoted bogus anti-police hatred, while ignoring some 350,000 blacks killed by lawless blacks. 324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years

6. In nearing a century of Democrat welfare, blacks remain as the lowest income racial group.

7. Allied with the International Left, the Democrat party makes certain that racial animosity never dies down.

8. The Democrats made and make certain that religion and morality is barred from the schools and from the public arena. “…will America be made better by curbing religion in the name of secularism, of vice versa?” Ben Shapiro

9. The Democrat judicial system is based on the idea that all blacks are felons, so felons must be released from jails. Carter-appointed judge Norma Shapiro “ is one of the worst offenders among that influential cadre of federal judges who have substituted the ACLU's prisoners' rights wish list for the Bill of Rights and have trifled with public safety concerns. …” In 1992, black youths were nine times more likely to be murdered than white youths. Democrats lied, kids died.

10. But wait…..they did manage to ban one single word from common parlance.

And this is what you will be voting for:
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

It might be best if you simply wander off.
It might be best if you just talked with other Qanaon nutcases and stopped trying to pose as an intelligent person. You're fringe and you like it that way. All critical thought is set aside.
"counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed.” The WHOLE NUMBER OF PERSONS.

Pretty cut and dried, no matter the bigotry of the reader.

For folks who are willing to watch us get slaughtered just so they can play with the gun of their choice because the constitution says so, the rest of the document seems worthless.
So you're saying slave states should get equal representation in the house of representatives even though they had fewer free whites within their state?
I'm saying as slavery is unconstitutional but the census is, when the census is held, WVERYONE living in the United States MUST be counted.
You are confusing history with the present
When was slavery considered unconstitutional what year?
Well, the 13th amendment was ratified in 1865 so, there's that.
Do you know anything about the 3/5th compromise?
I know it has nothing to do with any argument that undocumented immigrants should not be counted.
Yet it stopped slave states from getting more power in the house. Imagine without that 1787 compromise slavery might still exist today. Just like today's illegal immigrants we need to count them as 3/5th
The purpose of the census is to count "the whole number of persons". Not create non-people when there are actual people to be counted. You're argument says not all men are created equal. How does that square up with the founding fathers?

Or are you saying racism and bigotry must govern our nation?
The purpose was to have a count of people for the makeup for the house of representatives. Should a slave who had no citizenship rights be counted as a whole number giving slave states bigger control of the house??
Representative apportionment is but one of the many reasons we take a census.

It appears my posts have put a cork in your pie hole.

Many Democrat voters can neither defend, nor explain, the party they support, and behave the very same way. It's the reason Democrats wish to silence opposing voices, as we eat their lunch.

View attachment 388570
If you believe everyone who identified as a Republican in 2016 STILL identifies as a Republican today, you're off your rocker.

Sorry....you will not be allowed to change the subject to hide the fact that this is what you support:
Democrat’s Bountiful Gifts To Out Black Brethren

1.Doubling down on their support for slavery and segregation, the Democrat Party blocked every anti-lynching to come to the Senate.

2. Dragging their feet on post-war freedom for their slaves, they imposed poll taxes and Jim Crow laws.

3. The Obama ‘Promise Program’ made it almost impossible to remove thugs and criminals from ghetto schools, to make certain that learning was impeded.

4. Authored gun laws that only law abiding citizens would obey, preventing black citizens in crime ridden neighborhood from protecting themselves.

5. Promoted bogus anti-police hatred, while ignoring some 350,000 blacks killed by lawless blacks. 324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years

6. In nearing a century of Democrat welfare, blacks remain as the lowest income racial group.

7. Allied with the International Left, the Democrat party makes certain that racial animosity never dies down.

8. The Democrats made and make certain that religion and morality is barred from the schools and from the public arena. “…will America be made better by curbing religion in the name of secularism, of vice versa?” Ben Shapiro

9. The Democrat judicial system is based on the idea that all blacks are felons, so felons must be released from jails. Carter-appointed judge Norma Shapiro “ is one of the worst offenders among that influential cadre of federal judges who have substituted the ACLU's prisoners' rights wish list for the Bill of Rights and have trifled with public safety concerns. …” In 1992, black youths were nine times more likely to be murdered than white youths. Democrats lied, kids died.

10. But wait…..they did manage to ban one single word from common parlance.

And this is what you will be voting for:
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

It might be best if you simply wander off.
It might be best if you just talked with other Qanaon nutcases and stopped trying to pose as an intelligent person. You're fringe and you like it that way. All critical thought is set aside.

Everything I posted is true, accurate and correct.

That is why you are unable to dispute any of it, most especially your support of the party responsible: the Democrat Party.

But....I am magnanimous to a fault, so you can have one more opportunity.

Democrat’s Bountiful Gifts To Out Black Brethren

1.Doubling down on their support for slavery and segregation, the Democrat Party blocked every anti-lynching to come to the Senate.

2. Dragging their feet on post-war freedom for their slaves, they imposed poll taxes and Jim Crow laws.

3. The Obama ‘Promise Program’ made it almost impossible to remove thugs and criminals from ghetto schools, to make certain that learning was impeded.

4. Authored gun laws that only law abiding citizens would obey, preventing black citizens in crime ridden neighborhood from protecting themselves.

5. Promoted bogus anti-police hatred, while ignoring some 350,000 blacks killed by lawless blacks. 324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years

6. In nearing a century of Democrat welfare, blacks remain as the lowest income racial group.

7. Allied with the International Left, the Democrat party makes certain that racial animosity never dies down.

8. The Democrats made and make certain that religion and morality is barred from the schools and from the public arena. “…will America be made better by curbing religion in the name of secularism, of vice versa?” Ben Shapiro

9. The Democrat judicial system is based on the idea that all blacks are felons, so felons must be released from jails. Carter-appointed judge Norma Shapiro “ is one of the worst offenders among that influential cadre of federal judges who have substituted the ACLU's prisoners' rights wish list for the Bill of Rights and have trifled with public safety concerns. …” In 1992, black youths were nine times more likely to be murdered than white youths. Democrats lied, kids died.

10. But wait…..they did manage to ban one single word from common parlance.

And this is what you will be voting for:
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.
"counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed.” The WHOLE NUMBER OF PERSONS.

Pretty cut and dried, no matter the bigotry of the reader.

For folks who are willing to watch us get slaughtered just so they can play with the gun of their choice because the constitution says so, the rest of the document seems worthless.
So you're saying slave states should get equal representation in the house of representatives even though they had fewer free whites within their state?
I'm saying as slavery is unconstitutional but the census is, when the census is held, WVERYONE living in the United States MUST be counted.
You are confusing history with the present
When was slavery considered unconstitutional what year?
Well, the 13th amendment was ratified in 1865 so, there's that.
Do you know anything about the 3/5th compromise?
I know it has nothing to do with any argument that undocumented immigrants should not be counted.
Yet it stopped slave states from getting more power in the house. Imagine without that 1787 compromise slavery might still exist today. Just like today's illegal immigrants we need to count them as 3/5th
The purpose of the census is to count "the whole number of persons". Not create non-people when there are actual people to be counted. You're argument says not all men are created equal. How does that square up with the founding fathers?

Or are you saying racism and bigotry must govern our nation?
The purpose was to have a count of people for the makeup for the house of representatives. Should a slave who had no citizenship rights be counted as a whole number giving slave states bigger control of the house??
Representative apportionment is but one of the many reasons we take a census.

It appears my posts have put a cork in your pie hole.

Many Democrat voters can neither defend, nor explain, the party they support, and behave the very same way. It's the reason Democrats wish to silence opposing voices, as we eat their lunch.

View attachment 388570
If you believe everyone who identified as a Republican in 2016 STILL identifies as a Republican today, you're off your rocker.

Sorry....you will not be allowed to change the subject to hide the fact that this is what you support:
Democrat’s Bountiful Gifts To Out Black Brethren

1.Doubling down on their support for slavery and segregation, the Democrat Party blocked every anti-lynching to come to the Senate.

2. Dragging their feet on post-war freedom for their slaves, they imposed poll taxes and Jim Crow laws.

3. The Obama ‘Promise Program’ made it almost impossible to remove thugs and criminals from ghetto schools, to make certain that learning was impeded.

4. Authored gun laws that only law abiding citizens would obey, preventing black citizens in crime ridden neighborhood from protecting themselves.

5. Promoted bogus anti-police hatred, while ignoring some 350,000 blacks killed by lawless blacks. 324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years

6. In nearing a century of Democrat welfare, blacks remain as the lowest income racial group.

7. Allied with the International Left, the Democrat party makes certain that racial animosity never dies down.

8. The Democrats made and make certain that religion and morality is barred from the schools and from the public arena. “…will America be made better by curbing religion in the name of secularism, of vice versa?” Ben Shapiro

9. The Democrat judicial system is based on the idea that all blacks are felons, so felons must be released from jails. Carter-appointed judge Norma Shapiro “ is one of the worst offenders among that influential cadre of federal judges who have substituted the ACLU's prisoners' rights wish list for the Bill of Rights and have trifled with public safety concerns. …” In 1992, black youths were nine times more likely to be murdered than white youths. Democrats lied, kids died.

10. But wait…..they did manage to ban one single word from common parlance.

And this is what you will be voting for:
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

It might be best if you simply wander off.
It might be best if you just talked with other Qanaon nutcases and stopped trying to pose as an intelligent person. You're fringe and you like it that way. All critical thought is set aside.

Everything I posted is true, accurate and correct.

That is why you are unable to dispute any of it, most especially your support of the party responsible: the Democrat Party.

But....I am magnanimous to a fault, so you can have one more opportunity.

Democrat’s Bountiful Gifts To Out Black Brethren

1.Doubling down on their support for slavery and segregation, the Democrat Party blocked every anti-lynching to come to the Senate.

2. Dragging their feet on post-war freedom for their slaves, they imposed poll taxes and Jim Crow laws.

3. The Obama ‘Promise Program’ made it almost impossible to remove thugs and criminals from ghetto schools, to make certain that learning was impeded.

4. Authored gun laws that only law abiding citizens would obey, preventing black citizens in crime ridden neighborhood from protecting themselves.

5. Promoted bogus anti-police hatred, while ignoring some 350,000 blacks killed by lawless blacks. 324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years

6. In nearing a century of Democrat welfare, blacks remain as the lowest income racial group.

7. Allied with the International Left, the Democrat party makes certain that racial animosity never dies down.

8. The Democrats made and make certain that religion and morality is barred from the schools and from the public arena. “…will America be made better by curbing religion in the name of secularism, of vice versa?” Ben Shapiro

9. The Democrat judicial system is based on the idea that all blacks are felons, so felons must be released from jails. Carter-appointed judge Norma Shapiro “ is one of the worst offenders among that influential cadre of federal judges who have substituted the ACLU's prisoners' rights wish list for the Bill of Rights and have trifled with public safety concerns. …” In 1992, black youths were nine times more likely to be murdered than white youths. Democrats lied, kids died.

10. But wait…..they did manage to ban one single word from common parlance.

And this is what you will be voting for:
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.
Everything you posted a,punts to strawman arguments. They only fly among the fringe, the brainwashed and the deluded.

I, as everyone, cannot prove a negative. You keep posting negatives as if they are true.

Seek verifiable information, not fringe propaganda.
"counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed.” The WHOLE NUMBER OF PERSONS.

Pretty cut and dried, no matter the bigotry of the reader.

For folks who are willing to watch us get slaughtered just so they can play with the gun of their choice because the constitution says so, the rest of the document seems worthless.
So you're saying slave states should get equal representation in the house of representatives even though they had fewer free whites within their state?
I'm saying as slavery is unconstitutional but the census is, when the census is held, WVERYONE living in the United States MUST be counted.
You are confusing history with the present
When was slavery considered unconstitutional what year?
Well, the 13th amendment was ratified in 1865 so, there's that.
Do you know anything about the 3/5th compromise?
I know it has nothing to do with any argument that undocumented immigrants should not be counted.
Yet it stopped slave states from getting more power in the house. Imagine without that 1787 compromise slavery might still exist today. Just like today's illegal immigrants we need to count them as 3/5th
The purpose of the census is to count "the whole number of persons". Not create non-people when there are actual people to be counted. You're argument says not all men are created equal. How does that square up with the founding fathers?

Or are you saying racism and bigotry must govern our nation?
The purpose was to have a count of people for the makeup for the house of representatives. Should a slave who had no citizenship rights be counted as a whole number giving slave states bigger control of the house??
Representative apportionment is but one of the many reasons we take a census.

It appears my posts have put a cork in your pie hole.

Many Democrat voters can neither defend, nor explain, the party they support, and behave the very same way. It's the reason Democrats wish to silence opposing voices, as we eat their lunch.

View attachment 388570
If you believe everyone who identified as a Republican in 2016 STILL identifies as a Republican today, you're off your rocker.

Sorry....you will not be allowed to change the subject to hide the fact that this is what you support:
Democrat’s Bountiful Gifts To Out Black Brethren

1.Doubling down on their support for slavery and segregation, the Democrat Party blocked every anti-lynching to come to the Senate.

2. Dragging their feet on post-war freedom for their slaves, they imposed poll taxes and Jim Crow laws.

3. The Obama ‘Promise Program’ made it almost impossible to remove thugs and criminals from ghetto schools, to make certain that learning was impeded.

4. Authored gun laws that only law abiding citizens would obey, preventing black citizens in crime ridden neighborhood from protecting themselves.

5. Promoted bogus anti-police hatred, while ignoring some 350,000 blacks killed by lawless blacks. 324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years

6. In nearing a century of Democrat welfare, blacks remain as the lowest income racial group.

7. Allied with the International Left, the Democrat party makes certain that racial animosity never dies down.

8. The Democrats made and make certain that religion and morality is barred from the schools and from the public arena. “…will America be made better by curbing religion in the name of secularism, of vice versa?” Ben Shapiro

9. The Democrat judicial system is based on the idea that all blacks are felons, so felons must be released from jails. Carter-appointed judge Norma Shapiro “ is one of the worst offenders among that influential cadre of federal judges who have substituted the ACLU's prisoners' rights wish list for the Bill of Rights and have trifled with public safety concerns. …” In 1992, black youths were nine times more likely to be murdered than white youths. Democrats lied, kids died.

10. But wait…..they did manage to ban one single word from common parlance.

And this is what you will be voting for:
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

It might be best if you simply wander off.
It might be best if you just talked with other Qanaon nutcases and stopped trying to pose as an intelligent person. You're fringe and you like it that way. All critical thought is set aside.

Everything I posted is true, accurate and correct.

That is why you are unable to dispute any of it, most especially your support of the party responsible: the Democrat Party.

But....I am magnanimous to a fault, so you can have one more opportunity.

Democrat’s Bountiful Gifts To Out Black Brethren

1.Doubling down on their support for slavery and segregation, the Democrat Party blocked every anti-lynching to come to the Senate.

2. Dragging their feet on post-war freedom for their slaves, they imposed poll taxes and Jim Crow laws.

3. The Obama ‘Promise Program’ made it almost impossible to remove thugs and criminals from ghetto schools, to make certain that learning was impeded.

4. Authored gun laws that only law abiding citizens would obey, preventing black citizens in crime ridden neighborhood from protecting themselves.

5. Promoted bogus anti-police hatred, while ignoring some 350,000 blacks killed by lawless blacks. 324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years

6. In nearing a century of Democrat welfare, blacks remain as the lowest income racial group.

7. Allied with the International Left, the Democrat party makes certain that racial animosity never dies down.

8. The Democrats made and make certain that religion and morality is barred from the schools and from the public arena. “…will America be made better by curbing religion in the name of secularism, of vice versa?” Ben Shapiro

9. The Democrat judicial system is based on the idea that all blacks are felons, so felons must be released from jails. Carter-appointed judge Norma Shapiro “ is one of the worst offenders among that influential cadre of federal judges who have substituted the ACLU's prisoners' rights wish list for the Bill of Rights and have trifled with public safety concerns. …” In 1992, black youths were nine times more likely to be murdered than white youths. Democrats lied, kids died.

10. But wait…..they did manage to ban one single word from common parlance.

And this is what you will be voting for:
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.
Everything you posted a,punts to strawman arguments. They only fly among the fringe, the brainwashed and the deluded.

I, as everyone, cannot prove a negative. You keep posting negatives as if they are true.

Seek verifiable information, not fringe propaganda.

Find anything in my post not true.

And, while you're at it, shielding your party, another dose of reallity:

1. The Democrats are, and have always been, the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship, the party that stood in schoolhouse doors to block black school children….until Republicans sent in the 101st airborne

2. It is the party of Jefferson Davis, of Nathan Bedford Forrest and the Knights of the KKK, Planned Parenthood, concentration camps for American citizens, and restrictions on free speech.

3. It is the party of Mao ornaments on the White House Christmas tree, and of James Hodgkinson, and of Communist Bernie Sanders, of pretend genders.

4. The Democrat Party is the oldest racist organization in America, the trail of tears, the author of Jim Crow and the bigotry of low expectations, filibustered against women getting the vote and killed every anti-lynching bill to get to Congress

5. The Democrat Party is the number one funder of the Islamic Revolution in Tehran….to the tune of $100 billion to the Ayatollahs….and gave Hezbollah the go-ahead to sell cocaine in America.

6. It is the party of anti-Semitism and Louis Farrakhan, and of the first Cabinet member ever to be held in contempt of Congress.

7. It is the party that admits its future depends on flooding the country with illegal aliens, and telling them to vote.

8. It is the party that couldn't suck up to the Castro Brothers enough, and treats the Bill of Rights like a Chinese menu..

9. The Democrats got us into the Civil War…Jefferson Davis .... Woodrow Wilson, WWI….FDR, WWII……Truman, Korean War….VietNam, JFK and LBJ…..yet they want to weaken our military.

10. The Democrats are the party that looks at the mayhem their gun laws have produced in Chicago, ……and this is their model for the nation.

11. I should mention that the Democrat Party was used as a model by Adolph Hitler and the Nazi Party….another ‘feather’ in the party’s cap?

12. The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism.

13. It's the party of felons over law-abiding actual citizens

14. No shared values, not an American party…they oppose free speech, the second amendment, and the free practice of one’s religion.

15. Recent development prove the Democrats to be, as well, the party of rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists.

Democrats: Bull Connor, George Wallace, Orval Faubus, Lester Maddox, Al Gore, Sr., Bill Clinton….all racists, all Democrats.
"counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed.” The WHOLE NUMBER OF PERSONS.

Pretty cut and dried, no matter the bigotry of the reader.

For folks who are willing to watch us get slaughtered just so they can play with the gun of their choice because the constitution says so, the rest of the document seems worthless.
So you're saying slave states should get equal representation in the house of representatives even though they had fewer free whites within their state?
I'm saying as slavery is unconstitutional but the census is, when the census is held, WVERYONE living in the United States MUST be counted.
You are confusing history with the present
When was slavery considered unconstitutional what year?
Well, the 13th amendment was ratified in 1865 so, there's that.
Do you know anything about the 3/5th compromise?
I know it has nothing to do with any argument that undocumented immigrants should not be counted.
The argument is we have a naturalization clause not any form of Immigration clause. Right wingers simply have a moral problem being legal to our own laws.
You just got a stupid problem. . In accordance with laws of the 18th and mid 19th century law blacks and slaves had not citizenship rights.
Our Constitution is our supreme law of the land. All those other laws were unconstitutional after 1808. Our Constitution and Bill of Rights are both gender and race neutral.
Where in the Constitution before 1866 did the constitution mention citizenship for anyone other than white males? Be specific and not opinionated.
What does it matter? This happens to be 2020! Women weren't allowed to vote in 1866! Do you want 1866 governance for a 2020 nation?
It matters when states are getting representation for people they should not be getting iLLEGALS SHOULD BE COUNTED AS 3/5
"counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed.” The WHOLE NUMBER OF PERSONS.

Pretty cut and dried, no matter the bigotry of the reader.

For folks who are willing to watch us get slaughtered just so they can play with the gun of their choice because the constitution says so, the rest of the document seems worthless.
So you're saying slave states should get equal representation in the house of representatives even though they had fewer free whites within their state?
I'm saying as slavery is unconstitutional but the census is, when the census is held, WVERYONE living in the United States MUST be counted.
You are confusing history with the present
When was slavery considered unconstitutional what year?
Well, the 13th amendment was ratified in 1865 so, there's that.
Do you know anything about the 3/5th compromise?
I know it has nothing to do with any argument that undocumented immigrants should not be counted.
Yet it stopped slave states from getting more power in the house. Imagine without that 1787 compromise slavery might still exist today. Just like today's illegal immigrants we need to count them as 3/5th
The purpose of the census is to count "the whole number of persons". Not create non-people when there are actual people to be counted. You're argument says not all men are created equal. How does that square up with the founding fathers?

Or are you saying racism and bigotry must govern our nation?
The purpose was to have a count of people for the makeup for the house of representatives. Should a slave who had no citizenship rights be counted as a whole number giving slave states bigger control of the house??
Representative apportionment is but one of the many reasons we take a census.
It is the main reason
"counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed.” The WHOLE NUMBER OF PERSONS.

Pretty cut and dried, no matter the bigotry of the reader.

For folks who are willing to watch us get slaughtered just so they can play with the gun of their choice because the constitution says so, the rest of the document seems worthless.
So you're saying slave states should get equal representation in the house of representatives even though they had fewer free whites within their state?
I'm saying as slavery is unconstitutional but the census is, when the census is held, WVERYONE living in the United States MUST be counted.
You are confusing history with the present
When was slavery considered unconstitutional what year?
Well, the 13th amendment was ratified in 1865 so, there's that.
Do you know anything about the 3/5th compromise?
I know it has nothing to do with any argument that undocumented immigrants should not be counted.
The argument is we have a naturalization clause not any form of Immigration clause. Right wingers simply have a moral problem being legal to our own laws.
You just got a stupid problem. . In accordance with laws of the 18th and mid 19th century law blacks and slaves had not citizenship rights.
Our Constitution is our supreme law of the land. All those other laws were unconstitutional after 1808. Our Constitution and Bill of Rights are both gender and race neutral.
Where in the Constitution before 1866 did the constitution mention citizenship for anyone other than white males? Be specific and not opinionated.
Anyone born in the US after 1808 was a citizen by birth since general Government of the Union assumed that sovereign obligation from the several States.

The Migration or Importation of such Persons as any of the States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person.
"counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed.” The WHOLE NUMBER OF PERSONS.

Pretty cut and dried, no matter the bigotry of the reader.

For folks who are willing to watch us get slaughtered just so they can play with the gun of their choice because the constitution says so, the rest of the document seems worthless.
So you're saying slave states should get equal representation in the house of representatives even though they had fewer free whites within their state?
I'm saying as slavery is unconstitutional but the census is, when the census is held, WVERYONE living in the United States MUST be counted.
You are confusing history with the present
When was slavery considered unconstitutional what year?
Well, the 13th amendment was ratified in 1865 so, there's that.
Do you know anything about the 3/5th compromise?
I know it has nothing to do with any argument that undocumented immigrants should not be counted.
Yet it stopped slave states from getting more power in the house. Imagine without that 1787 compromise slavery might still exist today. Just like today's illegal immigrants we need to count them as 3/5th
The moral imperative against slavery would have prevailed nonetheless. We were a moral nation prior to Trumpism..

"The moral imperative against slavery would have prevailed nonetheless. We were a moral nation prior to Trumpism.. "

Let's check:

Democrat’s Bountiful Gifts To Out Black Brethren

1.Doubling down on their support for slavery and segregation, the Democrat Party blocked every anti-lynching to come to the Senate.

2. Dragging their feet on post-war freedom for their slaves, they imposed poll taxes and Jim Crow laws.

3. The Obama ‘Promise Program’ made it almost impossible to remove thugs and criminals from ghetto schools, to make certain that learning was impeded.

4. Authored gun laws that only law abiding citizens would obey, preventing black citizens in crime ridden neighborhood from protecting themselves.

5. Promoted bogus anti-police hatred, while ignoring some 350,000 blacks killed by lawless blacks. 324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years

6. In nearing a century of Democrat welfare, blacks remain as the lowest income racial group.

7. Allied with the International Left, the Democrat party makes certain that racial animosity never dies down.

8. The Democrats made and make certain that religion and morality is barred from the schools and from the public arena. “…will America be made better by curbing religion in the name of secularism, of vice versa?” Ben Shapiro

9. The Democrat judicial system is based on the idea that all blacks are felons, so felons must be released from jails. Carter-appointed judge Norma Shapiro “ is one of the worst offenders among that influential cadre of federal judges who have substituted the ACLU's prisoners' rights wish list for the Bill of Rights and have trifled with public safety concerns. …” In 1992, black youths were nine times more likely to be murdered than white youths. Democrats lied, kids died.

10. But wait…..they did manage to ban one single word from common parlance.

Is this the party you support?
Typical of right wing misdirection and misleading. Right wingers vote republican, now. They changed from voting democrat after the civil rights acts. To much equality for right wingers to handle, I guess.
What party are right wingers voting now? It should be a self-evident Truth. Or, you can read The Prince of Darkness by Robert Novack.
"counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed.” The WHOLE NUMBER OF PERSONS.

Pretty cut and dried, no matter the bigotry of the reader.

For folks who are willing to watch us get slaughtered just so they can play with the gun of their choice because the constitution says so, the rest of the document seems worthless.
So you're saying slave states should get equal representation in the house of representatives even though they had fewer free whites within their state?
I'm saying as slavery is unconstitutional but the census is, when the census is held, WVERYONE living in the United States MUST be counted.
You are confusing history with the present
When was slavery considered unconstitutional what year?
Well, the 13th amendment was ratified in 1865 so, there's that.
Do you know anything about the 3/5th compromise?
I know it has nothing to do with any argument that undocumented immigrants should not be counted.
Yet it stopped slave states from getting more power in the house. Imagine without that 1787 compromise slavery might still exist today. Just like today's illegal immigrants we need to count them as 3/5th
The moral imperative against slavery would have prevailed nonetheless. We were a moral nation prior to Trumpism..

"The moral imperative against slavery would have prevailed nonetheless. We were a moral nation prior to Trumpism.. "

Let's check:

Democrat’s Bountiful Gifts To Out Black Brethren

1.Doubling down on their support for slavery and segregation, the Democrat Party blocked every anti-lynching to come to the Senate.

2. Dragging their feet on post-war freedom for their slaves, they imposed poll taxes and Jim Crow laws.

3. The Obama ‘Promise Program’ made it almost impossible to remove thugs and criminals from ghetto schools, to make certain that learning was impeded.

4. Authored gun laws that only law abiding citizens would obey, preventing black citizens in crime ridden neighborhood from protecting themselves.

5. Promoted bogus anti-police hatred, while ignoring some 350,000 blacks killed by lawless blacks. 324,000 U.S. Blacks Killed by Blacks In Only 35 Years

6. In nearing a century of Democrat welfare, blacks remain as the lowest income racial group.

7. Allied with the International Left, the Democrat party makes certain that racial animosity never dies down.

8. The Democrats made and make certain that religion and morality is barred from the schools and from the public arena. “…will America be made better by curbing religion in the name of secularism, of vice versa?” Ben Shapiro

9. The Democrat judicial system is based on the idea that all blacks are felons, so felons must be released from jails. Carter-appointed judge Norma Shapiro “ is one of the worst offenders among that influential cadre of federal judges who have substituted the ACLU's prisoners' rights wish list for the Bill of Rights and have trifled with public safety concerns. …” In 1992, black youths were nine times more likely to be murdered than white youths. Democrats lied, kids died.

10. But wait…..they did manage to ban one single word from common parlance.

Is this the party you support?
Typical of right wing misdirection and misleading. Right wingers vote republican, now. They changed from voting democrat after the civil rights acts. To much equality for right wingers to handle, I guess.
Liar prove it or retract your lie.
They vote republican now not democrat.
There is no immigration clause in our federal Constitution and we should have no illegal problem or illegal underclass.
Uh, illegal means the law already doesn't apply. You might as well say the Constitution has no drug policy clause so we shouldn't have any problem with ne'er do wells illegally smoking pot in Mom's basement. The truth is, we do have a problem.
Only if you appeal to ignorance of the laws and don't care about natural rights.

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